C60 experiments @ home
Posted 29 April 2012 - 10:42 PM
I agree for the most part, ingesting a large amount of olive oil was pretty disgusting... but is it manageable? I think it is... however i really need to consider a few changes, as i think it does need to taste better.
Whether its C60 or another type of carbon, It will taste pretty bad if you try and suck it down in 10 minutes. I am glad i did this initial 'taste test' as it allows me to play with it before using the extremely expensive material... specially for some finicky rats that i know.
I also believe the study shows 1.7mg/kg not 4mg... the 4mg was given to the rats that where sacrificed after a week.
In the next week or so, i will do some different things to see if taste improves... heck the study shows some improvement on olive oil alone, so i am glad its not all a waste of time.
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Posted 29 April 2012 - 10:51 PM
C60 at .8 mg/ml in olive oil has very little taste--or is masked by the strong taste of the oil. I've been taking this concentration for a few days at a .03 mg/kg daily dose (2 mg total), which is a tiny fraction of the rat longevity study. The results, if they hold up, are very interesting.
Sounds great, i am glad more than one person is doing this. :D
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Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:05 PM
Question: those of you who are taking this, how long did you prepare your fullerene oil solution for in advance? I assume it would take at least 2 weeks, maybe more, to dissolve the fullerenes, and the study is still quite new?
Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:35 PM
Well, at these concentrations toxicity appears to me minimal, even in water based solutions where it forms nC60 complexes. and it isn't a mutagen....
Question: those of you who are taking this, how long did you prepare your fullerene oil solution for in advance? I assume it would take at least 2 weeks, maybe more, to dissolve the fullerenes, and the study is still quite new?
I was surprised at how quickly C60 dissolved into olive oil--with occasional hand shaking, most of the particulate matter disappeared after 3 days. Not all of it will go in as there is apparently some fraction of a percent of soot. And note that this was with a .8mg/ml solution, not the 5 mg/ml of the paper. I first tried extra virgin oil, and this went from yellow-green to a whiskey color with the change beginning after two or three hours. Extra light olive oil, by contrast, produced a magenta color, as did almond oil. Almond oil has the small advantage of having comparatively little taste, but the solution process takes much longer.
Posted 30 April 2012 - 12:25 PM
Well, from past personal experiences, something you should be experiencing by now from that much oil ingestion is your liver pressurising somewhat and a cleansing of your bile ducts. You're currently doing 1/2 of Hulda Clarke's liver flush:

Posted 30 April 2012 - 01:32 PM
Well, from past personal experiences, something you should be experiencing by now from that much oil ingestion is your liver pressurising somewhat and a cleansing of your bile ducts. You're currently doing 1/2 of Hulda Clarke's liver flush:
In reality I was already taking olive oil (plus DHA and EPA) every day, and the olive oil dose with the C60 solute is actually much less. As I've only been taking it a few days, I'm a bit reluctant to mention the results, but what the hell. Just take this with a saltshaker of salt. I'm just one person with a certain medical history, and these are essentially single data points...
Background. I'm 60 years old and fifteen to twenty pounds above my ideal weight. Ten years ago I could run three miles to the gym, work out for two hours, and run back. Then I made the mistake of taking statins for high cholesterol. After some months I realized I was being chemically poisoned, so I stopped. My recovery was slow and incomplete. Years later I still suffered from it, but PQQ was a big help. The effects were noticeable in two days, and reached a plateau in one week. Still, I couldn't run more than 100 yards without feeling I'd run a marathon. I couldn't get enough air. Residual mitochondrial damage, in my thinking.
Then, four hours after ingesting 2 mg of C60 in olive oil, I went running. And kept on running. My god, I could breathe! The next day was the same. I ran a mile and a half, and I hadn't done that since before Crestor. The effects seemed too quick to be the result of mitochondrial biogenesis, but it must have something to do with the mitochondria.
All the cholesterol propaganda pushed by drug companies is what almost killed me to begin with, but I still believe there's some truth to it, even if the pharmaceutical solution is worse than the problem. My untreated total cholesterol was 270, which was reduced to 220-230 by Welchol--a bile acid sequesterant and the only hypercholesterolemia drug I can tolerate without side effects. I use a home cholesterol test to monitor it, and this has tracked the lab test very nicely. Both were 228 last time, and this morning it tested 163. Nothing I've tried other than pharmaceuticals has budged the numbers lower than 220, so I think something was wrong with the test. I'll buy a another in a few days and try this again. I simply don't believe the result. If it had such an effect, wouldn't there already be research on it?
