More to the point is anyone else using c60OO and seeing hair colour reverting back to original colour?
Fascinating stuff anyway..
Perhaps a better question would be: Who is taking the dosages that I'm taking, and not seeing such unexpected results?
For instance;
I have taken fifty eight bottles of 45mg C60OO since starting in May 2014.
But of those 58, I have taken 20 since Dec 17 2014.
Based on that; in the last month I have taken 900 mg. (yeah I took a few more than every other day since I decided to start making my own)
So my average intake over the last month is 30mg a day -- approximately 20 times the "recommended daily dose" per at least 1 commercial vendor.
Today I took 2 bottles -- 90 mg. I have taken 135mg in one day before.
I think one of the forum members with a username of mait is taking more than I am, and one is trying to replicate my hair experiment with equivalent dosing; - but I don't know of any others.
My milligram scale arrived yesterday, my 5 grams of 99.95% vacuum dried C60 shipped yesterday from S.E.S. and olive oil is at the grocer's.
I may continue every other day 45mg/50ml -- or I may up dosing to every day; heck I may even go up to 90mg/day have not decided --it will be based on $$ and side effects
Edited by sensei, 18 January 2015 - 01:35 AM.