I've been taking ashwagandha made by himalaya for the past year and a half without any break with amazing results. Once I contacted himalaya directly and asked about % active withanolides. If I remember corectly they told me it is 2.5%
I decided to try something stronger, just to see the diference. Today I ordered the one made by Jarrows with 8% Withanolides. This should be the most potent ashwagandha available on the market.
I will keep you informed after I try it. As a cronic user I will notice the diference
So Andrey, what did you think of the Jarrow brand compared to the Himilaya brand you've been taking? The Jarrow has a higher withanolide content but I'm not convinced that necessarily means it is any better.
Hi there. Sorry, at the end I ordered only Jarrow Rhodiola Rosea, and I canceled my ashwagandha order. This is because I read on the forum experiences of other users who tried Ashwagandha by NOW foods, which is also much stronger extract, and they had better and more positive effect from Himalaya extract. Not sure why. So I decided to continue with something that works...Is someone here has treid diferent producers please share. I know sensoril is good, maybe the best and maybe I will try it the future.. but my last order was again Himalaya.
So are you saying that he should take it 3 times daily? Once in the early AM, then again at 4PM and then once more before bedtime?
It depends on the extract. I personally take 250 mg extract so I take one every morning after coffee, and another ar 1:00 or 2:00. Sometimes at 5 pm. It depends how I feel. Sometimes even one in the morning is enough whole day. I don' take it anymore before bed. At the begining it helped a lot with sleep problems, but after a while it become worse, so I stopped to take it before bed. My usual dose is 500 mg per day, but sometimes (very rarely) I take 750 mg per day.
I can say that all this depends on the persons needs, and probably on the producer. Maybe if you take some stronger extract you will have to find your best, personal way of taking it. It took a lot of time to find a best way to take it. I just know that higher doses are not good because for one week i tried 1000 mg per day and I felt weard. You have to find your best working dose.
It makes sense to start with lower doses so don't buy extract with more than 300 mg. You can always take more if needed.
I can suggest that you start with 3 per day for one week (morning, afternoon, before bed), and after one week you can listen to your body and take one in the morning and another when needed. I don't take it when I don't feel the need. If I take it in the morning and if I feel normal through the day I will not take another. One in the morning for mi is a must.
Edited by Andrey_81, 07 October 2013 - 09:40 AM.