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LOG- C60 Log MkII

c60 buckminsterfullerene antiaging c60 human trial c60 source vaughter wellness

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#1 Lister

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Posted 23 June 2012 - 08:15 PM

“My Goal in life is too big to accomplish in 1 life time. Therefore my first priority must be to live longer than 1 life time; preferably much longer.”

So after I bought this C60 Buckminsterfullerene online and started to consume it I was constantly checking out that sites forum trying to see if they’d added an Anti-aging section. No such luck. I was really curious as to how others were doing using this stuff.

Google came to the rescue and now I am here! I read jg42122s log about the same thing and figured it may be helpful to others to start my own.

Some Background: I am not ill or old. I have never smoked or drank heavily. I am a physically fit 28 year old. Now you may ask “Why is this guy worried about growing old… he’s just a baby!” and you may be right. However, I know that this goal of mine can’t be left to the fate of procrastination. I must start now!

C60. My first dose was on June the 20th. I am taking exactly what is written on the bottle “Suggested daily dose 1.5 mg/day”. Now considering I was in perfect health as verified by my doctor before taking this let’s go over some effects:
  • Lungs ache a little.
  • Flu’ish aches spread throughout my body and passed. They started first in my throat so I’m thinking it’s wherever the c60 hits first. They pass after a day but the aches in my joints are lasting longer
  • Things seem brighter (may be placebo effect)
  • I don’t seem to have to breathe as much even under heavy workout stress (have to test this further). Maybe increased lung capacity or they’re better at processing oxygen? Could explain the ache.
  • Here’s the best one: I had 2 shots of Spiced Rum. I became drunk in a good way very fast… 30 minutes later I was clear headed as though my body had completely processed it. Normally it takes me a lot more time and alcohol to get drunk and it usually makes me feel horrible afterwards. This time I was drunk then not and then fine in like the first hour. May also be attached to the Placebo effect.
As with anything untested lots of these effects could be placebo or related to other things in my environment. I am going to get blood work done and then start going to the gym again. We’ll see how that goes.

A lot of these Aches I speak of may have to do with the weather here as it’s very damp in Vancouver at the moment. Regardless they are not enough to worry me yet. I will keep going with the dosing and update this post while I’m at it.

If you’re also taking c60 maybe we can match up what we’re experiencing. Let’s hope the results are good!
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#2 jg42122

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 03:44 AM

Hi good to see someone else is logging this as well. Let me know if you experience a numb or burning tongue. A few thing I can see that match up already,

  • "Things seem brighter (may be placebo effect)
  • I don’t seem to have to breathe as much even under heavy workout stress (have to test this further). Maybe increased lung capacity or they’re better at processing oxygen? Could explain the ache.
  • Here’s the best one: I had 2 shots of Spiced Rum. I became drunk in a good way very fast… 30 minutes later I was clear headed as though my body had completely processed it. Normally it takes me a lot more time and alcohol to get drunk and it usually makes me feel horrible afterwards. This time I was drunk then not and then fine in like the first hour. May also be attached to the Placebo effect."
Things do seem brighter, or clearer to me as well.

I have had much better lung response.

The intensity in the alcohol is like the intensity I have had with my meds for back pain, and I have kept that intensity, last night I could feel that stuff until 1 in the morning 17 hrs after I took it.

Edited by jg42122, 24 June 2012 - 04:00 AM.

Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#3 niner

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 04:07 AM

Lister and jg, where did you guys get the C60/olive oil? The same place? I'm wondering about the lung ache / flu-like symptoms and sore tongue, which doesn't seem to be part of the experience of the people who have made their own.

#4 smithx

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 09:30 AM

Lister and jg, where did you guys get the C60/olive oil? The same place? I'm wondering about the lung ache / flu-like symptoms and sore tongue, which doesn't seem to be part of the experience of the people who have made their own.

My concern about these symptoms is that they could be due to a lot of large clumps of C60, which are known to be toxic.

#5 niner

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 03:00 PM

My concern about these symptoms is that they could be due to a lot of large clumps of C60, which are known to be toxic.

I was thinking solvent residues. It would be good if we could collect up all the reported adverse effects, along with dosing and source information.

#6 Googoltarian

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 06:34 PM

Or this oil was heated to speed up dissolution, and its acrolein (formed by some catalytic process with C60, or they just burnt it a little) giving those symptoms. Acrolein is irritant in very small concentrations, and profile of "effects" matches.

