Preworkout Stimulant as Nootropic? Damn!
Posted 17 July 2012 - 04:05 PM
Im sure it can be used therapeutically for alot of differend disorders, especially has it has been said to not have much tolerance. I sound like a broken record but i try to see the potential of a wide variaty of stuff and im sure this stuff will be the key for alot of people.
In my case it completely counteracts my anhedonia and ocd and helps my ocd quite a bit like most stimulants, it also seems very usefull as a nootropic and to increase motivation, as several ppl preferred over most other stims that clearly indicates this is unique stuff and may help those that didnt find a way to solve their issues yet.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 04:38 PM
Tt would be nice if we can indentifi the main ingredient and buy it in raw powder somewehere
Posted 17 July 2012 - 08:49 PM
I wonder what i can take the counteract the unpleasant jitters and anxiety on it, its not too bad but it makes me sit down instead of being productive, oters say that feeling "keeps them going" but i think its anoying.
Was thinking theanine or something.
Hi Medi
L-Theanine will be worth a try! Magnesium may help as well I guess. Low dose Lithium may reduce the positive effects from Craze probably.
Today being completely off supplements I had a really weired Serotonic effect after dinner? Was low protein nothing being high in tryptophan or anything. My gf noticed me having enlarged pupils and she is a med student so I guess she knows what's normal. I didn't tell her about the craze and the kratom, because I'm sure she would be mad with me

Some kind of rebound? Have been on amphetamine for good 10days and faded right into craze and kratom for another 2 days, than a day kratom alone and yesterday just Craze ... Also had something like high Noradrenaline or so this morning as I had some inner nervouseness which magnesium solved pretty much.
Luckily I'm done with exams and on rehab... Focused to much on stims this time for sure

Received a box of Jumex today and will give this a try someday. But shouldn't take it with Craze right

I will try Jumex with 10 days before and after no stims at all... At least. I'm sure Craze+ MAOI will be prety much like Ayahuasca with Iboga

Edited by Cephalon, 17 July 2012 - 08:54 PM.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 08:58 PM
Im really liking this stuff, except it feels like a cafeine overdose too, a jittery feeling and some nausia but ill try l theanine to see wheter it can counteract that.
Im sure it can be used therapeutically for alot of differend disorders, especially has it has been said to not have much tolerance. I sound like a broken record but i try to see the potential of a wide variaty of stuff and im sure this stuff will be the key for alot of people.
In my case it completely counteracts my anhedonia and ocd and helps my ocd quite a bit like most stimulants, it also seems very usefull as a nootropic and to increase motivation, as several ppl preferred over most other stims that clearly indicates this is unique stuff and may help those that didnt find a way to solve their issues yet.
Absolutely - i prefer it over all prescription meds I tried for motivation. People with Cephalon and Novartis shares should try to get rid of them as long as they can. But honestly, this stuff will be off the shelfs quick. It's working - if this isn't enough reason ti be banned. Glad you like it, and have found it beneficial!
Posted 17 July 2012 - 08:58 PM
I would use the "Strong sexual arousal" excuse for extra points.. lol.
Edited by golden1, 17 July 2012 - 08:59 PM.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:04 PM
Magnesium does help a bit i think.I wonder what i can take the counteract the unpleasant jitters and anxiety on it, its not too bad but it makes me sit down instead of being productive, oters say that feeling "keeps them going" but i think its anoying.
Was thinking theanine or something.
Hi Medi
L-Theanine will be worth a try! Magnesium may help as well I guess. Low dose Lithium may reduce the positive effects from Craze probably.
Today being completely off supplements I had a really weired Serotonic effect after dinner? Was low protein nothing being high in tryptophan or anything. My gf noticed me having enlarged pupils and she is a med student so I guess she knows what's normal. I didn't tell her about the craze and the kratom, because I'm sure she would be mad with meshe doesn't even like, me drinking coffee
Some kind of rebound? Have been on amphetamine for good 10days and faded right into craze and kratom for another 2 days, than a day kratom alone and yesterday just Craze ... Also had something like high Noradrenaline or so this morning as I had some inner nervouseness which magnesium solved pretty much.
Luckily I'm done with exams and on rehab... Focused to much on stims this time for suredistracted me in the ebd so did just the opposite what was intended
Received a box of Jumex today and will give this a try someday. But shouldn't take it with Craze right![]()
I will try Jumex with 10 days before and after no stims at all... At least. I'm sure Craze+ MAOI will be prety much like Ayahuasca with Iboga
It really makes me shakey too, even when i hold my coffee with 2 hands you saw it shaking like i tried to make a wheyshake in my coffeecup at the dinnertable wich is quite bad, its usually not too bad tough but really anoying.
I do also think that its serotogenic too, cant say for sure but feels simular to psychedelics/amt in low doses a bit, also dilates my eyes that togheter with looking like a parkinson patient on mdma is not very handy.
Ill see wheter i can counteract that otherwise ill go back to MPA.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:05 PM
As an aside it does make you damn horney.Large pupils can happen for lots of reasons: http://en.wikipedia....ydriasis#Causes
I would use the "Strong sexual arousal" excuse for extra points.. lol.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:12 PM
I'm currently on:
Prozac 60mg
Klonopin .25mg
Risperdal 4mg
Would it be safe taking Craze with that combo?
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:13 PM
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:16 PM
To your first post: yes exactly. Like the feeling when coming on serotonic drugs, but just really light. That would explain the moodlift everyone mentiones - pure dopamine drugs will not cause this in this way right? I also think there is some noradrenaline involved ( citramine...) but fir me it wasn't that strong. Yesterday when I felt so shitty on it working out on it)( just some barbells, crunches...) helped alot. I guess that's the best way to lower the noradrenaline or whatever this is. That's actually what the product is made for

