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Preworkout Stimulant as Nootropic? Damn!

preworkout stimulant nootropic contraindications

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#421 Leaves

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 02:12 AM

Anyone wondering Craze is a scam like 90% of the supplement market. If you want to be healthy/strong grow your own fruit and vegetables. Eating living food will give you energy and a calmness that cannot be achieved artificially. We evolved around plants and fungi so they have all we need.
I really dislike companies like DS that are willing to poison people for a quick buck.
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#422 Raptor87

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 05:26 PM

I think this whole thread should be deleted and wonder how it managed to survive for this long. There's better stuff out there than a bodybuilding supplement. To be honest, bodybuilding- supps often contain shit- cheap ingredients and even some times other stuff that can even be hazardous to your health. The containers and the guy's who market them are full with shit. If you are in to noots then you should know more about diet, ingredients and how they work and have better results with that than a contemporary boost from an awesomely labelled can that doesn't do anything or give you an overall benefit.
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#423 Introspecta

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 01:40 AM

Thanks to this thread I had to try Detonate. Binged for 2 days straight then threw the bottle away. Can't believe they put this shit in a supplement. I admit I stupidly made the mistake knowing that it tested positve for amphetamines but was dead ass tired after work and the brilliant idea came to buy a bottle. 2 capsules down the hatch. Seemed more euphoric than adderall and after about 4-5 hours started coming down so redosed a few times then the same the next day. Luckily I realized how unhealthy and dangerous this is for someone like me who has had issues in the past with alcohol and drug abuse. So if you have an addictive personality I'd stay away. Not worth getting strung out and not eating. Nothing like picking up meth at the local Vitamin Shoppe,lol How did this take this long to get proper lab results? I knew something was up with craze but it didn't seem too strong but Detonate is straight up Meth minus lasting 15 hours of lingering effects.

#424 Endymion

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 01:55 AM

I cannot remember where I read it, but I'm pretty sure Gaspari are getting the 'Dendrobium extract' from Driven Sports. This would explain why they both have the same effects as they are both laced with ETH.

This segment on USA today is worth watching - Matt Cahill certainly has an unscrupulous past:

#425 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 02:53 AM

Thanks to this thread I had to try Detonate. Binged for 2 days straight then threw the bottle away. Can't believe they put this shit in a supplement. I admit I stupidly made the mistake knowing that it tested positve for amphetamines but was dead ass tired after work and the brilliant idea came to buy a bottle. 2 capsules down the hatch. Seemed more euphoric than adderall and after about 4-5 hours started coming down so redosed a few times then the same the next day. Luckily I realized how unhealthy and dangerous this is for someone like me who has had issues in the past with alcohol and drug abuse. So if you have an addictive personality I'd stay away. Not worth getting strung out and not eating. Nothing like picking up meth at the local Vitamin Shoppe,lol How did this take this long to get proper lab results? I knew something was up with craze but it didn't seem too strong but Detonate is straight up Meth minus lasting 15 hours of lingering effects.

Wholeheartedly agree. I took another tablet yesterday and again intense focus; but, after 4 hours I was still wide awake. Took it around 11AM and had crappy sleep that night. But, shit. I can appreciate how easy it is to become addicted to this stuff psychologically. No need to eat, sense of well-being and confidence, intense focus. Pff, only wonder how my dopamine receptors are doing. I also take Deprenyl so there was no comedown; but, effects are just over the top.

#426 norepinephrine

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 04:28 AM

mitochondrial damage, neurodegereration from increased oxidation stress on DA neurons

What research suggests that these would come about from single-time usage of an amphetamine analogue?

#427 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 05:34 AM

mitochondrial damage, neurodegereration from increased oxidation stress on DA neurons

What research suggests that these would come about from single-time usage of an amphetamine analogue?

It's a methamphetamine analogue if I understand correctly and methamphetamine has been shown to be neurotoxic. By analogous reasoning that would make its analogue likely to be neurotoxic. BTW, are you still taking it or switched back to adderall?

