I do get a fair bit of anxiety later in the day and my appetite is crushed, but there is no crash and I feel fine the next day.
Pretty concerned about potential harms to neuronal health, however.
The ingredients responsible for the effects of Craze might be picrotoxins (principally dendrobine), which is present in Dendrobium sp. of which Craze contains an extract.
Picrotoxin is a GABAA antagonist, which would account for its stimulating properties at low doses. In higher doses it is a convulsant.
This seems to work similarly to strychnine (also once used as a stimulating supplement at low doses), but I think strychnine involves glycine receptors.
Anyway, that's just a thought - I don't know if this stuff is necessarily neurotoxic at the doses that might be in craze, or for that matter whether it is an active ingredient in Craze at all.
I'm gonna finish the Craze I've got and then I'll wait and see.
Edited by Endymion, 01 August 2012 - 12:48 PM.