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Noopept - long-term experience (more than a simple nootropic)

long-term noopept euphoria social nootropic

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#151 Adaptogen

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 02:28 AM

They were giving out $20 discount codes for reviews, until amazon disallowed that. That explains the quickly written, highly positive reviews.

It might not be on their actual website because the noopept is a new addition to their inventory. As to the purity, I can't say one way or the other, but my other liftmode products all seem to be good. It probably is fine quality though...I bought my noopept from ebay without any COA and it came in a cheap foil pouch that doesn't even reseal. Does it taste a little bitter and smell a little funky, kind of like mushrooms?

#152 Major Legend

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 03:59 AM


Whilst I do like continued use of Noopept, i've been having trouble maintaining it's actual effects, also difficulty in discerning the what the actual cycling and dosing should be (if it requires it) due to the lack of stability int it's effects, I do feel that tolerance towards nootropics does develop, though it seems to be a avoided topic at longecity. (any ideas on how to reverse this tolerance faster than normal?)

Anyways with regards to Noopept, its been a bit of a crapshoot for me, i've been unable to regain the aforementioned extreme motivation, and my much beloved sleep normalization which I experienced on the first 4 days or so. It seems that tolerance to the psychological effects builds up rapidly, however in the long run cognitive benefits do come up "sporadically", again its unstable and doesn't reappear in the form it did in the first place - where I was noticing details/and having lightning analysis/memory that I missed before, it becomes a lot more subtle, perhaps a little better focus but thats it, the only way i've been able to somewhat.

Irritability/raised blood pressure seems to be a sign of it actually working, when the irritability went away so did the majority of the good effects.

The good thing about Noopept is it seems to affect me permanently in the fact that after stopping I retain some of the improvement seen during dosing, though it remains to be seen whether this will last, to me however this effect is a lot better than the other traditional racetams - where the effects die off immediately upon cessation.

Dosage is also a difficult area, it seems the time you dose Noopept is pretty important, as for dosage itself 10mg seems to do nothing, 20mg seems to be sweet spot, but also as you continouslly take it, it seems an increase in dosage to 40mg make some of the desired effects come up, this makes me thinks tolerance to it's specific effects builds up rapidly, not so much different than using a stim like amphetamine or caffeine. There is also the sub lingual route or oral route issue, i've only really tried the oral route so far.

Whats very confusing is Noopept also has a "loading time" in which you don't actually experience its full effects until a few days of dosing, this makes its beneficial effects all the hard to maintain and replicate.

If Noopept does increase BDNF then it would downregulate TRKB in the long run anyways, and according to that specific research, downregulate for a long time as well, so it probably doesn't make sense to take it all the time, it does beg the question though, can it be cycled with other stuff? Since the racetams act similar receptors and mechanisms.

Whether this beats Piracetam and co or not is a hard question, the best way to describe it is noopept actually increases your raw processing power (more energy running through your brains, it is however sadly so far to me unmaintainable), in fact I notice with noopept you need to have a very good diet and supplementation, otherwise it will run you dry very quickly. Piracetam and Co when it works seems to improve the overall synergy of the brain, like the connections work better, your brain feels more clear and interconnected.

I do find Noopept fascinating, the normalization effects I experienced in the first few days is much sought after, only I have been unable to replicate those effects, nor figure out how to shorten the time it takes to reverse the tolerance.

Edited by Major Legend, 22 February 2013 - 04:00 AM.

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#153 SnowFlake

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:15 PM

Regards to the post above me. I quit feeling the "rush" a few days ago that I was getting the very first days of taking noopept.
So I can definitely vouch for the tolerance build up. However, I do not feel any kind of withdrawal if I haven't taken it.
It could be an good idea to start taking the weekend off from noopept to try counter the tolerance, but I really don't know how much it would help.
I've been on noopept now for two weeks with the daily dose of 60mg (ROA: orally after breakfast) in the morning. I also have experimented taking "mega doses" of 100mg at a time, but even doses that high seem to not give me the "rush" anymore. Could it be that the enzyme levels of the enzyme that breaks up noopept have gone up?

