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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#1471 Chopperboy

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Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:31 AM

No great mystery here. Cigarettes are ADDICTIVE. The addiction isn't just to the drug nicotine but to the ritual of smoking, oral fixation, taste, a myriad of other subconscious cues. It's not easy to break addictions, obviously millions, upon millions never do and die.

Back to c60/oo....

My advise if you smoke is smoke cigars, my father did all his life and made 95 without illness - though he was on an anti-arthritis diet for the last 30 years.
But I believe C60 may also end up help smokers live longer.

#1472 scorpe

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Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:45 AM

I am a healthy male rat 1.75 cm 75 kg and 66 years. Started yesterday at 2 pm with 1.5 mg and after abt 30 minutes my left elboo became painly and after a few m. later the right one. Abt 10 m.later it was gone. Never had this before. I had to give training for 2 hours outside 7 c. and vy windy and I did not noticed the cold had warm feet and warm/(hot) face. The night before I did not sleep long only a few hours felt not good but after taking I seem to have energie and felt much better . When I came home I noticed that I could bow my stiff fingers further then normal and showed my wife. She was suprised.. She had a car accident last sunday and could only lift her left arm to abt her shoulder so I gave her also 1.5 mg. This morning she cold lift 30 cm higher. (placebo or normal recovery?) I seem to look a bit clearer in colors. No increased sex drive, orgasm seems a bit more intense. Could not fall asleep as my eyes were/felt wide open. NO VIVID DREAMS. After falling asleep waked up a few times but felt good after waking up. This morning walking outside in the cold and I felt a warm feeling in my stomach. Nice. I will continue taking each day and see what happens.

Edited by scorpe, 22 November 2012 - 09:55 AM.

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#1473 tintinet

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 01:37 AM

Judging from my empty bottles, I've taken about 750 ml of C60 OO over the past few months. But I'm beginning to think it's all just hype and placebo effect. I've noticed nothing dramatic.

If you're healthy and you are not in the habit of pushing yourself to the point of muscle fatigue (ie, where you can't do another rep even if you try), then there isn't much to feel. That doesn't mean it isn't working. If you did before and after blood tests for redox status, I think you'd see a signal.

I am in the habit of resistance exercise to the point of failure, but I haven't noticed much change in this area. I have noticed some increases in strength, endurance, and energy, but nothing really dramatic.

#1474 niner

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 02:45 AM

I am a healthy male rat 1.75 cm 75 kg and 66 years. Started yesterday at 2 pm with 1.5 mg and after abt 30 minutes my left elboo became painly and after a few m. later the right one. Abt 10 m.later it was gone. Never had this before.

We've had a number of reports of weird transient pains in people's arms. It seems to only occur upon first starting c60, then never again. I have no idea what's going on there, buy you certainly aren't the first to report it.

#1475 mpe

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 03:32 AM

Earlier this year, I had stem cell therapy on my left knee. I was in a stem cell trial being run by the University of Sydney and the Royal North Shore Hospital . Because of the trial, I delayed taking the C60oo combo until after the last examination on my knee.

The trial was a remarkable success for me at least, the pain in my left knee had reduced from really annoying to mostly tolerable, the swelling in my knee was dramatically reduced, although it could take 12 to 24 hours to subside once aggravated.

After I started the trial, I changed occupations ( not by choice ) and became a traffic controller on the side of the road. A full days work could easily involve standing in the same spot for 6 or more hours without being able to walk or sit. At the end of the day I would return home, sit and have a cup of tea or coffee and then find the knee had become immobilised ( at least for a time ) and I would have great difficulty walking upstairs to have a shower. But believe it or not this was a huge improvement over how my knee was prior to the stem cell injections.

After my last examination by the good doctors in the trial, I purchased some of Carbons C60 and started doseing myself. I reported my experiences a couple of months ago.

Unfortunately, I still haven't improved on my receding hairline, but my knee has made a really dramatic improvement, far more than I would ever have expected. The knee for the most part feels almost identical to my right undamaged knee.
After the stem cell treatment I noticed the condition of my knee improve over about 3 months, after which no further improvement was apparent. I often wondered if my new occupation with the continuous standing in one position was hindering the knee regeneration or if the stem cell treatment had simply run its course.
After I started C60oo
I noticed the knee improving as though I had received a second stem cell injection and these days I complain of sore feet as do the other traffic controllers, but I no longer complain about my knee because it simply doesn't bother me.
I have no idea how c60 would effect stem cells or if it effected the knee directly but either way it was like having the stem cells all over again


Edited by mpe, 23 November 2012 - 03:35 AM.