#428 norepinephrine

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 03:09 PM

When available, I take Adderall strictly for midterms/final. In my own case, I haven't found anything capable of beating its short-run boost in cognitive function - including CILTEP and modafinil. (Caveat: I was diagnosed with ADD as a child.) For daily use on any time frame, though, it's an absolutely terrible choice.

When unavailable, I keep Detonate around for the same situations - studying for and taking exams. Given what we now know about it, I consider it an inferior substitute that just happens to be readily available. (I think I've taken maybe 10% of what's in the only bottle I purchased.)

On a daily basis I generally take either CILTEP or a mix of adaptogens coupled with caffeine, piracetam, ALCAR and magnesium. At the moment, that means ginseng, ginkgo and ashwagandha - a combination that's actually working surprisingly well for its purposes (to the point of being preferable to CILTEP on its own, and enhancing CILTEP when taken together with smaller dosages for all components to avoid overstimulation), at least until tolerance kicks in. (To address this issue, I keep rhodiola and bacopa around for cycling out ginkgo and ash.)

As well, I keep phenylpiracetam around for very occasional use (since tolerance seems to kick in by the second day of taking it and lasts for a couple weeks thereafter). When it works, the motivational effects are nearly day-long.

I've also tried nicotine gum, but the side effects (in terms of circulation, skin health and nausea) don't seem to justify the personal benefits derived.

Edited by norepinephrine, 30 July 2013 - 03:15 PM.

#429 Adamzski

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 01:09 AM

I just got some craze in the mail today, I will get some Mod when I am back in Korea but damn 2 scoops of this stuff has got me going! I feel amphetamine like and I am definatly on something, a bit jaw clenched and edgy.

Means nothing if it doe not help me get more work done.. will try it out for a few days.

I find that it really takes me several hours to really get going each day, a good morning stim would help a lot.

Everything is ok in moderation

#430 Adamzski

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 01:14 AM

I've also tried nicotine gum, but the side effects (in terms of circulation, skin health and nausea) don't seem to justify the personal benefits derived.

I take a lot of nicotine through e-cigs. What were the bad effects you noticed? And in what time frame did these bad effects come about?

#431 Lolofatty

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 01:18 AM

Everything is ok in moderation

even arsenic?

#432 Adamzski

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 01:28 AM

Everything is ok in moderation

even arsenic?

yep arsenic is fine in moderation, the almost billion smokers on this planet take some in moderation every day.

#433 Lolofatty

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 01:36 AM

yep arsenic is fine in moderation, the almost billion smokers on this planet take some in moderation every day.

yes, their health is something to be admired.

#434 Adamzski

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 04:18 AM

Seems great, good focus and a quieter more focused mind for me.I woke up at 7am yesterday and only slept an hour last night so I really would be struggling by now.

#435 Galaxyshock

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 06:43 AM

Compensating shitty sleep with stimulants, yes, that's going to end up well.
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#436 Adamzski

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Posted 03 August 2013 - 07:33 AM

lol yeah, whatever keeps us going. Im not staying awake to just play counterstrike or supermario or do some other dumb stuff.

#437 unregistered_user

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Posted 07 August 2013 - 03:53 AM

Just picked up a bottle. The first day with it was ok. I got a mild euphoria that lasted about an hour. A definite bump in focus (tunnel vision effect) without a severe crash, although I'm not sure it has lived up to all of the hype. My productivity did go up for a while I suppose.

I am taking it with 10mg of Noopept. I will give it another shot tomorrow. I took one pill today at 10:30AM and another at 3:30PM which is when I started to feel the gradual comedown. In my opinion, it isn't as powerful as Adderall or Vyvanse but it is a pretty decent legal substitute.

#438 Adamzski

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Posted 07 August 2013 - 05:09 AM

It is a good readily available boost. I wont take it everyday, just when I need some start of day focus. Tunnel vision, yep this stuff is pretty good, I get a great hit of motivation and focus for a few hours

#439 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 07 August 2013 - 05:37 AM

4 hours I can go strong on this stuff; but, after that I still feel amped up, which I don't like + I look like a zombie since I don't eat while on it.

