Preworkout Stimulant as Nootropic? Damn!
Posted 17 April 2012 - 02:28 AM
Posted 18 April 2012 - 03:43 AM
Posted 28 April 2012 - 04:39 PM
My mini review: The first time you take it, it will blow your socks off. It has the focus of adderall, the mood enhancing effect of the adderall the feeling that you can accomplish anything in the given amount of time that you have, without the jitteryness of adderall. Honestly, if I had the choice between adderall or DS craze, id pick craze. I use it for working out and gaming. For working out ive made strength gains that I never would have imagined. Why I think this is, is because the mind-muscle connection is insane so your form is phenomenal and you arent focusing on anything but the task at hand so people walking around the gym mean nothing. Also, if you workout a lot you know dam well its always mind over matter. Sure there are supplements out there that can increase "muscular performance" through the use of ingredients such as creatine that acts purely on your body but not your mind. DS craze truly is a "mind enhancer", and that is why it is so versatile, which brings me to my next point of it being a great nootropic. Fuck it, even on my off days ill take a scoop and I get so much work done while on it, and I ENJOY stuff that I usually dislike. Plus if you take it before a gaming session, take your skill and times it by 10. I play RTS's (real time strategy games) which requires macro and micro (involves clicking a lot and fast, but while making the clicks that are productive), and I rarely lose with craze in my system.
Addictiveness and tolerance: I will admit, the first time I took craze, I was like WTF, this is so weird! Like I the mood enhancing effect was overwhelming. I'm by no means a depressed person, just kind of chill but not hyped up and smiling all the time. This stuff, as soon as it hits your system, nothing but positive thoughts.... "oh that i can do that" "oh this I can easily get this done" "haha oh doing that is so freakin easy I can get that done in 10 minutes". Its honestly indescribable. So just because the first time was so startling I dont think ive ever gotten THAt much of a buzz just compared to the first time. On the other hand, there really is no tolerance to it either. For example, the second time I took it felt the same as it felt yesterday (two weeks later). Also, there is no "crash", but there is a "comedown". A crash to me is where you feel great from the substance your taking, and then all of a sudden BOOM! your all the way to the opposite side of the spectrum. With craze, its just a very SLOW decrease is mood enhancment, but you don't get depressed, you just become normal again.
Note: I do take 300 mg Pramiracetam 2x daily and 2 g piracetam 2x daily and 300 mg alpha gpc 1x daily, so I don't know if these compounds could be making my experience a lot different in terms of potency and reduced crash from craze.
With that said, the stuff is not biologically addicting. For example, no headaches when not taken, no depression when not taken, and no tiredness/lethargy when not taken, you just feel like your normal self if you don't take it. It is though, addicting in the sense that now I feel that in the weight room, I don't want to go back to only pushing 225 for 10 reps. I want to be on craze so I can do 15 reps. And for gaming, I know I'm good without the craze, but I could almost guarantee a win with it. So, unlike amphetamines such as adderall, if you go on a binge with it, and then the next day you are out of it, you aren't feening for it like a crachead, and you aren't contemplating suicide if you can't get your hands on it by noon.
I must share this with you though, there is a lawsuit currently going between Craze and some idiot who thinks there is something illegal in it. Here is a link to a page where you can follow it closely, http://anabolicminds...ze-lawsuit.html
My comments on the aforementioned lawsuit:
I have done many prescription speed, amphetamines, stimulants, whatever you want to call them. Craze is a WHOLE different type of feeling. For example, the non-depressing, no crash, no addictiveness which are extremely common in amphetamines. Also, craze is a very smooth feeling, unlike most amphetamines which leave you "geeked out". So who knows, if there is I'd say very very low doses of amphetamines if any at all, but I can also tell you from a bodybuilders perspective who knows his supplement companies, DS has a very very high reputation in the supplement industry, very trustworthy, and I don't think they would do something so obvious as to put amphetamines in a pre workout supplement especially because everyone knows the pre workouts get tested the most by FDA, randoms trying to sue, etc. Also, the guy who filed the lawsuit against DS did the same exact thing to USP labs (the producer of the preworkout Jack3d) a year or so back, and failed miserably when he tried to say there was illegal stimulants in Jack3d. In my opinion, hes just trying to make money off of it, and it also says he works for a supplement company but won't say which one. So that tells me, there is some jealousy going on there, considering DS has blown the preworkout industry away with craze.
Edited by hockeyaus33, 28 April 2012 - 04:40 PM.