I can still recognize the subtle effects of noopept. I am more focused, but not nearly as focused as when I started with noopept. It's kinda weird since people here have often said that the effects should build up slowly, but in my case it feels like the effects have gradually diminished over the time of 2 weeks.
Maybe I'll take a few days off and see what happens.

Edited by SnowFlake, 22 February 2013 - 01:19 PM.

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#154 Azzidic

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:27 PM

I have also noticed that the "rush" feeling has also gone away. I have continued taking Noopept every day since January 20th at ~20mg a day. Long term, I have noticed that I am getting more restful sleep, as it feels like I need less sleep to function.

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#155 machete234

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 06:01 PM

Im only on day2 now, my noopept came from ebay and I used 5 mg yesterday and about 2x5 today and like it so far.
Its not like the racetams and it feels more like a mixture of a racetam and a stimulant especially a dopaminergic one.

I hope this persists so I can get some slightly manic stimulant feel without the downsides.

#156 Seektruth

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 03:26 PM

I just have a question about noopept, many of you did mention about the mood part and being able to socialise and everything. Does it also help the brain to function better in terms of decision making,making sense or even analysis or conduct critical thinking?

I just have a question about noopept, many of you did mention about the mood part and being able to socialise and everything. Does it also help the brain to function better in terms of decision making,making sense or even analysis or conduct critical thinking?

#157 krsna

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:24 PM

Noopept is probably the most effective functional drug I've ever ingested. I sometimes start suspecting it must be placebo, skip it in the morning, notice I'm feeling my normally irritable/depressive self, take 3 scoops of mushroomy bitterness and I'm suddenly sitting peacefully watching my pet birds, fascinated by their little colourful selves (normally they are more of a burden, enduring their shrieks and calls, wreaking havoc on my irritable nerves). I'm not sure I really consider noopept a nootropic however, in fact I feel much dumber on it, my shortterm memory is shot, my coordination is shot (I've chipped two plates in the process of washing dishes since getting on this stuff a couple months ago), I find I'm far too easygoing with writing and allow grammatical mistakes to sneak past, not being bothered to ocd'ishly edit or correct things ad nauseum. This is like marijuana to me, except without the paranoia and anxiety I get with marijuana, just a feeling of serenity and fascination with the world, an easy going vibe, with the same shortterm memory defect I'd get with mj. I'll continue taking this because it makes my life feel so much better than it felt before, I feel more 'stable', not the vast mood swings, I feel more 'normalized', able to deal with things, not stressing over small things. I'd love to figure out a way to ameliorate the shortterm memory loss however, if anyone has figured out a way I'll be the first to test it out. I'd never take my shortterm memory back in exchange for hte irritable depressiveness, but if I can have both even better. Yesterday I was counting some pills, over 200 as it turned out, I could barely remember which number I was on as I was doing it, ha! some nootropic here ;) normally I'd speed through such a simple counting process, oh well.

Oh and the dose I've been taking is 5 of those red microscoops a day.. no idea really how much that works out to, the pages state the spoons are 10 - 15mg each, but someone claimed to have weighed the volume from a level scoop and it was only 4mg, would be interested if anyone has a microscoop and could weigh the contents to try to standardize better and know how much I'm taking. 5 seems to be the optimal amount for me anyhow, if I go up to 6 I start to feel a bit anxious, too rushy. 5 is perfect, great euphoric rush and noticeable effects.

Edited by bowleaf, 12 March 2013 - 04:30 PM.

#158 brendan1

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 07:48 PM

Do you take 5 at once or spaced out through the day? Thanks

#159 krsna

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 08:08 PM

3 right after breakfast, another at lunch, another at dinner

#160 BLimitless

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:05 PM

Reduce your dosage.

