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Noopept - long-term experience (more than a simple nootropic)

long-term noopept euphoria social nootropic

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#1 West-en

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 04:08 PM

Noopept is my favourite nootropic, and I've tried a lot of them! But I've noticed especially after using noopept daily for several months (a little less than half a year), a lot more good effects than simply the cognitive enhancing effect I sought after when first starting.

First I want to shortly discuss the cognitive effects I've noticed. Noopept for me seems to work on several different levels. It enhances my perception quite remarkably. Vision is most noticeable. It's like I not only notice details more, but the overall picture becomes clearer. This is hard to explain, but it's a clear effect when visiting crowded centres where a lot of peripheral motion is present. My mind seem to be able to keep track of the relative motions of all the people in my periphery, as well as the details I'm focusing on at the moment. When starting dosing I found myself thoroughly examining the patterns in the side-walk and walls. Here the detail is more pronounced.

Other senses are affected as well. My olfactory sense seems to be able to distinguish certain scents to a larger degree, it's almost like the resolution has been turned up. Hearing was one of the things that clearly was affected when starting, but it is not as noticeable after long term dosing for me. At the start though, it was bizarre.

I tried some high dose experiments (40-50mg) the first few days and I seriously thought I had gotten some strange psychedelic RC instead! When listening to music there were a clear 'distortion' and my mind felt almost a little bit tripping. But no hallucinations were present, strange indeed. After a while I came to the conclusion that what really was happening was I had acquired a more selective ability to focus. The apparent distortions of music were in fact the result of my attention rapidly shifting to the environment to my thoughts and back to the music and causing a noticeable difference in the experienced music (does this make sense to someone else?).

After a few days (and lowering of the dose) the strange psychedelic effects did lessen sharply and I were more confident that it was actually noopept (mushroom smell). A friend after trying for a few days were really surprised that it worked (he's always been sceptical to my claimed effects of racetams and other nootropics)! He did say that the experience was like the "cognitive improvements from LSD without the hallucinations".

When it comes to memory I really notice a strong effect. It's not like I have a constant feeling of my present memory capabilities, but memories I thought were long lost suddenly appears in a vivid fashion. Also, it's much easier to keep track of how I got to a certain place in my mind, my spatial memory is clearly affected. I haven't measured direct learning though, but I have all reasons to expect it is improved.

After some week something totally unexpected happened. It suddenly were A LOT easier to deal with people! To understand the revolution here you must understand that I've always had great problems with understanding other peoples irrational rules (social customs) and behaviours, and therefore I've had a hard time accepting them. Also, I've a really hard time memorizing faces as well as understanding speech, they don't come as naturally to me as for other people. This leads to not an insecurity with people (not in the sense of ordinary social anxiety/phobia) but an unwillingness to be in crowded areas and confrontations because I simply don't understand behaviours or rules I'm supposed to align to (it's like a mystery). This has all changed DRAMATICALLY. With long term dosage, I more and more feel like "I get" humans so to say. I no longer have the constant sense that I'm caught in a herd of faceless animals when visiting crowded places and I can hear what people are saying over phone.

Another surprising effect is on my feelings. I wouldn't really call noopept directly euphoric, but definitely indirectly. I can suddenly find myself crying of joy on the bus because of the wonders of the existence of the mind and the universe. It's like I see the world more of the machine that it is, and the gears really are wonderful. Also people - they too are quite euphoric (someone said MDMA-like affections which is understandable).

Another effect is the pleasure derived from music. Before I of course enjoyed music, but now it's on a different plane. Music (especially orchestral) can at times feel like a really good massage for the eardrums (hard to explain the feeling, but it's pleasurable). Also I feel like I hear all the instrument at the same time to a greater degree.

I've read of some peoples experience with a lowering of the libido, and to some degree I agree but not entirely. For me I can maybe find myself overall less sexual, but when aroused there's no difference (no impotence so to say). Also there's a very clear shift in how much time I spend looking at pretty women when outside for example. It's like I more understand and appreciate the beauty and sexuality of the attractive gender.

