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The Downsides to Modafinil

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#1 jolly

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Posted 14 March 2005 - 02:59 AM

First, a bit of background. I had been taking modafinil, since 7/2/04 for ADD, in doses ranging from 100mg a day, to 200mg twice a day.

In that time, I've loved its effects on sleep and concendration, but recently skipping a dose and life events caused me to reexamine modafinil and its effects on me.

Speech: It's killed my ability to have fun doing my impromptu speeches. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with me, I'm on my schools speech and debate team, and historically do quite well) This year however, my performance there has been atrocious.

Concentration: I’ve been too focused on negative aspects of life, and not enough on actually counteracting them.

Long term outlook: While I have looked at long term issues, I haven’t actually brainstormed or thought about long term plans, esp. vs. what I used to. My general outlook on the long term picture has also been fairly negative.

Mood: I have been fairly down in the last few months, which I didn’t realize was due to modafinil, and thought it was more due to life in general.

Personal Interactions: I've been much more abrasive and harsh, especially with my close friends.

Dry Mouth: And of course, the ever aggravating, dry mouth.

Since coming off the modafinil, (I've been off for a week) my mood has skyrocketed, and I'm much more positive. The shocking thing was, I didn’t take it Sunday, and immediately my mind ended up churning out lots of long term plans to think about.

I was wondering if anyone else had any experience with the downsides to modafinil, or if my experience here was unique. As far as I knew, modafinils side effects were extremely limited, am I just an anomaly?

#2 enemy

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Posted 14 March 2005 - 05:01 AM

In response to jolly:

First, a bit of background. I had been taking modafinil, since 7/2/04 for ADD, in doses ranging from 100mg a day, to 200mg twice a day.

I don't like the broad notion of "ADD" in the first place, but I digress. I have been using modafinil Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in 200mg doses, strictly in regards to scholastic wakefulness for approximately 2 months. I work nights, so I am usually taking this 200mg dose on about 3h of sleep. Occasionally, I use 100mg on Saturday, after a full 10h "recovery" sleep. Saturday use is more of a novelty rather than necessity.

I can't say I do much public-speaking in a mathematics program, nor can I say it has affected my mood or personal interaction, as I am generally a pretty recalcitrant, obstinate, needling little bastard.

I can vouch for dry mouth. I chew a lot of gum, and it works, for the most part.

I am not a M.D. but possibly your longterm constant use could have depleted... something in your cerebral fluid that was fixed in your one week withdrawal.

For the most part, my usage has been generally positive.

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Posted 14 March 2005 - 05:16 AM

Modafinil's side effects are generally minimal. I don't necessarily doubt your subjective report, of course. Have you tried supplementing with neurotransmitter precursors? As enemy suggest, modafinil may be depleting something.

Try Alpha GPC, perhaps L-Tyrosine. I may even suggest 5-HTP but I don't know enough about this product, if you experience ups and downs using it, it's probably not worth it.

I'm curious, do you two buy modafinil online or did you manage to get an off-label prescription?

#4 scottl

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Posted 14 March 2005 - 06:40 PM

I thought I was the only one who doesn't like adrafinil/modafinil.

I only use it occasionally, and then to help stay awake. It works, but I get less done then almost any alternative e.g. caffeine, neurostim, heat + glucophase

I have not had any of the side effects he reports.

#5 lemon

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Posted 15 March 2005 - 01:17 AM

Modafinil is not a nootropic. Why are we discussing it here?

#6 wraith

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Posted 15 March 2005 - 02:54 AM

I am generally a pretty recalcitrant, obstinate, needling little bastard.

enemy, we should be friends!

#7 elevated

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 12:00 AM

I thought I was the only one who doesn't like adrafinil/modafinil.

I only use it occasionally, and then to help stay awake.  It works, but I get less done then almost any alternative e.g. caffeine, neurostim, heat + glucophase

I have not had any of the side effects he reports.

I have experienced effects with Adrafinil that have been both welcoming and displeasing. The upside to Adrafinil is the great energy and overall enhanced well being. Downside, the energy drops off and a severe depleted feeling comes about once the effects wind down.