I took 30-60mg for a month and described the same effects you had.

I cycled off for a few weeks.

Now I am dosing again at 10-20mg/day.

It feels ecstatic! It feels amazing to be on Pept, no short term memory issues this time round. I feel like dosing high primed my brain for Noopept, like the brain is a wheel and Noopept makes it spin, so now only a small nudge from 15mg Noopept is needed to keep the wheel spinning fast as ever. It's much better at 15mg then at 60mg ironically; although when I very first started, 20mg didn't do much!

#161 krsna

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 02:57 PM

Reduce your dosage.

I took 30-60mg for a month and described the same effects you had.

I cycled off for a few weeks.

Now I am dosing again at 10-20mg/day.

It feels ecstatic! It feels amazing to be on Pept, no short term memory issues this time round. I feel like dosing high primed my brain for Noopept, like the brain is a wheel and Noopept makes it spin, so now only a small nudge from 15mg Noopept is needed to keep the wheel spinning fast as ever. It's much better at 15mg then at 60mg ironically; although when I very first started, 20mg didn't do much!

Yes, well a few times I've taken just one scoop in the morning but not felt much off it unfortunately, making me skeptical that having a reduced dose would do much either. I am also in the awkward position of not knowing what my mg dose is I'm taking every day, all I can have some small certainty on is that it is somewhat standardized, as I try to break up any clumps and compress and level off each scoop. Based on a poster on another forum saying he weighed the contents of a microscoop and it came to 4mg however, for all I know I'm only taking 20mg a day (4mg x 5scoops). Of course, if the microscoops are on the higher end of the description (10 - 15mg they claim), I could be looking at 75mg a day (15mg x 5 scoops). Regretting not shelling out the extra $ for a microscale now, but I'll get one eventually.

#162 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 03:56 PM

Reduce your dosage.

I took 30-60mg for a month and described the same effects you had.

I cycled off for a few weeks.

Now I am dosing again at 10-20mg/day.

It feels ecstatic! It feels amazing to be on Pept, no short term memory issues this time round. I feel like dosing high primed my brain for Noopept, like the brain is a wheel and Noopept makes it spin, so now only a small nudge from 15mg Noopept is needed to keep the wheel spinning fast as ever. It's much better at 15mg then at 60mg ironically; although when I very first started, 20mg didn't do much!

This is interesting because it closely mirrors my response to piracetam - first, very little results with small doses - then, good response with higher doses (5.4 g), and then gradual tolerance... 2.5 months break and then back onto 1.2 g doses of piracetam with excellent clarity. Funny. :)

#163 brendan1

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Posted 15 March 2013 - 01:18 AM

I am thinking maybe the optimal way to take Noopept would be to start out with a loading dose of maybe 10-20 mg/day for 2 weeks - a month, then 10 -15 mg/ day Monday thru Friday, off weekends. Thoughts?

#164 krsna

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Posted 15 March 2013 - 02:16 AM

I am thinking maybe the optimal way to take Noopept would be to start out with a loading dose of maybe 10-20 mg/day for 2 weeks - a month, then 10 -15 mg/ day Monday thru Friday, off weekends. Thoughts?

that isn't much of a loading dose.. as in, it's on the very low end of the recommended dosing spectrum. i'm not really convinced there's a need for a 'loading phase', when i first started and tried some higher doses it just resulted in some unpleasant side effects. taking breaks off is nice however, allowing your perception to drop back to normal so that when you take it again you notice the contrast of increased perception, something you end up taking for granted much of the time with chronic use.
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#165 spo_pl

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 10:02 AM

Hi there guys!