Regarding your second post: oh man it does

Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:20 PM
I'm thinking about getting craze for when I start classes in the fall I'll have to test it out before that though.
I'm currently on:
Prozac 60mg
Klonopin .25mg
Risperdal 4mg
Would it be safe taking Craze with that combo?
Hey I'm sure you will like it

But actually I can not give you an approval for the mix - but I'm a bit conservative there.
Someone with more knowledge will help you I'm sure. Found SSRI to be to crazy for me alone...
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:23 PM
It doesnt really make me very motivated, actually make me do more stuff like chatting about random things or post online then real productive stuff, but its easier to push myself to do shit.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:24 PM
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:25 PM
Wtf?wow my photo just pops up now wtf google?
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:30 PM
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:33 PM
Wtf?wow my photo just pops up now wtf google?
Hah actually thought about sueing google since pictures I made with my android where uploaded on my google plus account. But then I noticed just I can see them... Was really scared since I just made a picture of some huge amount of pot and I have my family as friends on google plus

Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:35 PM
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:39 PM
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:40 PM
How can you guys take such a overt stimulant without knowing what it is lol. I doubt this company did any testing for neurotoxicity or general toxicity studies. And the way everyone describes it, it sounds rather reinforcing. And the name. Don't you feel like it's kind of.. umm... craze-y?
Hah, but we actually know what it is. But we can not oversee all pathways involved since there is a whole bunch of stuff in it - also I think the graphic I posted explains it prety well

I'm honestly sure it's some sort of well balanced ayahuasca. And I'm serious about it ( look up ayahuasca) just instead of tryptamines and a mao a inhibitor they most likely use phenethylamines and a mao b inhibitor. Couldn't explain why the stuff is active for hours otherwise, since the singke ingredients have half lifes of 5-30min and the metabolites appear to be inactive or at least they are metabolized prety quick themselfes. Maybe there is also some tryptamines in the mix if they actually used acacia extract. Then you have a-huasca plus b-huasca in one serving.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:44 PM
Anyone else with parkinson symptoms since using craze?
(i guess the product would be off the shelves already if there were more cases)
Edited by Cephalon, 17 July 2012 - 09:46 PM.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 10:28 PM
Posted 17 July 2012 - 10:43 PM

While I like Craze alot I feel it is not for everyday use at least not for me. I will use it like twice a week and find something mild for everyday use.
Too bad Deprenyl does not go with Craze -. don't want to skip the Craze but curious about Jumex as well.
Luckily I have 3 month break from school, so I don't need to be motivated at all. Can get the vaporizer going again

