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C60 Toxicity Concerns and anecdotal reports

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#241 smithx

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Posted 24 October 2016 - 10:34 PM


sorry i just meant changes of C60 in bottle but if radiation is so low i guess it makes no changes to c60 compounds in the bottle




I wouldn't assume that. Note that in that example, radiation in the air is more than 10x what it is on the ground.


You also see that if you ever bring a geiger counter on a plane. Radiation goes way way up the higher you climb. I think it doubles every 7000 feet or something, if I'm recalling correctly.

#242 IP3

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Posted 27 October 2016 - 09:14 PM

Five days ago i starded escitalopram 5 mg. After 3rd day i developed dull headache very similiar to this from c60. My intraocullar pressure increase from 15 to 17 in left eye and from 17 to 23 in right. So if you also experienced this headache after c60 check your IOP and show off the results. (i cannot risk any c60 experiments in next 3 months because i have changed my job and now i am on probation, c60  headache makes me stupid and usless at work)

Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#243 lost69

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Posted 31 October 2016 - 10:00 AM

i had a lot of bleeding so i could easily check blood color and it does not look like blood color at all, it is very light red like "rosso ferrari" or as previously reported.i take high dose c60 12mg daily

i used white tapes that became soaked with blood and it lasted many days with light red color despite air exposure.


why blood becomes dark red?is it coagulation or oxidation to make it dark red when exposed to air on tapes?

Edited by ste, 31 October 2016 - 10:03 AM.

#244 lost69

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Posted 31 October 2016 - 10:24 AM



it was a color similar to this.i ll try to get a picture of it, a friend shot a pic because it was a very strange color


i wonder, is it all very oxigenated blood?does it improve coagulation or avoid scars or the opposite?



#245 IP3

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 12:55 PM

After two weeks i must withdrawn esitalopram because of brain fog. Nearly undistinguishable from that from c60, but less pronounced and with less somnolence. Is there posibility that c60 act as serotoninergic agent? But it didnt aleviate my depression, rather deepened it. So i think it may be just antidpoaminergic. Anyone experienced sexual side effects on c60?

#246 Turnbuckle

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 02:49 PM

After two weeks i must withdrawn esitalopram because of brain fog. Nearly undistinguishable from that from c60, but less pronounced and with less somnolence. Is there posibility that c60 act as serotoninergic agent? But it didnt aleviate my depression, rather deepened it. So i think it may be just antidpoaminergic. Anyone experienced sexual side effects on c60?



It's interesting that drugs with fluorine seem to cause a problem in some people when combined with C60 (even when not taken at the same time). Escitalopram has one fluorine atom, as do antibacterials like fluoroquinolones, and it's known that light absorbed by C60 (especially red light that penetrates deeply into tissues) can generate free radicals. Fluorine radicals would be the worst.


Fullerene oxidation and clustering in solution induced by light

Edited by Turnbuckle, 12 November 2016 - 02:50 PM.

#247 lost69

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 03:28 PM

if this can be of interest i ve used Azithromycin 500mg daily for 6 days without stopping 8-12mg of C60 daily, i had no bad effects, just felt some pain under the liver according to body position which makes pressure on liver but this could be due to some antibiotic toxicity which resolved after stopping antibiotic (liver is checked by Ultrasound every 6 months and fibroscan every 2 years and is perfectly healthy)

#248 niner

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 11:10 PM

It's interesting that drugs with fluorine seem to cause a problem in some people when combined with C60 (even when not taken at the same time). Escitalopram has one fluorine atom, as do antibacterials like fluoroquinolones, and it's known that light absorbed by C60 (especially red light that penetrates deeply into tissues) can generate free radicals. Fluorine radicals would be the worst.


It's very unlikely that a fluorine radical would form starting from a carbon-fluorine bond as found in pharmaceuticals.  That is a very stable bond-- hard to break, and a fluorine radical would be very unstable due to its high electronegativity.  It really wants to hang on to the electrons and be a fluoride, if it's going to exist as a free atom.  Such a species would be hard to make in the best of circumstances.

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#249 DarkDestroyer

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Posted 14 February 2017 - 02:52 PM

Hi - With regard to the study mentioned at the beginning of this thread http://endomoribu.sh...Kanno_IWCTS.pdf, I thought I'd give my experiences with C60 Olive Oil over a 1 year period: 


I'm a 38 year old male. 5'9 - 70 kgs - 15% body fat. 


