Edited by 425runner, 03 September 2012 - 08:20 PM.

Preworkout Stimulant as Nootropic? Damn!
Posted 03 September 2012 - 07:56 PM
Posted 03 September 2012 - 11:02 PM
Edited by zrbarnes, 03 September 2012 - 11:15 PM.
Posted 07 September 2012 - 06:20 PM
2 scoops this AM, pre-cardio. Effects: nada. Anyone want my 1.75 tubs?
What? Are you serious, tintinet? I'm not saying you ain't feeling a thing, but that's just *weird*....!
You have any idea why you're not "responding" to this product? Are you still on a low'ish caloric diet, and you take several other supplements?
IIRC, you don't respond to many 'supplements', but this Craze is just ... crazy!
This stuff hits me like a truck on full speed w/o a driver. I mean, I'm not climbing walls, but every dopaminergic effect is there: a more pronounced heart beat, increased blood pressure, cold hands, mental focus, hair shedding, increased anaerobic stamina, increased libido and confidence, increased need for fluids, appetite suppression, and so on.
Taking it before anaerobic exercises, and I definitely feel the difference. Obviously it's not healthy for frequent use, at least for me.
EDIT: One time I took 2 'scoops' and my scalp was tingling, like PEA was raining down from the sky lol.
Edited by kenj, 07 September 2012 - 06:25 PM.
Posted 07 September 2012 - 11:53 PM
2 scoops this AM, pre-cardio. Effects: nada. Anyone want my 1.75 tubs?
What? Are you serious, tintinet? I'm not saying you ain't feeling a thing, but that's just *weird*....!
You have any idea why you're not "responding" to this product? Are you still on a low'ish caloric diet, and you take several other supplements?
IIRC, you don't respond to many 'supplements', but this Craze is just ... crazy!
This stuff hits me like a truck on full speed w/o a driver. I mean, I'm not climbing walls, but every dopaminergic effect is there: a more pronounced heart beat, increased blood pressure, cold hands, mental focus, hair shedding, increased anaerobic stamina, increased libido and confidence, increased need for fluids, appetite suppression, and so on.
Taking it before anaerobic exercises, and I definitely feel the difference. Obviously it's not healthy for frequent use, at least for me.
EDIT: One time I took 2 'scoops' and my scalp was tingling, like PEA was raining down from the sky lol.
I've had really weird results with it. My first 5 times taking it or so were exactly like what you described. Now, everytime I take it, I get a completely paridoxical reaction. I took a scoop and a half of Craze this morning on an empty stomach, and went from being fairly awake to completely sedated. As soon as it kicked in, I couldn't keep my eyes open and have been lethargic the rest of the day. This has consistantly happened the last 3 times I've taken it. It makes zero sense, and somewhat pisses me off, because I was very happy with the results before.
Posted 08 September 2012 - 06:20 AM
2 scoops this AM, pre-cardio. Effects: nada. Anyone want my 1.75 tubs?
What? Are you serious, tintinet? I'm not saying you ain't feeling a thing, but that's just *weird*....!
You have any idea why you're not "responding" to this product? Are you still on a low'ish caloric diet, and you take several other supplements?
IIRC, you don't respond to many 'supplements', but this Craze is just ... crazy!
This stuff hits me like a truck on full speed w/o a driver. I mean, I'm not climbing walls, but every dopaminergic effect is there: a more pronounced heart beat, increased blood pressure, cold hands, mental focus, hair shedding, increased anaerobic stamina, increased libido and confidence, increased need for fluids, appetite suppression, and so on.
Taking it before anaerobic exercises, and I definitely feel the difference. Obviously it's not healthy for frequent use, at least for me.
EDIT: One time I took 2 'scoops' and my scalp was tingling, like PEA was raining down from the sky lol.
I've had really weird results with it. My first 5 times taking it or so were exactly like what you described. Now, everytime I take it, I get a completely paridoxical reaction. I took a scoop and a half of Craze this morning on an empty stomach, and went from being fairly awake to completely sedated. As soon as it kicked in, I couldn't keep my eyes open and have been lethargic the rest of the day. This has consistantly happened the last 3 times I've taken it. It makes zero sense, and somewhat pisses me off, because I was very happy with the results before.