Posted 30 April 2012 - 12:17 AM
Posted 30 April 2012 - 02:47 PM
According to the Craze class action lawsuit, the "diet supplement" actually contains amphetamine, “a dangerous ingredient which is regulated as a controlled substance and a dangerous stimulant in California and thus cannot be lawfully included in a dietary supplement.”
The Craze website says the supplement will give you “endless energy” and that it “helps put you in a fantastic mood and enhance your focus.” Nowhere on the product’s label or website does it mention that amphetamine is an ingredient, the lawsuit says.
"Defendant makes representations regarding the efficacy, safety and legality of the product which are false, misleading and deceptive," the class action lawsuit says. "Plaintiff and members of the Class relied on defendant's misrepresentations and would not have paid as much, if at all, for the products but for defendant's misrepresentations. As a result, defendant has wrongfully taken millions of dollars from California consumers. Plaintiff brings this lawsuit to enjoin the ongoing defrauding of thousands of California consumers by defendant, and to recover the money taken by its illegal practices."
The Craze class action lawsuit is brought on behalf of all persons who were located in California when they purchased Craze for personal use at any time during the past four years. It is seeking an injunction, costs, restitution, disgorgement, and punitive damages.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 12:02 AM

Edited by Brainfogged, 01 May 2012 - 12:04 AM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 06:01 PM

If you read the anabolic minds thread carefully, Patrick Arnold, the steroid chemist of THG fame (or infamy), mentions the "secret" ingredient is--
"From my testing the main compound in this formula appears to be (note i said appears) N-benzyl-2-phenylethylamine.
I would not expect this compound to possess strong CNS stimulant activity but I am not entirely sure"
Anyone have experience with this? Thoughts?
Posted 07 May 2012 - 05:12 AM
Bodybuilders in Sweden seems to get busted in the gyms because of this supp. They test positive for amphetamine and metamphetamine so no wonder that the supp seems to work. I checked the ingredients and there is nothing special about it. It looks like a regular crap overpriced preworkout product with a cool label. Seems like the secret ingredient works
. So buy it in bulk before they pull it off the market if you are in to the stuff
Would you like to include any proof with this claim?
Posted 08 May 2012 - 02:56 PM
Not jittery. Excellent for mental focus. I stack it with Piracetam, which I'm always taking, and really feel it to be synergistic. More modafinil-like than adderall-like.
Posted 08 May 2012 - 03:03 PM
Bodybuilders in Sweden seems to get busted in the gyms because of this supp. They test positive for amphetamine and metamphetamine so no wonder that the supp seems to work. I checked the ingredients and there is nothing special about it. It looks like a regular crap overpriced preworkout product with a cool label. Seems like the secret ingredient works
. So buy it in bulk before they pull it off the market if you are in to the stuff
Would you like to include any proof with this claim?
This is nothing that has been on the news so no. :/
Ill keep a lookout though and report back to you if I find anything:)
Posted 09 May 2012 - 05:38 AM
It's by far the best PWO I've ever tried and I go back to the days of ephedrine, aspirin, and caffeine. It was especially effective the first time I took it and I have noticed a tolerance developing.
Not jittery. Excellent for mental focus. I stack it with Piracetam, which I'm always taking, and really feel it to be synergistic. More modafinil-like than adderall-like.
Do you notice this as well though ---> It has a jitteryness in the fact that you can't not be doing something. Like I have to be accomplishing something or moving around or multitasking, but the reason why I don't consider it "jittery" is because I'm not anxious about it, I just feel like doing it. It's hard to explain, like for instance when you take like 400 mg of caffeine (given ur not a total caffeine addict) at once and you literally are shaking and ur energized and alert but its like ur nervous or something. Craze on the other hand makes you calm that you will be able to complete the task sufficiently, and you are going to complete that task because thats just what you want to do to be able to get to the next task. It's weird shit.
Posted 09 May 2012 - 02:00 PM
I hope this thread catches on with the Nootropic/non-bodybuilding crowd because I'd love to hear some more reports on how it effects mental focus beyond an enhanced mind/body connection.
So far, so good.
I'm tempted to see what two scoops feels like, but since I also take Piracetam, I'll increase the dose gradually.
Posted 09 May 2012 - 11:46 PM
Driven Sports Craze.
This product was found to contain these two analogues of phenylethylamine:
1) N-Benzyl-2-phenethylamine
2) N,N-diethyl-2-phenyethylamine
The write-up for the first one can be found here: http://hightowerphar...erivatives.html
Posted 10 May 2012 - 03:48 AM
Posted 10 May 2012 - 07:08 AM
Posted 10 May 2012 - 02:29 PM
As for safety, I haven't experienced any negative side effects so far. I'm not dosing daily, though, twice or three times a week.
