Scars can not clear up.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:02 PM
Scars can not clear up.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:35 PM
Scars can be treated with stem cells, which may be happening with C60. I have seen small scars a few years old shrink and almost disappear with C60, while older scars of any size did not.What is you c60 source?
Im not sure about these reports of scars disappearing. I am not even sure how anything taken internally could change scar tissue into non scar tissue. Scars can not clear up. Pits could get plumped out but then you would be noticing the effects all over your body.
I experienced better and more solid sleep.
Not sure about the hair, I did get a little more itchy but had no noticeable new growth.
After many months on C60 (mostly once a week), I noticed that I didn't need as much cinnamon extract. Most days I don't need it at all.4mg of C60 1 week per month (just completed my 3rd month)
Glucose 105
Glucose 88
Is that 4mg of C60 per day for a total of 28mg for the week/month...or a total of 4mg for the week/month?
And that is a dramatic lowering of blood sugar from 105 to 88 with no other interventions. I believe that I am the only other individual reporting effects on blood sugar...but in my case I tend to go from low normal to bordering on hypoglycemic at times. But I tend to eat lowish carb on less than half the calories you enjoy...
Edited by Turnbuckle, 13 January 2013 - 11:39 PM.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:47 PM
4mg of C60 1 week per month (just completed my 3rd month)
Glucose 105
Glucose 88
Is that 4mg of C60 per day for a total of 28mg for the week/month...or a total of 4mg for the week/month?
And that is a dramatic lowering of blood sugar from 105 to 88 with no other interventions. I believe that I am the only other individual reporting effects on blood sugar...but in my case I tend to go from low normal to bordering on hypoglycemic at times. But I tend to eat lowish carb on less than half the calories you enjoy...
@lafeate, welcome to the forum. FWIW I had acid reflux too, which is 90% better now that I eliminated tomatoes. I had an unexpected sensitivity to them.
5000 calories a day? Are you gaining weight. If not, I have to wonder if you're not overtraining. In the long run that can undermine your health pretty drastically.
I'm taking about 16 mg C60 every two weeks. I've noticed some joint pain, but I don't know if I can attribute it to C60. I've found vitamin K2-MK4 to help (I take a dose that's larger than many on this forum at 10 mg/day).
Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:53 PM
What is you c60 source?
Im not sure about these reports of scars disappearing. I am not even sure how anything taken internally could change scar tissue into non scar tissue. Scars can not clear up. Pits could get plumped out but then you would be noticing the effects all over your body.
I experienced better and more solid sleep.
Not sure about the hair, I did get a little more itchy but had no noticeable new growth.
Posted 14 January 2013 - 12:13 AM
Posted 14 January 2013 - 12:24 AM
Posted 14 January 2013 - 02:37 AM
50mg of Trans-Resveratrol Daily (only on non-C60 days)
I have also notice that my hairline has headed South again after about 5 years of retreating North. When new hairs start they grow they are rather annoying because I have fine hair and it's hard enough to style without new hairs that are too short to manage. While it sounds like I am complaining I am very happy that I could possibly stave off hair loss for a while as most of the men in my family do not enjoy a full head of hair.
On the down side I have noticed joint pain during the weeks that I am taking C60. The pain stops the day after my dosing is complete and is not of an unmanageable nature so I have decided to ignore and proceed.
Posted 14 January 2013 - 03:19 AM
- On the down side I have noticed joint pain during the weeks that I am taking C60. The pain stops the day after my dosing is complete and is not of an unmanageable nature so I have decided to ignore and proceed.
Edited by Turnbuckle, 14 January 2013 - 03:44 AM.
Posted 14 January 2013 - 05:36 AM
Regarding the drop in blood glucose -- were you formally tested in a doctor's office under similar conditions (eg, did you fast the night before & then test around the same time?). Or did you draw blood yourself and test it via a consumer meter?
Posted 14 January 2013 - 06:53 AM
50mg of Trans-Resveratrol Daily (only on non-C60 days)
I have also notice that my hairline has headed South again after about 5 years of retreating North. When new hairs start they grow they are rather annoying because I have fine hair and it's hard enough to style without new hairs that are too short to manage. While it sounds like I am complaining I am very happy that I could possibly stave off hair loss for a while as most of the men in my family do not enjoy a full head of hair.
On the down side I have noticed joint pain during the weeks that I am taking C60. The pain stops the day after my dosing is complete and is not of an unmanageable nature so I have decided to ignore and proceed.