#7 JohnD60

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 07:19 PM

FWIW, I may eventually post a blog, but it seems kind of pointless at this time since I have experienced only one thing out of the ordinary. That one thing out of the ordinary that I experienced occurred about one hour after my first dose (10 ml at 0.7mg/ml). i experienced a great sense of fatigue in both my forearms, it passed after about ten seconds. I have never experienced anything like that before or since, but of course it may be unrelated.

#8 niner

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 07:27 PM

Thanks JohnD60, did you mix your stuff yourself? If so, what grade of C60 did you use?

#9 JohnD60

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 03:09 AM

Thanks JohnD60, did you mix your stuff yourself? If so, what grade of C60 did you use?

Self mixed. California Olive Ranch EVOO I bought direct from the grower. I ordered the C60 the day after the study came out, I forget the exact concentration, it was at the low end of the purity scale, I am thinking 98%(?). I mixed in the bottle with a magnetic stirrer for 9 days then decanted off the top 90% (no centrifuge), and filtered with a 0.22mm vacuum driven filter assembly (not this one but something like it http://www.westingar...ilter-6595.html ) using a hand vacuum pump I bought at the auto parts store. Including the electronic scale, mag stirrer, filters, pump, C60, pipets, EVOO I am in for about $600. I have enough C60, EVOO and filters to last about 150 years.

Edited by JohnD60, 25 June 2012 - 03:29 AM.

#10 Junk Master

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 05:47 AM

Good stuff. Hope to see follow up posts.

#11 Major Legend

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 05:55 AM

very interesting effects..

#12 jg42122

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 06:07 AM

FWIW, I may eventually post a blog, but it seems kind of pointless at this time since I have experienced only one thing out of the ordinary. That one thing out of the ordinary that I experienced occurred about one hour after my first dose (10 ml at 0.7mg/ml). i experienced a great sense of fatigue in both my forearms, it passed after about ten seconds. I have never experienced anything like that before or since, but of course it may be unrelated.

I had an odd pain in one of my arms shortly after, it was vary weird too.

#13 carbon

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:15 PM

I tried a much larger dose. More in line with the study. I took 300 ml over 3 days. Right after my first dose I went to sleep. I woke up totally relaxed with a slight buzzing sensation, mostly in my legs. I did not experience the burning sensation upon drinking, but I do recommend having a glass of water standing by. It does not taste very good when you chug a lot of it. I felt good during the 3 days, with a slightly elevated feeling. On day 3 I ran out of C60/oo. I noticed (on day 3) that my skin was maybe feeling better. By day 5 my skin was unmistakably more youthful. I am 33 and in good health. I did not take my temperature. I did not have any kind of fever reaction. I did not have any aches. A co-worker of mine took the same amount at the same times. He is a grey haired 59 year old man. He noted that he was feeling good also, and he noted similar buzzing feelings, and similar results in general. I have been waiting to see if his white beard grows in differently, but that has not changed for him yet. I plan to take 1,000 ml over the next few weeks.

It is possible that my skin is better off just because of the olive oil. The rest could be a placebo affect. Or there could be something to this stuff. I'm not sure yet. I think it will be interesting to see if my co-worker grows a naturally colored beard.

I have been reluctant to post because, as some of you may know, I started a website and have been selling this stuff. My intention here is just to add my experience to the mix, not to promote a business.

#14 smithx

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 08:51 AM

I'm a bit concerned that if there is some medium or long-term toxicity effect produced by C60, the people taking these large doses may get sick, and this will give the FDA an excuse to ban C60 entirely as a 'hazardous substance", even if it proves to be highly beneficial in smaller doses.

#15 JohnD60

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 01:52 PM

I'm a bit concerned that if there is some medium or long-term toxicity effect produced by C60, the people taking these large doses may get sick, and this will give the FDA an excuse to ban C60 entirely as a 'hazardous substance", even if it proves to be highly beneficial in smaller doses.

that could happen. But, I find it reassuring that there are people taking 20+ times the dose I am taking and they are not experiencing any immediate ill effects. FWIW, I have decided on a target dose of 15ml (0.7mg/ml) twice a week for myself. So, about a gram per year.