Over the years I've grown intolerant of the stuff. One glass and I'd wake up feeling as if I'd drunk the entire bottle. But with 2 mg/day of C60, that was no longer the case. Three glasses and I felt nothing the next day.
I have a middle aged dog that now has trouble getting into the back of my car, so I gave him same dose I gave myself, and I haven't had to help him since. Too soon to tell for sure, though, and I wouldn't mention it except it seems to fit with everything else.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 12:47 AM
The first thing i want to do, is make this taste better.
Tonight i am mixing in good ol' pace picante sauce, vinegar with the olive oil and carbon. This tastes much better than the tuna so far, but there is still a lot of oil... even for bread, as you end up eating way too much bread...
As for resveratrol, i am taking 4 to 6 grams a day without issues... and i dont plan to give prospective rats C60 without it being pure and solubilized... my current issue is taste.
Circle me: https://profiles.goo...236572014252197
Posted 01 May 2012 - 02:03 AM
Posted 01 May 2012 - 04:45 AM
Edited by Elus, 01 May 2012 - 04:45 AM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 11:20 AM
My untreated total cholesterol was 270, which was reduced to 220-230 by Welchol--a bile acid sequesterant and the only hypercholesterolemia drug I can tolerate without side effects. I use a home cholesterol test to monitor it, and this has tracked the lab test very nicely. Both were 228 last time, and this morning [after taking 2mg C60 for several days] it tested 163. Nothing I've tried other than pharmaceuticals has budged the numbers lower than 220, so I think something was wrong with the test. I'll buy a another in a few days and try this again. I simply don't believe the result. If it had such an effect, wouldn't there already be research on it?
I retested my total cholesterol this morning and found it to be 202. Yesterday's test read 163 with a strip that developed a little asymmetrically, first time I've seen it do that. But 202 is otherwise the best result I've had in years, and with only 2 mg of C60 a day, still very impressive. It will be interesting to see if my cholesterol continues to drop and stays down even after I stop taking anything for it, including the C60. If, like the rats, my liver has been reset to a younger age.
Edited by Turnbuckle, 01 May 2012 - 11:21 AM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 06:19 PM
Very curious about 2mg doses for a two week period, with two weeks off.
Would be relatively affordable, smallish amount of olive oil so taste or stomach upset wouldn't be an issue.
At the very least, seems you could combine 2mg Fullerene with a dose of Noopept and have one heck of a hangover cure.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 06:39 PM
I have a supply of 5 grams of 95% c60, the other 5% is mostly C70 according to the manufacturer. I didn't want to sprint for the 99.95% just yet.
I am not sure how they mixed the solution but I am guessing it was with a test tube rocker. The cheapest one I found was $150 on ebay.
Turnbuckle, how did you come up with 2 mg? Did you just want to start off slow?
Lastly, can someone point me to the 'rules' of this forum? I don't want to get myself kicked off by posting the wrong link.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 06:53 PM
Turnbuckle, how did you come up with 2 mg? Did you just want to start off slow?
2 mg seemed reasonably conservative, and also it occurred to me that C60 might be resetting the mitochondria to a younger age, in which case it would be impossible to later dial it back to check if a smaller dose was effective. Now that I've seen that this dose has positive effects, at least in the short term, I might try increasing it to 10 mg to see what it will do to further lower total cholesterol.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:16 PM
So you didn't use any special missing equipment?
Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:19 PM
Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:30 PM
Thanks for your concern. The important thing is that we are all open about what we are doing and we share our experience, good and bad, so that if it does turn out that we end up hurting ourselves, others can learn form our mistakes.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:37 PM
Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:47 PM
Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:15 PM
The large rats here vary from 50kg up to 100kg or more.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:19 PM
Keep the olive oil in a sealed container, and keep it warm - the laundry cupboard if you have one, and out of the light. About 20 - 25 Celsius.
A daily shake should be enough, and give it 2 - 4 weeks to completely dissolve.
The colour should be a deep purple.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:28 PM
Agreed we should stay in the habit of quoting doses in mg/kg.
I just added some fullerene to a test tube with Olive oil. I won't drink this, I am just testing it out. I need a scale with higher resolution to measure out the C60. I should get it in a few days along with my test tube rocker. I also plan to filter with a 0.2 micron filer.
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Edited by HappyPhysicist, 01 May 2012 - 08:32 PM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:39 PM
Agreed we should stay in the habit of quoting doses in mg/kg.