Relatively healthy, active lifestyle, fairly healthy diet. 


Took 4 bottles of C60 Olive Oil over a year... At the beginning of that time, all blood results for all of the following were within normal ranges and now are abnormal results:


Asymptomatic normocytic anaemia (low haemoglobin levels)

Raised creatinine and slightly raised urea

Very raised ALT and AST results with AST being higher than ALT.


All of which point to Kidney Disease or Impaired Function.


I have no family history, am not diabetic and am slim and active which makes me fairly unusual for kidney issues.


I have a sweet tooth and despite eating a diet high in fruit and veg, I have a sweet tooth and certainly indulge in chocolate, biscuits, desserts and alcohol. So I've run a couple of 10 week courses of Metformin over the last year, along with taking some Curcumin Phytosome. Apart from that, I have not taken much else in the way of supplements. 


The changes in my blood results have been on a worsening trend in the last 6 months. 


I don't suggest that C60 OO is what's responsible for my blood results which point to a decline in my Kidney function but thought my results may be of interest to some people. I have not felt any benefits from taking the supplement - a few more wrinkles, a few more grey hairs, no improvement in athletic performance. My feeling is that C60 OO is a red herring and while probably not responsible for my ailing kidneys, it certainly didn't offer them any protection.



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#250 aribadabar

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Posted 15 February 2017 - 02:16 AM

Hi - With regard to the study mentioned at the beginning of this thread http://endomoribu.sh...Kanno_IWCTS.pdf, I thought I'd give my experiences with C60 Olive Oil over a 1 year period: 


I'm a 38 year old male. 5'9 - 70 kgs - 15% body fat. 


Relatively healthy, active lifestyle, fairly healthy diet. 


Took 4 bottles of C60 Olive Oil over a year... At the beginning of that time, all blood results for all of the following were within normal ranges and now are abnormal results:


Asymptomatic normocytic anaemia (low haemoglobin levels)

Raised creatinine and slightly raised urea

Very raised ALT and AST results with AST being higher than ALT.


All of which point to Kidney Disease or Impaired Function.


I have no family history, am not diabetic and am slim and active which makes me fairly unusual for kidney issues.


I have a sweet tooth and despite eating a diet high in fruit and veg, I have a sweet tooth and certainly indulge in chocolate, biscuits, desserts and alcohol. So I've run a couple of 10 week courses of Metformin over the last year, along with taking some Curcumin Phytosome. Apart from that, I have not taken much else in the way of supplements. 


The changes in my blood results have been on a worsening trend in the last 6 months. 


I don't suggest that C60 OO is what's responsible for my blood results which point to a decline in my Kidney function but thought my results may be of interest to some people. I have not felt any benefits from taking the supplement - a few more wrinkles, a few more grey hairs, no improvement in athletic performance. My feeling is that C60 OO is a red herring and while probably not responsible for my ailing kidneys, it certainly didn't offer them any protection.



Here are my 2c on your situation:


If you are nearly vegan like me (no meat except some fish occasionally), low ferritin and hemoglobin levels are very possible. I can tell you that with this diet I cannot raise my ferritin levels past the 30s for 2 years now without any blood donations during this period.


The elevated ALT and AST markers could be due to a recent alcohol consumption - they rise sharply while the liver tries to detoxify the ethanol in your body. So if you have had a few drinks in the ~72hrs prior to the blood test, increased amount of liver enzymes are to be expected. They gradually subside within 2 weeks back to baseline (=low to mid teens) if no alcohol/toxin is re-introduced and if your liver is healthy.Milk thistle (silymarin), inositol and Phosphatidylcholine seem a good combo for liver support if you feel you need one.


Having said all that, I,too, cannot report major improvements from regular c60oo consumption but my liver enzymes remain in the teens during the almost 2 years of c60oo intake.

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#251 thedarkbobo

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Posted 15 April 2017 - 09:18 AM

Hmm I guess one must care about the process of making own batch.

My first homemade batch(around 1,5L) was (looking) very good and worked fine, there was no C60 flakes swimming around. I've done 2nd batch 3-4 months ago and its just bad. C60 didn't react so well, didn't really dissolve so if I move the bottle flakes are swimming inside the bottle...The taste is different..I think the oil might have been too old...will have to try again later.

