Yes I am in the same boat Tim, as being unsure of an ideal dose for myself and thus have been taking it sporadically. I think Turnbuckle posted somewhere he doses at 15ml once per week and since he has been using long term I am going to try this approach

C60 experiments @ home
Posted 06 March 2017 - 02:30 AM
Posted 06 March 2017 - 03:02 AM
post retracted by author due to inaccuracies
Edited by YOLF, 07 March 2017 - 05:28 AM.
Posted 06 March 2017 - 03:13 AM
I guess I just rushed into it a bit fast. Told of the negative side of SES later. That being said it didn't kill me and I only use what is left as a topical occasionally now. Baati said in an interview it is absolutely not toxic. As fo Ichor I know nothing except business does have an agenda. I just try to go on peoples results and studies.
Posted 06 March 2017 - 03:44 AM
Baati said that it was non-toxic, and said that it was eliminated from the body within a few days. He also said that organ studies did not show buildup in spectral-chromoscopy tests, if I remember correctly. To the best of my knowledge, Baati & colleagues had no financial stake in C60oo.
In contrast, Ichor actively hopes to develop a commercial drug product based entirely on a 'safe method of preparation'. Obviously that has no value unless they can disparage current commercial products as being 'unsafe'. The value of an FDA-regulated drug comes from the same substance not being freely accessible without a prescription. The only way to make a substance "unavailable" without a prescription is to show that it is unsafe.
Low & behold, we have a claim by Grohn, working for Ichor, that talks about the dangers of light exposure to c60oo solution. We also have later posts on Longecity by Ichor claiming to have discovered many potential toxins.
What we don't have, to my knowledge, are peer-reviewed papers or any substantive evidence that A) these toxins exists in current commercial products, B) these toxins are dangerous in the quantities found in controlled product analysis, or C) that a legally-regulated drug is required to overcome production issues.
In other words, it appears to be Ichor's word against Baati's, with many human "rats" currently providing anecdotal evidence that supports Baati, not Ichor.
Additionally, I would suggest that Ichor's motives have demonstrably NOT been pure to date, as what I've read have been scare stories they've posted on c60oo potential dangers, without any real description of research they've undertaken to explain the benefits described by people consuming it. What I would like to see from their organization is a detailed description of WHY they believe this substance to be useful as a drug.
Now, my opinion here would change if instead of demonizing c60oo, they instead pursued the development of a real drug based on the results of their research into this product. I say "real drug" because offhand I consider the combination of c60 and olive oil to be likely suboptimal, and if this pharma company spent more time analyzing WHY it has positive benefits, then likely they could create a derivative of this to produce better results.
A great example of this would be Astragalus Root vs. TA-65. Rather than finding a reason to demonize Astragalus root, RevGenetics instead chose to isolate what they believe to be the substance involved with creating the beneficial effect, thereby creating a brand new Nutraceutical that they're able to sell on the open market at a premium price.
Edited by Tim Ventura, 06 March 2017 - 03:46 AM.
Posted 06 March 2017 - 09:36 AM
Baati said that it was non-toxic, and said that it was eliminated from the body within a few days. He also said that organ studies did not show buildup in spectral-chromoscopy tests, if I remember correctly. To the best of my knowledge, Baati & colleagues had no financial stake in C60oo.
"Baati said that it was non-toxic"
Baati did not say that. The paper said "pristine C60" was nontoxic. The lead researcher, Moussa, said in a previous paper from 5 years before that--
Available data clearly shows that pristine C60 has no acute or sub-acute toxicity in a large variety of living organisms, from bacteria and fungal to human leukocytes, and also in drosophila, mice, rats and guinea pigs. In contrast to chemically--either covalently or noncovalently--modified fullerenes, some C60 derivatives can be highly toxic. Furthermore, under light exposure, C60 is an efficient singlet oxygen sensitizer. Therefore, if pristine C60 is absolutely nontoxic under dark conditions, this is not the case under UV-Visible irradiation and in the presence of O2 where fullerene solutions can be highly toxic through 1O2 formation.
https://www.ncbi.nlm... toxic pristine
"To the best of my knowledge, Baati & colleagues had no financial stake in C60oo."
Moussa filed for a patent on the rat work and tried to license it in Japan. His patent application is here.
