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Possible future of synthetic biology, synthetic multicellular lifeforms, corporate representatives of ideal nature.

replicants synthetic biology futuristic possibility

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#1 steampoweredgod

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Posted 23 April 2012 - 01:27 AM

Synthetic humans or replicants

We all know they're coming, down the technology pipeline, the highspeed low cost dna synthesizer is the final obstacle towards multicellular synthetic biology, and the pinnacle is synthetic humanoids, or replicants as called in blade runner.

But unlike blade runner with the knowledge of negligible senescenc ent organism genetics, they'll be ageless.

With the knowledge of regenerative genetics, they'll regenerate even central nervous systems.

With the knowledge of mechanosynthesis, bullets will bounce off their perfect skin.
With the the knowledge of mind design and brain architecture genetics, they'll have perfect memory and superhuman intelligence.(like fictional characters lafiel from crest of the stars and ruri hoshino from martian successor nadesico)

With the knowledge of nuclear batteries, they'll be able to have energy for insane amounts of time(though matter may be necessary for repair and maintenance if cellular architecture is maintained)
With the globin knowledge from other predators the ability to run or exert themselves for tens of minutes or hours nonstop.
Carbon fiber muscles and diamondoid skeletal structure means ability to lift tons jump tens or hundreds of feets, and the ability to run at superhuman speeds.

Like bees able to excrete honey, they may be made to exc rete flowers or perfume. Their bodily fluids to taste like coke zero or vanilla, antibactecrial zero calorie compounds rich in flavonoids.

Though the movie predicted 2019
like the movie 2001 and artificial intelligence, I think the date was overly optimistic and we're still at the least one or two more decade(s) away from such.

#2 steampoweredgod

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Posted 23 April 2012 - 03:59 PM

The power of cellular architecture, from its beginnings its shown wonders.

It cannot be underestimated how powerful it may become and how it may integrate and assimilate the technologies of man such as mechanosynthesis

a nice video on ancient cellular lifeforms

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#3 corb

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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:13 AM

and we're still at the least one or two more decade(s) away from such.

That's still way too optimistic, realistically artificial higher functioning organisms are at least 50 or 60 years away and artificial humans could take as much as two or three centuries.
We're not even modifying human genes right now, saying we'll have fully artificial humans in 20 years sounds like a joke to me.

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#4 steampoweredgod

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Posted 25 April 2012 - 01:46 PM

and we're still at the least one or two more decade(s) away from such.

That's still way too optimistic, realistically artificial higher functioning organisms are at least 50 or 60 years away and artificial humans could take as much as two or three centuries.
We're not even modifying human genes right now, saying we'll have fully artificial humans in 20 years sounds like a joke to me.

i hear athletes are gene doping, though haven't verified such...

Regards 20 years it may be too optimistic but centuries is definitely too pessimistic. Who would've said the first synthetic dna cell would've been completed two years ago? we were barely doing a gene or two mdification in organisms a decade or two back and with extensive difficulty. Now entire multigene circuits are routinely inserted into biological cells.

For example once the high speed low cost molecular tape synthesizer, or dna synthesizer is in play, and that's a technology that is indeed at most about 2 decades away. Multi-chromosome synthesis becomes a real possibility.

As kurzweil would say law of accelerating returns.

At most before the end of the century for replicants I give. Remember not only is human intelligence being poured into bioinformatics but artificial intelligence. And once superhuman intelligence comes into the field(first half of this century according to estimates), everything changes as it accelerates things drastically, though internet, software and supercomputer augmented scientific communities are a form of superintelligence growing in capability.

Edited by steampoweredgod, 25 April 2012 - 01:49 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: replicants, synthetic biology, futuristic possibility

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