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Carbon60oliveoil.com v. SV comparison

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#31 Junk Master

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 05:42 PM

Logan, am I concerned about the amount of running I'm doing? Interesting question. I've thought about it from a number of perspectives but the bottom line, is all the studies I've seen showing chronic aerobic exercise was not conducive to "preservation" were focused on elite level endurance athletes that most likely had hypertrophic cardiac myopathy in varying degrees from years of INTENSE competition. You often see similar symptoms in weightlifters or practitioners of H.I.I.T/Tabata style training (albeit in many cases as a result of steroid use).

I make sure to run the vast majority of my mileage at paces most runners would consider "Junk Miles," hence the Junk in my name. Also, I've taken over 3 1/2 years building up to my present mileage, never exceeding 10 % more mileage per week, with a "rest" week of lower mileage every six weeks. My body has adapted over this time to the point where a comfortable jog is less strenuous than walking.

How many here would be concerned about walking 300 minutes during the week, with a longer hike on the weekends?

Plus, aerobic exercise has been shown to mimic the effects of CR, without many of the undesirable effects of CR (lack of sex drive).

I have to be honest, though, I'd run even if it were deleterious to my health over the long term because it's such a powerful anti-depressant and anxiolytic. It's ultimately a quality of life choice for me, rather than strictly longevity.

A very good topic for a future thread as I always welcome new opinions, research, debate.


I just made a calculated choice, based on the few toxicity studies I've seen, an on the anecdotal reports of early users like Turnbuckle, that trying a small cycle of 1.5-3mg a day presented more potential benefit to the quality of my life in the short term than risk. So far I've been very pleased, though would not go as far as to rule out a placebo effect, and the results I've seen should not be compared to anabolic steroids in method of action or efficacy.

I also thought the Sarah V. Carbon comparison would/will be of interest since they are the only suppliers at the moment. After this comparison I think I'll brew up a batch of my own to compare as well.

Edited by Junk Master, 30 July 2012 - 05:44 PM.

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#32 stephen_b

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 10:43 PM

I agree with Junk Master. The chronic cardio meme tossed around in the paleosphere seems to be more of an issue for extreme no-pain-no-gain runners (see Alberto Salazar), rather than those who gently build up their aerobic capacity (see Mark Allen).

Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#33 smithx

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Posted 31 July 2012 - 08:47 PM

The Danish study published recently found a u-shaped curve:

Further analysis exploring the amounts of exercise undertaken by joggers in the study has revealed a U-shaped curve for the relationship between the time spent exercising and mortality. The investigators found that between one hour and two and a half hours a week, undertaken over two to three sessions, delivered the optimum benefits, especially when performed at a slow or average pace.


Edited by smithx, 31 July 2012 - 08:47 PM.

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#34 ayu

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Posted 02 August 2012 - 09:25 PM

Ordered and received a 30 mL bottle from carbon60oliveoil.com.
Shipping was fast (from Chico, CA -> San Francisco). we'll see how well it works!

#35 Junk Master

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Posted 30 August 2012 - 03:12 AM

I've been through two bottles of Carbon's elixer now, and one of Sarah's. On a two week break at the moment.

Comparing the two, I'd say Carbon's olive oil was noticeably fresher, most likely because it's Californian and shipped from there.

For some reason, I remember thinking Sarah's was the more "potent" of the two; this is even though I had much more of an initial strength gain with the first bottle. My energy levels and overall sense of "wellness" seemed more pronounced. Granted there are a myriad of factors that could have contributed i.e better sleep, less stress, the fact this was the second bottle...

So far, four days off the c60, I don't notice any decline in strength or energy levels and my skin is still much softer.

In fact, I'd say more hydrated skin and a resistance to sunburn are the most obvious, and pronounced effects of the c60, with the exception of the initial, immediate muscular endurance gain.

I'll post an update to see if I can notice any decline in energy/effect as the c60 clears, whenever than might be.

Next up another bottle from Carbon, just because it gets here so much faster, plus a gram of c60 to be divided between two 750 ml bottles of California Olive Oil. I'm not going to filter it, just shake vigorously. and wait a couple months, and dose my aging dog with it first.

#36 tintinet

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 12:24 AM

I've used both. The very first bottle I had from SV was more brown-yellow and didn't taste as fresh as the carbonC60 OO, but all subsequent bottles looked and tasted almost exactly like the carbonC60 OO. I've not noticed any dramatic effects from either, as far as I can tell.

I think the SV version is more concentrated (0.9 mg C60/ml OO) than the carbon version (0.8 mg C60/mg OO), no?

Edited by tintinet, 31 August 2012 - 12:29 AM.

#37 Junk Master

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 03:45 AM

You are right about the SV being more concentrated. Frankly, just the subconscious suggestion of it being more concentrated could have produced a heightened placebo response.