Welcome to Longecity, lafeate, thanks for all the information. Yours is the fourth report of actual regrowth of hair that I remember. We've also had several reports of hair "looking better" or "more full". No one expected those results, so there aren't any before pictures, but if you have a significant number of short new hairs, might it be possible to get a photo? (this could be tricky, so I'd understand if it didn't work out) The darkening of your hair that you mentioned is at least consistent with what's known about the cause of graying and possible mechanisms of c60. There's only been one other report in the c60 forum of a reduction in gray hair that I know of.
I had a thought about the joint pain- This is happening when you aren't taking resveratrol, and resveratrol can have some NSAID-like effects. You might try continuing the resveratrol the next time you are on a c60 cycle, to see if that reduces the pain. I can't think of any reason to stop resveratrol while using c60; I take a number of supplements and don't stop any of them when I dose c60. Alternatively, you could stop resveratrol when you're in the off-period of your c60 regimen, and see if you get any joint pain then.
Posted 15 January 2013 - 12:50 AM
Posted 15 January 2013 - 01:39 AM
I check my blood sugar often, both fasting and post prandial. There are so many factors that influence these numbers, so I've become accustomed to fluctuations. One can take three simultaneous tests and get varying readings.
I haven't noticed any difference in my results since beginning C60 OO , and I'm in my third month. I don't know how C60 would inhance insulin sensitivity ...
Posted 15 January 2013 - 04:55 AM
I check my blood sugar often, both fasting and post prandial. There are so many factors that influence these numbers, so I've become accustomed to fluctuations. One can take three simultaneous tests and get varying readings.
I haven't noticed any difference in my results since beginning C60 OO , and I'm in my third month. I don't know how C60 would inhance insulin sensitivity ...
It should be common knowledge that mitochondrial dysfunction has everything to do with insulin resistance and sensitivity....what do you think is the cause of insulin resistance
A little googling will bring up 1000's of related papers....a small sampling....
And your lack of improvement could be due to many possibilities....poor genetics? Poor diet...too many carbs? Lack of exercise? The list goes on.
And I can say that when I used to home test my fasted BG prior C60, it never deviated more than
a few points....and I have done repeat tests in the past and they always came up the same....perhaps you need to purchase a new meter or strips?
Posted 18 January 2013 - 07:31 PM
Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:08 PM
Posted 22 January 2013 - 09:19 PM
Posted 26 January 2013 - 06:10 PM
Posted 26 January 2013 - 06:36 PM
Hi does anyone know if taking C600 oo wihle under 50mg MB/day can be armfull regarding to that kind of studies?:
Posted 26 January 2013 - 07:41 PM
Edited by petitemort, 26 January 2013 - 07:47 PM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 04:36 PM
Edited by anagram, 29 January 2013 - 04:39 PM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 05:24 PM
I left a bottle of astaxanthin + virgin oo + c60 in a bottle for a few weeks decided a few days ago to try some of it. Basically, some sort of chemical reaction took place because the olive oil did not immediately give me the characteristic burn in my throat, but I got the feeling several minutes later in my entire body.
astaxanthin + c60 makes me spaz out as well, I cannot sit down for more than a few minutes, but I am not at all uncomfortable or feel like I have brain damage, which would be causes for such behavior. however, despite the negative side effect of getting up every five minutes, the next day I feel like I have been taking LDN, I get clarity and endorphin type feelings!
I dumped out that batch because I fear something went terribly wrong, and will be testing for effects once more when my c60 powder arrives.
Also, I would like to add that c60 will precipitate out of solution if left in the cold, which suggests that abducts may not form readily and are not common in .8/ml c60-oo. I suspect that the amount of phenols in the olive oil is the deciding factor in c60's effects, diluting c60 with even more olive oil will introduce more phenols which is why a diluted dose seems to be "better". I take c60 that is diluted .05mg/500ml of olive oil, and I can say that it seems to give me better effects than .8mg/ml c60.
dilution = more phenols = better effects.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 05:48 PM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 05:58 PM
I tried freezing a small amount of c60/oo and did not see any c60 drop out of solution or even any separation of the solution into any layers. I tried it with about 30 ml of a .8mg/ml mix that had been magnetically stirred for 2 weeks and then filtered. Put it in a little cough-sirup cup, popped it into the freezer, and all I got was what looked like a greasy Italian-ice. Thinking of retrying with a larger amount, like 16 ounces or so, and placing it into the fridge for a few days before moving it to the freezer to see if it makes any difference.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 06:02 PM
Edited by Mind, 29 January 2013 - 09:46 PM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:28 PM
That actually sounds great, if it can be replicated by someone else. The mixture amounts could probably be adjusted to suit desires. The getting up every 5 minutes sounds like me when I am bursting with natural energy and feeling really good. The extra exercise would do most people good
Now how much astaxanthin did you put into how much of the oil mixture.