#440 unregistered_user

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 04:51 PM

I ended up taking it back 1 day after I bought it. I took a total of 3 or 4 pills from the bottle before deciding it too closely resembles Adderall or Vyvanse and since I can get a prescription for both, I don't have any real need to take some unknown analogue which could pose some risk to my health.

#441 Introspecta

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 07:51 PM

If I had the time and money I would sue the shit out of the makers of this product. This shit is fucking up my life. I go a week or two then buy a bottle. Use for 1 day then throw away. Thinking of going to the owner of the vitamin shoppe to get it off the shelves. Hate to ruin it for people who can handle drugs but its really not cool for people who are trying to stay away from drugs. This would of been great when I didn't care about sobriety.

#442 unregistered_user

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 12:55 AM

If I had the time and money I would sue the shit out of the makers of this product. This shit is fucking up my life. I go a week or two then buy a bottle. Use for 1 day then throw away. Thinking of going to the owner of the vitamin shoppe to get it off the shelves. Hate to ruin it for people who can handle drugs but its really not cool for people who are trying to stay away from drugs. This would of been great when I didn't care about sobriety.

Could you expand on this? I'm confused. These are the questions I have:
  • Are you a recovering addict of some sort?
  • Why do you only use 1 capsule and then discard? You know Vitamin Shoppe will accept returns on opened items for store credit.
  • Are you throwing bottles in the garbage and just purchasing more? At $30 a pop I bet that is starting to add up!
  • What is your main complaint about the product? Are you having an adverse reaction to it?
Thanks for explaining.

Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 26 August 2013 - 12:55 AM.

#443 Introspecta

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 08:16 PM

I didn't say I use 1 capsule a day then throw away. I'll use it for a day. Meaning use it, like 5-10 capsules then throw away. Yes I'm an addict. Its speed. Real speed. Not a plant. Its illegal drugs in a bottle sold at a vitamin store. I can't see what more explanation there needs to be than me having a problem with addicting stimulants in a bottle that yeah I like but like any drug also dislike. I don't want to do it but will make it a week or 2 then break down and use it for a day. Sometimes 2 or 3 days before stopping and realizing the stupidity.

#444 unregistered_user

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Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:33 AM

I didn't say I use 1 capsule a day then throw away. I'll use it for a day. Meaning use it, like 5-10 capsules then throw away. Yes I'm an addict. Its speed. Real speed. Not a plant. Its illegal drugs in a bottle sold at a vitamin store. I can't see what more explanation there needs to be than me having a problem with addicting stimulants in a bottle that yeah I like but like any drug also dislike. I don't want to do it but will make it a week or 2 then break down and use it for a day. Sometimes 2 or 3 days before stopping and realizing the stupidity.

Makes sense. I just wanted more detail in case I was misunderstanding your previous post. Thanks.

#445 Adamzski

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 06:56 PM

I have still been taking it every few days. I seem to be bulking up, just eating well no weights besides a little extra exercise dragging a 25kg suitcase all over Singapore and through a few airports, I say this as I respond very fast to weight training, really I was dead skinny once and moved house over a few days and was noticeably bulked up for a few weeks. Must be the creatine.
I had really bad stomach cramps and gas last week after taking a single scoop each morning for a couple of days straight then taking two scoops that morning. It was cramps like food poisoning pretty bad not just discomfort.
This stuff can keep me going but it is nothing like Modafinil, Mod turns off sleep whereas this just keeps me functioning.
I took Amphetamines twice in Sydney to keep me working, just a small amount but enough to get twitchy and jaw clenched, I had a single dose of craze 8hrs into the speed and it really took the edge off it, let me focus on the task at hand of going to a client and not looking too strung out. Think they could tell I was on something thou haha. I shot about 40min of a promo video at the clients and I was really focused and in the zone. A little edgy still but I was 100% focused on the task at hand.
In that situation I think Craze alone would of been better than Amphetamines to keep me working way past the normal limits.
I then made a promo video with me presenting a product two days later, I thought about taking some speed to give me a little more confidence but I did not want to risk me looking edgy or strange on camera. I took a scoop of Craze and it really helped my confidence, calmness and focus doing a task like presenting on camera that would usually really freak me out. Even if I had some mod or coke available I think craze would have been a better tool in this situation.

