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LOG- C60+olive oil with chickens at home

c60 olive oil

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#1 Chook12

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Posted 01 July 2012 - 11:54 PM

I have been feeding my homebrew c60 olive potion to 6 hens at home. This was done by painting it onto a slice of bread and feeding it to them. I initially gave it to them for 7 days in a row. Now I have reduced the frequency to once a week. So far they have had 7 doses one day apart and then one dose a week later. I have been tearing up the c60 bread and throwing it in the chicken coop, and they then squabble over it. Because of this it is difficult to evenly share the bread between the chickens and I don't have time to isolate each one in turn. However, each one does at least get a bit.

So far no change in the hens, their laying, or their eggs, and they all look well. 2 of the hens are 4.5 years old, the other 4 are 1.5 years old.

A photo of the hens is here below. The red hens are the older ones, the black and white ones are the younger ones. I will attach photos of them actualy eating the c60 bread after their next feed, which will be on the weekend.

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Edited by chicken12, 02 July 2012 - 12:00 AM.

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#2 Hebbeh

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 12:52 AM

The C60 should settle into the meat and possibly the eggs....an interesting and innovative method of C60 dosing! ;)

Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#3 Lister

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 04:29 AM

It would also be interesting if the Hens lived longer just as the Rats did in the original study. If C60 is proven to be completely harmless to Humans we could see an overnight revolution in food production. Imagine if our source livestock lived nearly twice as long as they do now. Chickens laying eggs 90% longer and remaining healthy throughout; Milk cows production lives extended by 90%; etc.

I have to wonder though how that would be regulated. If the FDA were to ban human C60 consumption banning it from livestock feed would also have to be included.


#4 Hebbeh

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 11:49 AM

It would also be interesting if the Hens lived longer just as the Rats did in the original study. If C60 is proven to be completely harmless to Humans we could see an overnight revolution in food production. Imagine if our source livestock lived nearly twice as long as they do now. Chickens laying eggs 90% longer and remaining healthy throughout; Milk cows production lives extended by 90%; etc.

I have to wonder though how that would be regulated. If the FDA were to ban human C60 consumption banning it from livestock feed would also have to be included.


It could very well be a Pandora's Box....the earth can't support everybody and everything living to 150. Populations would double...then triple... You think health care is a problem now....

#5 Centurion

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 12:14 PM

C60 seems to be all the rage at the moment.
Can't find much info on it though - from what I can see it's pretty much charcoal, produced in a very particular manner?

#6 Raphy

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 12:14 PM

It would also be interesting if the Hens lived longer just as the Rats did in the original study. If C60 is proven to be completely harmless to Humans we could see an overnight revolution in food production. Imagine if our source livestock lived nearly twice as long as they do now. Chickens laying eggs 90% longer and remaining healthy throughout; Milk cows production lives extended by 90%; etc.

I have to wonder though how that would be regulated. If the FDA were to ban human C60 consumption banning it from livestock feed would also have to be included.


It could very well be a Pandora's Box....the earth can't support everybody and everything living to 150. Populations would double...then triple... You think health care is a problem now....

Yeah, that's what they say since... a good two centuries.

The fact is that the longer people of a country live, the richer they are, and the slower the population grows.

On the contrary, the shorter people of a country live, the faster their population grow...
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#7 Hebbeh

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 12:42 PM

It would also be interesting if the Hens lived longer just as the Rats did in the original study. If C60 is proven to be completely harmless to Humans we could see an overnight revolution in food production. Imagine if our source livestock lived nearly twice as long as they do now. Chickens laying eggs 90% longer and remaining healthy throughout; Milk cows production lives extended by 90%; etc.

I have to wonder though how that would be regulated. If the FDA were to ban human C60 consumption banning it from livestock feed would also have to be included.


It could very well be a Pandora's Box....the earth can't support everybody and everything living to 150. Populations would double...then triple... You think health care is a problem now....

Yeah, that's what they say since... a good two centuries.

The fact is that the longer people of a country live, the richer they are, and the slower the population grows.

On the contrary, the shorter people of a country live, the faster their population grow...

Only if you're willing to work until 120...to pay for all the ones not willing to work....it would be a whole new ballgame unseen in history.

#8 Raphy

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 01:04 PM

It would also be interesting if the Hens lived longer just as the Rats did in the original study. If C60 is proven to be completely harmless to Humans we could see an overnight revolution in food production. Imagine if our source livestock lived nearly twice as long as they do now. Chickens laying eggs 90% longer and remaining healthy throughout; Milk cows production lives extended by 90%; etc.

I have to wonder though how that would be regulated. If the FDA were to ban human C60 consumption banning it from livestock feed would also have to be included.