Posted 06 March 2017 - 03:48 PM
Turnbuckle, many thanks for the update, and my sincere apologies to Ichor, who do appear in fact to be attempting a workaround for preparation-related issues.
From the patent:
"The main objective of the invention is to provide a process or method for extending the longevity of a mammal, which comprises a step of administering to said mammal a composition comprising an effective amount of [60]fullerene, which avoids the drawbacks of the prior art processes, and in particular: 1—avoids the use of charge transfer complexes, 2—avoids the use of organic solvents, and 3—avoids in situ aggregation of the administered fullerene. It has now been discovered by the inventors that the compositions comprising [α]fullerene dissolved in a suitable carrier selected from the group consisting of oils and fats proved suitable to achieve the aforementioned objectives. In particular, not only they allow [60]fullerene to be administered orally or intramuscularly or intra peritoneally to prolong the longevity of mammals but they are at least several times more active than previous compositions. Thus, a first embodiment of the instant invention comprises a stable biocompatible composition comprising (a) a carrier selected from the group consisting of fats and oils;"
So if I'm reading this correctly, Moussa is saying that c60 in olive oil would qualify as a safe delivery vehicle for this.
Posted 10 March 2017 - 06:23 PM
Couple of quick notes:
Turnbuckle had mentioned seeing results from c60 in MCT oil that he didn't see from c60 in Olive Oil. I just read an article indicating that MCT oil is burned preferentially by the body, whereas olive oil is more likely to be stored. So perhaps more c60 reaches the mitochondria with MCT's, or at least reaches them more immediately? Maybe that's why these additional effects are present?
I've read notes from others about daily dosing not working well. I may switch from daily to weekly, seems like I am experiencing some mixed results. More energy at night, but less the next day. I skipped a day & felt great a few days ago - not sure if this was related to c60, though. :o)
That photo below is my research sample from I posted it because I'm frankly pretty darned impressed by the packaging & quality. The uv-blocking thick glass bottle is tamper-sealed, then encased in a sealed plastic bag, then packed in a white cardboard box, which is padded inside a larger mailing box. The label, tamper-seal, all that stuff is commercial quality - and it came with a sealed plastic syringe body as well. (also quick note: the oil stains on the box are from my hands, it arrived pristine).
In addition, as I mentioned before, the c60oo itself is incredibly consistent - no chunks, blobs, settling or sedimentation, etc. The particles are small enough in size that you can't actually see them, but they do add kind of a grey/charcoal color to the olive oil itself. For whatever that's worth...
carbon-60-oo-640.jpg 34.84KB
Edited by Tim Ventura, 10 March 2017 - 06:30 PM.
Posted 10 March 2017 - 07:53 PM
If C60 in olive oil is more likely to be stored, won't that lead to obesity? A quick look at studies that come up when googling 'Wistar rat obesity' indicates that they could be more prone to obesity, or at least diabetes. Did the original study incle the weight of the rats in different groups?
Posted 10 March 2017 - 09:28 PM
Well, from a practical perspective people are a lot more active than lab rats, right? They don't eat oils naturally that I know of (other than small amounts in grains/nuts), so that's a LOT of extra calories for a sedentary creature. Also, from a human perspective, 5ml isn't that much oil. If you took Flax Seed Oil, the recommended dose would be the same.
As far as absorption vs. burning - God knows I'm no expert, but the whole idea with the Atkins diet was the put the body into ketosis, because THEN it preferentially burns fat before carbs.
also, I read somewherre that the body is going to be mostly storing fat intake rather than burning it. Can't remember the source, but what I specifically read was that depending on the type of lipid, some aren't even broken down by the body - they just get stored in their original form in the body, which grossed me out.
So if the goal is to get c60 into your cells, and hopefully into mitrochondria, then having it stored in fat reserves is going to be a waste. I'd guess that SOME of it gets burned, but if MCT oil is preferentially burned, then it'd make a lot of sense that it would be a better oil.
Posted 11 March 2017 - 01:50 AM
Well, from a practical perspective people are a lot more active than lab rats, right? They don't eat oils naturally that I know of (other than small amounts in grains/nuts), so that's a LOT of extra calories for a sedentary creature. Also, from a human perspective, 5ml isn't that much oil. If you took Flax Seed Oil, the recommended dose would be the same.
