You are still very incorrect, and I would ask you to please take this to another thread. Not only is lyme disease highly treatable, but it is self-resolving even without antibiotics for the greater majority of patients (demonstrated an enormous study by Yale University). Neuroborreliosis is exceptionally uncommon and is not related to BBB dysfunction.
Indeed lyme disease is often transmitted with other rickettsia, although they too are highly treatable, self-resolving for most, and have nothing to do with the BBB (they are RBC membranotrophic).
Suffice to say, your point is invalid and the evidence you have used is wrong, disorganized, out of context, and mildly humorous. I'm guessing, pre-med?
With the utmost respect, NO, I am NOT incorrect; it is YOU that is wholly incorrect with regards to your both sublimely arrogant and ignorant opinion of how to properly diagnose and treat TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASES, including LYME DISEASE; and I won't "take this to another thread" since I am responsibly advising individuals against self-administering NMDA RECEPTOR AGONISTS, including D-SERINE wherein there is a pre-existing medical condition that is causing NMDA RECEPTOR OVERSTIMULATION; as opposed to your wholly irresponsibly trivialising TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASE.

The fact of the matter is that the subject of LYME DISEASE and the reoccurrence and persistence of symptomatology in the vast majority of patients in spite of the 'text book' diagnosis and treatment guidelines is very controversial. Let us agree on that point at the very least shall we?

You claim to be a doctor, wherein you have supposedly committed your life to improving the lives of others through properly diagnosing and treating disease. Well, I strongly urge (which given your apparently incurable God complex will almost certainly be ignored) that you devote some considerable time to reading through the many Internet Forums devoted to LYME DISEASE and populated by many, many individuals who according to you are "incorrect" in claiming that they are and have been suffering chronic, often incapacitating illness due to LYME DISEASE for years, in spite of medical treatment with the 'text book' PER ORAL administration of DOXYCYCLINE for the specified 3 WEEKS (which is what YOU would prescribe for treating diagnosed LYME DISEASE, isn't it?).
I am not going to waste my time getting into the whole LYME DISEASE debate with you, as I can already tell from your attitude (which by the way, in my humble opinion, stinks and is a perfect example of why this particular area of medicine is equivocal to being in the Dark Ages when it comes to proper diagnosis and treatment).
I do not in fact feel the need to prove you without a doubt to be incorrrect in your perspective relating to LYME DISEASE, since your opinion is already proven to be a fallacy by the MILLIONS of individuals who have been completely failed by the existing medical establishment and left to suffer for years without proper diagnosis and treatment of their TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASE related chronic illness. You can choose to stick your head in the sand and repeat "I don't believe in LYME DISEASE" and "lyme disease is highly treatable" like a parrot with your eyes and ears closed until the cows come home; however, there are quite literally MILLIONS of people suffering horrendously right now from chronic illness caused by TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASE who would most strongly disagree with you.
(N.B. Please kindly note that whenever I refer to "LYME DISEASE" I in fact refer to ALL pathogenic diseases contracted concomitantly, wherein proper diagnosis is part of the problem)
If you are at all open minded you should go check out the medical research by one DR JAMES SCHALLER, who is one of the very few physicians to fully understand how to properly diagnose and treat TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASE. For your enlightenment I have attached two excerpts of his published texts titled "WHY LYME TREATMENTS FAIL" (parts 1 and 2). I strongly urge that you read them and also read his many published medical papers and text books on the subject of how to properly diagnose and effectively treat TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASE. Personally, I know your sort and I believe that your ego will prevent you being man enough to do so; however, who knows? You might surprise me!
Incidentally, I myself happen to be a recovering LYME DISEASE sufferer; wherein I lost several years of my life to chronic, incapacitating illness causes by TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASE, before, due to my own sheer determination, I was finally diagnosed as suffering from concommitent chronic infections of BORRELIOSIS, BABESIOSIS and BARTONELLOSIS; and for what its worth (though this will likely fall on deaf ears) all three infections were practically unaffected by the 'text book' recommended treatment for LYME DISEASE; however, thanks to proper diagnosis and treatment I am now practically cured. So I have first hand experience regarding this matter and hence there is nothing that you can say that will chance my opinion on the subject. You telling me that I am "incorrect" that I suffered chronic incapacitating illness for all those years, and that I am "incorrect" that the 'text book' recommended treatment for LYME DISEASE failed to cure the patient (me), despite the fact I have the medical test results that irrefutably prove it to be so... I could go on...
The sooner physicians like you wake up, the sooner you will stop being part of the problem with regards to precisely why so many individuals are unecessarily left to suffer chronic illness as a direct consequence of improper diagnosis and treatment of TICK-BORNE PATHOGENIC DISEASE
I fully realise that your enormous EGO will likely cause you to attack me in response to my straight talking, but suffice to say that I am not going to argue with you on this subject any further. In my humble opinion, with regards to your perspective on LYME DISEASE you are wrong; plain and simple. Anyone with half a brain can within seconds find evidence via the Internet of the many, many individuals who suffer chronic illness due to LYME DISEASE for years as a consequence of improper diagnosis and treatment; I will choose to let their MILLIONS of pre-existing postings via the numerious respective Lyme Forums prove your ignorance.
I will just leave you with this thought... by maintaining your existing perspective on LYME DISEASE you are effectively turning your back on the many individuals whose lives are destroyed by it, and in doing so you make yourself part of the problem, as opposed to the solution

Either way, I am sure that you cannot disagree with the fact that individuals with a pre-existing medical conditioned wherein NMDA RECEPTOR OVERSTIMULATION occurs should avoid self-adminstering NMDA AGONISTS, including D-SERINE.

Regarding to NMDA overstimulation I wonder hows the effects of NMDA antagonists (alcohol, dissociatives) comparable to NMDA agonists mentioned here? Since I discovered their effects to be somewhat (but impairs some other processes/its related more to decisions making) memory-boosting and causing clear thoughts to arise (I got borreliosis some years ago), so can it be a sign that I have NMDA already overstimulated? Hows then effects of NMDA agonists to person with already overstimulated NMDA (worse short term memory/cognitive impairment)?
Oh for the love of god. I'm done with this forum.
You need to work on your PR SKILLS, since your arrogant attitude is not going to make you many friends... Not everyone on this forum is the all-knowing oracle of all things medicine related that you seemingly believe yourself to be... (and please do not kindly take that as an invitation to attack me again)

Your comment in reply to Psionic's post is a perfect example of how your attitude stinks... you do realise you just insulted him, right?

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Edited by ScienceGuy, 27 August 2012 - 05:35 AM.