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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#1861 mikey

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Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:47 PM

It still seems odd. It was not done in the study, therefore you are going into a territory other than C60oo's established method of manufacture.
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#1862 anagram

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Posted 16 February 2013 - 06:23 PM

C60 forms superhard aggregates when exposed to high pressure. I doubt grinding will do this at all though.

"C60 solid is as soft as graphite, but when compressed to less than 70% of its volume it transforms into a superhard form of diamond (see aggregated diamond nanorod)"

-from wiki

I added some Phenylethylamine to my c60 -oo and it appears that PEA makes olive oil less viscous. In addition to that property, PEA also made my C60-oo darker. My c60-oo had little chunks of c60 in it earlier, now it is clearer though! Can anyone substantiate this phenomenon?

Edited by anagram, 16 February 2013 - 06:27 PM.

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#1863 stephen_b

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Posted 16 February 2013 - 07:57 PM

From this source, you'd need over 20 GPa to break down C60. The pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is 110 MPa. Diamond forms at 18 GPa. I don't think anyone needs to worry. List of pressures required to do stuff.
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#1864 zorba990

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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:01 PM

From this source, you'd need over 20 GPa to break down C60. The pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is 110 MPa. Diamond forms at 18 GPa. I don't think anyone needs to worry. List of pressures required to do stuff.

Great info! Man I love imminst.....

#1865 GVA

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:12 PM

I added some Phenylethylamine to my c60 -oo and it appears that PEA makes olive oil less viscous. In addition to that property, PEA also made my C60-oo darker. My c60-oo had little chunks of c60 in it earlier, now it is clearer though! Can anyone substantiate this phenomenon?

Phenylethylamine (PEA) relates to the class of the chemical compounds named as primary amines (derivatives of ammonia NH3). It’s well-known that such aminesenter easily reaction with C60 and, at the first stage, form with C60 donor-acceptor complexes of dark colour which, in the subsequent, turn into mono-, bis-. tris- and so on amino-adducts of dark brown colour. Adducts ofPEAwithC60 are well soluble in hydrophobic organic solvents and in ÎÎ also. The specified facts are the reasons of that you observe, including disappearance of "little chunks" in your c60-oo.
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#1866 taho

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 10:12 PM

I have been using c60-oo for about 9 months. The only real noticeable (that could not be put to placebo) change is the change in inflammation from a recent flu. It was very mild one with almost no inflammation, but it took longer to get over it.

My theory with this is that this has happened because c60-oo has protected a lot of cells from “collateral damage” when the immune system fought the virus. That means, that a lot less cells died and there were a lot less arachidonic acid (parts of lipid walls of cells) floating around for cyclooxygenase-II enzyme to turn it into prostaglandin. Less prostaglandin means less inflammation. That means that c60-oo acts somewhat like a COX-2 inhibitor (like an Aspirin).

Does anybody have an educated guess how would reduced prostaglandin levels affect immune system when fighting infections?
Would adaptogen herbs/mushrooms help improve immune system response in that case?
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#1867 petitemort

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 09:47 PM

Hi sory to go in a strange direction but I would like to know someting : are fullerenes empty in the inside I mean is that proven or identified that inside spheres there is nothing like gazes or anaything else ?

#1868 niner

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 02:35 AM

Hi sory to go in a strange direction but I would like to know someting : are fullerenes empty in the inside I mean is that proven or identified that inside spheres there is nothing like gazes or anaything else ?

Yes, they are empty inside. One way to see this would be x-ray crystallography. Another would be mass spectroscopy. There is VERY little room inside a C60 molecule. It's possible to get a single metal atom inside with some difficulty- you have to build the c60 around the metal, because once the c60 is formed, nothing will be able to get in. It's common in pictures to depict the atoms as tiny spheres connected by bonds. A more accurate depiction would show the atoms as spheres whose radii were the atoms' Van der Waals radii. The Van der Waals radius of carbon is 1.7 Angstrom (.17nm, 170pm). The distance between two bonded carbon atoms is about 1.5 Angstrom, so the adjacent atoms are actually "swallowed up" by their neighbors. The nucleus to nucleus distance across a c60 molecule is about 7.1 Angstroms, so the space inside the cavity is only about 3.7 Angstrom in diameter. You could probably fit a single water molecule in there, though it wouldn't be compatible with the synthesis conditions.
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#1869 Freebytes

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 02:35 AM

Petitemort, the concept of 'emptiness' is up for debate in any sense of the word; however, the structure consists of no other atoms other than those surrounding the cage. It is, however, possible to actually obtain fullerenes with other atoms inside of it! The concensus is that it is acceptable to refer to the inside of the fullerene as empty.