Posted 16 May 2012 - 08:34 AM
Also I found that similar to dexamphetamine, if i get distracted while doing something on it, i would continue doing that. This is partly due to my anxiety levels in relation to my work...once i avoid work, that pushes up my anxiety levels and Task avoidance goes into overdrive. After about a week or so, I didnt feel so great as well. So i decided to stop using it. Of course, this is partly due to my own behavioural tendencies.
Posted 16 May 2012 - 02:42 PM
Posted 17 May 2012 - 06:22 PM
Posted 17 May 2012 - 10:27 PM
I'd love to try this stuff with a low dose of Modafinil. Unfortunately, my health insurance won't cover my Provigil until I speak with my sleep doctor in a month.
BTW-- stacks nicely with Piracetam, but NOT with too much additional caffeine! I ate a couple squares of dark chocolate with espresso beans in it yesterday and promptly broke into that over caffeinated flop sweat. Felt nauseous for a couple hours.
I'll keep you posted.
Posted 19 May 2012 - 05:15 PM
So you guys would say it's more effective than Jack3d?
Posted 19 May 2012 - 07:29 PM
Posted 20 May 2012 - 01:14 AM
I have spent easily over 1k on various nootropics/supplements/etc. I have been on Longecity for a couple of years and have tried practically everything that got a semi-positive review for increasing focus, energy, wellbeing, etc. Nothing has come even close to what DS Craze has done for me. I've even taken various pharmaceuticals for ADHD, which while effective, tend to come with a host of side effects. I've tried Adderral, Vyvanse, Welbutrin, Ritalin, and Provigil and I can easily say the effects from DS Craze are superior with (so far) fewer sides.
I am more confident, articulate, and less self-concious when I am taking Craze. I try not to take more than 1 scoop (1.5 scoops max over the course of an entire day) to avoid building tolerance too quickly. I basically funnel it into a water bottle, give it a couple of good shakes and it mixes right up. I've heard many people complaining about the taste. I'm not sure why. I sip it for a few hours throughout the day to keep the effects constant and actually quite enjoy the taste. The only time I notice it tasted sort of funny was when it wasn't cold.
Here are some of the things it does to me that I like:
- Increases confidence
- Increases tolerance for work
- Enhances lingual abilities - Faster word recall, broadened access to my vocabulary.
- Suppresses appetite - Be careful. I have a few extra pounds to lose so this effect isn't an undesirable one for me. However, if you aren't careful it isn't hard to go the entire day without eating. I've only been eating 1 meal per day and notice I generally feel weaker, shakier, etc. Also, taking Craze on an empty stomach seems to help its effectiveness but it has the ability to create a dissociative effect as well. It's odd.
- Increases focus - Time passes me by more quickly because it is easy to become engrossed in whatever the task at hand is.
- Makes me more particular/obsessive about getting things done correctly and thoroughly.
Here is a list of things that concerns me.
- My personality changes a little. It is hard to articulate the difference but I notice the way I relate to people is different. Not necessarily good or bad but just an observation.
- Tolerance does seem to develop. I have been drinking a 20oz bottle of water with 1 level scoop mixed in every day for the past 2.5 weeks. The tolerance is gradual and subtle but I am beginning to notice it so the effects are seeming less pronounced.
- Days without taking DS Craze are generally less productive. I go through them in a sort of stupor and wonder how I managed to tolerate the workload, stress, and long hours I put up with during the past several weeks. I feel like I am missing fortitude, drive and confidence when I am on hiatus from it.
- I notice I stumble over my words and feel more awkward that I used to when I'm not taking it. This isn't typical of me.
I work a stressful job that requires me to be accessible to many people at nearly any given time. I travel a lot, do a lot of troubleshooting and manage a lot of expectations. For me, taking Craze every day is easy to do. Because my work is so consistently demanding I feel like I shouldn't skip a day with it. After noticing the "disconcerting" things I just mentioned though, I will be taking Saturdays and Sundays off to hopefully retain its effectiveness.
As far as any real signs of withdrawal, I haven't noticed any (eg: headache, sweats, shakes, general unwell feelings, etc). I just feel off point.
This is my unrefined account of things. All in all, I like it and will continue taking it hoping that later on down the line we don't learn it was laced with something more potent than what was on the label. By the way, this review was written on a day when I did not consume any Craze so if it's a clunky read... you know why, lol.