It could very well be a Pandora's Box....the earth can't support everybody and everything living to 150. Populations would double...then triple... You think health care is a problem now....

Yeah, that's what they say since... a good two centuries.

The fact is that the longer people of a country live, the richer they are, and the slower the population grows.

On the contrary, the shorter people of a country live, the faster their population grow...

Only if you're willing to work until 120...to pay for all the ones not willing to work....it would be a whole new ballgame unseen in history.

Unseen... as the increase in lifespan of the last century (which grows almost twofold in the last 100 years in developed countries).

#9 Chook12

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 11:53 PM

Photo shows this morning's egg haul - two eggs (there is a plastic dummy egg always in the nest to encourage laying there). At the moment I am only getting around 2 eggs/day from the six chooks, but it is the middle of winter here which is when they tend to slow down a bit. At least one of the old girls is still laying - since occasionally there'll be an egg with red feathers attached to it.

I am eating one of these eggs every morning.

Attached File  IMGP2385.JPG   215.02KB   18 downloads

My main reason for trying the c60 potion on the chooks is to see if there is any change to their egg laying, as well as their general health. I also don't have a dog or cat to try it on.

Edited by chicken12, 02 July 2012 - 11:56 PM.

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#10 Rob Wegner

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 07:14 PM

Photo shows this morning's egg haul - two eggs (there is a plastic dummy egg always in the nest to encourage laying there). At the moment I am only getting around 2 eggs/day from the six chooks, but it is the middle of winter here which is when they tend to slow down a bit. At least one of the old girls is still laying - since occasionally there'll be an egg with red feathers attached to it.

I am eating one of these eggs every morning.

Attached File  IMGP2385.JPG   215.02KB   18 downloads

My main reason for trying the c60 potion on the chooks is to see if there is any change to their egg laying, as well as their general health. I also don't have a dog or cat to try it on.

Have you noticed any change in the taste/quality of the eggs?

#11 Chook12

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 11:29 PM

Have you noticed any change in the taste/quality of the eggs?

No, have not noticed any difference in the quality of the eggs or their taste.

Here is a picture of a chook sitting in the nest box this morning:

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#12 AgeVivo

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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:18 PM

can we have a look at the solutions you give them, and how you give them?

#13 Chook12

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 01:15 AM

Here is a picture of the c60oo potion, with 20ml measured out in a small cup alongside.

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It is a ruby red colour when held up to the light. It is difficult to capture the colour in a photo. Below, I've placed a small torch behind the jar of oil, and in the second photo, the jar is held up to the window.

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The 20ml was painted onto a slice of bread with a pastry brush:

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The bread was torn up and thrown in the chicken coop. This morning was the 9th feed.

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Here is a picture of this morning's egg haul (3 eggs, one of the 4 in the picture is a plastic decoy).

Attached File  IMGP2404.JPG   223.1KB   10 downloads

One of the hens, a black leghorn, just started laying again yesterday after not laying since sometime in March. This hen is the only one that lays white eggs (all the others lay brown eggs), so it is easy to tell if that hen is laying.

The potion was made with 1g of c60 and 1.5L of olive oil. This is 0.67mg/ml. So the 20 ml is 13.3mg, and if all 6 chickens are getting the same amount, they would be getting 2.2mg each.

So far there does not seem to be any detrimental effect on their egg laying.

#14 stephen_b

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 03:02 AM

I don't know how significant it is for a hen to start laying again after a dry spell, but it sounds nice. ;)

#15 AgeVivo

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 07:53 PM


#16 Chook12

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 12:32 AM

Today was the 10th feed, pic of chooks eating their c60oo bread below:

Attached File  IMGP2407.JPG   217.7KB   19 downloads

During the last week have got around 3 eggs/day from the 6 chooks.

It's not possible to say if the c60oo had anything to do with the leghorn (affectionately known as "Floppy" because of her large floppy comb) starting to lay again. It may have just been her time to come back into lay again after moulting around the start of Autumn. At least can say it does not seem to have stopped them laying.

#17 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 05:05 PM

I like the updates on this thread with them pics.
A big thumbs up!

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#18 Junk Master

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 07:08 PM

Yes, thanks for a great thread! Keep it up.

#19 Logic

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 11:46 AM

So is the average # of eggs laid increasing?

#20 Chook12

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Posted 18 July 2012 - 06:28 AM

The number of eggs seems to have gone up from 1-2 per day to 2-3. For a while last week I was collecting 3/day, but this morning only got 2. There is no way of knowing if the c60oo has anything to do with the overall increase. Some of them might just have taken longer to come back to laying after going through their moult in Autumn. At least nothing bad has happened to the chickens, and they are still laying.