As far as absorption vs. burning - God knows I'm no expert, but the whole idea with the Atkins diet was the put the body into ketosis, because THEN it preferentially burns fat before carbs.
also, I read somewherre that the body is going to be mostly storing fat intake rather than burning it. Can't remember the source, but what I specifically read was that depending on the type of lipid, some aren't even broken down by the body - they just get stored in their original form in the body, which grossed me out.
So if the goal is to get c60 into your cells, and hopefully into mitrochondria, then having it stored in fat reserves is going to be a waste. I'd guess that SOME of it gets burned, but if MCT oil is preferentially burned, then it'd make a lot of sense that it would be a better oil.
I think part of it might also be described as shocking the balance of our blood/body chemistry. If we take a sudden amount of fat in the absence of other things which normally accompany it, the calorie value will very likely differ from the generic model used for determining calories from fat as it will achieve different effects than those same fats from food. I started gaining weight that was more difficult to lose when I started taking oil supplements, the effect came from flax, fish, krill, coconut, and probably others. So having a complex diet with lower amounts of this stuff is likely to affect how it affects us. Any fat conjugate could be bad for us. Though as I think about it, Wistar rats might be more prone to obesity from carbs as opposed fats... those who are sensitive to fat in their diets probably want to steer clear of C60 altogether or they'll wind up being weight loss resistant as they had these difficult to remove nanospheres protecting lipids from being broken down by exercise stress. Wouldn't that suck?
Posted 11 March 2017 - 02:27 AM
Here are a couple more attachments - click on these and you can view them high-res. So the FIRST is the best closeup shot I could get of the c60oo in a little shot glass. Again, no particulate matter, sedimentation, anything of that sort. The color is a giveaway, though.
The second photo is a comparison between the c60oo and regular "Kirkland Pure Olive Oil" (the big container they sell at Costco). The color changes slightly with depth - I'd say this is maybe a centimeter depth of oil in both containers, most importantly the SAME depth in both (and the glass in both is clear), so hopefully you can do an apples to apples comparison of how the c60 makes it darker.
These pictures are probably useless for anybody who's taken c60oo, but I started out as a long-time lurker, and it's the kind of thing that would have been really interesting to me before I started experimenting with it.
IMG_0416.JPG 37.88KB
IMG_0423.JPG 57.78KB
UPDATE: Let me sneak this link in at the bottom - Dr. Mercola talking about MCT oil metabolism.
Edited by Tim Ventura, 11 March 2017 - 02:31 AM.
Posted 11 March 2017 - 07:20 PM
First, I want to thank EVERYBODY in this thread researching c60oo over the last 4 years. There's been so much research posted - a remarkable benefit, and yet (of course) incredibly challenging to wade through because there's such a massive volume of information that's been posted. None of it's pure research, either, so you have to kind of read for an eye to commonalities & try to focus on the best-cited actual science & experimentalism. I started re-reading the entire thread again today, from scratch, learning more every time I go through it. You guys & gals have just done so much.......truly incredible.
OK, Day #10 Report:
Took my 5ml dose yesterday around 2pm, took the dogs for a short walk on a super late lunch break, then hit the gym after work at 5pm. Then, around 7pm we hopped in the car for a Costco run for groceries.
Interesting Effect: I'm the only person who's reported this (kinda scary), but several times now, usually 2 to 3 hours after taking my c60oo dose, I've experienced periods of increased mental clarity, visual acuity, and higher awareness. Last night, I had the effect of a bit more light sensitivity driving, and a higher spatial awareness as well. How do I explain this?
Imagine you pass a Shell gas-station sign on the road. Normally you see the Shell Logo, you think "gas station" & dismiss the thought. If you stopped & focused on it though, you'd start to ignore the "Shell logo", and you'd see the sign itself, with some dust & dirt on it, patterns in the dirt from rain, posts that have a little rust near the top of them. Now you'd have to stop & really focus to see all that, right? But what's happened several times now are these periods of increased awareness where I see ALL of that, at once, even at a glance. Not sure if that makes any sense.
That's one example, but it's what was going on last night. Now, the next morning, everything's back to normal, except for feeling more tired than normal the next day. However, I've ALSO been taking Astragalus root extract off & on for the last week or so, and it can cause dehydration, which I think it's at least partially (maybe completely) to blame for that.
