Hi everyone, this is my 1st post here btw so just wanted to say hello

I've started to take ashwagandha due to extensive neurosis/panic attacks/utterly stresfull life recently. I've got extensive experience with many supplements/other stuff.

Thanks to all of you as I've read all posts about Ash over here [wasn't an easy task hehe

So, something from me-
1. Most users recommend it. This herb definetely works.
2. Withdrawal symptoms / prolonged use is something that concerns me.
3. Headaches.
I've started to take Smarcity 'Super Ashwagandha' KSM-66 extract 5% withanolides - 300mg per tab [they advise to take 2 tabs / day ]
Today is my 7th day and I'm planning to give it a break for a few days to see how my body would react.
I am also concerned that several ppl mentioned that they 'rather prefer to take it for many years' than suffer from anxiety/stress etc. - this is correct but then what is the difference with being on Ash for 5 years and being on -let's say- Xanax for 5 years ... I'd say- dependency is still a dependency.
Before Ash -
As I'm very sensitive to caffeine, due to over-using it in the past so now I rather try to avoid it. My job is considered as v stresfull and demanding [you feel like doing mathematical tasks everyday, there r no 'easy days' and it is all connected with finance and dealing with angry customers - so you can try to imagine ;) Put angry client that is losing money + necessity to talk to him/her on the phone in a calm/profess. manner + reviewing the account and trying to found a sollution. So, my brain was boiling after 2 years over there. ]
I've experimented with Ginseng - at the beginning helped a lot, I was more energetic and anxious levels were lower than usual. This allowed me to do my job for an additional 2-3 months with great results. However, as with everything after that time tolerance build up and the 'magic' was gone. I've stopped with it and started with Rodiola. Now, this was fantastic - due to MAOi effect I felt euphoric, energetic and great - but after approx. 1,5 month 'magic' was gone and single dose lasted for 6 hours only, also it did not stopped my panic attacks at all.
I still like Rodiola for a quick 'happy' feeling fix - can take it and after 1 hour got a lot of serotonin and all other happy stuff working for me

However, now if I take rodiola for 1 day, next day without it usually is great but the 2-3 after that feels like a withdrawal usually with depression and lack of motivation.
Before that I've tried choline [did very bad things to my anxiety, after first 2 weeks it just crashed my whole nervous system] , 5HTP - after few weeks tachycardia was too strong to continue, Inositol - okay but too weak to help on the long run... Got a romance with GHB in the past, too. Was great but probably f*kd up my GABA receptors, too.
I think I've just messed with the brain little too much

[vata imbalance].
So, coming back to Ash - 1st day was okay, took one pill and felt instantly calmer. 2nd day took 2 pills as recommended and felt terrible weak, was tired and with amazing headache [I never take any painkillers, but I had to do it on that day....]. 3rd day took only one pill - still got a headache, but somewhat milder.
On continuous days I'm taking half of a pill afternoon and other half before bed. Headaches are not there, or very slight.
However, rather strong nausea-feeling is persistent for all these days. I'm wondering whether this will cease. Also, ayurveda dr told me to take it for at least 3 months and combine it with Gotu Kola - I've tried this but had to stop as the mix was making me waaay too agitated/nervous.
+ Ash makes me really calm, anxiety and panic attacks are gone
+ Lowers blood pressure
+ Moderate libido enchancement
- Tiredness
- Headache / nausea
- Addiction / withdrawal potential [ ? ]
edit: Also, what saddens me is that some users reported that most effects 'wear off' after stopping taking Ash, so therefore there seems to be no long-term positive lasting effect... : - (
Will continue to take it, however I wonder if it does not create withdrawal/addiction as already mentioned by others - I recognise that 'GABA' feeling - even after going sleep around 1AM I can be awake at 6AM and feel rested [which as GHB teached me is not the right thing]. I do not want something to be hooked on. However, if THIS does not help I am planning to just cut off everything and go on without caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs, supplements and all of that. But I dont believe this will be easy in XXI world.

Sorry for the long post - hope you did not get too bored.
Edited by jetmangoa, 04 September 2013 - 03:20 PM.