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#31 niner

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Posted 19 June 2012 - 08:19 PM

I started on some antibiotics last night for my bladder infection and it is alot better this morning barely noticable. I still feel great, much more alert and overall better.
I still have this weird feeling on my tongue, almost like it had been mildly burnt. I am going to go to the doctor on the 25th and I will have her do a blood test. Is their anything you recommend I have her check out?

I seem to sweat easier than before I noticed just playing ball with my son for 30 minutes lead to an almost soaked tee shirt. However, I do live in Ky and it has been really humid here.

Glad to hear you're feeling better. You could have just had a coincidental infection; this is why we would normally want to have a large number of people taking the drug at the same time, along with another large number taking the vehicle (olive oil, in this case) without the drug. That would let us sort out whether an effect was from the drug or just a coincidence. How are your sinuses feeling? That could have been yet another infection, or an allergic response, or god knows. As far as what to ask the doctor, I'd just try to get the infection issues diagnosed and cleared up, if there's anything there. The various effects you're feeling could actually be a combination of drug-caused effects and placebo effects. When you've taken the potion, it's hard not to feel something.

#32 zorba990

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Posted 19 June 2012 - 08:35 PM

I started on some antibiotics last night for my bladder infection and it is alot better this morning barely noticable. I still feel great, much more alert and overall better.
I still have this weird feeling on my tongue, almost like it had been mildly burnt. I am going to go to the doctor on the 25th and I will have her do a blood test. Is their anything you recommend I have her check out?

I seem to sweat easier than before I noticed just playing ball with my son for 30 minutes lead to an almost soaked tee shirt. However, I do live in Ky and it has been really humid here.

Glad to hear you're feeling better. You could have just had a coincidental infection; this is why we would normally want to have a large number of people taking the drug at the same time, along with another large number taking the vehicle (olive oil, in this case) without the drug. That would let us sort out whether an effect was from the drug or just a coincidence. How are your sinuses feeling? That could have been yet another infection, or an allergic response, or god knows. As far as what to ask the doctor, I'd just try to get the infection issues diagnosed and cleared up, if there's anything there. The various effects you're feeling could actually be a combination of drug-caused effects and placebo effects. When you've taken the potion, it's hard not to feel something.

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#33 JohnD60

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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:27 PM

The C60 in oo is supposed to help the immune system to fight infections, surely not the opposite.

I don't remember that, Where is that from?

#34 daouda

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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:57 PM

Well I simply deducted it from this

The study remarks how it is normal for Wistar rats to die of tumors or pneumonia, and how the C60-treated rats neither developed cancer nor lung problems – they simply died of general organ failure associated with old age – they reached their genetical maximum lifespan, so to speak. Whereas the rats in the control group – Wistar rats of the same age and genetically on a par with their C60 brethren, died of tumors and pneumonia.

Taken from c60antiaging.com, which are c60/oo sellers...
But I must admit that I havent been able to find anything relative to this in the study paper!!! http://extremelongev...0-Fullerene.pdf

Anyway if we give credit to the study then if c60/oo had been doing anything to these rats immune system, it should rather be something that helped them to fight infections better than the control rats, rather than hinder it.

#35 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 20 June 2012 - 01:07 AM

Well I simply deducted it from this

The study remarks how it is normal for Wistar rats to die of tumors or pneumonia, and how the C60-treated rats neither developed cancer nor lung problems – they simply died of general organ failure associated with old age – they reached their genetical maximum lifespan, so to speak. Whereas the rats in the control group – Wistar rats of the same age and genetically on a par with their C60 brethren, died of tumors and pneumonia.

Taken from c60antiaging.com, which are c60/oo sellers...
But I must admit that I havent been able to find anything relative to this in the study paper!!! http://extremelongev...0-Fullerene.pdf

Anyway if we give credit to the study then if c60/oo had been doing anything to these rats immune system, it should rather be something that helped them to fight infections better than the control rats, rather than hinder it.

Nope. That's not it. They died of tumors because their immune systems were overreacting. Tumors grow through the inflammatory cytokines expressed by the immune system.

Read Kevin Tracey, 2007, to get clear about how this works... There's a link to it in the cholinergic antinflammatory pathway thread.

