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Lithium... What Does it Really Do at 5-10mg?

lithium lio lithium orotate li orotate

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#1 thedevinroy

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 12:22 PM

I bought the Lithium Orotate powder last week, and the order came in last night. I bought it thinking it would be a good sleep aid and general nootropic to increase neurological growth and increase tyrosine hydroxylase for the next day. I was wondering what it actually does at the non-bipolar dose. I'm looking for experiments, studies, articles, and of course, personal experience.

Last night I took about 100mg of LiOr (9mg of elemental Li) sublingually around 7pm and felt really fuzzy... relaxed, calm, slow, etc. My hands were really distracting because they kept tingling. I almost fell asleep in my chair, but I was all hyper again in time for The Mentalist come 10pm. Today I had trouble getting out of bed, but I was also up till 11pm, so... you know could be either.

I've been reading up and found that Lithium increase magnesium levels, which I take about 750mg... 250mg in the morning, and 500mg at night to counter excitotoxicity from Dexedrine. Could this be the reason for my strong effects? I already had high magnesium levels to begin with?

#2 sdxl

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 01:56 PM

Last night I took about 100mg of LiOr (9mg of elemental Li)

I assume you have bought your powder from BAC, seeing they claim the same 9mg Li in 100mgs of powder. Looking at other lithium orotate supplements and my calculation that 9mg of Li can't be right. It should be about 4.2mg Li per 100mg.

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#3 thedevinroy

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 10:26 PM

Last night I took about 100mg of LiOr (9mg of elemental Li)

I assume you have bought your powder from BAC, seeing they claim the same 9mg Li in 100mgs of powder. Looking at other lithium orotate supplements and my calculation that 9mg of Li can't be right. It should be about 4.2mg Li per 100mg.

Oh wow, that's hilarious. I'll email them about it.

Atomic Weight of Lithium: 6.941
Atomic Weight of Lithium Orotate: 162.03
6.94100 / 162.03 = 0.0428377461 = 4.28%

Indeed, it is not quite 9mg per 100mg... rather, 4.28mg per 100mg. Also, their scoop is a little small to be dishing out 100mg per rounded scoop. That should be remeasured.

Regardless, I felt something. It was quite uplifting and inhibiting, much like an antidepressant. In fact, I was fogged right into the next day, having trouble recalling the previous week for my labor tickets. Last night it didn't have that effect, which I was hoping it did. I also took it with 100mg of 20% Bacopa hoping they would synergize with the Gotu Kola. Instead, I had lucid dreams all night. Damn Monster Java's fault most likely... should have drank more water before bed.

Today I feel like I can conquer the world, and my ecig just won't work on me today for some reason. Never been tolerant to nicotine before, as I'm a constant user of Huperzine A, Lecithin, Gotu Kola, and Ashwagandha. I did skip the Lecithin and killed a disposable ecig last night, so the Lithium may not be to blame, until I can compare notes. Honestly, I'm a little jittery, but totally in control.

#4 thedevinroy

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 12:44 AM

Lithium Research:That was just using "Lithium Tyrosine Hydroxylase" as my search term in pubmed. Anyone else got some studies? Most of these are in vitro and with therapeutic doses. Unfortunately, I could care less about that. I want to know what it does from 5mg of Lithium in the form of Orotate salt in vivo in humans. These studies give us a clue to its small dose effectiveness, but don't tackle the issue (from what I can tell) of small dose administration.

One thing of certain is that its effects are long-lasting. It's effect on Tyrosine Hydroxylase is a paradigm, and it seems to have both positive and negative impact on dopamine production and release. That last study is quite a head scratcher. Does anyone know the effect on dopamine for real? In vivo humans? Basal and released?

Talk about a mind twister.

Today I feel great, and yesterday I felt like crap. Perhaps a small dose protects the mitochondria, same way an NMDA antagonist does. The mitochondria feels safe, and allows the cell greater dopamine stimulation. This takes time to adjust, but essentially, that's one reason why magnesium and other NMDA antagonists are used for ADHD. Lithium seems like a huge mitochondrial drug, and if that is so, it could, even at low doses, trigger its nootropic effects.

Someone back me up here.
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#5 thedevinroy

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 01:12 AM

Last night I took about 100mg of LiOr (9mg of elemental Li)

I assume you have bought your powder from BAC, seeing they claim the same 9mg Li in 100mgs of powder. Looking at other lithium orotate supplements and my calculation that 9mg of Li can't be right. It should be about 4.2mg Li per 100mg.

Reply from Erik from BAC:

Hello and thank you for your inquiry. We've had this inquiry a bit and I'm actually going to add the below to its description. We hope this answers your questions:

From the manufacturer's chemist (please advise if graphic of structure does not come through OK to you!):

"Orotic acid has three functional groups that can bind to a metal

Posted Image

The carboxyl group (-COOH) and the two amine groups (NH). This means we can react more than one lithium atom per orotate molecule. Our product is mainly two Li per orotate, with a small fraction of three Li per orotate. Li is a very small atom and can be fitted in very easily."

My reply:

That's awesome! Thanks for your speedy reply.

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