When it comes to dosing daily over a long time, I find that taking a break on weekends (that is 2/7 days a week) seems sufficient. Tolerance builds up for sure, but I'm not really of the opinion that this is a result of a lesser sensitivity to the drug as to a more accustomed mind. I do mostly take these breaks because the effect on Monday is profound (with the crying and all) and to limit a possible tolerance (although I think it would be perfectly usable daily without breaks).

There's one clear side effect though, and that is the irritability. I as many others, have noticed an irritability especially directed at other people. This I do not have great problems with, and it's definitely worth to trade off for everything else. I'm suspected it has something to do with an increased perception (real or not) of intelligence, and therefore an irritation directed at those less fortunate (at the beginning I could have some serious rants at stupidity - not any more). Another reason I suspect is that as the focus are deepened, the irritation spawns from the distractions (which often are people). I'm glad to say however that with daily dosage it's a lot easier to handle.

Over long time I find an increasing effect though (as opposed to pure tolerance). Sure, I don't notice the direct effects as much but it really lingers and builds up which is noticeable when I compare my mindset now to that of the time before starting this experiment. I completely believe that noopept is causing some lasting changes in the brain. I'm suspecting this has to do with some build-up of neurotrophic factors (NGF/BDNF) but I don't have some scientific basis for that claim. It would though both explain the build-up and lasting effects I notice, as well as the initial euphoria (often reported from cerebrolysin users). I sure as hell wouldn't say that it looses it's effect after time, but yes, it's clearly less noticeable. That makes sense to me though, since we mostly thrive on difference and not a static state or slow build-up.

A summary of all of this would be a general feeling of a greater existence. It's like me and my mind are more 'there' in the environment and the world as a whole. I live, feel and experience more so to say. If being drunk is a low level of existence (I actually feel like it is), this is the exact opposite.

Oh, the doses I've been taking is mostly (95%) one time daily (at morning) of ~30mg.

So, thought about this? Is someone else having profound long term effects and thinking that they have finally found THE nootropic for them?
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#2 skypower

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 04:54 PM

Seems you are having amazing results; thanks for posting!

I might try noopept myself this summer.
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#3 NDM

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 09:12 PM

Congrats for the moral courage of persevering with noopept, in spite of the tide of fear that scared so many others in this forum (specifically males dreading that noopept will compromise their sexual performance). The world goes forward because of brave souls like you!

#4 MangekyōPeter

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Posted 22 June 2012 - 07:59 AM

Sweet review of Noopept Bro.. :) have you ever tried combining noopept with other racetams? any noticeable combo effects then? :D

#5 FutureOrtho

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Posted 22 June 2012 - 11:19 AM

Thanks West-en, I really appreciate your detailed review! I've been wanting to try noopept and have been interested in hearing about long term use. I have some other pootropic expirementing to do before I try it, but your review brings more confidence in my decision use it in the near future. Cheers.

P.S. What other supplements/nootropics are you using in conjunction with the noopept?
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#6 8bitmore

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Posted 22 June 2012 - 09:07 PM

Oh, the doses I've been taking is mostly (95%) one time daily (at morning) of ~30mg.

How do you take the dose, sublingual / oral? In powder / pill form? Thanks for your review, sounds like you've hit jackpot with this particular racetam!

#7 knutsayang

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Posted 23 June 2012 - 06:31 AM

Does it dissolve in water? I was thinking of dissolving 100mg (my scale cannot measure accurately v small amounts) in water and drinking 1/10th at a time. Is this feasible? Will it last over 5 days in water?

#8 Baten

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Posted 23 June 2012 - 07:49 AM

Does it dissolve in water? I was thinking of dissolving 100mg (my scale cannot measure accurately v small amounts) in water and drinking 1/10th at a time. Is this feasible? Will it last over 5 days in water?

It's fat soluble, so no dice.

About the social benefits, I noticed euphoria and being more socially outgoing, too. I found noopept perfect as a social lubricant before going out of the house.