Wanted to hit that point second: at least so far, I haven't had any of these surges in strength from c60oo that lead people to supposedly damage tendons. I would say, generally speaking, that it's been pretty normal workouts, about 45 minutes long each, and a couple of them have kind of basically sucked due to dehydration, which again I think is the Astragalus (I had the same issue last year taking Astragalus, and it felt the same).
Anyhow, whatever effect the C60oo has, it's just hard for me to chalk that up to it being some kind of "super antioxidant". I take Astaxathin every day, about 24mg (2 capsules of Nutrex BioAstin), and the effects of THAT are a whole lot of absolutely nothing....
Edited by Tim Ventura, 11 March 2017 - 07:23 PM.
Posted 12 March 2017 - 04:07 AM
Vaughter vs. Carbon60OliveOil Comparison:
My c60oo arrived from Vaughter Wellness today - it was shipped from the Czech Republic and took 10 days to reach me on the West Coast USA. It is labeled as being "Lipofullerene c60" in a "50 ml container with 45 mg c60". The suggested dose on the label of is 1/3 teaspoon per day. It also has an expiration date on the bottom of the bottle for October 2018 - that's 6-months from the time of shipping.
Since I have a batch of c60oo from, I wanted to try and provide some information for comparison between these products (lacking equipment for any kind of chemical analysis this will obviously be very rudimentary at best):
First, I should say that I ordered from Vaughter & C60OO because they appear to be the 2 most highly reputable vendors online. That comes with a grain of salt, since Ichor & others have expressed concerns about quality from any vendor. That being said, from what I've read these two brands appear to be the best.
In the attached photo below, you'll see that both the Vaughter & C60OO batches appear to be nearly identical. They look, smell, pour, etc just about the same. That's to be expected, as the websites for both products claim to be attempting to replicate the formula used in the Baati rat experiment.
Neither batch appears to contain any lumps, impurities or inconsistencies that I could detect visually. They also do not appear "grainy", which I interpret to mean that the c60 is fully dissolved, and not simply suspended in the solution. Both arrived in sealed, padded envelopes, both had safety-seals around the cap, and both were well labeled.
Differences: the Vaughter solution is slightly lighter in color than the c60oo solution, which I interpret to mean that it contains less c60oo. However, it's also possible that this comes from using a different brand of olive oil, which I believe is the case base because the Vaughter solution smells a bit stronger & has more "sting" or bite when I take it. Turnbuckle indicated that this sting came from Polyphenols in the olive oil itself, not from the c60oo.
The two photos below are a side-by-side comparison of these two brands, along with a comparison to standard olive oil. In 3-way comparison photo, the Kirkland Pure OO is on the left, carbon60oliveoil is in the middle, and Vaughter is on the right. Just as a general thought, these 2 products seem so similar to each other from what I can tell that the only major difference is shipping time. If you're in Europe, Vaughter is probably going to arrive faster. For folks in the USA, carbon60oliveoil is probably a more expedient choice.
Again, just as a reminder, folks in this forum with a heck of a lot more knowledge than I do about this seem to be very wary of any commercial c60oo product, but that being said it was the easiest way for me to experiment with this, as it probably is for most folks out there just getting into c60oo.
2017-03-11 16.59.12.jpg 83.21KB
2017-03-11 16.59.00.jpg 141.11KB
Edited by Tim Ventura, 12 March 2017 - 04:08 AM.
Posted 12 March 2017 - 05:42 PM
...Ichor & others have expressed concerns about quality from any vendor.
With all due respect, Kelsey expressed more than concern over just the quality of these consumer products. If I were you, I'd reread what he wrote before further adventuring.
Posted 13 March 2017 - 12:45 AM
...Ichor & others have expressed concerns about quality from any vendor.
With all due respect, Kelsey expressed more than concern over just the quality of these consumer products. If I were you, I'd reread what he wrote before further adventuring.
Can you post a link to what he wrote?
Posted 13 March 2017 - 01:20 AM
With all due respect, Kelsey expressed more than concern over just the quality of these consumer products. If I were you, I'd reread what he wrote before further adventuring....Ichor & others have expressed concerns about quality from any vendor.
Can you post a link to what he wrote?
Be careful, please: http://www.longecity...e-5#entry805866
Posted 13 March 2017 - 03:49 AM
Caution is definitely warranted, but Ichor intentionally irradiated their sample to produce epoxides, right? Also, in contrast I have yet to read a single negative post by any of the dozens, hundreds, likely thousands of people who are taking c60 olive oil on their own. It's been 4 years now, if it was making people sick you'd be seeing reports.