I still maintain I definitely experienced an initial strength/endurance gain, though I haven't noticed any significant subsequent gains. I am also sure my skin feels different; softer, more hydrated, less prone to sunburn.

I do still feel an enhanced sense of vitality and general well being, but of course that's impossible to quantify.

In any event, I don't think c60/OO will be added to the banned PED list for the next Olympics at the levels most people are taking it here.

The lack of additional anecdotal reports of health benefits lately is making me believe any significant health benefits will come immediately in those with mitochondrial disfunction, or long term.

#38 Junk Master

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 04:17 AM

So where are all the other "Lab Rats?"

I was out in the sun today, for most of the day, after rubbing c60/OO on my face, and no sunblock. No burn after 4 hours in 75 pus direct sunlight.

BTW I was a red head as a child and am still very prone to burn to the point of blistering.

#39 tintinet

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 10:07 PM

So where are all the other "Lab Rats?"

I was out in the sun today, for most of the day, after rubbing c60/OO on my face, and no sunblock. No burn after 4 hours in 75 pus direct sunlight.

BTW I was a red head as a child and am still very prone to burn to the point of blistering.

Not much sun here, and I had to work indoors all day, so no burns. And I work with skin cancer all day, so I'm not a great fan of sun exposure anyway.

Edited by tintinet, 02 September 2012 - 10:08 PM.

#40 Junk Master

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 02:04 AM

Tintinet, I know you haven't noticed any effects from c60/OO, are you continuing to take it?

#41 tintinet

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 02:58 AM

Tintinet, I know you haven't noticed any effects from c60/OO, are you continuing to take it?

Still taking it. 9 mg yesterday, 7 mg today. And I'm mixing up 1 a gram of 99.95% pure C60 in 1.33 liters of EVOO, so I plan to be taking it for a while, despite the lack of 'kick' I get from it.

#42 zorba990

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 03:11 AM

So where are all the other "Lab Rats?"

I was out in the sun today, for most of the day, after rubbing c60/OO on my face, and no sunblock. No burn after 4 hours in 75 pus direct sunlight.

BTW I was a red head as a child and am still very prone to burn to the point of blistering.

No worries about getting into the eyes re topical application?

Any chance you know the UV index during that time?

#43 Junk Master

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 02:25 PM

I'm not too worried about getting the topical application in my eyes because I just use a very fine layer under the eye. UV was approx. 3

BTW I'm just starting to feel a difference in my skin quality/softness after about ten days without orally dosing c60/OO.

Waiting for my next bottle from Carbon.

It will be interesting to see if I experience the same immediate jump in muscular endurance even though I've retained my original gains.

#44 Junk Master

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 05:38 AM

New bottle arrived today. I felt an immediate increase in energy and endurance. The problem now is, at 45, I'm experiencing some delayed muscle soreness and signs of overtraining. Considering thyroid/testosterone supplementation, but I think I'll hold off for five years. I'll be adding a couple weeks of Tongat Ali soon to see how effective that is. I've never had much luck with any herbs or herbal extracts having "drug like" effects, but I'd just like a little help recovering just to see if the c60/OO endurance effect is placebo, or not. I have had good results with 99% Reservatrol for an endurance boost in the past and might return to that with some DHEA for a little estrogen for join pain.

#45 Izan

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 11:55 AM

New bottle arrived today. I felt an immediate increase in energy and endurance. The problem now is, at 45, I'm experiencing some delayed muscle soreness and signs of overtraining. Considering thyroid/testosterone supplementation, but I think I'll hold off for five years. I'll be adding a couple weeks of Tongat Ali soon to see how effective that is. I've never had much luck with any herbs or herbal extracts having "drug like" effects, but I'd just like a little help recovering just to see if the c60/OO endurance effect is placebo, or not. I have had good results with 99% Reservatrol for an endurance boost in the past and might return to that with some DHEA for a little estrogen for join pain.

this is not placebo sir. i suffer asthma, took 4.5 mgs of c60 and i could not believe the energy and endurance i had. i am flabbergasted, really speechless.
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#46 Junk Master

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 02:13 PM

I'm glad it worked for you, izan82. I suffer from mild exercise induced asthma but since I usually use an albuterol inhaler before runs I haven't really noticed a difference where that's concerned.

In any event, it's good to get some more positive feedback.

#47 Lister

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 07:30 PM

Asthma seems to be a pretty common thing these days. Perhaps this is another reason why I and others like you two are experiencing results; because we have Asthma. Through training I was able to completely eliminate the need to take drugs for my Asthma. However in the past few years due to an overall lack of training I've been having attacks due to allergies (hay fever). The C60 was a big energy boost for me and I haven’t noticed any drop off in that energy level except for when I paused my C60 dosing for the 7 or so days at the beginning (noticed effects around day 6ish).