im totally new to this kind of things..accidentaly found article about noopept last week..got interested, done some research and next day i ordered from Phoenix nutritions 50 tabs 10mg of noopept
And i must admit..its work much better than i was expecting..from the first dose!
first time to see how it works i did 30mg at once and feelings were quite similar to mdma but without amphetamine kick..absolutely positive..happy, wiling to talk, smilling, bigger pleassure from listen to music..and what surprised me most..way easier to understand others..nit sure how to explain that, but no someones accent or anything was a problem at all
didnt notice any changes in focus or memory tho
now im doing 30mg daily but in two doses..one in the morning and one in the afternoon and every day i feel like it just the begginnig coz i feel like it works better and better everyday..
i never had a special problems with getting socialize, but now meeting people is even bigger joy, no anxious at all, im bit more talkative and not even my gf can piss me off ;)
Happy with effects i supplied myself last days also with 5-htp and fish oil and im sure ill be getting something more on top of it :)
noticed just one side effect so far
for last two nights i was often waking up at night...
still getting up in the mirning much more well rested than before i started using noopept tho
also..i did drink on it last weekend..and alcohol works much stronger on me now..uts power its at least doubled...but the way its working...its amazing..its not just normal way of getting drunk..not sure how to describe it but feelings its very possitive
my emphathy increased really a lot and it helps with it-can-be-done attitude, its much easier to find willimgnes to do everything you have plan fir day instead of spending hours on call of duty ;)

so now im doing everyday
100mg of 5-htp + 15mg of noopet every morning on empty stomach
plus 2 tabs of fish oil during breakfest
and in the afternoon 50mg of 5-htp + 15mg of noopept
and i feel better than ever :)
cant even imagine hiw nice it will be when ill add other nootropics to my stack :)))

im planning to do it on regular basis..just 2-3 days of break from pills every two weeks, im pretty sure that will be good enough

guys so if anyony have any doubts..Dont, just try it and see how good works :)

Edited by spo_pl, 18 March 2013 - 10:23 AM.

#166 krsna

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 10:11 AM

Lucky man, I understand your feelings. I'm going through a painful one week break after nearly two months on noopept. Taking the break both to reset tolerance and give my body/brain a break in case this stuff proves to have unwanted health issues down the road, I must say, both of these first two days off I've noticed far more emotional lability than when I was on noopept, this stuff is the real deal, an amazing mood-brightener, I dare say rivalling any of the big pharma antidepressants, without the side effects those carry with them. They ought to throw this stuff into our food supply, like the Japanese have done with l-theanine, it would make the world a much nicer place if everyone was on this.

#167 Ibiza Cupra

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 05:05 PM

I took 5 days 30mg Noopept & 200mg choline bitartrate. the 5th day, I drank a lot of coffee and started to feer REALLY bad. Brain was freaking out, to much focus, high heart rate etc etc.. Is it better to take 2 x 10mg a day like the original? Or do I just have to stop drink coffee?
Thanks for the reply`s!

Edited by Ibiza Cupra, 18 March 2013 - 05:05 PM.

#168 machete234

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 05:47 PM

Yes nooept makes stimulants stronger so you should have taken half the usual amount of caffeine.
Also with 30mg you are dosing fairly high

#169 Ibiza Cupra

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:04 PM

Thanks for the reply. I`ll split the pills in 3 and start with 1 a day. I think I`m just really sensitive. :ph34r:

#170 krsna

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:23 PM

I find there's synergy between caffeine and noopept but I wouldn't say it increases stimulation, more like it mellows out the caffeine buzz. I ingest approx 800mg of caffeine a day and take 50mg of noopept with no problem. I think you probably just weren't used to having so much coffee that day and it hit you stronger than you were expecting and made you anxious and then caused you to suffer more anxiety because you're taking a new weird russian drug. That's my theory at least.