Consider this: people who are inclined to experiment with c60 olive oil only have 2 choices - either homebrew or buy a commercial brand. So does commercial quality beat homebrew quality?
From what I've seen & read so far, it appears that both Vaughter & are at least attempting to produce high quality products. The packaging is thorough & pristine, the c60oo consistency is perfect, and the olive oil has considerable "bite", which as I understand things is the mark of high-quality, expensive olive oils. Also, both batches (one from Europe another from California) are both nearly identical to each other, which indicates to me that they're following the same protocols when they produce it.
That does NOT negate any health or safety concerns, but when you consider the wide scope of people who will attempt to make this on their own, at least for the time being I feel safer with those products than something people mix in their kitchens. That's even more true having read a lot of the work by early experimenters, and comments online about shortcuts & changes people have made to the formula that introduce all sorts of deviations from the original Baati formulation.
Now, the larger question is should people be ingesting c60 olive oil in the first place? I'd say no, to be honest. Not thoroughly tested, not approved, no oversight, no controls - just a bunch of reports from anonymous online users who claim health benefits. I'm 10 days in, and personally I don't see any real health benefits yet, but I'm already committed, and dumb enough to give it a shot. It seems to do *something*, with a big question mark around what that something actually is.
What sold me on trying it was posts from folks like Turnbuckle in this forum, who have taken it & done serious research to try and understand how it may work. Going back & reading those early posts on this, I'm just blown away by the amount of work done trying to unravel what's going on with c60oo. Having read that, and then the reports of people taking it - that's what made it worth trying, for me anyways.
Posted 13 March 2017 - 06:13 AM
In my case, with a homebrew mixture, getting rid of white hair that were starting to sprout.
I'm not saying it is safe or not nor that it should be taken or not.
Only saying: no question mark....
Edited by Huckfinn, 13 March 2017 - 06:13 AM.
Posted 13 March 2017 - 07:23 PM
Caution is definitely warranted, but Ichor intentionally irradiated their sample to produce epoxides, right? Also, in contrast I have yet to read a single negative post by any of the dozens, hundreds, likely thousands of people who are taking c60 olive oil on their own. It's been 4 years now, if it was making people sick you'd be seeing reports.
There have been reports, some were outlandish, but others could have been caused by the mechanism kelsey described. We also have alot of unique scenarios here, people who wouldn't be included in research populations. So that could have affected what we see.
The negative reports are there, but they are buried under countless posts of optimism and "look at me, I'm doing science." It's quite dangerous for our community. Here, people get their 15 minutes of science fame and it's drowning out serious science at times. It's good that we do this, but we need people to listen, understand that they're taking risks, and not say it can't happen.
I think all one has to do is look at Adverse Event Reports that must be collected by law to see that everything can have side effects in someone.
If someone really wants to get younger, they should contact me. I've been having a spell of good luck in this front lately.
Posted 13 March 2017 - 07:32 PM
From what I've seen & read so far, it appears that both Vaughter & are at least attempting to produce high quality products. The packaging is thorough & pristine, the c60oo consistency is perfect, and the olive oil has considerable "bite", which as I understand things is the mark of high-quality, expensive olive oils. Also, both batches (one from Europe another from California) are both nearly identical to each other, which indicates to me that they're following the same protocols when they produce it.
The bite is just the amount of polyphenols in the oil, but quality and is a good starting point perhaps, but old oils retain this bite and would become unhealthy before they tasted rancid. The measure of quality might not be so high or safe. Expense and quality are always two different things. In fact, higher efficiency yields higher quality, so lower priced items are likely to have more quality value and higher priced item have more brand, status, and values we are not always keen on.
Posted 14 March 2017 - 01:26 AM
Are there are polls out there on Longecity for c60oo? I think I've seen one before, but I might be mistaken.
What would be VERY interesting are vendor polls from Vaughter and Those are known purchasers, likely a larger sample size than just this forum, etc
Posted 14 March 2017 - 06:15 AM
What exactly do you want to poll for? Members can make polls iirc, if not, I can make one for you... unless you mean sending questionnaires to the manufacturers...
Posted 14 March 2017 - 02:05 PM
Greetings to all.
Just wanted to share my C60 experience.
