The endo does not seem to be forth coming and the internist although she means well and generously ordered a ton of tests and neuro referral, the supplement info just fall into deaf ears, which is why I was asking the other day for an RD/nutritionist referral so maybe they can help me. The endo does not seem to know much about metabolic disorders related to muscle wasting. They all have nice credentials great school backgrounds but don't know anything about my condition. The neuro even said she doesn't see any muscle wasting but concedes that she is not me and if I feel it then I am more aware of my body. I just told her that I can form a cup now out of my hand when i try to measure the back of my neck, that a lot of inches lost. She stated at the end that it could be disuse atrophy.
But niner, so assuming the supplement had something to do with it, with D-Ribose, it causes hypoglycemia when you OD, I also read that it can cause hyperinsulinemia, but prolonged effects? So we have either of the two, how do you address the hyperinsulinemia?
Also, I remember taking a digestive enzyme called Pancreatin for some months. It has lipase in it, and I read that lipase is implicated in muscle wasting, but I'm not sure, can you kindly look it up because I don't know a lot of the terms surrounding it in the studies I found.
Finally, that I think I have high cortisol as evident in the first 24hr urine test, so it could still be the reason why I'm catabolizing right, so I purchased Relora and CLA as per Lufega's advice. Does CLA cause hypertension do you know?
Neither an RD nor a nutritionist are going to know a thing about what happened with the ribose. I doubt any doctors would either. That is such an unusual result that I'm starting to think it would take a scientist who does metabolic research to explain it, if anyone could. One thing that the doctors can do well is evaluate your musculature. If your doctor says she doesn't see muscle wasting, that's actually a good thing. Maybe you aren't as close to death as you think. We still need to explain what it is that you're experiencing, though. I'm not sure what you mean about being able to form a cup out of your hand. If I turn my palm upward, I can form a cup with my hand- is that what you mean?
You said that you had a very pronounced central adiposity, and that you had gained about 50 lbs, all of it around your midsection. Is it possible that what you're experiencing as muscle wasting is actually a migration of fat from your extremities to the center? That could certainly leave your hands and feet looking hollowed out. What did the endocrinologist say about the central obesity?
I don't know about hyperinsulinemia. Did you ever have an insulin level done? That seems like the kind of thing that an endocrinologist would know about. Pancreatin is just a mixture of digestive enzymes. It might help you digest proteins, carbohydrates, or lipids if you have any enzyme defects in those areas. I don't really see a relationship between lipase and muscle wasting. CLA is considered a treatment for metabolic syndrome, and is reported to prevent the hypertension that comes with obesity, so it doesn't sound like it would cause hypertension; more like prevent it...