I will record the eggs/day from now on and add this to the weekly reporting.
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#21 Chook12

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 12:54 AM

11th feed - pics of chooks enthusiatically gobbling up their c60oo bread are below:

Attached File  IMGP2411.JPG   229.09KB   12 downloads Attached File  IMGP2414.JPG   242.96KB   10 downloads

Egg counts:
Wed: 2
Thurs: 3
Fri: 3
Sat: 3

#22 Lister

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 01:12 AM

That's a lot of eggs. C60 Eggs anyone?

#23 Junk Master

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 04:36 PM

I wonder if they would last longer without spoiling?

#24 Hebbeh

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 05:00 PM

Egg spoilage is due to bacteria and pathogens eventually multiplying in the egg (which can be delayed with refrigeration)....doubt C60 will have an effect on that. I believe C60 has shown some anti-viral effects but not anti-bacterial to my knowledge.

#25 niner

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 05:41 PM

Pristine C60, which I think is pretty close to what we're dealing with, had no antibacterial activity whatsoever in a recent paper I looked at. Some of the highly hydroxylated fullerenes, like C60(OH)36, were shown to have weak antibacterial activities against a few species of bacteria, but nothing to write home about, particularly if compare to a serious antibacterial. In some papers, the antimicrobial activity that was claimed was dependent on UV photochemistry, resulting in production of free radicals. I think these are all with polyhydroxylated C60's, IIRC.

#26 Chook12

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 02:40 AM

12th feed this morning. Pics of chooks getting into their c60 tucker:

Attached File  IMGP2416.JPG   270.58KB   7 downloads Attached File  IMGP2417.JPG   240.93KB   10 downloads

Egg counts for the week:

Sun: 2, Mon: 2, Tue: 3, Wed: 3, Thu: 2, Fri: 3, Sat: 6

On Thursday, when I collected the eggs, the larger of the two old red hens was sitting in the far left nest box. During the previous few days, eggs had started appearing in that nest box, sometimes with a red feather attached. It looks like at least one of the old red hens is laying again, and has a preference for the far left nest box.

This morning (Saturday), I checked the eggs about an hour later than normal. Some eggs could have been laid during the extra hour this morning that normally would have been counted in tomorrow's count. This could be part of the reason for the higher count this morning.

Below is are pics of this morning's eggs (one in the nest box is a plastic dummy). One silly hen laid an egg in front of the nestboxes. In addition, there was one egg smaller than the others (not included in the count). This egg can be seen in the right pic below alongside the normal size eggs. I cracked it open, and it was a small egg, with a small yolk.

Attached File  IMGP2422.JPG   215.03KB   8 downloads Attached File  IMGP2423.JPG   193.85KB   4 downloads

Again, not possible to say if the c60 has anything to do with the old hen laying again, the overall increased egg numbers, or the abnormal small egg. Abnormal eggs (small, without shells, or poorly formed shells) are occasionally laid anyway.

Hens all look energetic and well. Apart from their c60oo bread, they are fed a diet of laying mash and leftover food (including old tomatoes, vegetable peelings, leftover rice, old fruit, and cheese (their favourite)). They are often let out to roam the garden on the weekend where they eat worms and whatever else is in the garden.

Edited by chicken12, 28 July 2012 - 02:43 AM.

#27 AgeVivo

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 12:37 PM

nice. keep up the good work

#28 JohnD60

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 08:59 PM

Maybe egg count over a month's time would be an interesting indicator of overall health. I wonder if one would detect C60 in the eggs of the hens fed C60.

#29 Chook12

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 11:50 PM

Chickens eating their c60oo bread this morning:
Attached File  IMGP2426.JPG   398.25KB   6 downloads Attached File  IMGP2432.JPG   401.56KB   4 downloads

I think the chickens enjoy eating their oil covered bread. As I start tearing it up, they mill around in anticipation. They chase after and squabble over the bread - one will snatch away a piece that another is eating and the first chicken will try to get it back, or snatch a piece off another chicken.

Egg counts for the week:

Sun: 2; Mon: 4; Tue: 4; Wed: 3; Thu:3; Fri: 3; Sat: 3

Edited by chicken12, 03 August 2012 - 11:59 PM.

#30 Chook12

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Posted 10 August 2012 - 11:43 PM

14th feed this morning:

Attached File  IMGP2434.JPG   371.69KB   4 downloads Attached File  IMGP2436.JPG   410.07KB   4 downloads

Egg counts this week were a bit of a mixed bag:

Sun: 4; Mon: 2; Tue: 1; Wed: 5; Thu: 1; Fri: 3; Sat: 5; Average: 3

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, olive oil

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