#36 maxwatt

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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:48 AM

So is it possible the rats lived so long only because they did not get tumors? The TNF theory would imply it will not prove as effective at prolonging maximum lifespan in other mammals that do not die primarily from cancer, such as primates.

Preventing tumors is still worthwhile, but we may not see 150-year old primates any time soon, not even in 150 years.

#37 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 20 June 2012 - 12:38 PM

TNF is implicated in many more diseases that kill us off than just tumors. It plays a profound role in the diseases implicating the 5-Lipoxygenase Inflammatory Pathway.

LEF said earlier this year that 5-LO was the trigger for 7 of the top 10 causes of death in the US. A study of aging for the International Space Station implicates 5-Lipoxygenase as being a probable candidate for more rapid aging in space.

I'm not saying that TNF is the be all and end all of extending life span. Cynthia Kenyon found that no single gene of C. Elegans could explain longevity in that worm. So it must be even more complex in humans.

That said, TNF has some sort of relationship to way too many Longevity Genes for it not to be important. It's no trivial matter to deal effectively with TNF and I think this Buckyball study gives us a leg up to figure out how to do it.

Edited by wccaguy, 20 June 2012 - 12:51 PM.

#38 niner

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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:03 PM

That said, TNF has some sort of relationship to way too many Longevity Genes for it not to be important. It's no trivial matter to deal effectively with TNF and I think this Buckyball study gives us a leg up to figure out how to do it.

TNF is a ubiquitous molecule that is involved in inflammation. Inflammation is involved in a huge number of disease states; probably most of them. That doesn't mean that TNF has anything to do with the results that Baati reported. There is simply no evidence for that. Zero. None. Finding the words "TNF" and "fullerene" in the same abstract isn't evidence unless the facts of the paper show the appropriate kind of link. I'm not seeing that.
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#39 jg42122

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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:37 PM

A few updates my infection has gone away as far as I can tell anyways. I still fell overall better, and I have lost about 5 pounds, which is probably due to me being more active.

#40 JohnD60

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 03:54 PM

A few updates my infection has gone away as far as I can tell anyways. I still fell overall better, and I have lost about 5 pounds, which is probably due to me being more active.

unless you were very overweight to start, I can't find your weight in your first post, a 5 pound weight lose would be worrisome to me. But it could be due to your infection.

#41 tintinet

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:12 PM

A few updates my infection has gone away as far as I can tell anyways. I still fell overall better, and I have lost about 5 pounds, which is probably due to me being more active.

unless you were very overweight to start, I can't find your weight in your first post, a 5 pound weight lose would be worrisome to me. But it could be due to your infection.

I'll bet my weight fluctuates 5 lbs. over the course of the week, just due to variation in hydration.

"The dramatic weight loss many people experience at the beginning of any diet is usually due to a large drop in body water content. Interestingly bodybuilders will ‘drop water’ with diuretics at the end of their diet before a contest and routinely lose an additional 7-10 lbs of bodyweight the day before a show."

Edited by tintinet, 21 June 2012 - 05:16 PM.

#42 jg42122

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:25 PM

A few updates my infection has gone away as far as I can tell anyways. I still fell overall better, and I have lost about 5 pounds, which is probably due to me being more active.

unless you were very overweight to start, I can't find your weight in your first post, a 5 pound weight lose would be worrisome to me. But it could be due to your infection.

I am 5ft10in and now weigh 219, I started out at 225, I seriously think it is due to me being a lot more active.

#43 jg42122

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:29 PM

A few updates my infection has gone away as far as I can tell anyways. I still fell overall better, and I have lost about 5 pounds, which is probably due to me being more active.

unless you were very overweight to start, I can't find your weight in your first post, a 5 pound weight lose would be worrisome to me. But it could be due to your infection.

I'll bet my weight fluctuates 5 lbs. over the course of the week, just due to variation in hydration.

"The dramatic weight loss many people experience at the beginning of any diet is usually due to a large drop in body water content. Interestingly bodybuilders will ‘drop water’ with diuretics at the end of their diet before a contest and routinely lose an additional 7-10 lbs of bodyweight the day before a show."

I am not on a diet, just taking the c60 all eating patterns are exactly the same. Like I said before I believe I have lost weight due to the fact that I am more active now. Which would mean you are correct, I have lost water due to sweat.

#44 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:49 PM

I will give you that... I do notice sweating has increased.