#9 knutsayang

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Posted 23 June 2012 - 07:58 AM

Does it dissolve in water? I was thinking of dissolving 100mg (my scale cannot measure accurately v small amounts) in water and drinking 1/10th at a time. Is this feasible? Will it last over 5 days in water?

It's fat soluble, so no dice.

About the social benefits, I noticed euphoria and being more socially outgoing, too. I found noopept perfect as a social lubricant before going out of the house.

What about withdrawal? Any withdrawal symptoms on stopping or downregulation of any sorts i,e, worse off than before starting use?

#10 manic_racetam

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Posted 23 June 2012 - 05:32 PM

Does it dissolve in water? I was thinking of dissolving 100mg (my scale cannot measure accurately v small amounts) in water and drinking 1/10th at a time. Is this feasible? Will it last over 5 days in water?

It's fat soluble, so no dice.

About the social benefits, I noticed euphoria and being more socially outgoing, too. I found noopept perfect as a social lubricant before going out of the house.

What about withdrawal? Any withdrawal symptoms on stopping or downregulation of any sorts i,e, worse off than before starting use?

If you don't go over 30mg of daily dosage withdrawal symptoms seem non-existent. When I was taking stupidly high doses (100mg BID) for two weeks straight I did notice a withdrawal. When I abruptly went from 200mg/day to 0mg/day I noticed quite bad depression and also a 3 hour session of suicidal ideation (while driving through the mountains).... which in retrospect, is quite terrifying.

That's why staying within the recommended dosage is highly advisable in my opinion. And honestly, there's no reason to go over 30mg a day unless you're looking for very transient euphoria (like 1-3 days of extreme serenity followed by a sudden and disappointing drop-off to base-line).

No lasting negative effects that I've noticed though.
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#11 West-en

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Posted 23 June 2012 - 11:31 PM

Thanks for the appreciation! My hope was that it could help!

Sweet review of Noopept Bro.. :) have you ever tried combining noopept with other racetams? any noticeable combo effects then? :D

Yes I have. Since I've got most of the common nootropics at home, I've tried several combinations. It mixes well with ordinary racetams (I'm very sceptical to calling noopept a racetam at all). I can't really for certain say that there is a synergy going on, but it is quite possible.

Thanks West-en, I really appreciate your detailed review! I've been wanting to try noopept and have been interested in hearing about long term use. I have some other pootropic expirementing to do before I try it, but your review brings more confidence in my decision use it in the near future. Cheers.

P.S. What other supplements/nootropics are you using in conjunction with the noopept?

Thanks yourself! I've tried racetams, adrafinil, sulbutiamine, choline supplements (alpha-GPC escpecially), theanine, caffeine, ALCAR and some others! I were surprised how well it mixes with stimulants (adrafinil, caffeine, ALCAR). It makes the 'jumpy' side effects less pronounced and here I can pretty much confirm a nice synergy. Sulbutiamine isn't jumpy at all for me, so there I've not noticed some altered effect. Theanine seems to work very well as well (it is more noticeable than alone), especially is social situations and I highly recommend it with caffeine. Mostly I prefer to use noopept alone until more interaction data becomes available. It's a relatively new substance after all!

How do you take the dose, sublingual / oral? In powder / pill form? Thanks for your review, sounds like you've hit jackpot with this particular racetam!

I've got it powderized so I use it sublingually as well as orally. Sublingual administration is quicker, but since the oral onset is extremely fast (I thought it was placebo the first time I noticed effects since it were 20 minutes after administration). Therefore, I do not see much point in sublingual use (it tastes bad and the irritation is slightly more pronounced, probably because of a shorter onset). It is useful though if you seek extremely fast onset or if you want to pronounce the effects. A large sublingual dose (~40 mg) is nearly impossible to dismiss as placebo.

Does it dissolve in water? I was thinking of dissolving 100mg (my scale cannot measure accurately v small amounts) in water and drinking 1/10th at a time. Is this feasible? Will it last over 5 days in water?