#1870 YOLF

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 04:06 AM

Hi sory to go in a strange direction but I would like to know someting : are fullerenes empty in the inside I mean is that proven or identified that inside spheres there is nothing like gazes or anaything else ?

Hi Petitemort Little death?) That's an interesting choice of names... you do realize, you're still too much for dome of us, right?

#1871 anagram

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 12:39 AM

Does anyone know if C60 reacts with charged proteins? I am curious.

#1872 niner

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:44 AM

Does anyone know if C60 reacts with charged proteins? I am curious.

I wouldn't expect it to. Nearly all proteins have ionizable residues at their surface, and these residues would be charged at neutral pH. They'll be electrically neutralized by counterions in solution, typically sodium and chloride. C60 is very hydrophobic, so it would be attracted to hydrophobic patches that are complementary in shape and size. That's not the sort of thing you will find on the surface of a protein, since proteins fold in such a way as to present polar residues to the surrounding solution. If you could find a protein with a large spherical cavity lined with hydrophobic residues, that might be a good c60 binder. I think HIV protease is something of a c60 binder. Another possibility is CYP3A4, but I'm pretty sure the cavity is too small for c60 to fit. The c60 in c60-oo isn't just pristine c60, though. It is going to have a couple fatty acids bound to it as well.

#1873 mikeinnaples

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 01:26 PM

I took my first dosage this morning of what I estimate to be approx .6 mg / ml solution. The Bariani EVOO I used is potent stuff and very very peppery. It was a little rough getting 25ml down all at once with breakfast this morning and my stomach seems to be in fits from all the oil. I am thinking that I might want to wait for a bigger meal for my second dose. :)

#1874 mikeinnaples

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 01:59 PM

Splitting it across three meals would work too. Maybe I will try that instead.

#1875 niner

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 02:08 PM

I use it in place of my regular olive oil, pouring it over vegetables and a salad. I've been splitting my monthly dose over two meals.

#1876 mikeinnaples

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 02:42 PM

I use it in place of my regular olive oil, pouring it over vegetables and a salad. I've been splitting my monthly dose over two meals.

I am going to do 15mg a day for 3 days only initially. I am about 90% settled on a once a month dosage schedule like that.

#1877 Methos000

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 01:56 AM

Which monthly dose did you settle on, niner?

#1878 jsargent

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 02:14 AM

Hello All- Thought I would throw in my personal experiences, which quite frankly border on the extraordinary. Background: I am a 55 year old male, reasonably good health. BP is 105 over 54, 5'9' and 155 lbs. Lifelong (back to early teens) user of dietary supplements. Normal wear and tear from active living and too much fun in the sun. I lift weights regularly and have done so steadily for 3 years and off and on for 40 years. History of shoulder bursitis, medial meniscus tear left knee and 25% vision loss in right eye from undiagnosed glaucoma, now under control. Otherwise pretty healthy, but feeling my years. I used to own a health food store and have formulated supplements for other companies as well as my own, so i have pretty much tried everything.
Now to the point:
I started on C60 evoo about 2 months ago, after visiting a doctor friend of mine, at his work and seeing him handle a huge amount of psychological stress with no apparent strain. I knew he was "on" something and I asked him what it was. He told me about C60 dissolved in olive oil and how to make it, which I promptly did.

Good lord, where do I start?
For a few days I took one teaspoon a day with no noticable effects. One night about a week into it I bumped it up to 3 teaspoons (15 mls). In middle of night I woke up to a raging erection which was a real surpise. That has not happened in years. The next day my mental and physical energy was like it was 20 years ago. I believe some membrane or other tissue saturation had to take place before i noticed any subjective effects. Since then I have experienced the following:
A darkening of graying eyebrow hair
Hair on head becoming more lusterous, perhaps darker and thicker. Hard to tell with any precision.
ALL of my food allergies have gone away. I can eat wheat again and enjoy a beer and citrus fruit, which I could not a few weeks ago without developing sores in my mouth.
Mental clarity and productivity have increased drmatically.
A nagging case of benign prostatic hypertrophy has disappeared.
My strength has increased by 20% across the board and I've gained 5 pounds of muscle which was almost impossible for me even when younger.
My recovery time from exercise is maybe 24 hours instead of 48+ hours.
My nightime shoulder pain from bursitis is gone. I sleep through the night now and most of the time and sometimes do not even have to get up to pee, which again has not happened in years.
Friends have remarked that my skin looks better (fair skin with some sun damage from an active outdoor life)
All in all I feel full of piss and vinegar, like I did 15 or 20 years ago.
I have given bottles away to several middle aged friends and every one of them has reported equally encouraging results. Some have given it to their ageing dogs with almost miraculous results. My son's 15 year old chocolate lab is behaving like a 5 year old dog now.
I can say this beyond any doubt: C60 plus olive oil is by far the most subjectively noticable anti-aging supplement I have ever encountered or taken. Nothing else comes even close.
I'm waiting for the whites of my eyes to turn blue and for the prescience to kick in... and frankly it would not surpise me one bit if it did.
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#1879 mikey