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#1476 mpe

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 03:42 AM

By the time I started working as a traffic controller, I had already finished experiencing improvements from the stem cells and I didn't start the C60oo until after my last examination in relation to the trial.


#1477 Turnbuckle

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 12:04 PM

I have no idea how c60 would effect stem cells or if it effected the knee directly but either way it was like having the stem cells all over again


This is perhaps to be expected since C60 has been observed to collect in mitochondria and many here have reported that C60 enhances endurance. This paper points out that healthy stem cells have a much reduced mitochondrial mass and oxygen consumption and depend on anaerobic respiration (much like cancer cells). Thus C60 treatment may be encouraging stem cells from the injection to differentiate by increasing their mitochondria mass.

Pluripotent blastomeres of mammalian pre-implantation embryos and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are characterized by limited oxidative capacity and great reliance on anaerobic respiration. Early pre-implantation embryos and undifferentiated ESCs possess small and immature mitochondria located around the nucleus, have low oxygen consumption and express high levels of glycolytic enzymes. However, as embryonic cells and ESCs lose pluripotency and commit to a specific cell fate, the expression of mtDNA transcription and replication factors is upregulated and the number of mitochondria and mtDNA copies/cell increases. Moreover, upon cellular differentiation, mitochondria acquire an elongated morphology with swollen cristae and dense matrices, migrate into wider cytoplasmic areas and increase the levels of oxygen consumption and ATP production as a result of the activation of the more efficient, aerobic metabolism. Since pluripotency seems to be associated with anaerobic metabolism and a poorly developed mitochondrial network and differentiation leads to activation of mitochondrial biogenesis according to the metabolic requirements of the specific cell type, it is hypothesized that reprogramming of somatic cells towards a pluripotent state, by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), transcription-induced pluripotency or creation of pluripotent cell hybrids, requires acquisition of mitochondrial properties characteristic of pluripotent blastomeres and ESCs.


Would stem cells be used up by this process? Perhaps not as they have mechanisms to prevent that, such as asymmetric replication where the original stem cell divides into a stem cell and a daughter cell that is differentiated.

Hair regrowth and the disappearance of small scars that I have observed from my own use could be the result of stem cell action.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 23 November 2012 - 12:26 PM.

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#1478 niner

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 03:23 PM

Nice find, Turnbuckle. I'm not sure if c60 would do anything for a stem cell that was using anaerobic metabolism, but when the cell differentiates, maybe it spends some time (maybe a long time) in a state where mitochondrial biogenesis is inadequate, and here the c60 is helping the cell along?

In mpe's case, I can think of three possible mechanisms: 1) c60 is tamping down chronic inflammation. 2) a pause in recovery is normal in this form of stem cell treatment, and c60 had nothing to do with it. 3) c60 rescued a bunch of newly-differentiated cells from a condition of inadequate mitochondria. It might also be some combination of the above, or perhaps something else, in addition or entirely.

#1479 Turnbuckle

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 04:30 PM

Nice find, Turnbuckle. I'm not sure if c60 would do anything for a stem cell that was using anaerobic metabolism, but when the cell differentiates, maybe it spends some time (maybe a long time) in a state where mitochondrial biogenesis is inadequate, and here the c60 is helping the cell along?

The trigger for stem cell differentiation is not well understood, but C60 is apparently acting as that trigger.

This paper shows that the triggering takes place in the mitochondria: Mitochondrial function controls proliferation and early differentiation potential of embryonic stem cells

Pluripotent stem cells hold significant promise in regenerative medicine due to their unlimited capacity for selfrenewal and potential to differentiate into any cell type of the body. In this study, we demonstrate that proper mitochondrial function is essential for proliferation of undifferentiated ESCs.

The mitochondria change first and that change signals back to the nDNA--

Previous studies in Drosophila species as well as in other systems have demonstrated that mitochondria exert specific effects on cellular function through mechanisms collectively defined as retrograde signaling. It is possible that in differentiating ESCs, as the cells lose their pluripotency, specific retrograde signals from the mitochondria to the nucleus is essential for the transcriptional triggering of the genes associated with early differentiation.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 23 November 2012 - 04:59 PM.

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#1480 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 05:00 PM

I think by now, you all can guess what i like with my C60...


Hi Anthony,

following this thread for several weeks, I have noticed that you are the individual with the highest daily dose (similar dose as for the rat study), then you have reduced to a smaller dose. Could you please update me on your latest regime (with breaks, if any), and the reasons for the changes?

I have 1gr of C60 in 1.5 litre of EVOO, soon to be ready, and I am trying to identify a dose regime for a 50y-old rat of 70kg....