#171 Ibiza Cupra

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:34 PM

Good Theory! Thank you.
I`ve got a second question. Are there people that used Noopept for a long time and then stopped using?
Did your brains keep working above baseline when you stopped using? Any side effects?
I started using Noopept because I want to restore my braincapacity like before there was any damage.. :unsure:
Thanks for the response

#172 Major Legend

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 03:31 AM

Noopept is probably the most effective functional drug I've ever ingested. I sometimes start suspecting it must be placebo, skip it in the morning, notice I'm feeling my normally irritable/depressive self, take 3 scoops of mushroomy bitterness and I'm suddenly sitting peacefully watching my pet birds, fascinated by their little colourful selves (normally they are more of a burden, enduring their shrieks and calls, wreaking havoc on my irritable nerves). I'm not sure I really consider noopept a nootropic however, in fact I feel much dumber on it, my shortterm memory is shot, my coordination is shot (I've chipped two plates in the process of washing dishes since getting on this stuff a couple months ago), I find I'm far too easygoing with writing and allow grammatical mistakes to sneak past, not being bothered to ocd'ishly edit or correct things ad nauseum. This is like marijuana to me, except without the paranoia and anxiety I get with marijuana, just a feeling of serenity and fascination with the world, an easy going vibe, with the same shortterm memory defect I'd get with mj. I'll continue taking this because it makes my life feel so much better than it felt before, I feel more 'stable', not the vast mood swings, I feel more 'normalized', able to deal with things, not stressing over small things. I'd love to figure out a way to ameliorate the shortterm memory loss however, if anyone has figured out a way I'll be the first to test it out. I'd never take my shortterm memory back in exchange for hte irritable depressiveness, but if I can have both even better. Yesterday I was counting some pills, over 200 as it turned out, I could barely remember which number I was on as I was doing it, ha! some nootropic here ;) normally I'd speed through such a simple counting process, oh well.

Oh and the dose I've been taking is 5 of those red microscoops a day.. no idea really how much that works out to, the pages state the spoons are 10 - 15mg each, but someone claimed to have weighed the volume from a level scoop and it was only 4mg, would be interested if anyone has a microscoop and could weigh the contents to try to standardize better and know how much I'm taking. 5 seems to be the optimal amount for me anyhow, if I go up to 6 I start to feel a bit anxious, too rushy. 5 is perfect, great euphoric rush and noticeable effects.

Yeah this to a tee, maybe not so much the serenity for me.

My energy is definetely above the line on noopept, but again and again I stress it does something very different from other nootropics in the background (good or bad). I too notice i'm a lot more careless in my verbal expression, my verbal fluency and creative recall (associating things unassociating) becomes impaired, the effects of noopept seems to last after cessation of dosage - leading me to suspect that the effects are in some ways long term or even permanent.

There are some weird things too, there is the "familiar but I don't remember" feeling, and then there are the odd memory lapses, like I would completely forget things I would have remembered in the past, such as if i've taken x supplement or not, purely by muscle memory. Sometimes i'll recall stories from a few years past which is cool (my recall is horrendously bad since birth, my only merit is having creative recall), but then i'll really struggle with some stuff like details in discussions that happened last week, or i'll notice like now that since taking noopept my english has degraded, words that used to come easy now requires effort - spelling mistakes are common, my keyboard coordination is nowhere as good as it used to be. I write things in the wrong order, in the past every sentence I wrote - I would almost double check it in my mind, now its like I don't really read what I write (in a bad way). I miss out words more often when I write.

edit: I'll also completely forget words or names of things I previously found easy to remember. I would suddenly mispronounce words long known like calling a dog named Roka, Rocket. Completely forgetting what a Corgi was, I also failed to recall some well known songs both the tune and the name. These are all pretty scary symptoms.

My poor english can be attributed to the fact that i've been very busy and social for the past few months, but it really feels off. When I type, read or write there is a distinct "empty head" feeling which I don't know how to explain. Its like i'm lacking an extra processing in my head, in a way its nice but also its very scary.

I would not be surprised that if down the line it turns out Noopept was a lot more dangerous and had more side effects than people warrant it here.

