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Carbon60oliveoil.com v. SV comparison

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#1 Junk Master

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:21 AM

Took the C60 plunge today. I'll be taking 1.5 mg of Carbon's blend per day for thirty days, then will take 30 days, or whatever seems to be the general consensus at that time for the C60 to clear, before beginning 30 days of SV's "elixer."

I'll post log updates with more of an athletic performance slant v. longevity markers.

I'm 45, 6'0",185- 200 pounds depending on how much mileage I'm running versus how many days a week lifting.

Right now I'm running approximately 45-55 miles a week and will be increasing that to 75 miles a week over the next month.

Today I noticed an immediate 3 rep improvement with 60 pound dumbell bench press, from 15 to 18. As I like to keep my reps under 15, it looks like I'll need to invest in a heavier set. :)

I'll report back on squat improvement as well as running improvement on Monday.

I'm also very curious about the whole sunburn/peeling reports as I have fair skin and will be spending the weekend out in the sun.

I also noticed an immediate increase in caffeine duration and I'm a bit concerned about potential interactions with the 300mg of Wellbutrin I take daily. If I still feel as amped as I did today after cutting my coffee consumption in half, I'll cut my Wellbutrin dosage as well.

I'm also considering dosing my aging pet retriever and will report on that as well.

#2 Junk Master

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:28 AM

Just wanted to add that the delivery of Carbon60OliveOil was very prompt and the packaging professional.

Taste was of high quality olive oil, not bitter or rancid in any way, slight expected burn in back of throat, but barely noticeable with the dose I'm taking.

No lung burning. No kidney pain. No acid reflux.

VaughterWellness has also been very professional with their email updates and shipping info-- coming from Europe it just takes longer to arrive here in the U.S.
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#3 MarcD

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:44 AM

I'm taking 2 droppers of VaughterWellness C60 twice a day. I got a sunburn including peeling from the sun last weekend, but I can feel a improvement doing aerobics.

#4 Hebbeh

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 11:18 AM

I just finished my second bottle of Vaughter oil and will be starting Carbon60's today. My home brew won't be ready for about another week.

#5 niner

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 12:08 PM

I'm taking 2 droppers of VaughterWellness C60 twice a day. I got a sunburn including peeling from the sun last weekend, but I can feel a improvement doing aerobics.

How long have you been taking it? Also, how much is a dropper, in ml?

#6 MarcD

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 12:23 PM

one full dropper contains 1.5mg of C60, but it's not possible to fill the dropper more than half-way. So I'm taking 3mg / day for 15 days now, the sunburn happened last sunday, so on day 10, I began peeling around 2 days later. I'm also taking 250mg fish-oil, resveratrol and curcumin.

Edited by MarcD, 13 July 2012 - 12:23 PM.

#7 Junk Master

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:36 PM

I like cycling methylene blue at 3mg per day (roughly) but will hold off for the next few months.

I'm not going to stop piracetam though. Hoping there might be some synergy between the C60/OO and racetams. Wishful thinking? Probably...but I do notice synergy with caffeine, so...

Went for a 45 min run this morning and felt good but honestly couldn't feel any difference because it was a recovery day and my hamstrings have been tight.

#8 Lister

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 08:59 PM

It's a shame (but probably expected) that we're getting such varied results... The only consistently claimed result is the cardio improvement. I was hoping for the same thing with UV protection; it's disappointing to see a counter claim for that one.

I haven't notice any increased sensitivity to caffeine. Sometimes I have 3 cups a day and plenty of black tea.

An interesting thing happened to me at work; I was speaking with our storefront manager and she claims she's heard of C60 with regards to its UV protection. And again another person in our office had heard of C60 UV protection... A little bit of a worry if that effect gets out and it turns out the UV concerns are real.

#9 tintinet

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 01:48 AM

At a steady dose of 4.5 mg QD, I continue to experience absolutely no consistent effects, with the possible exception of sounder sleep. Likely just placebo effect, though, ISTM.

#10 MarcD

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 08:06 AM

I'm taking 2 droppers of VaughterWellness C60 twice a day. I got a sunburn including peeling from the sun last weekend, but I can feel a improvement doing aerobics.

How long have you been taking it? Also, how much is a dropper, in ml?

It's a shame (but probably expected) that we're getting such varied results... The only consistently claimed result is the cardio improvement. I was hoping for the same thing with UV protection; it's disappointing to see a counter claim for that one.

I haven't notice any increased sensitivity to caffeine. Sometimes I have 3 cups a day and plenty of black tea.

An interesting thing happened to me at work; I was speaking with our storefront manager and she claims she's heard of C60 with regards to its UV protection. And again another person in our office had heard of C60 UV protection... A little bit of a worry if that effect gets out and it turns out the UV concerns are real.

+ Better an-/aerobic performance for me. No improvement in weight-lifting, but I can feel more "pump" - feels like a higher NO-production
+ I can also feel the increased sensitivity to coffeine - so I'm simply drinking much less coffee than before.
- No UV-protection for me. I'm half swiss/half spain and I really rarely got sunburns through genetics ;) And I was already tanned before the last weekend. So even under normal circumstances it had been a small chance to get a sunburn. So I even was more surprised to get one taking C60.