It is a little surprising at least to me the freezing makes it drop out some. I would have thought it would drive more oil into the buckyballs if anything, but that just how I visualized it though things don't always happen as we might expect they would. Live and learn and thanks for your report.
Edited by anagram, 29 January 2013 - 09:31 PM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 11:22 PM
Edited by petitemort, 29 January 2013 - 11:31 PM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 11:36 PM
Posted 30 January 2013 - 12:32 AM
I left a bottle of astaxanthin + virgin oo + c60 in a bottle for a few weeks decided a few days ago to try some of it. Basically, some sort of chemical reaction took place because the olive oil did not immediately give me the characteristic burn in my throat, but I got the feeling several minutes later in my entire body.
So the next day you feel abnormally good? Is this just in comparison to the speedy feelings of the day before, or was it notably better than normal?astaxanthin + c60 makes me spaz out as well, I cannot sit down for more than a few minutes, but I am not at all uncomfortable or feel like I have brain damage, which would be causes for such behavior. however, despite the negative side effect of getting up every five minutes, the next day I feel like I have been taking LDN, I get clarity and endorphin type feelings!
I dumped out that batch because I fear something went terribly wrong, and will be testing for effects once more when my c60 powder arrives.
Also, I would like to add that c60 will precipitate out of solution if left in the cold, which suggests that abducts may not form readily and are not common in .8/ml c60-oo. I suspect that the amount of phenols in the olive oil is the deciding factor in c60's effects, diluting c60 with even more olive oil will introduce more phenols which is why a diluted dose seems to be "better". I take c60 that is diluted .05mg/500ml of olive oil, and I can say that it seems to give me better effects than .8mg/ml c60.
dilution = more phenols = better effects.
Posted 30 January 2013 - 01:22 AM
Edited by anagram, 30 January 2013 - 01:24 AM.
Posted 30 January 2013 - 03:15 AM
That's too fast for anything but a placebo response.The boast was not just in comparison, I got an immediate mood life from the combo the second I got about half a ml under my tongue. I lost a lot of stress and it was replaced by "feelings", though I maintained a clear mind.
Purple is actually a normal color for a high concentration of the adduct. The word "precipitate" means that there's a solid that forms from a solution reaction. It sounds to me like there was nothing wrong with this batch.I didn't see any crystals or any solid lumps, It did change from brown to purple in the freezer, and I should add that the olive oil was solid while it was in the freezer but quickly melted. I saw the purple liquid and thought SHIT!
I guess by "only olive oil will generate life extension" you mean that olive oil by itself showed some life extension in Baati. Yes, the olive oil phenolics are the likely active agent in that case, but there is no evidence that they are necessary for the c60-oo effect. You should get the same effect from c60 with any high-oleic oil. How do you know that the astaxanthin wasn't responsible for the change in the taste of the oil?I don't really know If phenols have anything to do with the effects, though based on the evidence that only olive oil will generate life extension, I assume it is possibly because its extremely high phenol content.
hydroxy tyrosol is one of the best antioxidants in the world, and guess what contains lots of it? Olive oil.
To further add evidence that c60 will do something with these phenols, I added c60 + oo + Asta to a bottle, and a week later, there was no Phenol throat burn!
I don't know of any evidence that large doses of c60-oo are harmful. Baati's rats got very large doses, compared to what most of us are using. However, I wouldn't recommend either megadosing or daily dosing. I use 15mg, once a month.I mega dose occasionally, however there are studies that suggest to use a very small amount of c60 rather than a large amount for antioxidant effect, some sort of weird reaction. look up superhydroxylated c60 or something along those lines, you might find the study. I don't want to over do the antioxidant effects because I feel you need some amount of ROS's every day to.
That paper doesn't say anything about H2O2 decreasing the expression of ferritin. It says TEMPOL reduces ferritin expression, but doesn't give a mechanism for that. Again, there's no evidence for harm from a large dose of c60-oo. The results from Baati suggest just the opposite.I will be getting back into high doses soon, but I think that starting at super high amounts in the 2mg-10mg range is not what a first timer should do. my reasoning behind this is that the SOD mimetic TEMPOL will cause a 90% reduction in Ferritin expression for 20h, but after 20h, cells are vulnerable to oxidative stress because of the displacement of iron. this is because Hydrogen peroxide will decrease the expression of Ferritin, and If c60 is an SOD mimetic, then taking a massive dose may actually cause damage after the c60 leaves your body like TEMPOL, by easing the body into it, you lower the risk of something going wrong.
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