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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#3571 pleb

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Posted 18 January 2019 - 02:40 PM

Hi I'll try and answer the questions and concerns raised in the last few posts,
I've been taking home mixed C60oo for over 6 years now with only positive results , better breathing despite having a small amount of emphysema , still there but doesn't show up in spirometry tests my breathing is normal for a guy my age, I can now take deep breaths and fill my lungs and a tightness under the right shoulder blade disappeared within two weeks of starting on C60 , and I still smoke the benefits are still there ,also I can walk much further without lactic acid build up in my leg muscles,
I've used the SES 99.5 THE cheapest they sell , the amount of impurities are minute being soot and toluene , the amount of toluene left in 1 gram of C60 is less than the amount allowed in 1 litre of drinking water according to the poisons regulators in the USA and the C60 is about a years supply once mixed while the drinking water you would consume in a couple of days so don't worry about it the question of why no scientific tests have been done is simply this is not a drug or organic it's an industrial mineral and the effects mentioned in the Baati rat study were to see if it was toxic in a factory environment as its used in solar panels and electronics plus new types of batteries under development, trying to get money to scientifically test this would I should imagine be almost impossible,
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#3572 tondetonde

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 10:32 AM

Hey guys, I'm a really interested in trying out c60evoo, accompanied by epigenetic tests (methyl groups/DNA methylation) before treatment, and then 2 months , 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc... into treatment. 
Now, since I'm not that knowledgeable myself, I have a couple of questions:
1: Are epigenetic tests based on methyl groups/DNA methylation accurate? In another thread (created by the user Turnbuckle IIRC), it was mentioned that c60 could reduce the telomere length or exhaust the stem cell pool, actually resulting in a reduced lifespan. Can this kind of potential stem cell exhaustion be inferred via epigenetic tests based on DNA methylation? And if not, are there are other tests open to the public that can test for such things?
2: Does it make sense to take the second test after a mere 2 months and can potential changes already be measured by then? Not just in regards to c60, but generally speaking, if there are alterations transpiring within the body.
3: How long does it take for c60 to be entirely removed from the human body after I stop treatment?

Edited by tondetonde, 06 March 2020 - 10:34 AM.

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#3573 joesixpack

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Posted 08 March 2020 - 03:43 AM


Hey guys, I'm a really interested in trying out c60evoo, accompanied by epigenetic tests (methyl groups/DNA methylation) before treatment, and then 2 months , 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc... into treatment. 
Now, since I'm not that knowledgeable myself, I have a couple of questions:
1: Are epigenetic tests based on methyl groups/DNA methylation accurate? In another thread (created by the user Turnbuckle IIRC), it was mentioned that c60 could reduce the telomere length or exhaust the stem cell pool, actually resulting in a reduced lifespan. Can this kind of potential stem cell exhaustion be inferred via epigenetic tests based on DNA methylation? And if not, are there are other tests open to the public that can test for such things?
2: Does it make sense to take the second test after a mere 2 months and can potential changes already be measured by then? Not just in regards to c60, but generally speaking, if there are alterations transpiring within the body.
3: How long does it take for c60 to be entirely removed from the human body after I stop treatment?





I do not think anyone knows the answer to number one. At least I have not seen any information on it.


Same for number 2. We are are not just on the edge here (this website) we are on the bleeding edge with little or no research. Everyone is self experimenting, because there is no real research being done on these substances. We all have anecdotal success stories, but nothing the FDA would consider reliable.


We think C60 EVOO leaves the body in a few days, but there are no studies to verify it. It is anecdotal, but a few of the members have researched it on their own, and I think you can rely on their estimates. 


Also, there are some people that think it can contribute to cancer. However, there are people here, that have been taking it for years (going back at least 7 years), on this forum, and no one has reported a cancer. I think we would have heard about it by now.


Finally, there is some thought that the Extra Virgin Olive Oil the C60 is mixed in is also a good substance by itself. The original study that started all this had a control group of rats that just got the EVOO, and they did better than the control group that got nothing. The control group that got C60EVOO did the best.


Hope this non scientific comment helps.

#3574 tondetonde

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Posted 08 March 2020 - 12:47 PM

Thanks for the reply. Would have definitely been nice to know whether potential stem cell exhaustion is reflected in a general increase of the biological age in epigenetic tests, but I guess this comes with this kind of uncharted territory.
Either way, I started topical treatment today, to see whether it helps with my rosacea/slight adult acne/bad skin. And I will also begin oral treatment after completing my first epigenetic test in ~1-2 weeks. I'll report back in case I can observe/experience something worthwhile.

#3575 Shaved APE

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Posted 08 March 2020 - 04:39 PM

Isn't it a little odd / suspicious that no-one has reproduced the results of the original rat experiment?


It would be cheap and easy to do, so why hasn't it happened?



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#3576 joesixpack

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Posted 10 March 2020 - 03:09 AM

Isn't it a little odd / suspicious that no-one has reproduced the results of the original rat experiment?


It would be cheap and easy to do, so why hasn't it happened?


Not pointless, or time wasting. Someone is actually going to give it a try.




Your emoji's on the other hand, are pointless and time wasting, unknown commenter. Not you Ape, it was a good question and something many of us have wondered about.