I did experience a burning sensation in the back of my throat on my most recent dose, that is the first time I experienced that. it only lasted a few minutes adn was fairly mild

Edited by JohnD60, 26 June 2012 - 01:59 PM.

#16 protoject

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 03:17 PM

Ive never even heard of this stuff!
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#17 carbon

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 03:49 PM

protoject - all this madness because of a paper that was published just 10 weeks ago!

The dosing levels that I'm looking at are not arbitrary; they are based on the study. Of course we need to proceed with caution. The rational for my dosage is something like this - the rats in the study were about 1 kg and got 24 one ml doses over 7 months, with most of those doses in the first 2 months. I'm a little less than 100 kg, so I'm looking at 24 100 ml doses. That's 2.4 liters in 7 months. I was going to take 600 ml last week, which would have been very much like the study, but my co-worker wanted in, so we each had 300 ml.

I think that if you really pay attention to your body, you know when something is good for you or bad for you. I think C60/oo is good for me. I'm looking forward to having more in a few days.

#18 daouda

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 04:19 PM

I think you might be way off if you really wanted to take the equivalent of the rat doses. You just cannot directly adapt the rate dose to a human linearly based on weight.

The Baati rats were fed a dose of 1.7 mg/kg of body weight, repeatedly (check the abstract http://extremelongev...0-Fullerene.pdf).

"Here we show that oral administration of C60 dissolved in olive oil (0.8 mg/ml) at reiterated doses (1.7 mg/kg of body weight) to rats not only does not entail chronic toxicity but it almost doubles their lifespan."

Using the formula in this article http://www.fasebj.or...t/22/3/659.long (Dose translation from animal to human studies revisited)
you get

Equivalent human dose = Animal dose in mg/kg x Animal Km factor / Human Km factor
= 1.7 x 6 / 37 = 0.276 mg/kg

for a 100 kg human thats 27.6 mg of C60. At 0.8mg/ml that would be 34,5 ml of your mixture per dose.

Edited by daouda, 26 June 2012 - 04:29 PM.

#19 niner

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:15 PM

It's also worth considering that the Baati experiment was not aimed at life extension or health improvement. It was a long term toxicity study. Thus those doses haven't been optimized for anything we're interested in. It's hard to argue with the results they got, though.

#20 Turnbuckle

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 08:49 PM

I'm a bit concerned that if there is some medium or long-term toxicity effect produced by C60, the people taking these large doses may get sick, and this will give the FDA an excuse to ban C60 entirely as a 'hazardous substance", even if it proves to be highly beneficial in smaller doses.

This is a good point. And especially if anyone should get high on this stuff, please don't mention it or you might bring down the ire of our insane rulers.

#21 carbon

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 09:43 PM

All excellent points. But it helps us all if we have a wide spread of dosing with results reported back. I'll be the guy who scaled linearly and I'll see how that goes. We already have several people working at the low end with just a few ml. JohnD60 is going with what we can call a middle of the road approach with 2X 15 ml per week.

If we keep going like this, we will be able to form a group consensus of what is a good range of dosing.

#22 daouda

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 10:38 PM

This is a good point. And especially if anyone should get high on this stuff, please don't mention it or you might bring down the ire of our insane rulers.

Are you serious? If someone had any strongly negative effect with this stuff I would definitely want to know about it. With the "high" comment it's probably a joke, but I wouldnt want ppl to refrain from posting negative effects because of this post.
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#23 Turnbuckle

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 11:00 PM

This is a good point. And especially if anyone should get high on this stuff, please don't mention it or you might bring down the ire of our insane rulers.

Are you serious? If someone had any strongly negative effect with this stuff I would definitely want to know about it. With the "high" comment it's probably a joke, but I wouldnt want ppl to refrain from posting negative effects because of this post.

I didn't say not to post negative information, just not to mention getting high on it, because someone is going to figure out that it could potentiate illegal drugs, and our government is quite mad about protecting us from feeling good.
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#24 Junk Master

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Posted 27 June 2012 - 01:48 PM

Well said, Turnbuckle. Do you all realize how quickly the use of C60/EVOO will spread if even the rumor that it potentiated narcotics or amphetamines spread?!

The only good news is the number of large lab rats will increase exponentially.