It does dissolve in water, I can really confirm this fact (this is my most common administration method since the taste isn't pleasing). But it is not easily dissolved. An ordinary dose (~30 mg) in a large glass of water dissolves with some ambitious stirring (warm water is recommended). I would also recommend milk or any other slightly fatty liquid. Alcohol works fine. But try using pure water, it is possible with some work.

It's fat soluble, so no dice.

About the social benefits, I noticed euphoria and being more socially outgoing, too. I found noopept perfect as a social lubricant before going out of the house.

Yes, I always nowadays use a larger dose of noopept for social gatherings, especially when alcohol is involved. It does some really amazing work on alcohol intoxication. In large enough doses it pretty much eliminates speech issues and general cognitive deprivation. Also, it really helps me engage socially! Extremely useful for this.

What about withdrawal? Any withdrawal symptoms on stopping or downregulation of any sorts i,e, worse off than before starting use?

This is an interesting topic! I can confirm the existence of withdrawal symptoms. They are not really strong though, but when using medium to high doses for a time (about a week is sufficient) the day without noopept is experienced slightly cognitive deprived. I'm not really sure if it drops you below baseline (rebound effect), but it is noticeable.

I dismiss any severity of the problem for me though. As I said my breaks are often positioned at weekends when no heavy work is planned. Also the improvement of noopept outweighs the little withdrawal. Finally the withdrawal is weak on the first day, barely noticeable the second and gone the third.

If you don't go over 30mg of daily dosage withdrawal symptoms seem non-existent. When I was taking stupidly high doses (100mg BID) for two weeks straight I did notice a withdrawal. When I abruptly went from 200mg/day to 0mg/day I noticed quite bad depression and also a 3 hour session of suicidal ideation (while driving through the mountains).... which in retrospect, is quite terrifying.

That's why staying within the recommended dosage is highly advisable in my opinion. And honestly, there's no reason to go over 30mg a day unless you're looking for very transient euphoria (like 1-3 days of extreme serenity followed by a sudden and disappointing drop-off to base-line).

No lasting negative effects that I've noticed though.

I read your experience about that! It sounds quite scary indeed! I would never recommend people using so insane dosages, but it is very interesting that you've got this piece of information to share. The highest I've gone is ~70 mg and it turned out to large of a dose (one time experiment with alcohol - I didn't feel cognitive deprived at all at a dose alcohol that usually makes speech difficult). Also it is not very well researched, and 30 mg is the recommended maximum daily dosage. I've never experienced any depression effects from noopept withdrawal, it's mostly a mild cognitive deprivation for me (but I've not dosed that high either) not unlike that the day after a light alcohol usage.

A final word on high doses: avoid them. If you want a stronger effect try it sublingually. If you notice lack of effect after long term usage, don't up the dose above 40-50 mg/daily, instead take two-day breaks (or longer) and most importantly, consider that the lack of effect can be your mind getting accustomed to the new baseline.
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#12 MrHappy

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 12:54 PM

Has anyone taking noopept for 3 months+, without the Russian recommended month-long break, noticed any reduction of effect? I was looking into increasing BDNF and read that the longterm effect is to down-regulate TrkB receptors. This might be the reason for the recommended month-long break.

Edited by MrHappy, 24 June 2012 - 12:56 PM.

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#13 knutsayang

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:09 AM

What about withdrawal? Any withdrawal symptoms on stopping or downregulation of any sorts i,e, worse off than before starting use?

If you don't go over 30mg of daily dosage withdrawal symptoms seem non-existent. When I was taking stupidly high doses (100mg BID) for two weeks straight I did notice a withdrawal. When I abruptly went from 200mg/day to 0mg/day I noticed quite bad depression and also a 3 hour session of suicidal ideation (while driving through the mountains).... which in retrospect, is quite terrifying.

That's why staying within the recommended dosage is highly advisable in my opinion. And honestly, there's no reason to go over 30mg a day unless you're looking for very transient euphoria (like 1-3 days of extreme serenity followed by a sudden and disappointing drop-off to base-line).

No lasting negative effects that I've noticed though.