#45 daouda

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:54 PM

Unless you live in the southern hemisphere, wouldnt it be normal as the weather has been getting hotter with summer settling in?

#46 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 06:00 PM

I live with AC everywhere I go here in Miami...

When your sweat increases, even though you have not changed the AC setting... well, I don't think that is normal in my book.


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#47 jg42122

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 06:14 PM

I live with AC everywhere I go here in Miami...

When your sweat increases, even though you have not changed the AC setting... well, I don't think that is normal in my book.



I keep the AC on 71 and it's still not cool enough for me sometimes. I have reported about the burning sensation I have experienced on my tongue which kinda made me worry. After doing some research on that I found it could possibly be a symptom of over heating on the inside. I still have that feeling on my tounge. Have you felt anything on yours?

#48 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 06:29 PM

Nope, just realized I was sweating a few times during the day (and at night), which had me wondering if the AC needed fixing.

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#49 gizmobrain

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 06:36 PM

Got a thermometer? Check your temp. :)

#50 Hebbeh

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 06:42 PM

Increased temperature = improved mitochondrial function.... Woo hoo!!!

#51 zorba990

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 06:49 PM

I live with AC everywhere I go here in Miami...

When your sweat increases, even though you have not changed the AC setting... well, I don't think that is normal in my book.



I keep the AC on 71 and it's still not cool enough for me sometimes. I have reported about the burning sensation I have experienced on my tongue which kinda made me worry. After doing some research on that I found it could possibly be a symptom of over heating on the inside. I still have that feeling on my tounge. Have you felt anything on yours?

Mitochondrial uncoupling?

#52 jg42122

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 07:12 PM

I have also had some increased dreams lately, almost as detailed as they were when I tried the nicotine patch.

#53 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 07:24 PM

Increased temperature = improved mitochondrial function.... Woo hoo!!!

As long as it doesn't lead to spontaneous human combustion I am cool with it.

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#54 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 07:48 PM

Got a thermometer? Check your temp. :)

Yup, I will do that when taking the next batch.

I just didn't think about it.

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#55 daouda

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 10:42 PM

With all this talk of increased temp it might be interesting to do a thyroid panel blood test pre and post-c60?

#56 smithx

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 11:10 PM

Increased temperature = improved mitochondrial function.... Woo hoo!!!

Actually it could also be the opposite.

It could either be more mitochondrial activity, or it could be less efficient activity, generating more waste heat and less ATP.

#57 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 11:40 PM

I've noticed two things. I feel sleepy about 90 minutes after I take it. And I have the sweat for a while after too.

Edited by wccaguy, 21 June 2012 - 11:45 PM.

#58 jg42122

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 11:50 PM

I took the day off from the c60 yesterday, and this morning while taking my antibiotics for my bladder infection I am 100% sure it is gone now no burning for the last 24 hrs even after drinking a Coke and a Mountain dew. I will resume the c60 tonight, and will be watching for any infection to come back. I have noticed in the last few hours some of the mucas in my lungs has returned, my smokers cough seems to be returning. I am not sure if that is because I stopped taking the c60 or not. I am going to monitor that as well, still feel a whole lot better though.

#59 Rob Wegner

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 11:55 PM

When you exercise hard, you naturally raise your body temperature. As most people know, exercise leads to longer life.

However, calorie restriction lowers body temperature: http://www.impactagi...ull/100280.html

Also, Low Body Temperature is Related to Longevity.

Edited by Rob Wegner, 22 June 2012 - 12:08 AM.

#60 Hebbeh

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Posted 22 June 2012 - 12:31 AM

Increased temperature = improved mitochondrial function.... Woo hoo!!!

Actually it could also be the opposite.

It could either be more mitochondrial activity, or it could be less efficient activity, generating more waste heat and less ATP.

However, if it was due to less efficient mitochondrial function, by uncoupling or other wise, we wouldn't have reports of members easily running their fastest 5k race times ever even though not seriously training, reports of turnbuckle running for the first time in years, and other members reporting more energy and productivity. And not a single report of less energy or greater effort...which is what occurs with uncoupling....ask any dieter that has used uncoupling drugs/supplements...DNP anyone? All of these reports are indicative of more efficient mitochondrial function...more stamina, energy, and endurance.
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