#252 Ghanzo

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:27 AM

Thought I'd add my story to the thread.

I bought c60 sunflower oil from Bob Greska from c-60.com . I had the stuff sitting in my car for about a month, and the other day, 3.5 to be exact, I took one dropper full. 
Since then my sleep has been poor, my body has been aching, including my kidneys, my mental state has been foggier, my energy is lower and there's a general heaviness in my body, almost a pressure. Today I actually feel slightly better than yesterday but who knows if this trend will continue. I certainly don't feel cleansed of the toxin from this point, but perhaps my body is just fighting it less. A metallic taste keeps coming up. I've had a weak appetite. No sexual energy the first two days. And there remains a sense of having something within me, that cannot be scrubbed. Like, I've added to a chemical / molecular burden that I carry, and even the small dropper was a considerable amount. This stuff hurt me, it hurt me bad. 

I can say that I fully attribute these symptoms to the substance. 


I'm looking for people to talk to who have also taken this same substance from c-60.com so if you read this shoot me a message. 

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#253 lost69

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 10:50 AM

you can fully attribute that to your craziness, if you just read posts here you ll see why and even without doing this any chemical left in the sun, heat, high humidity belongs to the bin....for me even vitamins although i guess they cannot become toxic

Edited by lost69, 28 November 2017 - 11:08 AM.

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#254 sensei

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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:20 PM

Xerxes that is quite scary. Lends credence to the results found by Ichor's lab. Despite the gains I get from c60 in terms of my cfs, I may need to discontinue use.


No it doesn't


Ichor injected AML cancer cells into an immunocompromised mouse.


It seems that many on this board think the Ichor study says C60OO CAUSED cancer.

#255 hav

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Posted 03 December 2017 - 09:28 PM

Here's my anecdote on c60 mixed with sunflower and safflower oil.  No particularly notable or different effects to report.  The high-oleic sunflower oil I use does seem to dissolve about 50% more c60 as olive oil and being a lighter oil, it filters more easily. The taste is less biting than olive oil which is significant if drinking it straight or use it for gandusha oil pulling.   I tend to take it mixed with Good Seasons salad mix using balsamic vinegar with piperine and ghost chili for flavor.  Between my wife and I we go through about a liter a month. Used high-oleic safflower oil the previous month and it imparted less flavor but was similar in other respects.  Just switched back to olive oil c60 in the dressing mix and its definitely a little more greasy tasting on salad but more flavorful.



#256 Mad Hacker

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Posted 24 December 2017 - 04:44 PM

Hey guys, 

I found a study that I found concerning. Please see link below. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the subject. Decreasing BDNF cannot be good. 

"Animals treated with C60 up to 450nm demonstrated impaired spatial memory with a significant decrease in BDNF protein levels and gene expression"



#257 sensei

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Posted 26 December 2017 - 05:02 AM

Five days ago i starded escitalopram 5 mg. After 3rd day i developed dull headache very similiar to this from c60. My intraocullar pressure increase from 15 to 17 in left eye and from 17 to 23 in right. So if you also experienced this headache after c60 check your IOP and show off the results. (i cannot risk any c60 experiments in next 3 months because i have changed my job and now i am on probation, c60  headache makes me stupid and usless at work)


escitalopram (LEXAPRO) is a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI)


SSRIs are known to cause IOP increases in a small but significant number of people -- are correlated with a higher incidence of glaucoma in long term users, and are KNOWN to cause headaches for 1-2 weeks after start of treatment


It's your anti-depressant, not the C60

#258 sensei

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Posted 26 December 2017 - 05:09 AM

Hey guys, 

I found a study that I found concerning. Please see link below. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the subject. Decreasing BDNF cannot be good. 

"Animals treated with C60 up to 450nm demonstrated impaired spatial memory with a significant decrease in BDNF protein levels and gene expression"





Read the abstract closely:


1. Aqueous suspension

2. the up to 450 nm aggregate injection caused the issues (220nm (.22micron) is the filtration standard)

3. the up to 200 micron solution didn't show any negative effects

4. BOTH showed antioxidant effects

5. Injected directly into the hippocampus

#259 Ghanzo

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Posted 28 December 2017 - 10:08 AM

Thought I'd add my story to the thread.

