Do we know that months or years of mega-dosing won't result in crystals that just keep growing ?
That is a strategy I would prefer as well to mitigate the risk of homeostaasis.
We have no idea and they may keep growing, but it appears from the study that the macrophages are dealing with them.
Homeostasis? You're thinking it's modifying the genome? I'm betting free radical. Some kind of genomic reset might be possible, but I wouldn't know.
Sensei said, "as far as oral admin at 4mg/kg it is questionable to what degree.". What's the reasoning? From the look of image C in Fig 2 from Baati, the degree appears obvious, it's less than I.P., but the "crystals" are clearly there. I don't know much biology either, but Wikipedia says macrophages "are a type of white blood cell that engulfs and digests cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, and cancer cells in a process called phagocytosis." The spleen has it's own type of macrophage, perhaps they're equipped for this. C60 may be different than what they usually deal with, but their purpose is to clear debris, including small particles, which they appear to be doing in Fig 2, images C and D. Given the outcome of the first study it seems reasonable that, had the rats not been sacrificed, the crystals in their spleens probably would have been cleared by the macrophages that had already engulfed them.
At worst these "crystals" seem to be much less harmful than than the accompanying better dissolved and/or adducted C60 is beneficial. And don't forget that this 4mg/kg x 7days dose(equivalent to a 165 lb man taking 9g/mo) protected the rats from IP injection of carbon tetrachloride. Wikipedia again: "Exposure to high concentrations of carbon tetrachloride (including vapor) can affect the central nervous system, degenerate the liver[6] and kidneys[12] and may result (after prolonged exposure) in coma and even death.[13] Chronic exposure to carbon tetrachloride can cause liver[14][15] and kidney damage and could result in cancer.[16]" These "crystals" didn't prevent protection from CCl4 after very high dosing. They didn't prevent a 90% increase in lifespan after the rats had only been dosed 24 times over 30% of their normal lifespan. I'm betting those macrophages are going to clear the C60 "crystals" as they're want to do with other debris. I'm also betting that I won't build up these "crystals" to the same degree that the rats did because I won't be injecting 2.25 grams per week into my body cavity as was done with the rats. By this reasoning, and influenced by Sensei's good results as well as the 2 grams I did over a 3 month periods, I'm planning do an n=1 at a gram per month for a few years. We'll see how things go. Of course I'm unlikely to get 100% dissolution regardless of how well I grind, so in Macadamia oil I'll probably end up at ~900mg/mo. For my weight, this will roughly double that of the Baati rats on a bodyweight basis.
This might be too high. If, as Niner said, I "find out the hard way" I'll report my results. Fortunately I'm coming from a perspective where I've transcended the world enough that I know that the events in it aren't important. I know I'll never actually die and risk doesn't really exist, so I'm the perfect guinea pig. I'm doing C60 because I have a few projects I'd like to get done with this vehicle and trying to accomplish them in an aged state doesn't appeal. I see a lot of people around here who want longer lives. Trust me, this isn't a concern. I was a very agnostic scientific materialist, would have been an atheist, but for it's logical impossibility. I won't say much more here, but if you want to truly solve your desire for more life try "awareness watching awareness"(Langford), "the practice of presence"(Tolle), "abiding in the Self"(Nisargadatta), Dzogchen, Shikantaza or just still your mind(of "Be still and know God" fame). Seated practice is helpful, but it can be practiced during daily activities; for example while walking, showering, brushing your teeth, driving, exercising, washing dishes, etc. After practicing this technique to great effect, I studied for around 10,000 hours to comprehend the traditions it comes from. All six of those terms describe exactly the same practice, which leads, with sufficient effort and practice time, to the conclusions I've reached. No words could ever convince anyone but a credulous hippy of what I'm saying, only personal experience can do that, so back on topic.
Semi-credulous hippy here applauding you (and sensei). I agree with you and sensei on everything I've read, although I haven't been paying close attention to this forum lately, so I haven't read it all.
I started taking 7 mg/day of C60oo in August 2012 and continued that almost uninterrupted (I ran out for a week) until I read about some people taking much more and finding grey hair regain some color. So, I upped my dose to 15 mg/day about a month ago.
At any rate, friends universally notice that my wrinkles have faded noticeably and people that I meet tell me that if I "dyed my hair" I'd look 40. I am 61.
I attach photos of my eye wrinkles from April, 2011 and another taken in January, 2015.
Cut to the quick if you don't agree that the lines are less deep in the 2015 photo. The lines under my eyes are most noticeably faded. Also noticed are less of the reddishness of my skin and some scars that have faded, almost to invisibility.
C60, to me, is easily the most effective anti-aging consumable that I've ever experienced and continue to experience.
Now, if mechanical stuff, injuries, car accidents or something else doesn't make me leave the planet it seems that C60oo, a progressive clean diet, exercise and some supplements might keep me around longer than it might have been.
Also, I've seen many hypothesis about how C60oo could cause some kind of toxicity - and from brilliant people, far more intelligent than I, but nothing I've read passes the smell test. C60oo seems to be "absolutely not toxic," to quote Dr. Moussa in the interview he gave Anthony, which is viewable at: