Hello everyone!
I've just signed up recently, so allow me to introduce myself. I'm an undergraduate student from Queen's University in Ontario, Canada. I've been interested in aging research for a few years now. Like many, I was inspired by Aubrey de Grey's work.
Last summer I worked in Dr. Seymour Benzer's lab at CalTech where I tried to convince them of the merits of allotopic expression, unsuccessfully :(. This summer I have the opportunity to collaberate with a bioremediation lab and a drosophila longevity lab (http://seroudelab.biology.queensu.ca/). My project will be to identify bacteria and fungi which can catabolize lipofuscin and other aggregates extracted from old flies and other sources using simple selection experiments with minimal media. Depending on our preliminary success or lack thereof, the project could continue as a masters/PhD with the goal of identifying the enzymes and using them to extend Drosophila lifespan.
I've attached a draft of experimental procedures for my project. I'm not sure how many people here have bench experience or are currently doing research (My own bench experience isn't that extensive yet), but I'm interested in any comments/suggestions. Its just a collection of ideas so far. I'll be starting the research in May, so by then I'll need to have picked the specific experiments that I'll be starting on.
Edited by osiris, 25 April 2005 - 04:02 PM.