I just added some fullerene to a test tube with Olive oil. I won't drink this, I am just testing it out. I need a scale with higher resolution to measure out the C60. I should get it in a few days along with my test tube rocker. I also plan to filter with a 0.2 micron filer.
You will probably get a brown color with this oil. If you want purple, start with a very light oil.
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Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:46 PM
Has anyone purchased the paper of the solubility of C60 in different vegetable oils? I don't want to shell out $40 just to get a list of which is the best.
Edited by HappyPhysicist, 01 May 2012 - 08:47 PM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 09:19 PM
Great idea. I would like to try coconut oil because it is clear but it is solid at room temperature.
Has anyone purchased the paper of the solubility of C60 in different vegetable oils? I don't want to shell out $40 just to get a list of which is the best.
How about this? Dispense with the rocker and just add your C60 directly into the olive oil bottle. Keep the concentration down and it will dissolve on its own. Now with the $150 you've saved, buy the solubility paper.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:21 PM
Be prepared for 2 - 4 weeks. Full solvation can sometimes take even longer.
It may turn purple earlier, but will not be fully dissolved, you'll still have lots of nC60 in suspension, even when you can see no visible particles.
It is also important to keep it sealed, to prevent oxidation of the oil, especially if the oil is kept warm, as a warmish environment will speed up the solvation, but still don't count on it being fully dissolved before at least 2 weeks.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:22 PM
Great idea. I would like to try coconut oil because it is clear but it is solid at room temperature.
Has anyone purchased the paper of the solubility of C60 in different vegetable oils? I don't want to shell out $40 just to get a list of which is the best.
MCT oil is basically purified coconut oil and is both clear and liquid at room temp...in fact, it stays liquid even in the fridge. I've used the NOW brand for workout energy with success.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:40 PM
Hebbeh, Looks like I am going to have to purchase that article. Hopefully from it I can figure out where purified coconut oil would fall on the C60 solubility scale.
In the C60 article the author states that the color is an indication that C60 has dissolved:
"It is well known that C60 and derivatives are prone to aggregate even in their best solvents [37]. The C60-olive oil solution used in this study can be considered as free of C60 aggregates because: 1 e its colour is purple that is characteristic of C60 solutions while the colour of C60 aggregate-containing solutions are rather brown, which is true even for water-soluble derivatives [3]; 2 e it is freely and instantaneously soluble in toluene in contrast to C60 aggregate- containing solutions, which slowly dissolve even in the best solvents of C60. Besides, the concentrations of C60 in olive oil as determined by HPLC agree with those previously published by other authors [22]."
I wonder what color their original olive oil was, perhaps they chose the kind they used because it was clear.
Edited by HappyPhysicist, 01 May 2012 - 10:41 PM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:43 PM
Turnbuckle - even thick yellow olive oil will turn a deep port wine colour after about a week. It will not be brown - only initially when most of the fullerene is nC60 in suspension. The solvation process is very slow.
Be prepared for 2 - 4 weeks. Full solvation can sometimes take even longer.
It may turn purple earlier, but will not be fully dissolved, you'll still have lots of nC60 in suspension, even when you can see no visible particles.
It is also important to keep it sealed, to prevent oxidation of the oil, especially if the oil is kept warm, as a warmish environment will speed up the solvation, but still don't count on it being fully dissolved before at least 2 weeks.
My first try was with Filippo Berio Extra Virgin, which was a greenish yellow. It turned a whiskey color with .7 mg/ml C60, and all particulates were gone by day 4. The color has not changed since then. Next I tried almond oil, which was almost clear. It has yet to fully dissolve at the same concentration, but turned a light magenta starting at a few hours. Finally I tried Bertolli Extra Light, and that began turning at a few hours and reached a rich magenta (with a nominal concentration of 1.3 mg/ml), but as it seemed resistant to complete solution, I diluted it by half.
I haven't tried regular olive oil (not extra virgin or extra light), so I can't say about that.
Edited by Turnbuckle, 01 May 2012 - 10:44 PM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:53 PM
DMSO is available on amazon for cheap. If applied to the face should you expect to see hair grow on application point or around the body?
Thanks, very interesting!
Edited by kevinseven11, 01 May 2012 - 10:53 PM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:56 PM
Which comes out to about 4/5 of a cup of oil a day, with close to 150mg of estimated C60.
Now... i still am playing with taste as that is very important to me personally. Today i used pace picante sauce again with 2 cans of tuna and the oil/carbon mix.
This tastes MUCH better than the first couple of days.
I am getting real close to starting to process the C60.
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