You need to cycle off of it. Too much dopamine can make you tired and make anxiety worse. One or two days then wait a week if you want the effects to last long term.
Posted 08 September 2012 - 06:57 PM
Not really surprising, I had high doubts they happened to find some magic amphetamine plant combo... without adding anything but the normal bodybuilding things.
Golden it's still plant derived - it's isolized from the acacia species I mentioned. While the safety of Craze is questionable- RC's have the same safety concerns with them and Craze works length better as all functional RC's I tried.
Honestly I doubt that, highly doubt that all of this is from a plant/plants in such quantity and that it just so happens to work out so good. You can see other people doubt it too and it's not like it would be the first time. You can't stop my doubt brah! I was sharing links and info, and the information provided from those threads support what I said in a couple ways.
If you went out and got these plants, managed to create an extract strong enough to to feel similar effects then I will be willing to believe the company otherwise, its not the first time chemicals have been added to plant extracts/etc to try to bypass the law(in fact it happens in so many areas, even the whole spice thing started out with no one knowing there was JWH in it.)
Until then, I think they simply found sources of worthwhile looking chemicals, bought the plants and bulk chemicals that have been found in those plants and mixed them for a much better profit ratio and sustainability factor than using simple plant extracts alone.
And being as dangerous/safe as RCs isn't really saying much, nor is saying the chemicals were added by the company really add any more danger to it. chemicals are chemicals so the danger of them coming from plants or being added doesn't matter.
would it be possible to just buy those plants and get an effect or would it require special extraction..
Edited by CIMN, 08 September 2012 - 06:58 PM.
Posted 19 September 2012 - 09:09 PM
2 scoops this AM, pre-cardio. Effects: nada. Anyone want my 1.75 tubs?
What? Are you serious, tintinet? I'm not saying you ain't feeling a thing, but that's just *weird*....!
You have any idea why you're not "responding" to this product? Are you still on a low'ish caloric diet, and you take several other supplements?
IIRC, you don't respond to many 'supplements', but this Craze is just ... crazy!
This stuff hits me like a truck on full speed w/o a driver. I mean, I'm not climbing walls, but every dopaminergic effect is there: a more pronounced heart beat, increased blood pressure, cold hands, mental focus, hair shedding, increased anaerobic stamina, increased libido and confidence, increased need for fluids, appetite suppression, and so on.
Taking it before anaerobic exercises, and I definitely feel the difference. Obviously it's not healthy for frequent use, at least for me.
EDIT: One time I took 2 'scoops' and my scalp was tingling, like PEA was raining down from the sky lol.
I've had really weird results with it. My first 5 times taking it or so were exactly like what you described. Now, everytime I take it, I get a completely paridoxical reaction. I took a scoop and a half of Craze this morning on an empty stomach, and went from being fairly awake to completely sedated. As soon as it kicked in, I couldn't keep my eyes open and have been lethargic the rest of the day. This has consistantly happened the last 3 times I've taken it. It makes zero sense, and somewhat pisses me off, because I was very happy with the results before.
You need to cycle off of it. Too much dopamine can make you tired and make anxiety worse. One or two days then wait a week if you want the effects to last long term.
Agree with the cycling off, yesterday I upped my dose and had something similar to RS3RS, but for me it was a unique euphoria of sorts,almost sedating and stimulating at the same time, iboga root came to mind, though never sampled that(should though). I would recommend playing around with dosages as effects seem dosage related. For me lower dosage seemed more a stimulant,less euphoria or sedation.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 07:26 PM
Posted 27 September 2012 - 10:34 AM
I frontloaded yesterday with half buccal half oral 2.5mg dose in attempt to not fully inhibit but reduce MAO-B activity.
According to a parkinson study, consumption of 2.5mg/day oral for 5 consecutive days produced an inhibition of about 80% MAO-B activity. Whilst the same inhibition was achieved by 5mg/day for two days which suggests a potential build-up effect, but everyone knows this already.
IC50(MAO-B) = 9nM
IC50(MAO-A) = ~40µM
For those interested, values were obtained from baseline standard and values change with enzyme activity.
However, an inhibition of about 40% could be estimated. Since there was a little buccal and sublingual absorption aswell.