What about withdrawal? Any withdrawal symptoms on stopping or downregulation of any sorts i,e, worse off than before starting use?

This is an interesting topic! I can confirm the existence of withdrawal symptoms. They are not really strong though, but when using medium to high doses for a time (about a week is sufficient) the day without noopept is experienced slightly cognitive deprived. I'm not really sure if it drops you below baseline (rebound effect), but it is noticeable.

I dismiss any severity of the problem for me though. As I said my breaks are often positioned at weekends when no heavy work is planned. Also the improvement of noopept outweighs the little withdrawal. Finally the withdrawal is weak on the first day, barely noticeable the second and gone the third.

Thanks for your feedback! So would you say that if after 3 months of use, I stopped for a month, I would be better off compared to my baseline? Or does it eventually come back to where you were before starting in terms of cognitive abilities? The reason why I'm asking is because when I was on dexamphetamine, I felt that eventually after months when I stopped, I could concentrate even less compared to before beginning treatment i.e I became sort of dependent on it to function well although there might not have been any outward withdrawal symptoms.

Edited by knutsayang, 25 June 2012 - 07:11 AM.

#14 West-en

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Posted 28 June 2012 - 11:35 AM

Has anyone taking noopept for 3 months+, without the Russian recommended month-long break, noticed any reduction of effect? I was looking into increasing BDNF and read that the longterm effect is to down-regulate TrkB receptors. This might be the reason for the recommended month-long break.

Interesting information! Is it proved that Noopept in fact increases BDNF as primary action?

Thanks for your feedback! So would you say that if after 3 months of use, I stopped for a month, I would be better off compared to my baseline? Or does it eventually come back to where you were before starting in terms of cognitive abilities? The reason why I'm asking is because when I was on dexamphetamine, I felt that eventually after months when I stopped, I could concentrate even less compared to before beginning treatment i.e I became sort of dependent on it to function well although there might not have been any outward withdrawal symptoms.

What you are talking about regarding dextroamphetamine (awful drug really) is called a "rebound effect".

The rebound effect, or rebound phenomenon, is the tendency of some medications, in sudden discontinuation, to cause a return of the symptoms it relieved, and that, to a degree stronger than they were before treatment first began.

When it comes to noopept it's a bit tricky. When using it daily for a long period, some kind of lesser sensitivity/tolerance builds up. I'm arguing how real this tolerance is though, since I'm feeling that I'm functioning better and better with long-term noopept usage even though the immediate and obvious effects are diminished. Then, when suddenly stopping noopept usage, on the first day, the second (and possibly the third to some degree) a little bit of withdrawal can be felt. However I'm not sure it's a real rebound effect though. I'm suspecting that I'm still functioning better than without noopept altogether, even though it feels like a set-back (i.e. it never really goes beyond baseline).

What happens thereafter is interesting. When the immediate withdrawal subsides (after a day or two - don't be intimidated by the word 'withdrawal') I still notice a lingering effect for a long time. My brain is still feeling the improvements of noopept (better social interaction) even though I've been through the 'withdrawal' phase. Compare this to what cerebrolysin users report when taking breaks. There seems to be some lasting changes!

Then to your actual question. If you use it for three months daily and then stop for a month I suspect that you would in fact reach baseline again. I can't be sure though since I've not tried it and it requires some repeatable, real testing of ones abilities. I'm basing this on the fact that a month seems like a long time to be without noopept and probably is no way necessary to keep yourself from developing tolerance! From the top of my head, I would recommend a break of no longer than 1 - 2 weeks before continuing again. Of course there's no harm in staying away for a longer period than that, but I don't feel it's necessary. One would be wise though to remember that this is a highly new chemical, and that it might be safe to do long breaks just for your own safety.