I bought Vaughter's C60 olive oil and I took it twice (once weekly). My dose was about a half eyedropper.
Both times I had a "bad" reaction. It started about 1 hour after I took it. Initially I felt a warm sensation in my face and body and after that I had a brain fog that lasted for 2,5 days with some anxiety and I was unable to work properly (I work as a programmer). But when these symptoms wore off I felt much calmer and clear minded than before, in fact I don't remember being that relaxed and with that sense of well being.
I saw that some people here had these bad reactions too, so I wanted to share my experience. I have to say that I also was taking NAD+ precursors (3gr niacin as I am overmethylator). Yesterday I read here that NAD+ precursors cause bad reactions. I have to say that yesterday I still had a lot of brain fog and stopped taking niacin and today I feel a lot better. Next time I will stop taking niacin a day before taking C60 and I will resume it 2 days later and i'll see what happens.
This is my first post, so if I posted in the wrong place I'm sorry!
Posted 14 March 2017 - 05:26 PM
Both times I had a "bad" reaction. It started about 1 hour after I took it. Initially I felt a warm sensation in my face and body and after that I had a brain fog that lasted for 2,5 days with some anxiety and I was unable to work properly...
gestur - Somebody posted that c60oo "potentiates everything", and that idea stuck in my mind because that's the effect I've had with it. So whatever else you're taking is made stronger. That could ALSO explain why the reported effects vary so greatly from person to person, because everybody in these threads is on a different / unique stack.
The effects that you're describing are easily attributable to the Niacin. Now normally maybe it doesn't have that effect on you, but if c60oo potentiates it's action, then it could put you WAY over the threshold that your body is used to taking it at.
Like yourself, I used to take a large dose of Niacin (in my case, Nicotinamide because it's flush-free). I was taking about 1,000 mg a day, but quit because it was making me sleepy. I read something online about that being a normal issue with large doses, so I unfortunately had to stop taking it, and rapidly got my normal energy levels back.
Posted 15 March 2017 - 05:49 PM
I just had a stem cell procedure done yesterday. I stopped C60oo a few weeks before because I didn't know about interactions. I'd like to start it again, does anyone have any opinions on this, should I wait?
Posted 15 March 2017 - 08:09 PM
Both times I had a "bad" reaction. It started about 1 hour after I took it. Initially I felt a warm sensation in my face and body and after that I had a brain fog that lasted for 2,5 days with some anxiety and I was unable to work properly...
gestur - Somebody posted that c60oo "potentiates everything", and that idea stuck in my mind because that's the effect I've had with it. So whatever else you're taking is made stronger. That could ALSO explain why the reported effects vary so greatly from person to person, because everybody in these threads is on a different / unique stack.
The effects that you're describing are easily attributable to the Niacin. Now normally maybe it doesn't have that effect on you, but if c60oo potentiates it's action, then it could put you WAY over the threshold that your body is used to taking it at.
Like yourself, I used to take a large dose of Niacin (in my case, Nicotinamide because it's flush-free). I was taking about 1,000 mg a day, but quit because it was making me sleepy. I read something online about that being a normal issue with large doses, so I unfortunately had to stop taking it, and rapidly got my normal energy levels back.
While potentiating everything sounds great... it's kind of worrisome at the same time. For everything it potentiates, there must be something that doesn't get produced from all the stuff it mops up, so what is that stuff? What's not getting built? How can it make us feel younger without making us look younger too? What if we live twice as long as we thought, but we start looking older faster? I'd say in that same amount of time we could find better.
I'd say aspirin seems to lower inflammation more efficiently just looking in the mirror when taking it vs. taking C60.
Posted 15 March 2017 - 08:11 PM
I just had a stem cell procedure done yesterday. I stopped C60oo a few weeks before because I didn't know about interactions. I'd like to start it again, does anyone have any opinions on this, should I wait?
I would think it could work either way. On one hand there are reasons to believe that it could make the cells survive better, and on the other, it could keep them from replacing some of the worst. Maybe take it a few days after with a two-3 weeks in between stem cell therapies.
Posted 16 March 2017 - 01:21 PM
Both times I had a "bad" reaction. It started about 1 hour after I took it. Initially I felt a warm sensation in my face and body and after that I had a brain fog that lasted for 2,5 days with some anxiety and I was unable to work properly...
gestur - Somebody posted that c60oo "potentiates everything", and that idea stuck in my mind because that's the effect I've had with it. So whatever else you're taking is made stronger.
