Please help me get diagnosed :'( Been to 4 MDs
Posted 19 May 2013 - 08:28 PM
Posted 19 May 2013 - 10:34 PM
Total 24 hr volume, urine 815mL (or 8.15 dL)
Protein, urine, qn 11.7mg/dL (0 - 10 mg/dL) <--- sample elevated. In other hospitals, I get as high as 33 mg/dL, not sure if Kaiser's techs are doing something different
PROTEIN, 24 HR URINE: 95 (0 - 150mg/TV) <--- 11.7 from above X 8.15 dL
The highest random I got from kaiser is 20 mg/dL.
I actually don't drink a lot of water, as my urine is almost always orange/yellow orange in the morning, and I ran across that water study before that excessive intake also causes High Cortisol in the urine.
The foaminess has worsened and I do leak protein based on the random samples, just "not enough" to be diagnostic of a kidney disease. The nephrologist said then that this may be caused by infection, or other illnesses
EDIT: I will revisit the thought of this being Lyme Disease.
I hope I can overcome this ordeal as my smooth muscle is gravely affected (tongue, nose, ear canal, etc)
Edited by fighter, 19 May 2013 - 10:35 PM.
Posted 20 May 2013 - 01:25 AM
Niner, the recent 24hr proteinuria test was normal, but the random is elevated. What they do is take a sample from the entire 24hr bottle you collected and multiply the concentration to the total volume in dL, like this:
Total 24 hr volume, urine 815mL (or 8.15 dL)
Protein, urine, qn 11.7mg/dL (0 - 10 mg/dL) <--- sample elevated. In other hospitals, I get as high as 33 mg/dL, not sure if Kaiser's techs are doing something different
PROTEIN, 24 HR URINE: 95 (0 - 150mg/TV) <--- 11.7 from above X 8.15 dL
The highest random I got from kaiser is 20 mg/dL.
I actually don't drink a lot of water, as my urine is almost always orange/yellow orange in the morning, and I ran across that water study before that excessive intake also causes High Cortisol in the urine.
The foaminess has worsened and I do leak protein based on the random samples, just "not enough" to be diagnostic of a kidney disease. The nephrologist said then that this may be caused by infection, or other illnesses
EDIT: I will revisit the thought of this being Lyme Disease.
I hope I can overcome this ordeal as my smooth muscle is gravely affected (tongue, nose, ear canal, etc)
Yeah, these levels are considered "non-pathologic", with the possible exception of the 33mg/dl reading, but really these are pretty low levels. At these levels, you aren't going to notice a catabolic effect on muscles unless you are starving for protein. You're losing less than a third of a gram of protein per day, but if you are like most Americans, your protein intake is already many grams per day higher than you need to maintain muscle mass. If your protein intake is anywhere near normal, you shouldn't be losing muscle solely on the basis of proteinuria. The nose and ear canal don't really have muscle to speak of- they're cartilaginous tissues. The pain that you're feeling there might be neuropathic, or maybe it's an inflammatory issue. However, if it was a clear inflammatory problem, the doctors would probably detect it. So maybe it's neuropathic pain?
Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:10 PM
Fighter, how are you doing? Did you get any diagnosis in the end?
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