Personally, I'm not going to be taking breaks longer than a week. My breaks usually are 2-3 days a week (over the weekends) and that is sufficient for me (I enjoy the feeling of accumulating effect). If you feel this is insufficient, increase to one, or in extreme cases two, weeks. If you want to trade the build-up in exchange for a safer dosing regimen (since we actually don't know much about possible long term toxicity), then try a month. But I'm sure you will be back to baseline or very close. It's safer though, and if I remember correctly, what is recommended by the manufacturer.
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#15 MrHappy

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Posted 28 June 2012 - 12:11 PM


BDNF and NGF, for starters. Increasing AC pathway efficiency is another effect.

#16 golden1

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Posted 28 June 2012 - 04:00 PM

All of that experience sounds like my effects from aniracetam, excluding w/d and irritability(some social irritablity only if you didnt want to interact though..otherwise pretty much the opposite I found). I've tried both and aniracetam feels much more... correct? I'm not sure, I've tried Noopept 10+ different occasions daily(mushroomy ch powder/clumps, 10-30mg, usually 20mg) and it always felt amazing very much like aniracetam but with a mix piracetam's headspace and oxiracetam's hard analytical outlook to go with aniracetam's creative outlook... BUT there was always something that felt wrong.. I cant really place it, but it was semi-annoying; Also it upset my stomach/gut sometimes when I took it? lol

But yeah it certainly works, I'd be more interested in how exactly it works, I know it improves TEM in mice(some indicator of enhanced interhemisphere brain communication), like piracetam is said to do, and I think that actually explains a lot of the effects TBH. however I'm sure it does other things which would be interesting to know, sadly most of the data is from single russian studies.. which I don't really put so much faith into, I would like to..hahah; I would love to believe that it increases BDNF and NGF, but one russian study didn't cut it for me(the same one posted above).

And that is very interesting that depression and suicidal feelings were mentioned as w/d symptoms, as when I dosed high(30-50mg/day) and stopped after a week or so I got something similar(depression and..not suicidal feelings in a way I would act on it, but simply invasive thoughts about it. just mentioning because they are two quite different things heh).

I wish aniracetam just lasted longer :P, but I'm glad noopept works for you guys.. honestly I might take it today.. it's really hard to tell if the benefits outweight the sideffects for me, but obviously it's close or I wouldnt be debating it..hahah

#17 noopeptisgood

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Posted 28 June 2012 - 04:17 PM

I'm glad to find someone else who has had a great response to this chemical.

I was always a smart kid growing up, but after years of heavy polydrug use from ages 14-19, I felt like I had seriously lost my keen edge. Noopept is helping me feel better about that. It has improved my language skills, which includes vocabulary recall, ability to read, and my ability to articulate. I am now 20 years old and am abstaining from drug use.

I also used to be like West-en described, very aware of my surroundings. Drug use affected my vision in an aesthetic way, and in how I processed information. While I don't expect my vision to ever be the same, my ability to process information and register things in my peripheral vision has improved.

I take 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. I may try a larger dose, but I've been hesitant in caution of any form of downregulation.

I used the better part of a gram in the spring, and when I ran out of the product, I got some bad headaches. Those faded and the the positive changes in my brain persisted. But I never experienced any withdrawal symptoms other than that.

West-in, I do suggest you take a break. With any chemical you take over a long period of time, there will be downregulation. I suspect that the persisting nootropic effects you feel are from when the drug was having more of an effect on your system. If you want to continue to garner these amazing effects, I suggest you take that tolerance break.

The increase in sensitivity you described may have been the noopept beginning to work more effectively. Upon the first dost, NGF had dropped in rats. But by the end of 30 days, it had increased. That info is probably in one of the links I provided.

I think of noopept's increase of BDNF and NGF (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/19240853) to work like growth hormone supplementation, but for the brain. It encourages neurogenesis and much more. It's unlike any other nootropic out there. I consider myself lucky to have had found and to be able to obtain this chemical.

Another interesting study. It can help one recover from brain damage. http://www.springerl...g742v68m542324/

Thanks for your feedback! So would you say that if after 3 months of use, I stopped for a month, I would be better off compared to my baseline? Or does it eventually come back to where you were before starting in terms of cognitive abilities? The reason why I'm asking is because when I was on dexamphetamine, I felt that eventually after months when I stopped, I could concentrate even less compared to before beginning treatment i.e I became sort of dependent on it to function well although there might not have been any outward withdrawal symptoms.