Havent used Adrafinil for two weeks as of now, but for studying late nights, it will come in handy. The focus is also very intense with the Adrafinil.

However I am finding Buspar to be hacking away at my OCD for some strange reason, as I didnt think Buspar affected OCD. Whatever the case, I am in the zone right now which is awesome for studying. Im just hoping that this Buspar comes through in the OCD department, cause right now it seems to be working for just that (even though its for anxiety).

#8 jolly

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 06:13 AM

Hmm, I did think about something in my brain being depleted, but wasn't sure what it might be.

I was surprised at the side effects, given as you say - it does generally have a very good safety profile and minimal side effects.

ADD wise, I never really belived in it myself untill about a year and a half ago, and finding out far more about add. I never thought of myself as having a concendration problem, because I had never looked at it from that angle, once I did everything fell into place.

As far as sourcing, we have a very close family friend whos a psychiatrist, hes the one who had originally prescribed concerta for me. He ended up giving me lots of free samples...so while I diddn't technically have a prescription, I was taking it under supervised medical care.

I did take it pretty continously, if I was awake, odds are I had modaf in me, so that may have contributed.

@ State, for one of my speeches I hadn't taken modaf yet, and that speech, I had fun doing, and it was one of the best I had given in a long time (Impromptu)

Coming off it has been interesting, huge mood (and stamina ;-D) enhancement, but I miss the sleep benifits.


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Posted 16 March 2005 - 07:43 AM

Jolly did you take one recuperative sleep a week? A night where you could sleep in additional hours as your body may have required. I know this sounds rather silly, but according to you, modafinil was in your system almost constantly over many months. Alternatively, could you have come off modafinil one or two days a week to avoid burnout?

I use adrafinil occassionally, I do not require it nor do I want to use it daily but with occassional use the effects are inconsistent for me.


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Posted 16 March 2005 - 07:46 AM

Could you post your sleep schedule, monday to sunday?

#11 jolly

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 06:05 PM

For the most part, I never really used modafinil for the sleep effects. It wasn't untill the last month or so that I actually used modaf in that sense.

Actually, almost counterintuitivly, I at times got more sleep being on modaf -
My mind jumps around constantly, without being on modaf I'd stay up till my physical limits, cause there was always something new to do. With modaf, while I wouldn't be as tired, my mind wouldnt jump around so much, so I'd get more sleep.

Sunday Nights, and Tues-Thurs, I generally got about 8 hours of sleep
Friday, Sat and Monday nights far less, often 4 or so.

Remember, the primary focus for me with the modaf was the effects on attention, not sleep.

#12 power.bulls.x

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 12:57 PM

would have been the perfect stim if we knew how does it mess with neurotransmiters.

#13 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 03:48 PM

I thought I was the only one who doesn't like adrafinil/modafinil.

Count me in. Small dose doesn't do much for me, larger dose (300-500mg) works well but i get anxius by the end of the day. Everything looks negative. Last time i took it i tried to self analyze myself. While I could thing of few good things, number of negative things on my mind was much larger. It was interesting how unbalanced i felt. Anyway modafinil is not for me....nor tablets nor powder

#14 goku

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Posted 24 April 2006 - 08:00 AM

Works wonders for me, but I indubitably have a backlash effect if I'm on one day and then come off the next. I also desensitize, and am pretty sure everyone and anyone will and would. It's like anything, unfortunately. Just as caffeine loses potency. It's a beauty for occasional use though. Very smooth

#15 jolly

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 03:58 PM

I agree - I wish we understood its effects on neurotransmitters better.
On another note, long term usage of Concerta (ADD medication, similar to Ritalin) has similar effects on me as modafinil - but far milder in severity.

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#16 dclear

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Posted 13 June 2008 - 11:06 PM

Modafanil gave me the WORST dry mouth I'd ever experienced, and I've been on more than a few drying agents. Unfortunatly, I had to stop using it within a couple of days, so I didn't experience any beneficial effects from it (I'm a vocalist.)

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