I understand some of my statements are laughable, and I do not hold it against you, because infact, they are laughable. A lot of things are outright criticized and laughed at for being represented with such a strong point of view, before any actual evidence of such claims is visible.
Also, to comment on your idea that it cannot be turned on and off, and that most geniuses start when they are young..... this is because, they are in these states of mind when they are very young, but their minds are fresh, they are still developing, there being much room for behavioral development, which will ultimately shape their choices and accomplishments later on in life.
Many people seem to forget that success is largely attitude. I know plenty of people who have remarkable mental abilities but have shit attitudes and waste their lives playing video games or doing nothing.
As far as your comments on meditation, I must respectfully disagree. I have been meditating for many many years now and I have much experience in changing my brain structure and patterns, as rash as that may sound. I respect your opinion, but I must leave it at, I have much experience and hundreds of hours of research into meditation in the past 6-7 years of my life, and I'm going to assume you have none, or else you would not be saying what you are saying.
Crashing and losing all of these abilities upon the cessation of the stack is obviously a possibility, yes... Maybe I will come out of this and lose all I have gained. But maybe the opposite is true, because nobody has tried to combine such mega stacks with meditation. The essence of meditation is about manipulating and influencing psychologicl and biological behavior and gaining a higher level of control over it. There are accomplishments in Yogic tradition called Siddhis, that can be attained after many hours of meditation practice, and many of these Siddhis are simply the product of extremely high cognitive ability, as a result of mental training.
But that is the single prime reason I am doing these experiments, to see if I can use these boosted states and train my brain to operate in them with meditation while I'm off the substance. I must say I truly do appreciate your skepticism, criticism, and outright low view of me - the fact that you have such point of views indicates that I am doing something that has been worth your response in the first place.
I do agree with you on one point, no amount of supplements/nootropics can cause a permanent boost in brain function. A large portion of brain function, and succesfulness is solely reliant upon behavior. Supplements can only influence behavior to a degree, but a large portion of that is up to our conscious decision to make different behavioral decisions. This includes the ability to solve math problems very well. It is psychological behavior composed of a positive attitude towards a problem that opens the doors for the solution to come through, this attitude and behavior ultimately starts the pathway for advanced mathematical skills developing because a certain psychological behavior and attitude is constantly practiced, you begin to become so good at knowing what you're looking for that your brain can much more easily deliver the solution to you.
The brain is almost all behavior. The fact is most people are not mentally aware enough of their brains subconscious behavior, so they mistakenly assume that they just 'are not smart', and so on, etc. This assumption about themselves lead to even more behavior that is regarded as 'not smart'. Isochroma believed to NEED piracetam to maintain these states of mind, he became obsessed with it, while he was on it, this inpart, influence a great deal of stress when his supply went dry because he believed he needed it so badly. If you believe you need anything too badly, and you lose it, the stress will be tremendous - such as loosing a loved one.
Even though isochroma went excessively depressive over having no Piracetam, it can not be argued that even when he was not on it, his tremendous writing ability was still rampant in what he wrote. This, is what I am talking about, it is an perfect example of learned behavior. The depressiveness and arrogant attitude was not caused by any sort of with withdrawal, but by his own believe about himself and Piracetam. He was obsessed with it.
The core power of meditation is making you more aware of your brains subtle behaviors, and only if you are aware of these behaviors can they be changed. This is exactly how many advanced Yogis have developed the ability to do things such as manually control their heart beat, and even control growth on a cellular level by manipulating the growth of tumors, forcing them to grow, and forcing them to heal. Just as many buddhist monks have had EEG scans done to prove that they have the ability to alter their brainwaves and brain behavior/neurological functioning with simple concentration and intention.
We shall see how this goes

. I truly do appreciate your input. No scientist can be a good scientist if they are not aware of potentially wrong assumptions on their behalf, or alternate points of views to why their methodology may be incorrect.
Also, forgive me for what I am about to say, but I have been meditating for so long that I am confident to say that I know more about the behavior of the mind and how psychological behavior and changes happen more than ANYONE on this forum, at least from the perspective of the user - and this is not a Piracetam induced belief, this is a belief based out of experience in my many years of meditating and mental manipulation of my mind through meditation.
Psychiatry is still a very primitive science based on diagnosing people from their external behavior and how they describe themselves.
While I do this with hopes to better my life and my meditation abilities, I also do it with hopes to better scientific understanding of how meditation can be used with supplements to speed up permanent brain changes - assuming it goes how I expect it to.
And if it all goes down the drain... and goes nothing like how I confidently expect it to, then I am right now, giving you permission to mock me and make fun of me as much as you like. This is how people learn.
Also I would like to note Isochroma was not taking any choline source that I am aware of. From my experience, Piracetam can boost acetylcholine levels, but it can also lower them, by interfering with the cycle of their raisings and lowerings when asleep. He supposedly didn't take choline because he felt his fish oil was keeping away the headaches...
I noticed after last night, when my sleep was shit, I felt very manic, yet powerful, almost drunk, with a disgust for people, almost on a level of Isochromas 'feeling like a god and having a disgust for people'. But I took some choline and took a nap and this all went away, but my energy levels from Piracetam maintained.
Also before you continue reading, you should have assumed by now that acetylcholine is VERY important to sleep. It is one of the most critical neurotransmitters when it comes to regulating sleep cycles. No acetylcholine = shit sleep. Piracetam = high energy, regardless of sleep.
This leads me to believe, since Isochroma was not taking a regular choline source(using fishoil as a substitute (rolls eyes)), that his manic states were infact not induced by piracetam, but a combination of the type of mania that is induced by poor sleep cycles, and high energy, the high energy coming from Piracetam. I find that when taking a consistent choline source with Piracetam, it tends to keep away the thoughts of "I hate everyone because I am superior, I am a god, etc". The irritability he experience likely did not come from not being able to tolerate stupid people, but from his poor sleep caused by low choline. He was judging his 'sleep quality' based on how much energy he had... Even when I don't get good sleep, on piracetam, I still have a lot of energy, and it should be noted that this energy and typical mental clarity should not be mistaken for a well rested sleep.....
*points to his ravings of never feeling tired by taking more and more piracetam* The piracetam likely covered up many of the low energy causes of shit sleep, but it did not hide the fact of his extreme irritability... I remember reading a forum post of his replying to some guys topic where the guy was asking about Methylene Blue and other peoples experiences, and Isochroma was the first responder and jumped down the guys throat about how dare he ask about other peoples experiences without sharing his own first, with extreme anger and hate fueled language. This is perfectly typical of someone who hasn't gotten enough sleep who has a ton of energy(like a meth junkie who stays up for days and days)
Edited by OpenStrife, 18 July 2012 - 06:36 AM.