I bought c60 sunflower oil from Bob Greska from c-60.com . I had the stuff sitting in my car for about a month, and the other day, 3.5 to be exact, I took one dropper full. 
Since then my sleep has been poor, my body has been aching, including my kidneys, my mental state has been foggier, my energy is lower and there's a general heaviness in my body, almost a pressure. Today I actually feel slightly better than yesterday but who knows if this trend will continue. I certainly don't feel cleansed of the toxin from this point, but perhaps my body is just fighting it less. A metallic taste keeps coming up. I've had a weak appetite. No sexual energy the first two days. And there remains a sense of having something within me, that cannot be scrubbed. Like, I've added to a chemical / molecular burden that I carry, and even the small dropper was a considerable amount. This stuff hurt me, it hurt me bad. 

I can say that I fully attribute these symptoms to the substance. 


I'm looking for people to talk to who have also taken this same substance from c-60.com so if you read this shoot me a message. 

Just to follow up on this post:
I went to the doctor and got a blood test. Nothing came up.
Since then my headaches have persisted. There are almost no times where I don't notice them being present. It is indeed a dull pain like others have reported. I have a desire to sleep frequently and when I wake up the first thing I notice is the pain. I then try to sleep it off, and it is usually still there. There are moments where I forget about it, but the headache is always in the background.
So, just to clarify, before this I never had headaches. It's been over a month and I've had one consistently since. Before this, "headaches" sensations would come and go. I always thought of them as energetic phenomena and have never minded them. They were something to meditate through, and enough relaxation would clear it up and bring about a sense of peace. And so I was always of the mindset that I don't get headaches. This is different. No matter how much meditation or relaxation I do, the ailment is still there. It's like a wound that doesn't heal, and it doesn't go away after a good meal or happy laugh or deep sleep. Also the pain seems to come from the crown of my head on down.

My thinking has also gotten less sharp. After taking c60 my grades crashed. I've actually given up on the things I was studying because at this point it seems the damage will not allow me to pursue a cognitively centered profession. So, I am now looking for work as a barista and going to volunteer my time at the soup kitchen which will be satisfying in its own way. (I think the helping others pathway is more closely related to myself than is programming, so there has been a desire to move in this direction, but my grades fell off after taking c60 and so it seems the decision was made for me).

There is another sensation that I have difficulty in describing. It's like a weight in my throat and chest that sometimes comes and goes. But, weight might not be the right word. When it comes on I feel a weakness in my body.
I can still exercise, but at times I come across this feeling of "weight" and the headache might come on stronger afterwards.

I also am having death thoughts, which I've never had before. I wouldn't commit suicide because of it's effects on my loved ones. I do however find myself looking forward to this body's end which is something that has never happened before last month.
This stuff has ruined my life. Time will tell to what degree, and perhaps it will change. Though, from where I stand now, I will say that c60 has been the worst decision I've made in my life.

I would push you not to try it if you are on the fence. I realize there are a myriad of experiences and the gains seem so nice, but the possibility of my experience becoming yours, even if it is 1%, is too high a chance. I'm telling you that this can really be life altering in a bad way. 
I'm still hopeful that this will subside, though over this month it has not one bit. 
I'll keep reporting back every once in a while. 

Much Love

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#260 Turnbuckle

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Posted 28 December 2017 - 11:28 AM

This stuff has ruined my life. Time will tell to what degree, and perhaps it will change. Though, from where I stand now, I will say that c60 has been the worst decision I've made in my life.





Again, this stuff is not recommended and has nothing to do with the research paper that used C60 in olive oil, which used a highly purified C60 from SES (it was 99.98% C60). Most of the cost of C60 is in the purification. When you make fullerenes, you get C60 plus a spectrum of other fullerenes, soot and other assorted garbage. You might even have carbon nanotubes in it. Bob Greska doesn't give us much to go on about his methods or the purity of his product. His website indicates he is making the fullerenes himself and he is not using solvents. How you could possibly purify the stuff and extract C60 without solvents is not clear, and the description of his product as "a dark, rich black" suggests it is not purified. If it isn't, then you took what is in essence a chemical cocktail of various forms of carbon that have not been studied and some of which could be dangerous. 

Edited by Turnbuckle, 28 December 2017 - 11:47 AM.