Again I emphasize it seems to be altering my brain in a strange way. My ability to tune into the details seems to be significantly impaired/altered, whilst in general energy seems to be normalized/improved. On noopept I feel like I can do as much work as a workaholic if I wanted to, though my motivation still isn't really there, which kind of leaves much to be desired. Every now and then I would feel great on Noopept, and then its like as if the world is a smaller place, my memories would feel instantly accessible at lightning speed, everything would be crystal clear though these feelings don't last longer than 20 to 30 minutes or so, and they happen sporadically maybe 2 times a week.

I have no fucking idea what it is doing in my head, I am now worried of psychological addiction - as Noopept allows me to be more productive at work and in life, due to my sleepy nature I find the little energy increase a great benefit that I have been unable to replicate on other substances.

Unless you have an distinct problem I would advise others to treat this substance with caution, in my opinion it is definitely not benign when used more than a few days, but then again I am more sensitive/fragile than most people to chemicals it would seem.

Edited by Major Legend, 19 March 2013 - 03:40 AM.

#173 Major Legend

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 03:38 AM

I took 5 days 30mg Noopept & 200mg choline bitartrate. the 5th day, I drank a lot of coffee and started to feer REALLY bad. Brain was freaking out, to much focus, high heart rate etc etc.. Is it better to take 2 x 10mg a day like the original? Or do I just have to stop drink coffee?
Thanks for the reply`s!

I believe now that is the symptom of the brain burning out - much like an high amphetamine dose. Once you hit that ceiling on Noopept you will never experience it again, because whatever it has stimulated is getting burned out for good. You can look forward to the more subtle effects in the future instead.
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#174 Ibiza Cupra

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 04:37 AM

I took 5 days 30mg Noopept & 200mg choline bitartrate. the 5th day, I drank a lot of coffee and started to feer REALLY bad. Brain was freaking out, to much focus, high heart rate etc etc.. Is it better to take 2 x 10mg a day like the original? Or do I just have to stop drink coffee?
Thanks for the reply`s!

I believe now that is the symptom of the brain burning out - much like an high amphetamine dose. Once you hit that ceiling on Noopept you will never experience it again, because whatever it has stimulated is getting burned out for good. You can look forward to the more subtle effects in the future instead.

That isn't very good news..
What would you advice me?
I just want a "better" brain permanently..
Will it be ok if i take 2 months 2x10mg a day and then just stop? Will it affect my brain in a good way forever or will the advantages tottally dissapear?

#175 Major Legend

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 05:23 AM

Not really in any position to give advice, since i've only been "in it" for 2 months. I've taken breaks regularly though, since its main mechanism is via a neuropeptide.

There are other people on this forum that have taken it for the past year, and I think without breaks too, it would be great to hear from those guys.

#176 Azzidic

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 05:42 AM

I find there's synergy between caffeine and noopept but I wouldn't say it increases stimulation, more like it mellows out the caffeine buzz. I ingest approx 800mg of caffeine a day and take 50mg of noopept with no problem.

I thought I was the only one. ;)

Good stuff.

#177 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:31 AM

Ibiza Cupra:

To get things right for the long term, always look to the basics before adding nootropics.

- Sleep early and get your 8 hours.
- Eat right (eliminate fast carbs and hydrogenated oils, eliminate sugared drinks, replace oils with beneficial ones such as extra virgin cold pressed coconut/olive oil, increase raw veg, and use mindful eating to avoid overeating)
- Daily cardio exercise. If unfit, start with walking for 30+ minutes per day every day. Increase intensity when your body tells you it is ready to do so.
- Learn a relaxation/mental training technique (some type of meditation or yoga/qi gong/tai chi)

The effects of these will have more radical effects on your mental and physical health than any nootropics could, and they are sustainable and don't require major cash investments.

Then, when you have these ticked, add on one nootropic at a time if you still feel a need.

Edited by Godof Smallthings, 19 March 2013 - 09:32 AM.