Will need to give CILTEP a go as well. Also I have some uridine here so I will try this with phosphatidylcholine and fishoil too.
I guess I will "missuse" Craze as a preworkout supp from now on, having no stuff to do for school actually:
Edited by Cephalon, 17 July 2012 - 10:45 PM.
Posted 18 July 2012 - 09:22 AM
If you mean looking up plants they list and such, idk, how reliable that is.
Posted 18 July 2012 - 10:36 AM
I mean you believe you know what the actives are, being the phenethylamines, but I'm just thinking of all of the known chemicals that are stimulants in it... you're taking 2 unknown phenethylamine s, caffeine, b-phenethylamine, n-methyltyramine, so 5 chemicals active on the central nervous system.. then plus the other dendro-whatever chemicals they listed, plus chemicals I feel like they probably don't know about but are in the extracts. So I guess I worded it wrong, but you have no idea what is happening really since most of those chemicals aren't well known afaik and are in a huge combo lol.
Personally I think the 2 b-phenethylamine/meth/amphetamine analogs don't at all come from the plant, but I have nothing to back that up like you when mentioning it.
Given these ingredients and assuming that theyre not hiding any important ones, I would assume b-phenethylamine and NMT(and/or all of them together) saturate mao-b to some extent and that because the phenethylamines are not simple b-phenethylamine they take a longer time regardless to be deactivated by mao-b. However you'd think their would be more side effects and dangerous stories of combos popping up, if it significantly inhibited mao-b... even if only by overloading it.(Note one of the dendrobium chemicals could be a short half-life reversable mao-i also leading to the longer effects)
eh i dunno
Posted 18 July 2012 - 11:20 AM
Posted 18 July 2012 - 11:36 PM
1. My work outs. Wow I seemed to push much harder in the gym and even afterwards when I get home I continue doing push ups, it's really nice. I do weight lifting and not too comfortable doing cardio on craze since I got pretty high heartbeat. It was 200 beats per minute last time I ran high interval on a treadmill.
2. Kicks in really fast - within 40 minutes
3. No anxiety during the effects
4. No tolerance
1. After taste is crap unless I drink it quickly, although im getting used to it.
2. Once it has come off and im at home i have to pee quite frequently, because of the water intake. If I drink a glass of water, I gotta pee it out within 10 mins.
3. Kills my appetite. After the gym I have my post workout drink and after that I can't eat nothing. Even when I don't have my post workout drink I don't feel hungry.
4. Anxiety after it wears off but that is probably due to me putting a "snus" mouth pouch tobacco in my upperlip.
Overall: I really like it. I can sit watch tv and be really unmotivated for gym or even have a glass of craze. And suddenly im like on my bike towards the gym, crazy really, no pun intended.
Edited by nito, 18 July 2012 - 11:39 PM.
Posted 19 July 2012 - 12:09 AM
Posted 19 July 2012 - 01:18 AM

Smart Powders actually has the new flavor: https://www.smartpow...ade-flavor.aspx
Too bad half my SP order are seized by German customs ... But 29USD would be a dream, since I pay 40€ per tub, which is like 50USD.
Posted 19 July 2012 - 01:24 AM
To bad you don't have much luck with Craze. I'm sure there will be enough request, after us keeping this advertisment thread alive
Smart Powders actually has the new flavor: https://www.smartpow...ade-flavor.aspx
Too bad half my SP order are seized by German customs ... But 29USD would be a dream, since I pay 40€ per tub, which is like 50USD.
Hey i didn't make this thread to 'advertise' craze

I wanted people to click on it so that I could get feedback on whether im going to kill myself with this thing and the other nootropics that im mixing together. Who knew it was going to get close to 20k views and this much discussion!
Posted 19 July 2012 - 01:32 AM
To bad you don't have much luck with Craze. I'm sure there will be enough request, after us keeping this advertisment thread alive
Smart Powders actually has the new flavor: https://www.smartpow...ade-flavor.aspx
Too bad half my SP order are seized by German customs ... But 29USD would be a dream, since I pay 40€ per tub, which is like 50USD.
Hey i didn't make this thread to 'advertise' crazeI used the word 'damn' just so that people would click on it (instead of getting ignored like many other one post threads).
I wanted people to click on it so that I could get feedback on whether im going to kill myself with this thing and the other nootropics that im mixing together. Who knew it was going to get close to 20k views and this much discussion!
I know you didn't! That's why I said "keept it alive" - not "called into live". Though it didn't realy needed to be kept alive

Just that nobody is disappointed if trying this and feels it is not as "strong" as amphetamine, or anything. When I say: This stuff is better then amphetamine, I mean, it is better for my purposes: as a study aid. Sure amphetamine feels great, and when I'm on it I feel like mr. perfect, with a way to big ego

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