Ordered L-THP at Heavenly Products. Improving sleep would be enough for me. Is there any data showing it to upregulate DA receptors? Antipsychotics actually cause downregulation.

Substances for upregulating dopamine receptors
Posted 06 April 2015 - 12:21 AM
Posted 06 April 2015 - 12:25 AM
Posted 06 May 2016 - 12:48 AM
any other bright ideas of upregulating those dopamine receptors?
must say cdp and alpha gpc choline did shit worth maybe people were imagining they were actually doing anything to dopamine....
Posted 10 February 2017 - 01:02 PM
Hi i have probably downregulated dopamine receptors.Couple months ago i take drug sulpiride in doses 50-150mg. Drug help but for a short time.
One guy told me that in this doses this drug help but in a longer peroid of time downregulate receptors more. It is true??
What is the difrence in this drug in doses 50-150 and higher???
What you recomed for me for start ??? What doses are good???
Posted 10 February 2017 - 01:21 PM
Well, as far as I know the best thing for upregulating dopamine is... abstinence from pleasurable activities. Which is hard AF.
Posted 10 February 2017 - 02:20 PM
Pramipexole and Requip.
Prami also has the added benefit of increasing HGH production. I have use Prami on nandrolone runs and was on top of the world when everything kicked into gear in the brain.
My question is, are there medicines out there that permanently up regulate dopamine receptors? There are drups that permanently down regulate them such as SSRI antidepressants.... but there is nothing to permanently up regulate?
Posted 10 February 2017 - 02:53 PM
Pramipexole and Requip.
Don't dopamine agonists like these actually cause downregulation? They up your dopamine, surely, but once you quit I doubt much of it would remain, on the contrary I'd expect some nasty dopamine withdrawal depending on how much and how long you took them.
Posted 10 February 2017 - 03:01 PM
Thanks but what you guys recomend me from sustances mentioned in this topic and what dose????
Posted 10 February 2017 - 08:01 PM
Pramipexole and Requip.
Don't dopamine agonists like these actually cause downregulation? They up your dopamine, surely, but once you quit I doubt much of it would remain, on the contrary I'd expect some nasty dopamine withdrawal depending on how much and how long you took them.
Why do docs put people on them for SSRI issues? Do they permanently upregulate or is it a lifelong medication?
You would probably say the same thing about amantadine as well?
Posted 11 February 2017 - 11:07 PM
Pramipexole and Requip.
Don't dopamine agonists like these actually cause downregulation? They up your dopamine, surely, but once you quit I doubt much of it would remain, on the contrary I'd expect some nasty dopamine withdrawal depending on how much and how long you took them.
yes agonists built tolerance and downregulate.
Posted 04 August 2018 - 11:02 AM
I need to refresh this topic. I have big problem. Well, I suffer from deficit syndrome, my symptoms are mainly apathy and anhedonia. The only drug that helped my very much was Ritalin. For almost 2 years it worked all the time in the same dose, I was immune to tolerance somehow. But then, I got IBS symptoms, tachycardia, psoriasis, oversweating and I felt that efficacy of Ritalin dropped. I decided to withdraw it for 6 months. After that, when I took it, I felt stimulation for 15-30 minutes and it was weak. 3 days later, it stopped completely working no matter what dose I take. One doc said that it's maybe downregulation of dopamine. But if it was, then 6 months of abstaining from it would do the trick. But it didn't. And if it is tolerance. then upping the dose would do the trick too. But it didn't.
Another drug was venlafaxine. And it's the same story - it doesn't work too!
Can anyone tell me how it's even possible? Is somehow the symptoms of IBS connected? How the hell I got immune to these drugs?
Edited by MichaelTheAnhedonic, 04 August 2018 - 11:02 AM.
Posted 04 August 2018 - 12:44 PM
Goddammit. I took it today and I couldn't feel any stimulation but I got panic attack! wtf!
Posted 14 August 2018 - 02:16 PM
I need to refresh this topic. I have big problem. Well, I suffer from deficit syndrome, my symptoms are mainly apathy and anhedonia. The only drug that helped my very much was Ritalin. For almost 2 years it worked all the time in the same dose, I was immune to tolerance somehow. But then, I got IBS symptoms, tachycardia, psoriasis, oversweating and I felt that efficacy of Ritalin dropped. I decided to withdraw it for 6 months. After that, when I took it, I felt stimulation for 15-30 minutes and it was weak. 3 days later, it stopped completely working no matter what dose I take. One doc said that it's maybe downregulation of dopamine. But if it was, then 6 months of abstaining from it would do the trick. But it didn't. And if it is tolerance. then upping the dose would do the trick too. But it didn't.
Another drug was venlafaxine. And it's the same story - it doesn't work too!
Can anyone tell me how it's even possible? Is somehow the symptoms of IBS connected? How the hell I got immune to these drugs?
#1 culprit in damage to our intestinal health?? PHARMACEUTICALS!
Posted 17 August 2018 - 02:57 PM
I would think that 9-me-bc would be the best substance by far for this, tho it's pretty expensive. Amisulpride and L-THP seem to be good options too, I've def been enjoying using very low doses of the former so far.
Really want to hear about some people's experience with L-THP as I need all the dopamine upregulation I can get! The sleep inducing effects would be quite a bonus too!
Posted 17 August 2018 - 04:06 PM
Posted 24 August 2018 - 02:45 PM
Never heard of L-THP until this tread. I’ll have to spend the day researching this now.
let us know what you find
Posted 15 October 2018 - 02:56 PM
The idea of taking dopamine antagonists before sleep is problematized by the fact that certain sorts of dopamine transmission (despite its crude association with stimulation) are necessary for sleep to be normal and restorative. This is why sleep is completely impaired in Parkinson's disease sufferers. Dopamine both centrally and peripherally exerts a regulatory effect on acetylcholine transmission. Without this happening, the result can be restless leg syndrome, akathisia, and excess REM cycles with reduced stages 3 and 4 (deep) sleep.
So this is a concern with antipsychotics (along with the other concerns they present, like extreme promiscuity of receptor affinities) and perhaps a concern with L-THP.
On the other hand, at the correct low dose, you may be able to simply target dopamine autoreceptors with L-THP (which also can happen with certain low dosed antipsychotics, particularly aripiprazole). This would improve dopamine transmission in some circuits, and the regulatory response may still be upregulation. That is hard to say for sure though it seems it would be ideal for the purpose discussed here.
One thing to keep in mind with L-THP is that it is also a calcium channel blocker , which you do not want to overdose. Be careful.
Posted 15 October 2018 - 04:30 PM
Posted 15 October 2018 - 11:31 PM
Posted 16 October 2018 - 07:25 AM
Been taking this for several months now and I see a clear difference in dopamine related activities. Only issue so far is in higher doses it's very euphoric.
Posted 16 October 2018 - 05:48 PM
Been taking this for several months now and I see a clear difference in dopamine related activities. Only issue so far is in higher doses it's very euphoric.
Cool. Thanks for sharing!
What's your source of 9-Me-BC. I found suppliers online for it. China has it at 10g for 250USD. Group buy???
Posted 16 October 2018 - 06:22 PM
Cool. Thanks for sharing!
What's your source of 9-Me-BC. I found suppliers online for it. China has it at 10g for 250USD. Group buy???
I used HydraPharms 9mebc but irc.bio is supposed to release a report soon from what I heard on testing for theirs.
Posted 19 October 2018 - 01:30 AM
Cool. Thanks for sharing!
What's your source of 9-Me-BC. I found suppliers online for it. China has it at 10g for 250USD. Group buy???
HydraPharms. I would consider doing a group buy if it can 3rd party lab tested.
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