Edited by MarcD, 14 July 2012 - 08:12 AM.

#11 niner

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 01:54 PM

- No UV-protection for me. I'm half swiss/half spain and I really rarely got sunburns through genetics ;) And I was already tanned before the last weekend. So even under normal circumstances it had been a small chance to get a sunburn. So I even was more surprised to get one taking C60.

That's a surprising result. How long were you in the sun? Was it long enough that you would have expected a sunburn without C60? I wonder if the sun protection from oral C60-oo is something that only works in light-complected people?

#12 MarcD

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 02:50 PM

- No UV-protection for me. I'm half swiss/half spain and I really rarely got sunburns through genetics ;) And I was already tanned before the last weekend. So even under normal circumstances it had been a small chance to get a sunburn. So I even was more surprised to get one taking C60.

That's a surprising result. How long were you in the sun? Was it long enough that you would have expected a sunburn without C60? I wonder if the sun protection from oral C60-oo is something that only works in light-complected people?

How long were you in the sun?: 3-4 hours
Was it long enough that you would have expected a sunburn without C60?: Probably, it was really a cloudless day. But I didn't expect the peeling afterwards... Attached File  IMAG0173.jpg   135.92KB   17 downloads

#13 tintinet

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 09:06 PM

I drank, probably, 12 cups of coffee yesterday. If anything, I feel less effect from caffeine.

#14 Junk Master

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 04:00 AM

If you are drinking 12 cups of coffee yesterday I doubt you COULD feel an increased sensitivity to caffeine. You could probably dissolve a couple 200 mg caffeine pills in your morning cup of joe and not notice the extra punch.

What I feel is more of a disinclination to re-dose with a mid-morning, mid-afternoon cup. I forget I haven't topped up my tank.

I feel a slightly less pronounced effect from the first week of 3mg per day methylene blue, then the effect fades.

Even less effect, but still noticeable from the fist week of CQ10.

Haven't tried PQQ yet.

#15 Junk Master

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 04:05 AM

Quick update. I have noticed increased perspiration while doing cardio, even though my perceived effort is less. Feels a little like my metabolism is slightly ramped up. Also, I definitely experience an increased pump while working out and I'm very familiar with the feeling from creatine, agmatine, and arginine NO boosting products, as well as from experimenting with short cycles many years ago.

Oddly, this evening I felt a period of fatigue/exhaustion after taking 1.5 mg, but I'm just going to chalk that up to driving 3 1/2 hours before.

#16 Junk Master

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Posted 18 July 2012 - 03:56 AM

Quick update. I was in the sun all day, 90 degrees, and while I am definitely sunburned my skin still feels soft, almost like I've put lotion on. No itching, no blisters, no peeling.

Of course, it could be the additional olive oil, but I'm 1/2 Italian (though I had red hair as a kid and am fair skinned) and am used to using EVOO very liberally in place of butter.

I also worked out for 1 hour in the morning and ran 1/2 hour in the evening.

Plus, I FEEL 5 years younger.

IMO I didn't experience anything close to this with methylene blue, and that was far superior to CQ10.

Edited by Junk Master, 18 July 2012 - 03:57 AM.

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#17 Hebbeh

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Posted 18 July 2012 - 04:21 AM

Quick update. I was in the sun all day, 90 degrees, and while I am definitely sunburned my skin still feels soft, almost like I've put lotion on. No itching, no blisters, no peeling.

Of course, it could be the additional olive oil, but I'm 1/2 Italian (though I had red hair as a kid and am fair skinned) and am used to using EVOO very liberally in place of butter.

I also worked out for 1 hour in the morning and ran 1/2 hour in the evening.

Plus, I FEEL 5 years younger.

IMO I didn't experience anything close to this with methylene blue, and that was far superior to CQ10.

It's been 72 hours since my sunburned legs from 7 hours exposure at high altitude and my legs hadn't had any sun for almost a year and as such. had been very white...and they were pretty red, sore, and tender for couple days but today, the 3rd day, and they feel normal and it doesn't appear like there should be any peeling...which is highly unusual for me....

Unfortunately, the C60 didn't confer any UV protection for me. I spent 6 hours climbing between 10,000 and 14,000 feet in the Colorado Mtns today. At that altitude, the air is thin and the sun and UV intense. I've spent many similar weekends in the mountains this summer and have a solid tan on arms, neck and face...however, today was the first of the season wearing shorts...and my legs used to be white...now they are burning red. And even my neck which is very tan feels slightly sunburned. I've been averaging 4.5 to 6 mg C60 for 3 weeks now and dosed 6mg this morning before heading out.

Update: In retrospect, even though I did sustain a sunburn on my previously white and unexposed legs yesterday...it's probably amazing that it is not much more severe considering that my legs had no previous sun this year, I used no sun block, and with time on the summit, was actually exposed for a good 7 hours of intense sun at high altitude. I should probably have severe sunburn but it's definitely less than severe...but maybe a little more than mild. We will see if I peel in the next 3 or 4 days.