One night when I went out drinking a friend asked me if I was on ICE after looking into my eyes. Craze may make you look like you have taken drugs perhaps.

#446 gerass

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:06 PM

I think this whole thread should be deleted and wonder how it managed to survive for this long. There's better stuff out there than a bodybuilding supplement. To be honest, bodybuilding- supps often contain shit- cheap ingredients and even some times other stuff that can even be hazardous to your health. The containers and the guy's who market them are full with shit. If you are in to noots then you should know more about diet, ingredients and how they work and have better results with that than a contemporary boost from an awesomely labelled can that doesn't do anything or give you an overall benefit.

most bodybuilding supplements are overhyped so I stopped them a long time ago.

#447 Raptor87

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:20 PM

I think this whole thread should be deleted and wonder how it managed to survive for this long. There's better stuff out there than a bodybuilding supplement. To be honest, bodybuilding- supps often contain shit- cheap ingredients and even some times other stuff that can even be hazardous to your health. The containers and the guy's who market them are full with shit. If you are in to noots then you should know more about diet, ingredients and how they work and have better results with that than a contemporary boost from an awesomely labelled can that doesn't do anything or give you an overall benefit.

most bodybuilding supplements are overhyped so I stopped them a long time ago.

It's irresponsible of the marketers to put in stuff that's not labelled. What if someone is allergic or sensitive to those secret ingredients and end up having some kind of reaction. I mean what does these supps do in combination with high blood pressure or low blood pressure, how is the interaction with other drugs and such? They have disregarded a whole lot of safety protocols and for what. So some people at the gym can have a boost. I am not against performance enhancing, but at least I want to know what I stuff down my throat.

#448 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 06:29 PM

This product is probably going out of stock soon. I hope nobody is stocking up on this. Unless you really like the idea of methamphetamine induced neurotoxicity. I posted a review on Amazon pointing out the allegation that this product may contain methamphetamine metabolites. I really hope someone shuts down Gaspari, and sues the owner out of all the profits he made off this product and people's health.

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#449 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 05 October 2013 - 12:21 AM

Let's not get too bent out of shape just because this particular molecule is somewhat similar to methamphetamine

It in fact is not ethamphetamine/ethylamphetamine, but N-ethyl-1-phenylbutan-2-amine, a phenethylamine ethylated at N and alpha positions, not a phenethylamine methylated the alpha and ethylated the N position as the name ethamphetamine would imply. Amphetamine comes from alpha-methyl-phenethylamine, so really a more appropriate name for this compound would be Ethylaephetamine or Ethaephetamine (from n-ethyl-alpha-ethyl-phenethylamine) or Ethphenylsecbutylamine/Ethylphenylsecbutylamine.

This compound is in fact sort of a hybrid between Phenylisobutylamine and Etilamfetamine, and I would be absolutely shocked if it displayed greatly increased toxicity over either of them. It is also important to remember that the doses are extremely low. Even methamphetamine in the <30mg range is considered safe enough to prescribe for ADHD.

And even if a small amount metabolizes to methamphetamine, that isn't necessarily bad for you.

If these "supplements" actually contained 200mg of meth per serving, sure that is going to cause some serious problems. But don't jump to conclusions about high neurotoxicity because there are a couple ethyl groups stuck on a phenethylamine.

Edited by 3AlarmLampscooter, 05 October 2013 - 12:32 AM.

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#450 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 05 October 2013 - 05:07 AM

Well, the 12 hour h/l of the compound is not very fun. After 4h of intense focus there isnt really much more you can cram in. Then its just annoying. Ritalin or Adderall IR would be better off. I hate anything with XR on it, and I don't like being stimulated for 12 h makes me all spastic and weird.

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