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#3577 platypus

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Posted 11 March 2020 - 03:06 AM

Isn't it a little odd / suspicious that no-one has reproduced the results of the original rat experiment?


It would be cheap and easy to do, so why hasn't it happened?

Yes, I find that exceedingly odd too. 

#3578 eigenber

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Posted 11 March 2020 - 04:22 AM

I don't think it would be all that cheap and easy, but certainly doable at the graduate level in a university lab. Perhaps nobody has bothered because thousands of people have been dosing with it since 2012 and not coming up with any documented, definitive results, positive or negative. But then again, that fact alone might make it worth some student's effort. Maybe grant money is too difficult to get. Who knows?

#3579 Rocket

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 12:16 AM

Does anyone have any information on why it causes dreams? It does so to this subject and must therefore have some cognitive effect. I tend to believe something that causes dreams to be more vivid as havingpositive effects on cognition.

#3580 joesixpack

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 04:02 AM

Does anyone have any information on why it causes dreams? It does so to this subject and must therefore have some cognitive effect. I tend to believe something that causes dreams to be more vivid as havingpositive effects on cognition.

Are you taking NR as well?

#3581 Adamzski

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 11:09 AM

Does anyone have any information on why it causes dreams? It does so to this subject and must therefore have some cognitive effect. I tend to believe something that causes dreams to be more vivid as havingpositive effects on cognition.


Where is the reports of it causing dreams? How many people?

Not something I experienced. MK-677 causes vivid cinematic dreams same as an excess of nicotine add some Huperzine-A in there and WOW.
Those 3 substances I mentioned should make 80% of people who take 1 or more of them have vivid dreams.

C60 may have made me sleep better, may have made me look younger or yeah all anecdotal crap results from everyone a laundry list of results.

May try it again thou.

#3582 MrCrispr

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Posted 18 March 2020 - 11:44 PM

I've been taking 20mg MK-677 daily for several weeks also, but no change in dream or sleep quality.

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#3583 Rocket

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Posted 22 March 2020 - 12:22 AM

Are you taking NR as well?

No. I don't believe I am old enough to have depleted nad. I do cycle niacin (the real niacin that causes flushness) for other reasons.

The ultimate dream stack is: c60, nicotine patch, belsomra, iodine, and galantamine also saint johns worth helps. All of those in and of themselves causes dreams. Make sure to use immediately prior to sleep.

Edited by Rocket, 22 March 2020 - 12:26 AM.

#3584 joesixpack

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Posted 23 March 2020 - 11:49 PM

No. I don't believe I am old enough to have depleted nad. I do cycle niacin (the real niacin that causes flushness) for other reasons.

The ultimate dream stack is: c60, nicotine patch, belsomra, iodine, and galantamine also saint johns worth helps. All of those in and of themselves causes dreams. Make sure to use immediately prior to sleep.

I noticed increased remembered dreams when I started NR. This increased when I started using C60. I am old enough to have depleted NAD. The Niacin you are taking may contribute to the dreaming. 

#3585 Rocket

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Posted 24 March 2020 - 12:00 AM

I noticed increased remembered dreams when I started NR. This increased when I started using C60. I am old enough to have depleted NAD. The Niacin you are taking may contribute to the dreaming.

I don't dream on Niacin and not on Niacin now. Only done in 3 month cycles.

Nicotine is by far the most potent dream enhancer. When used sparingly it will damned near give out of body experiences. As strange as it will sound, my dream stack at times yields dreams that are psychic and I know how that will sound to some people. I once dreampt of an American flag made out television sets. 2 days later I decided to visit an art museum and there was a piece of art of an American flag made out of television sets. I have had numerous such experiences. Yes, sounds like twilight zone stuff, but true nonetheless.

Edited by Rocket, 24 March 2020 - 12:07 AM.

#3586 dscotese

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Posted 20 September 2021 - 05:25 PM

First, I have a gift, although it may have been mentioned before, and that is the suggestion to search chick robot intention. This leads to a study by Rene Peoc'h showing that the desires of baby chickens manifest outside of their skulls, or, if you want, strong scientific evidence of manifestation.  I consider this a gift because it opens a door for us to determine to what degree we can create the placebo effect, and, using that determination, come to some conclusion about the results of experimenting on ourselves.  Peoc'h's study allows me to believe in a kind of magic that I can perform so that I can experiment with its limits.  The magic would be something like:

  1. Create a mantra designed to produce a particular result, as a "spell."
  2. Follow a disciplined schedule of reciting the mantra in some kind of ritual ("Say it at 11:11 each day" seems sufficient).
  3. Take note of whether or not the intended result comes about.

I haven't done this in any formal way.  If I ever do, I would have a good handle on the limits of my power to create a placebo effect.  Placebo effects are my primary worry about using C60.


I got C60 from C60PurplePower four months ago and used it for a week (4.4 mg per dose, which is 1 tsp of Avocado oil with C60 dissolved in it).  Benefits were mild and I wrote them off as placebo. Yesterday, I decided to try it again.  I've been doing yoga poses as part of my morning routine and had not been able to do a steady side plank (vasisthasana) on both sides before this morning.  This was an unexpected improvement in my balance.  I have no idea if it's from the C60 I took.

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