#18 Junk Master

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Posted 18 July 2012 - 04:57 PM

Dumbell press reps with 60 lb dumbbells up to 21. 3 reps more in a workout.

#19 Raphy

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 08:16 AM


Does any of these vendors accept bitcoins as payments?


#20 Junk Master

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 09:19 PM

Sarah's C60/OO arrived today in good shape. Well packaged product.

#21 tintinet

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 12:44 AM

Sarah's C60/OO arrived today in good shape. Well packaged product.

Yes, experience will make you wise. Not all of my first set of bottles arrived intact, but Sarah generously rectified that problem.

#22 Junk Master

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 12:50 AM

I just had to add that I emailed Sarah asking about tracking information and at first received a message they were on vacation, then just a few hours later got another email response from Sarah directly responding to me. That's within a day!

Excellent service.

Total time to the Western U.S. was a little less than two weeks.

#23 jg42122

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 06:58 PM

Well I have used carbon60 and they were very professional, I spoke with the Owner several times via email, he even sent me an update when his product was ready. The c60 olive oil was was very prompt and packaged professionally.
Taste was of high quality olive oil, not rancid in any way, now I was taking larger doses and the burn was immediate and persistent especially on my tongue.

As far as the sun goes I never once got a sunburn which is something that has never happened to me.
I am a fair skined half Irish 35 yr old thats never kept a tan until I started taking the c60.

I have been off now for about 3 weeks and I lost the tan gradually however I have not been outside that much because it is very humid here in Ky.

One other thing shipping time was only 3 days and I was immediately provided tracking.

Edited by jg42122, 21 July 2012 - 06:59 PM.

#24 Junk Master

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 07:31 PM

I hear you on the shipping time. That alone makes carbon60 attractive to people in the states. Also, I agree the olive oil used in carbon60 was of very high quality and the taste was fresh; and I consume a large amount of olive oil.

Quick update--

Just finished a full body weight workout. The workout was great and the pumps were almost uncomfortable-- similar to when you finish loading creatine for the first time. My vascularity has also improved.

*I do feel like I'm holding a little more water. My wedding ring is tighter on my hand, and a couple times in the morning my hands have had a swollen feeling to them. I've never taken HGH, but I've heard a close friend speak of a similar side effect. Then again I haven't been watching my diet closely and I could just have too much sodium.

#25 Hebbeh

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 10:20 PM

I did 2 bottles of Vaughter oil and now half way through a 100ml bottle of Carbon's. Carbon's tasted more like olive oil...with a little of the characteristic "burn". Vaughter had no real olive oil taste or burn. The Vaughter oil did give me a weird almost immediate lung burn that lasted a minute or 2 (as someone else mentioned) but it was only really noticeable the first 2 or 3 times I took it and that effect faded with time...the Carbon oil has seemed to make the top of my tongue a little tender (as someone else mentioned). Both seemed to confer the effects of greater endurance and more reps weight lifting. Currently I've got a gram of C60 (half gram each) in 2 750ml bottles of very high quality high polyphenol coratina olive oil that has been soaking for 3 weeks...and will switch to that soon as Carbon's is gone.

#26 tintinet

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 03:01 AM

Right now, for moderate amounts of each (100 ml), it looks like VW has a slight price advantage: $70 U.S. for 100 ml and 90 mg C60 plus $6 shipping vs. Carbon60oliveoil.com $78 for 100 ml with 80 mg C60 plus $5 shipping.

#27 Junk Master

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 01:50 PM

Went for a 3 1/2 hour trail run/hike two days ago. I usually experience a good deal of delayed onset muscle soreness in my quads and hip flexors after this route, but it was markedly reduced this time. After one day of active rest (some swimming), I'm ready to run again.

There are a couple couple other factors to consider, though. I decided to start a two week cycle of methylene blue at 1.5-3mg per day. I've taken it before with positive results on mood and energy levels at that level and was curious to see if it's synergistic with the C60.

Also, I started taking 4 grams of fish oil per day again. The only reason I stopped before was I ran out and was waiting for a shipment.

I am very excited by the lack of DOM though, as in the past I've felt it difficult to recovery from long runs (2 hours or more) at 45.

#28 AgeVivo

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:16 PM

Hi Junk Master,
1) What does the title of your thread mean? "CarbonC60oliveoil.com v. SV comparison"
2) You decided to "take the C60 plunge", but as you know it is the general consensus that the reported C60 life extension in rats needs to be replicated in animals.
All the best

#29 Logan

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:19 PM

Hey Junk, are you at all concerned about the amount of running you are doing? Chronic endurance exercise is not conducive to preservation.

Thank you for your reporting of C60 experience.

#30 niner

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:53 PM

2) You decided to "take the C60 plunge", but as you know it is the general consensus that the reported C60 life extension in rats needs to be replicated in animals.

True, but it's becoming quite apparent that there are desirable immediate effects in many humans.

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