Lister: I can see what Sthira is saying. Agnostic in the majority opinion is someone who’s in the middle waving a flag of “I don’t know” standing on a mountain of “Sure, whatever!” It’s one of the few positions that doesn’t try and take any sides. That’s what he means by honest.
Agnostic is not the majority opinion. I don’t think they have a flag. It has a side, you can’t know. Why is that the only honest position?. You didn’t answer this last time.
Lister: Also Shadow what about Degree? Funny I just used that on another thread… heh heh…
What about degree?
Lister: Sure you could say that SOME religious people are willing to debate things until they reach intelligent design however going beyond that things fall apart a bit.
what are you talking about?
Lister:: Shadow can you look at anything in life in terms of how it was made, where it came from… etc. and say “I don’t know” and completely believe that you don’t know? Or do you constantly find yourself getting to the end of what you know and then finding an excuse to link that unknown to God?
No I can’t look at anything in terms of how it was made.

I know everything! Haha! What a joke. Where do you get such ideas? Neither you, nor I, or anyone knows anything exhaustively. That does not mean we don’t know anything. I do not believe in the God of the Gaps, which I think is what you are trying to talk about..
Lister: Degree: Religious people usually never end something without an answer. If they can’t explain it they refer back to faith. “Well I just have faith in God that they created it that way.” Whereas non-religious people could just say “I just don’t know” ending at a void, empty, answerless position.
If you don’t know anything, what are you talking about? Do you believe you can know anything?
Lister: The Burden of Proof supplemented by God. Unless you’re God how do you know everything?
I don’t, never said I did. You seem to be discussing with a straw man, you created.
Lister: That’s compared to the Burden of Proof with nothingness being the final position of an answerless question. Faith is what keeps you out of that nothingness. When a supposed Atheist says that God does not exist without reasonable evidence they are taking it on Faith. They don’t want to believe that God could exist because that means they could be wrong. They are staying away from that Void space of “I don’t know” because it’s an uncomfortable place to be.
Do you know everything is an, “answer less question.” How do you know that? Hmmm

I do agree with you Atheists have a burden of proof but so do Agnostics who claim you can’t know anything except you can’t know anything..