Which would you rather live in and why? I'm still trying to decide myself, having moved here to Vancouver in December as an international student in hopes of becoming a citizen. My perspective has changed a lot since living here for a few months.
Random tidbits...
-health insurance for $64 a month (no, not free), at least in BC
-dirt oil and resource exploitation industry. Especially the tar sands extraction in northern Alberta.. and coal.. ugh.. Canada first went on with the Kyoto Protocol but then gave up around 2007
Vancouver in particular:
-gorgeous mountain view
-as compared to Los Angeles, my previous city, MUCH lamer art museums and galleries and less to do overall
-there is a large population in East Van of crackeads. Scary ones. Even walking through the area is a real fright.
-a lot of Asians.
-the weather is pretty tolerable. I actually don't mind the rain. Perhaps preferable to the extremely monotonous sun in LA. We don't get any thunder, but occasional snow