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#178 Major Legend

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 02:16 PM

I'm going all in:

Increasing my intake to bi-dosing everyday at 20mg, then going to increase to 30mg bid. uh, if you don't hear from me again, then my retardation has become very severe. Don't question my logic - the way I see it, i'm already knee deep into the noopept experience....

#179 krsna

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 02:49 PM

I find it funny reading all the experiences on this board for all the various supplements, it's all over the map. It's like, for the past 2 months I've had lower back pain, which coincides with when I began taking noopept, so it would be easy to draw a tenuous conclusion that the noopept is somehow causing it. Similarly, the other day I had to reboot my computer but had a movie open and paused midway through. I looked at the time and rebooted, meaning to reopen the movie to the same time when the computer booted up. I forgot to open the movie and the next day remembered about it and realized that my brain actually contained the exact time, to the second, at where I had been paused. Again, easy to draw a tenuous conclusion that the noopept was the cause of this. These things are so subtle often that one can't really be sure of what or what not a thing might be doing. I see people blaming as many things on these supplements as these supplements claim to cure or help with. I wouldn't even get too hung up on the subjective effects therefore, what you feel one day may be entirely different from what you feel in a week. If you feel something for two weeks straight, a negative, or a positive, then it's probably real, but if you feel like crap one day, or feel incredible one day, probably best not to ascribe it to the supplement right away. I take noopept right now mostly because I have the noopept, like the famous mountain climber, when asked why he climbs mountains, he responds "because it's there'. I bought the noopept, they sent me two packages instead of one, so I have 10 grams and as it's not doing me any bad effects and it may be doing good.. and er.. I've grown to love the flavour, I take it. There are also many studies which seem to describe a positive brain health effect, which may not even be felt subjectively, like taking a vitamin, or antioxidants. These are reasons enough for me. I'm not sure if I will make another order in the future however, it's so hard to discern what or if I'm getting out of this. Also if this supplement claims to be able to 'fix' a damaged brain, at what point is the damage fixed and at what point do you say 'if it ain't broken, don't continue trying to fix it'? I used to feel miserable, irritable, since taking noopept I've felt more calm and peaceful. However, when I take a couple days off I still feel calm and serene and peaceful. Anyways I'm rambling, blame the abovestated 800mg/day caffeine habit for that. While rambling I find it interesting to note the other 'supplements' people ingest, because they are culturally fortified. I'm sure there are many on this board who drink alcohol for instance. Yet, if alcohol weren't a historical/cultural thing, if alcohol were instead the effects of alcohol wrapped in a pill, invented in a russian laboratory in the past 10 years and cooked up in a chinese basement, how many people would buy that pill? Anyone? Something which is a proven carcinogen, which rips apart brain tissue, which dumbs you down and leaves you feel hungover, something in essence which is almost entirely bad for you with the only positive being 'it makes you feel kind of silly'. I would not be taking any pill with that safety/benefit profile. So, be fair on these relatively benign things like noopept, which may not be culturally fortified in our psyche, but are probably a whole lot better for us than the things which seem 'normal'.
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#180 Ibiza Cupra

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 05:17 PM

Ibiza Cupra:

To get things right for the long term, always look to the basics before adding nootropics.

- Sleep early and get your 8 hours.
- Eat right (eliminate fast carbs and hydrogenated oils, eliminate sugared drinks, replace oils with beneficial ones such as extra virgin cold pressed coconut/olive oil, increase raw veg, and use mindful eating to avoid overeating)
- Daily cardio exercise. If unfit, start with walking for 30+ minutes per day every day. Increase intensity when your body tells you it is ready to do so.
- Learn a relaxation/mental training technique (some type of meditation or yoga/qi gong/tai chi)

The effects of these will have more radical effects on your mental and physical health than any nootropics could, and they are sustainable and don't require major cash investments.

Then, when you have these ticked, add on one nootropic at a time if you still feel a need.

Except the Yoga, I can check them all. :-)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: long-term, noopept, euphoria, social, nootropic

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