Anyway a scoop of craze was mixed in a glass of water and consumed 1/3rd at a time. No immediate effects were observed. 200mg caffeine was consumed in addition since this was actually a pre workout kind of deal.
30 min post consumption, minor pressor effects were observed, vasoconstriction similar to a normal dose of ephedrine, bloodpressure was measured and within normal range. Resting heart rate was approx 50% above baseline. Nothing else fancy, no euphoria, no "hell yeah" kind of feeling, nothing.
1 hour post consumption no obvious CNS effects were observed, there was an "oh shit" kind of feeling. Most likely due to psychosomatic reasons. Slight peripheral stimulation but definitely nothing central. Effects were very much alike when i consumed PEA in conjunction with deprenyl.
My conclusion is, all metodical flaws aside, that the euphoric and CNS effects of craze are definitely not mediated by either PEA or N,N-MPEA which most likely are metabolized rapidly by MAO-B despite the very weak enzyme blocking effects of NMT. N,N-EPEA on the other hand are most likely resistant to MAO-B degredation, which is observed in all monoamines which are modified on the N terminal by longer chain alkanes.
Bottom line is, a fucking waste of deprenyl.
Posted 27 September 2012 - 12:01 PM
Well i took the liberty of being the test subject for above experiment, the nutjob that i am.
I frontloaded yesterday with half buccal half oral 2.5mg dose in attempt to not fully inhibit but reduce MAO-B activity.
According to a parkinson study, consumption of 2.5mg/day oral for 5 consecutive days produced an inhibition of about 80% MAO-B activity. Whilst the same inhibition was achieved by 5mg/day for two days which suggests a potential build-up effect, but everyone knows this already.
IC50(MAO-B) = 9nM
IC50(MAO-A) = ~40µM
For those interested, values were obtained from baseline standard and values change with enzyme activity.
However, an inhibition of about 40% could be estimated. Since there was a little buccal and sublingual absorption aswell.
Anyway a scoop of craze was mixed in a glass of water and consumed 1/3rd at a time. No immediate effects were observed. 200mg caffeine was consumed in addition since this was actually a pre workout kind of deal.
30 min post consumption, minor pressor effects were observed, vasoconstriction similar to a normal dose of ephedrine, bloodpressure was measured and within normal range. Resting heart rate was approx 50% above baseline. Nothing else fancy, no euphoria, no "hell yeah" kind of feeling, nothing.
1 hour post consumption no obvious CNS effects were observed, there was an "oh shit" kind of feeling. Most likely due to psychosomatic reasons. Slight peripheral stimulation but definitely nothing central. Effects were very much alike when i consumed PEA in conjunction with deprenyl.
My conclusion is, all metodical flaws aside, that the euphoric and CNS effects of craze are definitely not mediated by either PEA or N,N-MPEA which most likely are metabolized rapidly by MAO-B despite the very weak enzyme blocking effects of NMT. N,N-EPEA on the other hand are most likely resistant to MAO-B degredation, which is observed in all monoamines which are modified on the N terminal by longer chain alkanes.
Bottom line is, a fucking waste of deprenyl.
Thank you for doing this experiment. I thought about it, and figured it would either do nothing or send me into a hypertensive crisis. Either way, I never had the balls to test it out.
I wonder more and more if the guy that speculated one of these extracts is a GABA antagonist might be on to something, and the PEAs are partially just for show.
Posted 29 September 2012 - 11:10 PM
Edited by zrbarnes, 29 September 2012 - 11:10 PM.
Posted 29 September 2012 - 11:24 PM
2 scoops this AM, pre-cardio. Effects: nada. Anyone want my 1.75 tubs?
What? Are you serious, tintinet? I'm not saying you ain't feeling a thing, but that's just *weird*....!
You have any idea why you're not "responding" to this product? Are you still on a low'ish caloric diet, and you take several other supplements?
IIRC, you don't respond to many 'supplements', but this Craze is just ... crazy!
This stuff hits me like a truck on full speed w/o a driver. I mean, I'm not climbing walls, but every dopaminergic effect is there: a more pronounced heart beat, increased blood pressure, cold hands, mental focus, hair shedding, increased anaerobic stamina, increased libido and confidence, increased need for fluids, appetite suppression, and so on.