Hi John,

That is true, i drank almost a cup a day of C60oo daily during 3 different weekly intervals, then switched down to 2 tablespoons a day (one morning in juice like the today's, and one in the evening)

My reasoning to switch down was to see if there was any difference to my body regarding the lower doses that i can perceive.

Mostly, the higher doses made me feel real full and i tended to eat less. I suppose that is great because of the high calorie intake from the oil alone.

Energy levels seem about the same using both, but i haven't touched the bench to see if my max press is about the same as the increase i saw when i took the large doses.

I am trying to convince a lab to measure the C60 in samples of my blood after a full week of large C60 doses, then every few days to see how the levels decrease... To try and get some basic metrics for my personal use of C60.

They haven't come back to me just yet, but we shall see.


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#1481 YodaTW

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 05:56 AM

Hey guys I have some interesting effects from the C60 EVOO and its all good.

I had two wart-like skin bump growths on my face for the last two years (age 45). Both are raised above the surface of my skin and are very visible to others. On is about 5mm across on my left temple the other was only 2mm but was on the side of my nose. I was putting C60 on my face at night the first week to make my facial skin more healthy. At the end of the week I noticed that the size of both skin growths were reduced to half in hight above the skin, and the big one no longer itched. Today makes it two weeks and two days and both are no longer raised above my skin. I can feel the big one is smaller and it was deep before but seems less so now. I will continue till its gone…one week at the most. My wife saw and was amazed and wants to do the same for one skin growth on her forehead. For hers I will take Before and after photos and let you know in two-three weeks.

Also since I'm 45 my hair is just beginning to turn grey, about 5-8% but facial hair is about 40% grey. I had a big grey area of 1.3 cm across two weeks ago before putting on my face. I remember it because it was new and just appeared suddenly. Its gone. I shaved my sideburns shorter to check for sure and yes, its brown now, but a few grey strands here and there. (Could be darker due to sudden colder weather here in Taiwan, but doubt that). I have brown hair.

I've been on C60 EVOO for 3 months now at 2-3 mg per day, not including the drops on my face at night. I didn't expect to see results not now not for years to come, however this is what I noticed and I thought you should know.

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#1482 smithx

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 06:54 AM

I had two wart-like skin bump growths on my face for the last two years....

My wife saw and was amazed and wants to do the same for one skin growth on her forehead.

Interesting reports, but you guys need to get to a dermatologist more often :)


Hmm... I hope you don't receive a bill from Anthony for $100K because you're "making use" of his copyrighted material.

Arguably, you are in violation of his clickwrap agreement. And if you don't pay now, he could sue you for a total of $980K.

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#1483 mikey

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 07:42 AM

Smithx, are you somehow compelled to attack the nicest, most altruistic people on Longecity, like Anthony?

What makes you so mean-spirited and caustic? Is it genetics, upbringing or just a deficient spirit?

I, for one, wish that we would see less of the type of attacks that you subject us to.

Can you understand how intelligent people would prefer to see constructive efforts rather than rudeness?
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#1484 smithx

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 08:43 AM

I don't think that pointing out and lampooning an absurd policy is rude. Calling someone mean-spirited and caustic, on the other hand, does seem to be so.

As for niceness and altruism, an examination of people's past posts and their commercial interests would lead an objective observer to conclusions which might vary with yours.

OK, back to the topic at hand (which I, by the way, didn't go off of to make a personal attack, as you did).
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#1485 niner

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 12:45 PM

I had two wart-like skin bump growths on my face for the last two years (age 45). Both are raised above the surface of my skin and are very visible to others. On is about 5mm across on my left temple the other was only 2mm but was on the side of my nose. I was putting C60 on my face at night the first week to make my facial skin more healthy. At the end of the week I noticed that the size of both skin growths were reduced to half in hight above the skin, and the big one no longer itched. Today makes it two weeks and two days and both are no longer raised above my skin. I can feel the big one is smaller and it was deep before but seems less so now. I will continue till its gone…one week at the most. My wife saw and was amazed and wants to do the same for one skin growth on her forehead. For hers I will take Before and after photos and let you know in two-three weeks.

From your description, these sound like warts. Warts seem to have some mechanism for evading the immune system, but if you remove the upper layers of dead skin and get down to live tissue, you can often get the immune system to wake up and finish the job. I'm speculating that there is improved oxygenation of the inner, living tissue from this, that c60 mimics this effect in some way, and either of these result in immune recognition. I'm looking forward to seeing the before and after pics.

