Gingko increases blood pressure and lowers blood clotting. Piracetam also lowers blood clotting. This combination could perhaps cause a nosebleed fountain spraying all across your workplace. Best to be careful when mixing anticoagulants.
Hydergine is a maoi and should be mixed with piracetam. I'm not sure about non-reversible MAOI inhibitors.
Thin blood can become a serious issue for people using ginkgo+piracetam, especially if you take extra vitamin E, CoQ10, garlic, ginger, turmeric, cayenne, EPA/DHA, EGCG, inositol (hexaphosphate), policosanol/pycnogenol, hawthorn, St. john's wort, dong quai, feverfew, chamomile, butcher's broom, horse chestnut, Warfarin, or other agents which thin the blood.
In order to combat this problem, I suggest adding kale to your diet, since an adequate intake of vitamin K is essential to proper blood clotting. Other important vitamins and minerals for the circulatory system include iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, silicone, and the B vitamins (esp B3, B9, and B12). If, even after 3 months of good diet, your nootropics make your blood still extremely thin, you should probably consult a physician, as I would suspect an underlying platelet disorder. I wouldn't really recommend any herbs to strengthen arteries or to thicken the blood.
I know some who mix hydergine and piracetam. I wouldn't call it a contraindiction, I would just say it's an interaction we don't understand yet...much like cannabis or even alcohol. Myself, I would never even touch hydergine, seeing the scary research connected to pleural, retroperitoneal, and cardiac fibrosis has made me overly-skeptical.
I have frequently mixed large doses of Rhodiola (which contains rosiridin, a potent and unselective [
http://www.sciencedi...37887410900021X] MAOI [it is not yet known whether rosiridin is reversible or irreversible]) with piracetam. I experienced mixed effects and in the end decided against rhodiola (and MAOIs in general) for now since we don't really understand it. If I had to guess, based upon anecdotal testimony, it would seem that Rhodiola contains primarily reversible MAOIs...I say this because most people who are taking Rhodiola with dangerous drugs (particularly Prozac) seem to go unscathed, which would not happen if Rhodiola was a potent,
irreversible MAOI.
Edited by dasheenster, 03 March 2012 - 03:26 PM.