#25 Lister

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Posted 27 June 2012 - 07:27 PM

**Edit: C60 Source found in Retail Fourm: www.longecity...n-brain-health/
Edit: the thread containing source information was merged with this thread to keep things in one place, and appears as the next post -moderator

Good to see people interested and others testing.

I have continued to take the exact same amount as originally listed. I've ordered 6 more bottles and I'm going to lower the dose for reasons I'll provide below.

== Possitive Effects ==
  • Significant Boost to my cardiovascular systems
    • I went for a 5km Hike on the weekend. Whenever I hit a big hill or steps I ran as hard as I could and only once had to breathe hard and only very briefly. I am NOT in shape at the moment. Not 2 weeks ago I would have been breathing hard the whole way just walking. Aches and pains usually common with working out for me lasted 1 hour. Normally last 2 days.
  • Significant Boost to my energy
    • Could be connected to cardiovascular health
  • Night Vision
    • Improved vision slightly… again this would need significant testing to be verified.
== Negative Effects ==
  • Lungs are still hurting on and off
    • Seems to be worse in the morning and right before falling asleep
  • Kidneys are hurting on and off
    • Morning mainly and almost exclusively. Fades a few hours after waking up.
It seems fairly certain that there is a startup effect to taking C60 (the aches as the C60 is introduced to your system). After that if you keep your dose high it seems that your system has to process too much C60? As you already have it throughout your system the overage form C60 Clumps and cause troubles? Perhaps this could explain kidney and Lung pain.

I’m going to halve my dose and see if the pain fades. If the cardio improvements remain the same this may be the right choice for my body weight (190 pounds. 6’1”).

Let me know what you think.

Edited by niner, 27 June 2012 - 08:48 PM.

#26 Lister

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Posted 27 June 2012 - 08:16 PM

Hello All!

The C60 in Olive Oil that I'm using is from Vaughter Wellness (www.c60antiaging.com). Honestly I couldn't find any other source for it and I'm happy they're not in China (they are in Zürich, Switzerland) which I can confirm is true looking at the shipping package.

As I lack the facilities to test for the presence of C60 I can't confirm whether Vaughters claims of its contents are accurate. That being said their site seems to be credible and they don't seem to have too many issues with past products sold on their site.

I've had no problems with shipping C60 into Canada as of yet.

Let me know if you know of any other sources.


#27 niner

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Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:00 PM

I’m going to halve my dose and see if the pain fades.

Lung and kidney pain is a serious enough symptom that I would stop entirely until it goes away. Then restart at the lower dose.
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#28 Logic

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Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:44 PM

There seem to be many posts about temporary aches and pains that then fade.
If I rember correctly C60 kills of bacteria and virii.
Has anybody considered the possibility that these passing aches and pains might just be a Herxheimer reaction to pathogen die off?
Or perhaps the correcting of some other un-noticed condition?

Edited by Logic, 27 June 2012 - 09:47 PM.

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#29 Lister

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Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:37 PM

Logic I would agree that this could be the case. I have GERDS and have to take PPI's daily. As a result of this I seem to be prone to stomach and intestinal infections. Usually I have to take a run of antibiotics once every 2 years or so to clear it all up. I was well due in for before I started taking C60. The generally bad stomach and other infection indicators have faded since beginning C60 without Antibiotic usage.

Perhaps the aches are associated with the detox effects of C60; I can’t say for sure. I can say that I’ve been taking C60 for 7 days now. Should a Detox take that long? I don’t know.

Vaughter makes light of the quality of the Olive Oil used in the mix. Is that then part of the reason for the lung ache? I don’t know either.

My deep concern now is the possibility of the formation of nC60. I missed the article regarding the formation of nC60 when C60 is exposed to water. Since starting this I’ve been drinking shortly after each dose to wash the taste away. While Vaughter does an excellent job of dissolving and filtering the Olive Oil I’m still concerned.

Fyi I’ve confirmed that it isn’t my Kidneys that are the issue. My lungs though are still on the table. Does anyone know of a Vancouver based Longevity researcher? I don’t mind giving some blood for research.

I’ll get a blood test done ASAP and try and post the results. Sadly it’s a busy week for me.

#30 tintinet

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Posted 28 June 2012 - 12:23 AM

I've been taking C60 for a couple of days @ 3mg BID. Haven't noticed anything really dramatic yet.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, buckminsterfullerene, antiaging, c60 human trial, c60 source, vaughter wellness

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