#1486 Kevnzworld

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 05:29 PM

From your description, these sound like warts. Warts seem to have some mechanism for evading the immune system, but if you remove the upper layers of dead skin and get down to live tissue, you can often get the immune system to wake up and finish the job. I'm speculating that there is improved oxygenation of the inner, living tissue from this, that c60 mimics this effect in some way, and either of these result in immune recognition. I'm looking forward to seeing the before and after pics.

I have a stubborn wart on my hand. I used a CVS topical, it allowed the virus to spread. I had it frozen off by a dermatologist a few months ago and that removed only half of it. I went back last week to have it refrozen, and though not yet healed, I can tell it is still there. I am going to use some of my C60 on it. Before pics taken.
Would it be better to leave it uncovered when I take my daily walk to allow the UV radiation to generate ROS, or keep it bandaged?

#1487 niner

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 06:16 PM

I have a stubborn wart on my hand. I used a CVS topical, it allowed the virus to spread. I had it frozen off by a dermatologist a few months ago and that removed only half of it. I went back last week to have it refrozen, and though not yet healed, I can tell it is still there. I am going to use some of my C60 on it. Before pics taken.
Would it be better to leave it uncovered when I take my daily walk to allow the UV radiation to generate ROS, or keep it bandaged?

Freezing isn't that great of a technique for getting rid of warts; I've had a lot of freezings done. Unless the wart is pretty superficial, it's common to need to freeze it more than once. The best thing I've found is a concentrated mixture of lactic and salicylic acids that my dermatologist prepares. I think it's just dry crystals of the acids dissolved in acetone to a final solids concentration of 40%. Part of the trick is to use a lot of it, and let it dry on the wart, which will leave a thick film. After a few days of daily application, try to peel away the dead upper layer, but wear rubber gloves and use tools, not your fingernails. Warts that are disturbed like this are hideously contagious. (I learned this the hard way...)

C60-oo is certainly worth a shot. I don't think it will matter much whether you cover it or not. I think that in order to get enough ROS to make a difference, you'd need a huge light flux; much higher than sunlight. It would have to get through the dead cells on top, too.

#1488 smithx

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 09:10 PM

The duct tape wart cure actually does seem to work, although it's not clear why.

So if you want to test c60 as a wart cure, it would be better to do it with no covering, since covering the wart may, by itself, get rid of it.

#1489 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 09:13 PM

Smithx, are you somehow compelled to attack the ..... people on Longecity, like Anthony?

Hi mikey,

Don't let smithx get under your skin, it's ok. Everyone has an opinion on this board.
Some of the most interesting posts have been arguments between members...

Even though smithx doesn't speak for me or my company in any way whatsoever...
he is actually doing me a favor... and what is interesting, is that he doesn't even know it.



Edited by Anthony_Loera, 24 November 2012 - 09:22 PM.

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#1490 smithx

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 09:25 PM

Even though smithx doesn't speak for me or my company in any way whatsoever...
he is actually doing me a favor... and what is interesting, is that he doesn't even know it.

That's nice to hear. What's the favor I'm doing?

#1491 Logic

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 10:53 PM

I have a stubborn wart on my hand. I used a CVS topical, it allowed the virus to spread. I had it frozen off by a dermatologist a few months ago and that removed only half of it. I went back last week to have it refrozen, and though not yet healed, I can tell it is still there. I am going to use some of my C60 on it. Before pics taken.
Would it be better to leave it uncovered when I take my daily walk to allow the UV radiation to generate ROS, or keep it bandaged?

The best solution for warts I have found is topical Colloidal/Ionic Silver.
A dry/dead layer formed over the wart.
I applied CS to this; scratched it off, and re-applied CS. Repeated until the wart dissapeared.

Let the flaming begin! :)

#1492 mikey

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 11:20 PM

Smithx, are you somehow compelled to attack the ..... people on Longecity, like Anthony?

Hi mikey,

Don't let smithx get under your skin, it's ok. Everyone has an opinion on this board.
Some of the most interesting posts have been arguments between members...

Even though smithx doesn't speak for me or my company in any way whatsoever...
he is actually doing me a favor... and what is interesting, is that he doesn't even know it.



I understand and cheers to you, too!

#1493 Kevnzworld

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 11:59 PM

I have a stubborn wart on my hand. I used a CVS topical, it allowed the virus to spread. I had it frozen off by a dermatologist a few months ago and that removed only half of it. I went back last week to have it refrozen, and though not yet healed, I can tell it is still there. I am going to use some of my C60 on it. Before pics taken.
Would it be better to leave it uncovered when I take my daily walk to allow the UV radiation to generate ROS, or keep it bandaged?

