I love Noopept. Unfortunately like many I suffered noticable sexual sides while on it. More specifically both sex drive and EQ were considerably reduced. Seeing as I enjoy this noot and its effects so much I'm determined to find a way to reverse these ill effects
Once I stopped my Noopept trial it took me sometime to get my Libido back on track. With the help of several members of our community we discussed several different theories/approaches on how to solve this issue; namely:
(1) Supplement Nitric Oxide drivers - (e.g) Artichoke extract
(2) Supplement on natural testosterone boosters- ashgawhanda
(3) Supplement on choline - Lecithin etc
Although some of the above helped treat the problem temporarily what really re-established my Libido to its normal mid-twenties prowess was when I tried (3). However, it was a specific source of choline that helped. I tried eggs and lecithin before to very little effect - it was only once I started supplementing with CDP choline that my sex switch turned back on.
It is well known around the community that CDP Choline provides Uridine which in turn helps regulate dopamine production and increase dopamine receptor densities. I've seen several people mix Mr. Happy's Uridine stack with Noopept and report good results with limited sides. In addition I've seen 'EPIQ noopept complex' already comes with uridine and cdp-choline. All the above seem to point to one conclusion:
Noopept and it's negative sexual side effects are a dopamine related issue which could in turn be mitigated through co-ordinating simultaneous use of dopaminergic normalizing supplements such as citicoline (cdp) and/or Uridine.
for the more experienced users of noopept, what's your take on this?
Edited by perplex, 26 November 2013 - 07:14 PM.