Coming up on my 4th bottle of SV-OO and I’m pretty comfortable with the 3mg/day dose. Long term I’ve seen an averaging of results; I don’t notice it anymore. No Drop off but no increase either. I did run out of Resveratrol and that has been noticeable; need to get more.

#48 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 02:42 AM

Purchased both today.

Will check them out when they get here.


#49 Logan

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:55 AM

Sorry that I probably missed the answer to this. Anthony, why aren't you guys making a C60oo product already? I'm assuming you ate planning in it in the future.

#50 Junk Master

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:20 AM

I'd like to know the answer to that too, Anthony. Especially for those who'd like a better price point without mixing our own.

Also, I'd love to see what the response would be from some FL gym rats who have extensive PED experience. Or at least some of the anti-aging crowd who has HGH experience.

#51 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:46 AM

Sorry that I probably missed the answer to this. Anthony, why aren't you guys making a C60oo product already? I'm assuming you ate planning in it in the future.

Hi Logan,

to tell you the truth Vimmortal 2.0 has been taking up some of my time.

Having said that, we are still doing some testing on dissolving C60 rapidly in olive oil as well as some packaging details.

Our new website for C60 products will be:


It will not be operational for about a week. We hope to offer a few different items or services on that site within a month if all goes well.


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 09 September 2012 - 04:50 AM.

#52 Junk Master

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:48 AM

Anthony, how about posting more of your anecdotal reports, impressions on this thread?

Also, I wonder if the title of this thread shouldn't be changed to be more general.

#53 Junk Master

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:56 AM

I'll be up in less than 6 hours, running 15 miles, at 45, and can still bench over 300, squat 400 plus, without exogenous hormones or PEDS . I'll be out there testing all the latest supplements, nootropics, and diets, no matter how extreme.

#54 Logan

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:24 AM

Thanks Anthony:)

#55 Kevn

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:15 PM

Sorry that I probably missed the answer to this. Anthony, why aren't you guys making a C60oo product already? I'm assuming you ate planning in it in the future.

Hi Logan,

to tell you the truth Vimmortal 2.0 has been taking up some of my time.


Anthony, quick tangent: Do you have an ETA for Vimmortal 2.0 yet?

Thanks, and now back to Carbon.


#56 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 13 September 2012 - 09:01 PM

It probably going to be 30 to 60 days from now for Vimmortal 2.0 because there is a lot of other things i need to work on with my small team.

Today i received Carbon's C60oo. I have not cracked it open to do my review just yet. I am waiting for the SV oil to look at them both.

I will likely offer one of them on the C60.net site along with other services and custom C60 materials for researchers.


#57 Logan

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 03:43 AM

So wait, you are or are not going to make your own C60 product? I'm assuming you are not if you're going to sell one of the two products available. So, why not sell your own and make it?

#58 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 04:51 AM

So wait, you are or are not going to make your own C60 product? I'm assuming you are not if you're going to sell one of the two products available. So, why not sell your own and make it?

Hi Logan,

We will make C60 materials, and offer others that we believe are good as well.


#59 ClarkSims

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 04:38 PM

Perchance has anyone done any kind of study to verify that the products from c60antiaging.com and Vaughter Wellness, are in fact c60 in olive oil? Given the prices of c60 in olive oil, I am sure someone is going to start selling olive oil with purple food dye, and calling it c60 in olive oil.

Also, at some point, I bet there will be some sort of contamination issue, if someone buys a contaminated batch of c60 and uses it. I am guessing organic solvents are used in the purification process, and industrial solvents sometimes have benzene or heavy metals in them.

#60 niner

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 02:54 AM

Perchance has anyone done any kind of study to verify that the products from c60antiaging.com and Vaughter Wellness, are in fact c60 in olive oil? Given the prices of c60 in olive oil, I am sure someone is going to start selling olive oil with purple food dye, and calling it c60 in olive oil.

Also, at some point, I bet there will be some sort of contamination issue, if someone buys a contaminated batch of c60 and uses it. I am guessing organic solvents are used in the purification process, and industrial solvents sometimes have benzene or heavy metals in them.

I don't know that anyone has had an independent chemical analysis done, but from all that I've seen, I have no reason to doubt that those sources do in fact contain C60. One person reported here that they bought some C60 from a Canadian fullerene supplier, but that it had a distinct solvent smell. The supplier explained that this was residual solvent from purification, and replaced it with a higher grade, IIRC. SES has several different purities. The highest is 99.95%, vacuum oven dried. Many people have used lower grades without problems. The primary impurity is C70, which from Turnbuckle's experience is not much different than C60. It might be enough to buy a lower purity grade, and bake it under vacuum if you have the facilities. Or, considering how C60 makes mice cope so much better with CCl4 poisoning, maybe a very small amount of solvent isn't something to worry about. Just for the record, I just bought a gram of the 99.95% vacuum oven dried stuff from SES. At the rate I'm probably going to use it, it should last about a year, so the extra cost isn't that bad.

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