It is now Easter, the celebration of new life and rebirth so why not contribute towards your own rejuvenation and a new life free of the misery of the scourge of old age and involuntary death?
Here's the deal....some of you may be aware that I sometimes help out on the outreach section. Last month, I reached 211 individual e-mail accounts and if that record can be smashed by April 30th 2012, I'll give $30 to either a fundraiser that is running at the time (if any) or towards the cause in general.
Outreach is a wonderful way to contribute, potentially without spending a penny (if you use e-mail). I know that there are well over 200 members on this board so if everyone just wrote one letter, e-mail or made one phone call, my record could be beaten effortlessly. It can be anyone whether they are famour or not. I'll also accept attempts at writing regarding the cause to publications such as magazines and newspapers.
So come on everyone, let's spring clean to find those addresses and help to clear away aging once and for all!