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#261 sensei

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Posted 28 December 2017 - 06:24 PM

Just to follow up on this post:
I went to the doctor and got a blood test. Nothing came up.
Since then my headaches have persisted. There are almost no times where I don't notice them being present. It is indeed a dull pain like others have reported. I have a desire to sleep frequently and when I wake up the first thing I notice is the pain. I then try to sleep it off, and it is usually still there. There are moments where I forget about it, but the headache is always in the background.
So, just to clarify, before this I never had headaches. It's been over a month and I've had one consistently since. Before this, "headaches" sensations would come and go. I always thought of them as energetic phenomena and have never minded them. They were something to meditate through, and enough relaxation would clear it up and bring about a sense of peace. And so I was always of the mindset that I don't get headaches. This is different. No matter how much meditation or relaxation I do, the ailment is still there. It's like a wound that doesn't heal, and it doesn't go away after a good meal or happy laugh or deep sleep. Also the pain seems to come from the crown of my head on down.
My thinking has also gotten less sharp. After taking c60 my grades crashed. I've actually given up on the things I was studying because at this point it seems the damage will not allow me to pursue a cognitively centered profession. So, I am now looking for work as a barista and going to volunteer my time at the soup kitchen which will be satisfying in its own way. (I think the helping others pathway is more closely related to myself than is programming, so there has been a desire to move in this direction, but my grades fell off after taking c60 and so it seems the decision was made for me).

There is another sensation that I have difficulty in describing. It's like a weight in my throat and chest that sometimes comes and goes. But, weight might not be the right word. When it comes on I feel a weakness in my body.
I can still exercise, but at times I come across this feeling of "weight" and the headache might come on stronger afterwards.
I also am having death thoughts, which I've never had before. I wouldn't commit suicide because of it's effects on my loved ones. I do however find myself looking forward to this body's end which is something that has never happened before last month.
This stuff has ruined my life. Time will tell to what degree, and perhaps it will change. Though, from where I stand now, I will say that c60 has been the worst decision I've made in my life.

I would push you not to try it if you are on the fence. I realize there are a myriad of experiences and the gains seem so nice, but the possibility of my experience becoming yours, even if it is 1%, is too high a chance. I'm telling you that this can really be life altering in a bad way. 
I'm still hopeful that this will subside, though over this month it has not one bit. 
I'll keep reporting back every once in a while. 

Much Love

What you are describing are classical initial symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.

Mild slight headaches that change to regular pervasive headaches, pain, generalized intermittent feeling of weakness, mind fog, and the "weight" in your chest is known as "banding" it is a classical sign of MS.

"The MS hug is a symptom of multiple sclerosis where you feel as if you have a tight band around your chest or ribs or it can be pressure on just one side of your torso. Some people find that it is painful to breathe."


If you have any other symptoms of MS (optical changes in color saturation, double vision of any type, pain in one eye, clumsiness, or generalized pain that is worse after a long period of inactivity)

I would recommend seeing a doctor that specializes in MS.
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#262 ambivalent

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Posted 29 December 2017 - 03:20 PM

I'm very sorry to hear of your plight Ghanzo. The first route I would take is to try fasting and see if this improves your symptoms - perhaps have a chat on the curezone for some advice on the subject. Fasting is extremely detoxifying and if that's what your body is trying to do then fasting will accelerate it. The experience of fasting might be extremely difficult if you've a lot of toxins to clear, but post fast would be where you should experience the gain.


There is some part of me that wonders whether the standard c60oo we've all consumed would help, but given the level of uncertainty surrounding your condition that would be best saved as a last result, if at all.    


Good luck.

#263 aribadabar

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Posted 29 December 2017 - 09:44 PM


This stuff has ruined my life. Time will tell to what degree, and perhaps it will change. Though, from where I stand now, I will say that c60 has been the worst decision I've made in my life.



Again, this stuff is not recommended and has nothing to do with the research paper that used C60 in olive oil, which used a highly purified C60 from SES (it was 99.98% C60). Most of the cost of C60 is in the purification. When you make fullerenes, you get C60 plus a spectrum of other fullerenes, soot and other assorted garbage. You might even have carbon nanotubes in it. Bob Greska doesn't give us much to go on about his methods or the purity of his product. His website indicates he is making the fullerenes himself and he is not using solvents. How you could possibly purify the stuff and extract C60 without solvents is not clear, and the description of his product as "a dark, rich black" suggests it is not purified. If it isn't, then you took what is in essence a chemical cocktail of various forms of carbon that have not been studied and some of which could be dangerous. 



