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Does this verify the Many Worlds Interpretion of physics?

mwi universes

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#1 treonsverdery

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 09:43 PM

1) First create quantum events that surround other quantum events
like a photon path that circles a fissioning element, if the photon usually takes 100 times as long to reach the detector per each fissioned nucleus then all of the radiation quantum events are actually nested nside each photons measured quantum event There is the opportunity to place them within lightspeed radius of each other or outside of it (lightcone) We will call this a nested quantum generator NQG


2) Group these NQG things together at variable rates to bunch or spread effects
like make a sphere with many NQG on the surface
Then surround the sphere with a rotating annulus that also makes NQG
at the area between the rotating parts when the NQGs are widely spaced their existence areas either bunch to overlap or spread out depending on the rate of rotation

3) Then measure any variation of casimir forces at the light cone of the apparatus as well as beyond the light cone of the apparatus to note any variation at various possibilities of interaction of just one NQG to all of them at the perimeter

4) That variation is then linkable to the amount of specific quantum events that could effect each other with the rotation at various rates showing a variation of universe creation with different groupings of the nested quantum generators

5)If the casimir forces act differently or if the rate of natural radioactivity actually changes then a new physics is detected

6)Then as the actual number of NQG is varied numerically as well as geometrically this goes with differing predictable casimir force effects or radiation effects The verifiable adjustment of that rate when the apparatus is adjusted shows that quantum occurences modify their surroundings slightly while creating parallel universes.

7)Among the things physics could seek from the apparatus are seeing if all 100 radioactive quantum events are only observable once the photon has been observed while preoccurence the casimir force detector shows an absence of predicted result until the photon absorption moment when the casimir effect is suddenly multiplied a bunch

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Edited by treonsverdery, 10 April 2012 - 10:18 PM.

#2 treonsverdery

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Posted 12 April 2012 - 04:37 PM

I just put this at yahoo answers
It is a fresh approach to the MWI as it looks at the energy effects

first think about the number of possible electron orbitals that change during an atomic transmutation. Like when C turns to N every emission line as well as every electron orbital changes right.

That represents either a nonfinite number of possible new quantum states, or a finite number as perhaps the possible quantum emission spectra physical radius of the new atom is either the size of the universe or the travel distance of light (lightcone)

so every quantum event produces not only a new universe, it produces a new state space the electron can occupy which may be nonfinite. Now consider the amount of energy that is represented with The entire previous chronological existence of the current universe at 3k (measured background temp) times the age of the universe times one electron is a specific number of electron volts, quite likely more energy than if the entire atom were converted to energy

that number of electron volts suddenly changes completely with an atomic transmutation, when an atom goes from C -> N the amount of energy that represents as a result of the change of the probability distribution of the new orbitals is greater than all the energy contained at the entire atom (!)

What equations balance that energy difference between the different possibilities of the two differing elements as compared with the entire energetic value of each atom.

It is possible that figuring this out changes some basic information theory because future possible entropy is measured differently from past entropy. Also the part where using merely sufficient energy to transmute one atom to another causes the universe to stochastically provide the vast number of electron voilts the new atoms possibilities probabilistically require suggests new phyics.

two replies immediately occur
1) a sudden different proportion of energy orbitals actually does not cause different eon energy use from stochastics, either the universe cools more quickly than currently predicted, or the electron orbitals even though they already quantized, experience a "bitmask" use of their quantum levels to equalize the amount of stochastic energy used during the eon

2)actually lets measure it Its easy to see if a "lighcone" version of a C->N transmutation at 3K causes aan abnormal probability distribution or if the equally amazing "the new atoms electron orbitals use more energy with time absent support or cooling" The data from either of those could affect the Many Worlds nterpretation of physics as either

a simple model of "patterned quantum state" like bitmasking will have been verified, suggesting this could happen at universe generation as well, as the entire new universes are also made from atoms demonstrated to conserve energy over probability, this suggests that "standardized" parallel universes might be created


There is a measured physics effect of a probability distribution model that keeps being normal, even though with time it represents some vast amount of energy, which provides verification of masssive amounts of energy availability which is generally supportive of the creation of entire new universes

#3 drus

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 03:44 AM

I'm surprised you haven't recieved more responses about this. Your proposal is very interesting. Would you mind if i ran this by some people?

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#4 A941

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Posted 12 October 2012 - 03:20 AM

Has anyone answered that Question?
I looked at Yahoo Answers but only found a question which was deleted.
btw: Would this especially support the MWi or could it also mean that there are just other universes "getting created", imean not like slightly different copies, but like new unrelated universes which are very different?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mwi, universes

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