Don't imprint on the snake oil memes. C60 doesn't potentiate everything, and there are definite problems with taking C60 together with NAD supplements. At a minimum they are working at cross purposes. NAD supplements boost the NAD+/NADH ratio, setting the cells' mito QC process running. Mitochondria are fissioned to the smallest (and most inefficient size) and problem mitochondria are tagged for destruction. Lysosomes then engulf the tagged mitochondria and digest them. When the ratio returns to normal, the mitochondria fuse to regain their normal size, but with a reduced load of defective mtDNA. Insofar as C60 improves the functioning of mitochondria, it will hide dysfunctional mitochondria from the cells' quality control mechanism. A more immediate problem could come from the burst of mitophagy. There was a worry early on that there could be toxic effects from lysosomes trying to digest C60. I can't say it actually happens, but I've experienced definite negative effects from taking C60 with one gram of niacin. This gave me a statin-damage-like feel for a week, and I never tried it again.
...autophagy induction by nanoparticles may be an attempt to degrade what is perceived by the cell as foreign or aberrant. While the autophagy and endo-lysosomal pathways have the potential to influence the disposition of nanomaterials, there is also a growing body of literature suggesting that biopersistent nanomaterials can, in turn, negatively impact these pathways. Indeed, there is ample evidence that biopersistent nanomaterials can cause autophagy and lysosomal dysfunctions resulting in toxicological consequences.
Edited by YOLF, 16 March 2017 - 06:14 PM.
Posted 16 March 2017 - 07:35 PM
Hi again. Thanks for the answers.
I've got another theory about what happened to me (appart from the niacin interaction):
I've read that many of the people here taking C60 become much more alcohol tolerant and they need to drink 2 or 3 times more to get the "desired effect". This gave me a clue.
Like I said in my introduction, I've some mental issues: Tourette, ADD (no hyperactivity), OCD and anxiety. After taking many medications, reading studies about neurotransmitter imbalances involved in such diseases, and testing a lot of supplements I realized almost all the problems come from a glutamate excess and GABA deficiency and a norepinephrine excess (I also have serotonin and dopamine excess, I'm a severe overmethylator). Most of my problems went away since I'm taking Mirtazapine (alpha-2 adrenergic blocker), amantadine (NMDA blocker and also increases dopamine in certain brain areas, improving focus) and niacin (3-4,5gr / day). Every day I also need to spray my entire body with magnesium oil (another NMDA blocker), if I don't do it brain fog and anxiety come back very quickly. And if it isn't enough (bad day, stress, etc.) sometimes I take dextromethorphan (another NMDA blocker).
Alcohol is a NMDA blocker... so I think C60 somehow prevents NMDA blockers to bind properly or favors glutamate binding. If you don't have anxiety issues maybe it isn't a problem, but in a person with an overactive glutamatergic system causes this reaction.
Edited by gestur1976, 16 March 2017 - 07:49 PM.
Posted 17 March 2017 - 11:14 PM
Quick update on effects:
I'm at the 2 week mark with C60oo, and I just want to report that the effects I was seeing have tapered off to basically nothing at this point. I would say that when I started taking a 5ml daily dose, potentiated Semax, caffeine, etc: no more, though. So I don't feel "bad", I just pretty much feel back to normal.
Maybe this is a temporary change, maybe a permanent adaptation, not sure. Nothing else in my routine has changed, no changes in my supplement stack, exercise routine, sleep habits, etc.
In addition to taking 5ml per day, I've also used c60oo topically on skin wounds: scratches and an actual puncture from a blackberry busy I tangled with while walking the dogs. 1 week of topical application, and healing / mark disappearing doesn't seem ANY faster or different than normal. Also, I haven't applied it directly to my scalp, but in the 2 weeks I've been taking this, my gray hair roots don't seem to be any different in color. I also haven't noticed any difference in exercise strength/endurance that I'm aware of.
Anyhow, that being said, I'd guess that a lot of these anti-aging effects take time to become visible. Not sure if I'm supposed to be looking for any other changes, but as far as I can tell whatever effect was happening is gone. I did feel like it increased my awareness & alertness for the first few days, and I don't believe that was a placebo effect.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs
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