Taking it before anaerobic exercises, and I definitely feel the difference. Obviously it's not healthy for frequent use, at least for me.
EDIT: One time I took 2 'scoops' and my scalp was tingling, like PEA was raining down from the sky lol.
I agree, it's odd, but that's what happened. I had taken beta-alanine intermittently before using Craze, and that may have played a role in my response. I sold my remaining Craze some time ago. Hopefully the buyer had better results.
Posted 30 September 2012 - 07:17 AM
2 scoops this AM, pre-cardio. Effects: nada. Anyone want my 1.75 tubs?
What? Are you serious, tintinet? I'm not saying you ain't feeling a thing, but that's just *weird*....!
You have any idea why you're not "responding" to this product? Are you still on a low'ish caloric diet, and you take several other supplements?
IIRC, you don't respond to many 'supplements', but this Craze is just ... crazy!
This stuff hits me like a truck on full speed w/o a driver. I mean, I'm not climbing walls, but every dopaminergic effect is there: a more pronounced heart beat, increased blood pressure, cold hands, mental focus, hair shedding, increased anaerobic stamina, increased libido and confidence, increased need for fluids, appetite suppression, and so on.
Taking it before anaerobic exercises, and I definitely feel the difference. Obviously it's not healthy for frequent use, at least for me.
EDIT: One time I took 2 'scoops' and my scalp was tingling, like PEA was raining down from the sky lol.
I've had really weird results with it. My first 5 times taking it or so were exactly like what you described. Now, everytime I take it, I get a completely paridoxical reaction. I took a scoop and a half of Craze this morning on an empty stomach, and went from being fairly awake to completely sedated. As soon as it kicked in, I couldn't keep my eyes open and have been lethargic the rest of the day. This has consistantly happened the last 3 times I've taken it. It makes zero sense, and somewhat pisses me off, because I was very happy with the results before.
That's exactly what it did for me! I haven't had any Craze for about 2 months now. Going to give it another try possibly Monday. If I take it will be before 3PM tho. Craze is the only thing I've ever taken that has interferred with my ability to go to sleep whenever I got ready- & that includes phentermine.
Posted 30 September 2012 - 12:08 PM
I agree, it's odd, but that's what happened. I had taken beta-alanine intermittently before using Craze, and that may have played a role in my response. I sold my remaining Craze some time ago. Hopefully the buyer had better results.
Yeah, very odd.

But, Craze is certainly NOT a nootropic (for me). I get the "tunnel vision" effect, meaning I can concentrate on ONE thing for hours, but the mental "flexibility" I get from the racetams is lost when I take Craze.
It's very good for ONE specific task, preferably a physical task. I used it once when I had to empty a big (very stuffed) attic room; I worked on that for over 12 hours, no break....
Posted 03 October 2012 - 05:27 PM
Anyone tried craze with deprenyl yet?
lol that would be suicide, wouldn't it? All those PEAs? It may also have Tryptamines, so if you'd dose high enough on Deprenyl ... enjoy!

(and report back if you can!)
Posted 05 October 2012 - 03:35 AM
Here is a quote from someone on bodybuilding.com fourm:
"Has anyone out there taken craze since it first came out? Have you noticed a difference between craze around when it first came out and now? I bought my first tub of craze around april. I loved it so much that I bought 10 tubs of it about a week later, anticpating that it might possibly be pulled off shelves due to the lawsuit. Since only grape flavor was out, I had 11 tubs of grape only. So about a month ago I decided to get the lemonade flavor just so I could have some variation in flavor. I switch back and forth beween grape and lemonade day to day, while taking it the same way, at the same time, with the same supplements and I can safely conclude that the "old" grape gives that amazing euphoria that craze was/is known for. The lemonade on the other hand is wayyyy weaker, and it is obvious. My question, has anyone else out there noticed this, can any ds reps explain why it might be occuring"
Edited by meatsauce, 05 October 2012 - 03:38 AM.
Posted 09 October 2012 - 10:46 AM
Doesnt do any good for me when lifting weights, when i fist walk into the gym about 45mins after a scoop i sart to feel kinda lightheaded and dizzy and I start to feel it in my arms and legs, however this is not a good feeling, as I feel extremely lethargic more than anything.