I concur - the concoction Ghanzo consumed  is NOT C60-oo - he consumed some sort of carbon mix in sunflower oil produced who-knows-how -  a TOTALLY different product with unresearched effects.

These are not the typical C60 toxicity concerns.


People should not draw any parallels between the two as they have almost nothing in common - it is akin to calling methanol and ethanol both alcohol and drink them as if they are the same.


I am sorry that this happened to him but let's keep the proper perspective and not get carried away with broad-sweeping conclusions.

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#264 mikey

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Posted 29 December 2017 - 10:45 PM

I'm very sorry to hear of your plight Ghanzo. The first route I would take is to try fasting and see if this improves your symptoms - perhaps have a chat on the curezone for some advice on the subject. Fasting is extremely detoxifying and if that's what your body is trying to do then fasting will accelerate it. The experience of fasting might be extremely difficult if you've a lot of toxins to clear, but post fast would be where you should experience the gain.


There is some part of me that wonders whether the standard c60oo we've all consumed would help, but given the level of uncertainty surrounding your condition that would be best saved as a last result, if at all.    


Good luck.


Muddying up the waters of anecdotal responses are those that used C60 in some other format than what was presented in the (The prolongation...") study by the Moussa team.


In the original forum "C60 experiments @ home" the vast majority of us that chose to use C60oo (in olive oil) ourselves employed a formula directly copied from the experiment, "The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60]fullerene."

For many months reported effects were consistently positive.


A common human ego trait is to take something that was effective and improvise on (change) it, creating untried, untested iterations, expecting to get similar or better results. 


Prudence says that this is anything but prudent and so reading your report creates questions about whether what you are experiencing is early MS, as noted by others in this forum or some other health concern. What caused the use of C60 in a format that is a deviation from the original Moussa formula should be carefully considered. 


C60, itself, has been stated to produce no toxicity in the format (prepared by dissolution in olive oil) in Dr. Moussa's study. 


Indeed, Dr. Moussa stated that C60 in this format produced "absolutely no toxicity, even taken long term," in an interview, seen at https://www.youtube....h?v=XLZS1WQl_1E


So, this unfortunate negative aberration in results should be separated from the use of C60 in its original relatively benign format in the Moussa study. 


Those that choose to take an apparently beneficial molecule and alter its delivery from what was shown to produce no deleterious effects should be singled out and noted to be a vendor that is selling questionable products, which you have stated caused serious health problems. 


Perhaps there might be a list of "prudent vendors," those that are adhering to the guidelines for manufacture that Moussa's team established, and vendors that are producing questionably versions of C60, therefore alerting consumers to the potential to be exposed to harmful "creative" alterations of solubilized C60. 


This forum is a "buyer beware" forum.


With the popularization of the use of C60, we will likely continue to see people that are harmed by vendors' deviations from the original Moussa formula.


Perhaps, having a forum on LongeCity called "C60 vendors: The prudent and the deviants" would help people spare themselves from experiencing adverse effects rather than the beneficial results that dominated the reports seen in "C60 Surprises - Anecdotes of Unique Health Benefits."


In the hope of providing prudent guidance for safety I thus, I create the forum, "C60 vendors: The prudent and the deviants." This forum will hopefully provide guidance to those that are curious about C60's potential to benefit health to sources that provide prudently formulated C60.


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#265 sensei

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Posted 29 December 2017 - 10:46 PM


People should not draw any parallels between the two as they have almost nothing in common - it is akin to calling methanol and ethanol both alcohol and drink them as if they are the same.


I am sorry that this happened to him but let's keep the proper perspective and not get carried away with broad-sweeping conclusions.



True they have nothing in common.


Yet I have not seen an oral toxicity study for oil suspended aggregates.


Occam's Razor says look for the most probable answer


1. his 'mild' headaches preceded his C60 dosing headaches

2. he took one dropper full -- which is such a minute quantity of C60 aggregate as to be insignificant (argue all you want -- this is fact)

3. The  C60 aggregate is excreted from the body almost totally -- in fact -- aggregates form larger aggregates in the digestive tract




4. his symptoms are consistent with the progression of an initial incidence of MS

Edited by sensei, 29 December 2017 - 10:46 PM.