Posted 20 May 2012 - 01:17 AM
Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:23 AM
Semi, quite interesting that you're getting effects while sipping on it over hours as opposed to taking a full dose at once. Could you elaborate more on your dosing? How many hours do you sip it over and then how long does it last after that? Do you just dose one bottle or do you repeat it later? Have you ever tried a singular, all at once dose?
I do still question the safety and possibility of it being spiked, but it is interesting. I'm a non-responder to just about anything that is meant to increase energy, focus, motivation, etc. (so far; though some things I still need to try different dosing with). I've tried a number of the hyped pre-workouts and get extremely little if any benefit, but I've never heard someone say something might actually be superior to Adderal and Ritalin. Though, I have no experience with those I often hear them mentioned as standards of comparison.
Please keep us informed as to your tolerance and whether your weekend breaks are enough to erase them, and perhaps even enough to erase the fall below baseline you're experiencing.
Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:36 PM
Posted 20 May 2012 - 06:53 PM
- Gotta give it a try. Found it for $25, before shipping.
Posted 20 May 2012 - 06:53 PM
this is normal for most stimulant type products...I would just make sure the days after using Craze are not important days like the weekend....
Edited by zeropoint, 20 May 2012 - 06:54 PM.
Posted 21 May 2012 - 04:30 AM
Frankly, as this thread went on I was thinking that I was reading a collection of spammers. More skillful spammers than usual, but spammers nonetheless. Maybe that's partly true, but I think there are enough common posters now to say this isn't just spam and hype.
Semi, quite interesting that you're getting effects while sipping on it over hours as opposed to taking a full dose at once. Could you elaborate more on your dosing? How many hours do you sip it over and then how long does it last after that? Do you just dose one bottle or do you repeat it later? Have you ever tried a singular, all at once dose?
I do still question the safety and possibility of it being spiked, but it is interesting. I'm a non-responder to just about anything that is meant to increase energy, focus, motivation, etc. (so far; though some things I still need to try different dosing with). I've tried a number of the hyped pre-workouts and get extremely little if any benefit, but I've never heard someone say something might actually be superior to Adderal and Ritalin. Though, I have no experience with those I often hear them mentioned as standards of comparison.
Please keep us informed as to your tolerance and whether your weekend breaks are enough to erase them, and perhaps even enough to erase the fall below baseline you're experiencing.
This thread reads like it was written but a group of DS shills but check my post history, I am a regular and fairly longtime member here.
I have not quaffed it all down at once because I realize the greatest efficacy when I nurse it for a while. In fact, I enjoy that it is a mixable powder that I can drink. How many other substances do you have the kind of dosing ability over? If after 30 minutes or so I get a bit thirsty or feel like I want a kick in focus, I'll take another couple of drinks. There is no precision to it, I guess the only difference is I don't gulp it down right away. Like I said, I don't mind the taste of it and one time I happened to be pretty thirsty so I drank about half all at once. WHOA. Within 5-10 minutes I was really feeling it (this is still off of 1 scoop). By the way, I am NOT a stim sensitive person. I was quite tolerant to the cocktail of drugs I mentioned above and nearly resistant to all of the various supplements I experimented with. I was really surprised at the impact this had on me.
One side effect I forgot to mention is the terrible dry mouth. It is comparable to what you get when taking Adderall. I think it is important to maintain water consumption throughout the day.
To the person who asked if it was better than DMAA (aka 1,3-Dimethylamylamine) my answer is, yes, for me it is. I have taken several bottles of OEP (Oxy Elite Pro) and much prefer the effects of this over that. It is an entirely different kind of stimulation. I don't get any peripheral stimulation. I get a mental focus and drive that is subtle, smooth and reasonably lasting without a dramatic drop off.
I know it seems like I am really talking this stuff up but I am only reporting my honest experience with it. Like I said, I do like taking it but I have concerns about how safe it actually is. We still don't know very much about it and there is a law suit pending, which may lack merit completely, I don't know.
How are other users getting on with it? I am entering my third week with it I think. I haven't stepped on a scale in just over a month but my last weigh in was 190lbs with a large percentage of that being body fat. When I get a chance to weigh myself I will. This stuff is a real appetite destroyer. I've never had anything work so effectively at that and believe me, I've taken a lot of shit that claims it can. OEP was pretty good but this is better. Even on my 2 days off my hunger cravings were practically nonexistant. I was surprised and a bit concerned because I wasn't sure if Craze's appetite suppressing effects were carrying over into my days off or if over the past few weeks of only eating 1 meal a day, I've "re-calibrated" my body to desire less food.
I will keep you guys updated. My hope is that this stuff is safe and that tolerance or withdrawal doesn't develop.
Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 21 May 2012 - 04:34 AM.
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