I find it makes me feel kinda too relaxed for the gym, my arms and legs feel rubbery and jelly and when im trying to lift maximal weights like on deadlifts it makes it difficult to psyche up and grip the bar tightly as when i clench my fist i feel weakness. As a result this takes a toll on my very first and most important exercise as i feel alot weaker than usual.
I aso found that when im lifting the weight I find it difficult to feel the muscle contracting it is as though MY BODY IS NUMB (really strange feeling!!!). Furthermore craze screws up the rest of my entire workout as it puts me into a state of mind where i feel lethargic, unmotivated and just dont fell like doing anything at all.
about 3-4 hours later after the gym it usually gives me a bad headache and if i take 1.5 scoops i feel wired and struggle to sleep.
I've also felt some rather strange phenomenom on this suff. I find when im thinkin of what to say to someone it takes me longer to think and i think it impairs my working memory because i sorta forget what I was about to do or what people have said to me. In turn I dont feel as sharp on craze. It also gives me ringing in my ears at night which can keep me up and somewhat made me feel slightly paranoid for some reason.
The only good thing i can say about this is it put me in a good mood and reduced anxiety levels as i felt more outgoing and confident in conversations.
However as preworkout supplement I dont think its good for lifting heavy weights. I can probably see it working better for endurance/cardio type workouts but not lifting maximal or heavy weight.
Posted 14 October 2012 - 03:51 AM
The other day I accidentally doubled up on my stimulants taking a double dose of craze on top of another herbal concoction I put together (side note, always keep your supplements separate and labelled, haha).
My brain was on fire and I laid in bed with my eyes closed for 5 hours. My heart beat out of my chest all night long.
Then, I actually used my brain and thought about how to fix the issue without taking some type of tranquilizer. I had ran out of magnesium, so I reluctantly just took 300mg of potassium gluconate.
30 minutes later, my heart stopped thumping and I fell asleep like a baby.
Posted 14 October 2012 - 08:12 AM
Posted 14 October 2012 - 03:05 PM
So craze works by GABA-antagonism? Could it have therapeutic effect at upregulating GABA-receptors?
It might. I asked this earlier in the thread and never got a reply. The suspected GABA(a) antagonism effects might come from Picrotoxin, as one of the "extracts" on the ingredients list could possibly contain Picrotoxin, but we really don't know for sure since all they have to list is the plant in which the extract came from. They could have extracted anything within that plant. However, if it does contain Picrotoxin, my own research has been a little fuzzy on upregulation. I did find one source saying Picrotoxin did not result in significant GABA(a) upregulation, which leads me to believe it's not like Flumazenil in that aspect. However, it took me a great deal of research to find that source initially, and I didn't save it to cite at this moment. I just know that it's out there. If your own research pulls it (or any related material) up, feel free to post it here, as I'm sure we'd all benefit from it.
Craze for me was a weird product and sux balls in the gym.
Doesnt do any good for me when lifting weights, when i fist walk into the gym about 45mins after a scoop i sart to feel kinda lightheaded and dizzy and I start to feel it in my arms and legs, however this is not a good feeling, as I feel extremely lethargic more than anything.
I find it makes me feel kinda too relaxed for the gym, my arms and legs feel rubbery and jelly and when im trying to lift maximal weights like on deadlifts it makes it difficult to psyche up and grip the bar tightly as when i clench my fist i feel weakness. As a result this takes a toll on my very first and most important exercise as i feel alot weaker than usual.
I aso found that when im lifting the weight I find it difficult to feel the muscle contracting it is as though MY BODY IS NUMB (really strange feeling!!!). Furthermore craze screws up the rest of my entire workout as it puts me into a state of mind where i feel lethargic, unmotivated and just dont fell like doing anything at all.
about 3-4 hours later after the gym it usually gives me a bad headache and if i take 1.5 scoops i feel wired and struggle to sleep.
I've also felt some rather strange phenomenom on this suff. I find when im thinkin of what to say to someone it takes me longer to think and i think it impairs my working memory because i sorta forget what I was about to do or what people have said to me. In turn I dont feel as sharp on craze. It also gives me ringing in my ears at night which can keep me up and somewhat made me feel slightly paranoid for some reason.
The only good thing i can say about this is it put me in a good mood and reduced anxiety levels as i felt more outgoing and confident in conversations.