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#266 Turnbuckle

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 12:45 AM

2. he took one dropper full -- which is such a minute quantity of C60 aggregate as to be insignificant (argue all you want -- this is fact)




Not true. He took one dropper of what appears to be a spectrum of fullerenes and possibly carbon nanotubes as well, partially dissolved and partially in aggregate form, and then left it in his car for a month. We don't know if it was in the glove compartment or what sort of bottle it was in, but even amber bottles allow red light in, and and sort of visible light causes fullerenes to produce free radicals and thereby react with whatever is in the oil. The lead researcher on the Baati paper warned of the danger of light exposure--


 Available data clearly shows that pristine C60 has no acute or sub-acute toxicity in a large variety of living organisms, from bacteria and fungal to human leukocytes, and also in drosophila, mice, rats and guinea pigs. In contrast to chemically--either covalently or noncovalently--modified fullerenes, some C60 derivatives can be highly toxic. Furthermore, under light exposure, C60 is an efficient singlet oxygen sensitizer. Therefore, if pristine C60 is absolutely nontoxic under dark conditions, this is not the case under UV-Visible irradiation and in the presence of O2 where fullerene solutions can be highly toxic through 1O2 formation. 




"Occam's Razor says look for the most probable answer"


Occam's Razor is a rule of thumb suggesting that the simpler explanation is preferred. But it doesn't mean that it is correct. In this case we have the potential of a large number of possible toxic compounds that have never been studied, so taking a dropper full of unknown chemical forms is likely the cause of this sudden onset of symptoms.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 30 December 2017 - 12:52 AM.

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#267 sensei

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 01:52 AM


2. he took one dropper full -- which is such a minute quantity of C60 aggregate as to be insignificant (argue all you want -- this is fact)




Not true. He took one dropper of what appears to be a spectrum of fullerenes and possibly carbon nanotubes as well, partially dissolved and partially in aggregate form, and then left it in his car for a month. We don't know if it was in the glove compartment or what sort of bottle it was in, but even amber bottles allow red light in, and and sort of visible light causes fullerenes to produce free radicals and thereby react with whatever is in the oil. The lead researcher on the Baati paper warned of the danger of light exposure--


 Available data clearly shows that pristine C60 has no acute or sub-acute toxicity in a large variety of living organisms, from bacteria and fungal to human leukocytes, and also in drosophila, mice, rats and guinea pigs. In contrast to chemically--either covalently or noncovalently--modified fullerenes, some C60 derivatives can be highly toxic. Furthermore, under light exposure, C60 is an efficient singlet oxygen sensitizer. Therefore, if pristine C60 is absolutely nontoxic under dark conditions, this is not the case under UV-Visible irradiation and in the presence of O2 where fullerene solutions can be highly toxic through 1O2 formation. 




"Occam's Razor says look for the most probable answer"


Occam's Razor is a rule of thumb suggesting that the simpler explanation is preferred. But it doesn't mean that it is correct. In this case we have the potential of a large number of possible toxic compounds that have never been studied, so taking a dropper full of unknown chemical forms is likely the cause of this sudden onset of symptoms.




More often than not -- and that is a lot more often than not


Occam's Razor wins out.


I call


1. Depression (his posts scream self loathing and a fatalist outlook) -- I bet he's taking a benzo or an antidepressant

2. Psychosomatism

3. Multiple Sclerosis

4. A bit of poorly digested food/a bit of poorly handled food resulting in a sub acute infection with a bacteria or parasite






99.  C60 aggregates


The Maillard molecules  and carbon char on a well charred steak are larger quantity and more of a fullerene/nanotube spectrum than a dropperful of whatever he took


I call TOTAL BULLSHIT that whatever he took has anything to do with his symptoms -- if the solution was olive oil and carbon tetrachloride he'd have less symptoms

Edited by sensei, 30 December 2017 - 01:56 AM.