The best solution for warts I have found is topical Colloidal/Ionic Silver.
A dry/dead layer formed over the wart.
I applied CS to this; scratched it off, and re-applied CS. Repeated until the wart dissapeared.

Let the flaming begin! :)

Colloidal silver is sold at the health food store in my area, I'll try it. Thanks Logic

Mikey :
Lighten up. What Smithx posted was funny and not insulting. It certainly didn't require the type of over the top rhetoric you posted. One thing I've learned, Anthony can be informative, helpful and yet sometimes caustic and flippant. Either way he is more than able to defend himself!
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#1494 niner

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 12:11 AM

The best solution for warts I have found is topical Colloidal/Ionic Silver.
A dry/dead layer formed over the wart.
I applied CS to this; scratched it off, and re-applied CS. Repeated until the wart dissapeared.

Let the flaming begin! :)

This process sounds remarkably similar to the lactic/salicylic acid method.

Flaming? This is a genteel forum. No one would flame here...

#1495 randomaxion

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 01:40 AM

I'm new, so I cant link to the post I'm referencing here. But a friend of mine who is an athlete of the multi-discipline variety, (29, slightly above average weight) after reading a post here that has now been, ah, re-worded, mixed c60 with another oil he saw mentioned in the post. An oil that has had its anti-cancer properties known since, oh 1970ish, and one can easily get in certain US states.

So that out of the way, he was worried about cancer. What he actually found when he took a weekly dosage, was that after a one day hangover period, he had increased his dexterity, mental focus, and started to heal some nerve damage from previous injuries. He also reports increased stamina. Jury is still out on the cancer.

Now, I realize this is not a c60-oo anecdote, but it is a c60+oil anecdote.

Ah yes... There was a post about a guy who started growing taller again from a supp combo when I 1st found this forum. Its no-where to be found any more...?

If you are looking for some attention and 'please tell' before divulging the oil type; here it is!
If the plan is commercial gain; Im curious to hear how you plan to achieve that without divulging the oil type??

Sounds like one of these: shark liver oil, coconut oil or apricot kernel oil. I can't believe it's flax seed oil.

No commercial product on my part, I feel no need bring c60 any more attention than it already has.

Lets just say its recently been made 'legal' in Colorado and Washington.


#1496 YodaTW

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 03:01 AM

C60 mixed with Lorenzo's oil would probably deliver the drug more effectively and increase the recovery response in ALD. C60 is a cool delivery system. What other meds might work?

Edited by YodaTW, 25 November 2012 - 03:02 AM.

#1497 mikey

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 03:08 AM

The best solution for warts I have found is topical Colloidal/Ionic Silver.
A dry/dead layer formed over the wart.
I applied CS to this; scratched it off, and re-applied CS. Repeated until the wart dissapeared.

Let the flaming begin! :)

This process sounds remarkably similar to the lactic/salicylic acid method.

Flaming? This is a genteel forum. No one would flame here...

And if they do, no one will take them seriously - anymore.

#1498 mikey

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 03:43 AM

I have a stubborn wart on my hand. I used a CVS topical, it allowed the virus to spread. I had it frozen off by a dermatologist a few months ago and that removed only half of it. I went back last week to have it refrozen, and though not yet healed, I can tell it is still there. I am going to use some of my C60 on it. Before pics taken.
Would it be better to leave it uncovered when I take my daily walk to allow the UV radiation to generate ROS, or keep it bandaged?

The best solution for warts I have found is topical Colloidal/Ionic Silver.
A dry/dead layer formed over the wart.
I applied CS to this; scratched it off, and re-applied CS. Repeated until the wart dissapeared.

Let the flaming begin! :)

Colloidal silver is sold at the health food store in my area, I'll try it. Thanks Logic

Mikey :
Lighten up. What Smithx posted was funny and not insulting. It certainly didn't require the type of over the top rhetoric you posted. One thing I've learned, Anthony can be informative, helpful and yet sometimes caustic and flippant. Either way he is more than able to defend himself!

Well, I was only kidding, so everyone should lighten up.
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#1499 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 03:53 AM

A little C60 cheers while we figure out the tree tonight.


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#1500 Logic

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 08:20 AM

No commercial product on my part, I feel no need bring c60 any more attention than it already has.

Lets just say its recently been made 'legal' in Colorado and Washington.


Ah..! Thx Randomaxion. :)

So was this hemp seed oil or hemp oil?
As this stuff is known for neurogenisis etc. I'm keen to hear theories on this..!?

Tyrosol-FoxO-Olive Oil-C60oo........???

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs

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