Like West-en said, your experience with dextroamphetamine was from the rebound effects. Noopept would do just the opposite, though. There are immediate nootropic effects, but there is also a lasting change to the brain. I believe it seriously promotes neurogenesis and other nootropic-goodness (someone mentioned improving AC (acetylcholine?) pathway efficiency).

Edited by noopeptisgood, 28 June 2012 - 04:29 PM.

#18 gizmobrain

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 09:47 PM

I actually just received 5g in powdered form. Silly me thought that I could hold off on trying it until I could properly measure out the 15mg dose (I don't currently have a scale). Of course, I was just lying to myself. So I took a very small amount. Now I have no idea what to expect. Any particular noticeable features of when it kicks in? About how long does it take?

#19 golden1

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 09:55 PM

~30mins-2hr(lower end i'd say) onset
for me it has a noticeable head space shift, pretty much.. I would feel it very obviously.

Idk, for me it has a characteristic laid back calm feeling with improved motivation/interest in general. Music is better(more 3d sounding most of all). Seems like those are the cues along with the obvious headspace I would use to tell.... however everyone seems to respond kind of different so.. maybe that helps, maybe not

#20 gizmobrain

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 10:01 PM

Thanks. I've noticed some differences since about 15 minutes in, but I wondered if that was too soon to be real. So far, so good. Definitely need to get a scale though. :)

#21 manic_racetam

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 04:00 AM

Thanks. I've noticed some differences since about 15 minutes in, but I wondered if that was too soon to be real. So far, so good. Definitely need to get a scale though. :)

Should notice the effects within about 15 minutes if you're a positive responder. First time I took it I definitely second guessed myself wondering if it could be the placebo effect.

#22 MrHappy

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 12:48 PM

My latest bag of goodies arrived from superiornutraceuticals.... 5g of noopept (white powder, odd taste), 5g of vinpocetine and since I'd run out of choline - thought I'd try CDP this time around.

Didn't have an accurate way to measure out 10-20mg at the time - think I was pretty close.

Downed the lot with some sugary iced tea. Not sure which (or a combination of) was the cause, but had a suprising euphoric rush and wry grin stuck to my face for about 20 mins, followed by a short span of focused attention.
Hmm. Interesting. Will have to wait and assess this properly.
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#23 protoject

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 05:58 PM

Ah, very interesting MrHappy.. I have some noopept on the way too so I'll be sure to report!

#24 MrHappy

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Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:00 PM

Well, it wasn't noopept by itself - I'm enjoying that by itself.

However.. for science.. the same combination had the same effect when repeated.

#25 unregistered_user

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 02:12 AM

Damn it, now I'll probably have to buy some noopept after reading this thread.
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#26 noopeptisgood

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 06:38 AM

I think that I've more definitively discovered some qualities of noopept. On its own, it will improve one's ability to learn. But combined with mental stimulation, I think it can promote some of the more prodigious changes in the brain that some of us have experienced. My noopept use was very beneficial during school time. But during the summer, my regimen seems to have been less beneficial. But when combined with reading a difficult text, I feel the benefits beginning to become evident once again.

I think that when consuming noopept, one should look to challenge themselves mentally. Not with some of the brain-games available, but with new ideas. Combine noopept and learning.
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#27 knutsayang

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 08:22 AM

I just got some..i''ll update here in the next week or so.
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#28 FutureOrtho

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 03:03 PM

Noopept and Uridine are surely going to be my next additions....interested to hear eveyone's updates!
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#29 noopeptisgood

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 05:37 PM

I know that Cerebral Health is a respected company on this board. But in my experience, their noopept was virtually inactive. It smelled differently than the noopept I'm used to, and it didn't give the effects that I expected.
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#30 FutureOrtho

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 07:04 PM

Noopeptisgood.....where do you get your noopept? I see superiorneutraceuticals has some...any other places? I definitely want to ensure I'm getting legit product.
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