However as preworkout supplement I dont think its good for lifting heavy weights. I can probably see it working better for endurance/cardio type workouts but not lifting maximal or heavy weight.
Me too. Ringing in the ears is a typical sign of reduced GABA levels, a symptom of benzodiazepine withdrawal, and is often treated by GABA agonists... Which makes me think there might be something to the GABA theory.
Posted 15 October 2012 - 08:33 AM
Also i highly doubt there is any tracable amount of picrotoxin in craze or the company would be sued down the ground
Posted 15 October 2012 - 10:04 AM
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22484511This study reports an effect of taurine (1-10 mM) increasing markedly (120%) the number of neural precursor cells (NPCs) from adult mouse subventricular zone, cultured as neurospheres. This effect is one of the highest reported for adult neural precursor cells.
These results are relevant for taurine implication in brain development as well as in adult neurogenesis. Possible mechanisms underlying taurine effects on cell proliferation are discussed.
The study doesnt state by which mechanism this is a result of. It states that glycine and b-alanine does not mimic the effect, so the glycine receptor could be ruled out. This points to a taurine specific subtype receptor.
Here is the paper that suggests dendrobines mechanism of action:
4 Dendrobine (3 X 10(-5) M) reduced the beta-alanine- and taurine-induced depolarizations of primary afferent terminals, while having little effect upon GABA- and glycine-induced depolarizations.
Note that it states frog spinal cord.
Now here is a paper identifying two unique taurine subtype receptors in the frog spinal cord:
These results suggest that in the frog spinal cord there are at least two subtypes of taurine receptor whose pharmacological profiles resemble GABA and glycine receptors in the mammalian central nervous system, and whose sensitivity may be modulated by extracellular Mg2+.
Putting two and two together, this points at direct neurotropic inhibition. The mouse study suggests neurogenesis through an unindentified taurine receptor and the frog study identifies and states of a possibilty of taurine specific receptors. Not to mention the important peroxidative protection also mediated by taurine.
Posted 24 October 2012 - 06:31 AM
Does anyone experience this?
What could be the mechanism in the product that causes this?
Posted 24 October 2012 - 10:15 AM
I know that low GABA activity can make me feel weak, unfocused and tired - not always anxious or jittery.
Posted 24 October 2012 - 11:52 AM
I ended up with a headache about 4 hours later
lol what your saying its working too well?
I ended up with a headache about 4 hours later
Posted 24 October 2012 - 01:36 PM
Overall these wierd stimulants are not very purposeful for weight lifting. Even though you may feel good initially, overtraining, crashing, burning out the adrenal glands and spiking cortisol don't support the progress. There is also very little research what bad they may do to you. Headache is not a good sign. I prefer something smooth like 1 scoop of White Flood combined with different adaptogens (rhodiola, siberian ginseng, ashwagandha, suma root) to give me the needed boost.
Posted 24 October 2012 - 11:22 PM
I'm thinking of trying mesomorph 2.0 except it contains acacia rigidula extract which ive read has a bunch of psychostims in it and could possibly have a similar effect to craze!?!?
I wouldnt mid trying something with DMAE or some sort of choline derivative in it (something that has non-stim nootropics to make me focus). I've been taking vitamin B complex lately and found that has worked really well in improving my mood and alertness
Posted 26 October 2012 - 03:40 AM
I also tried Craze. At first I was blown away. Took it before a lunchtime workout and was buzzing all day. But, then it started to irritate my prostate. I've had prostate irritations in the past - and it has normally been my personal indicator that I am taking something "bad" for me. I have to be very careful with caffeine. Wish I could handle this stuff better, because taking it every now and then would be very nice!
Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:15 AM
I also think all theose doperminergic and seretonergic stims can CONFUSE your CNS which in my case was the paradoxial effect in the gym of feeling unstable underneath the weight as well as finding it difficult to find that mind muscle connection while on craze.
Also I found creatine monohydrate gave me prostate pains when i's go to the toliet.. made it difficult to urinate. I read somewhere that creatine mon can increase dihydrotestosterone which is linked to prostate hyperplasia correlated to prostate cancer so i'd be careful with creatine monohydrate as well! mb cyle it off and on to be safe.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:12 AM
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