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#268 Ghanzo

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Posted 01 January 2018 - 12:01 AM



2. he took one dropper full -- which is such a minute quantity of C60 aggregate as to be insignificant (argue all you want -- this is fact)




Not true. He took one dropper of what appears to be a spectrum of fullerenes and possibly carbon nanotubes as well, partially dissolved and partially in aggregate form, and then left it in his car for a month. We don't know if it was in the glove compartment or what sort of bottle it was in, but even amber bottles allow red light in, and and sort of visible light causes fullerenes to produce free radicals and thereby react with whatever is in the oil. The lead researcher on the Baati paper warned of the danger of light exposure--


 Available data clearly shows that pristine C60 has no acute or sub-acute toxicity in a large variety of living organisms, from bacteria and fungal to human leukocytes, and also in drosophila, mice, rats and guinea pigs. In contrast to chemically--either covalently or noncovalently--modified fullerenes, some C60 derivatives can be highly toxic. Furthermore, under light exposure, C60 is an efficient singlet oxygen sensitizer. Therefore, if pristine C60 is absolutely nontoxic under dark conditions, this is not the case under UV-Visible irradiation and in the presence of O2 where fullerene solutions can be highly toxic through 1O2 formation. 




"Occam's Razor says look for the most probable answer"


Occam's Razor is a rule of thumb suggesting that the simpler explanation is preferred. But it doesn't mean that it is correct. In this case we have the potential of a large number of possible toxic compounds that have never been studied, so taking a dropper full of unknown chemical forms is likely the cause of this sudden onset of symptoms.




More often than not -- and that is a lot more often than not


Occam's Razor wins out.


I call


1. Depression (his posts scream self loathing and a fatalist outlook) -- I bet he's taking a benzo or an antidepressant

2. Psychosomatism

3. Multiple Sclerosis

4. A bit of poorly digested food/a bit of poorly handled food resulting in a sub acute infection with a bacteria or parasite






99.  C60 aggregates


The Maillard molecules  and carbon char on a well charred steak are larger quantity and more of a fullerene/nanotube spectrum than a dropperful of whatever he took


I call TOTAL BULLSHIT that whatever he took has anything to do with his symptoms -- if the solution was olive oil and carbon tetrachloride he'd have less symptoms




To be clear, I did not have headaches prior to taking the c-60 sunflower product.

The product was not exposed to light, and may have been exposed to only a slight amount of heat, since it was stored in my car during cold weather.

I am not taking any other medicine of any type. Psychoactive drugs have never been part of my life. 

I took the product because I believed it was the same c60 that everyone here talks about. I figured "c60 is c60, Bob Greska's is just more pure". Obviously I was wrong. It goes to show how dangerous the marketplace for this product is. The reason why I'm sharing my experience is to caution those interested in this endeavor to be aware of the level of danger that surrounds it, which are potentially fatal dangers. 

I don't know if there is evidence that c60 leaves the body in a short amount of time. If there is, please send the citations. How would you test for increased levels of c60 in a dead rat? I would think nano particles would be almost impossible to find.

If the c60 did produce free radicals when exposed to light and heat, wouldn't they be attached to the c60 molecule?
Likewise, would the carbon nanotubes and spectrum of fullerines be attached to the c60? 

#269 sensei

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Posted 01 January 2018 - 12:17 AM



To be clear, I did not have headaches prior to taking the c-60 sunflower product.



This is an exact quote from one of your earlier posts 


"Before this, "headaches" sensations would come and go. I always thought of them as energetic phenomena and have never minded them. They were something to meditate through, and enough relaxation would clear it up and bring about a sense of peace. And so I was always of the mindset that I don't get headaches."



SO, you did get headaches -- you just didn't call them headaches.

#270 Ghanzo

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Posted 01 January 2018 - 12:23 AM




To be clear, I did not have headaches prior to taking the c-60 sunflower product.



This is an exact quote from one of your earlier posts 


"Before this, "headaches" sensations would come and go. I always thought of them as energetic phenomena and have never minded them. They were something to meditate through, and enough relaxation would clear it up and bring about a sense of peace. And so I was always of the mindset that I don't get headaches."



SO, you did get headaches -- you just didn't call them headaches.



I guess I did a bad job of explaining myself.
I was trying to describe my relationship to sensations in the head prior to taking the c60 sunflower. They were in the past always mild energetic and fleeting. So, I would commonly say to my friends and family, "I don't get headaches". 
Does that make sense?
I was attempting to highlight the contrast between now and then.

Edited by Ghanzo, 01 January 2018 - 12:24 AM.

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