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:48 AM

Hello All- Thought I would throw in my personal experiences, which quite frankly border on the extraordinary. Background: I am a 55 year old male, reasonably good health. BP is 105 over 54, 5'9' and 155 lbs. Lifelong (back to early teens) user of dietary supplements. Normal wear and tear from active living and too much fun in the sun. I lift weights regularly and have done so steadily for 3 years and off and on for 40 years. History of shoulder bursitis, medial meniscus tear left knee and 25% vision loss in right eye from undiagnosed glaucoma, now under control. Otherwise pretty healthy, but feeling my years. I used to own a health food store and have formulated supplements for other companies as well as my own, so i have pretty much tried everything.
Now to the point:
I started on C60 evoo about 2 months ago, after visiting a doctor friend of mine, at his work and seeing him handle a huge amount of psychological stress with no apparent strain. I knew he was "on" something and I asked him what it was. He told me about C60 dissolved in olive oil and how to make it, which I promptly did.

Good lord, where do I start?
For a few days I took one teaspoon a day with no noticable effects. One night about a week into it I bumped it up to 3 teaspoons (15 mls). In middle of night I woke up to a raging erection which was a real surpise. That has not happened in years. The next day my mental and physical energy was like it was 20 years ago. I believe some membrane or other tissue saturation had to take place before i noticed any subjective effects. Since then I have experienced the following:
A darkening of graying eyebrow hair
Hair on head becoming more lusterous, perhaps darker and thicker. Hard to tell with any precision.
ALL of my food allergies have gone away. I can eat wheat again and enjoy a beer and citrus fruit, which I could not a few weeks ago without developing sores in my mouth.
Mental clarity and productivity have increased drmatically.
A nagging case of benign prostatic hypertrophy has disappeared.
My strength has increased by 20% across the board and I've gained 5 pounds of muscle which was almost impossible for me even when younger.
My recovery time from exercise is maybe 24 hours instead of 48+ hours.
My nightime shoulder pain from bursitis is gone. I sleep through the night now and most of the time and sometimes do not even have to get up to pee, which again has not happened in years.
Friends have remarked that my skin looks better (fair skin with some sun damage from an active outdoor life)
All in all I feel full of piss and vinegar, like I did 15 or 20 years ago.
I have given bottles away to several middle aged friends and every one of them has reported equally encouraging results. Some have given it to their ageing dogs with almost miraculous results. My son's 15 year old chocolate lab is behaving like a 5 year old dog now.
I can say this beyond any doubt: C60 plus olive oil is by far the most subjectively noticable anti-aging supplement I have ever encountered or taken. Nothing else comes even close.
I'm waiting for the whites of my eyes to turn blue and for the prescience to kick in... and frankly it would not surpise me one bit if it did.

My experience hasn't been as dramatic as yours, but I'm only taking 7 mg a day, pretty much every day since early August.

Because of your report, I'm going to kick up the dose.

You said 15 mls. Are you making it as 0.8 mg/mL, which would mean you're taking 12 mg/day?

Thank you!

#1880 pleb

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 01:18 PM

I'm planning upping the dose as well for a few weeks after reading J Sargents post,

my own dose has been the 1.5mg a day as per SV's dosing from my original supply i bought from her, which was about 6 months ago,

Edited by pleb, 10 March 2013 - 01:18 PM.

#1881 niner

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 01:54 PM

That's a pretty amazing report from jsargent. We've had people on high doses in the past without seeing anything particularly special. They may not have been 55 (and hypotensive?), however. A lot of the report makes sense based on what we know about c60- diminution of allergy, hair looking better, bursitis pain lessened, skin looking better, old dogs getting friskier; all of this has been reported by others. I'm less certain about some of the other stuff- The BPH reversal hasn't been seen by anyone else, and I can't explain it by any c60 MOA that I'm aware of. Maybe it wasn't really BPH, but more of a prostatits? That would make more sense. No one has seen a 20% strength increase, although if you were starting from a somewhat incapacitated baseline, that might make sense. We've had other reports of amazing increases in energy, but those were all in people who were sick in some way- COPD, bad asthma, statin injury.

Jsargent, it sounds like you were pretty healthy at the start, although a bp of 105/54 sounds pretty low. Did you experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing? C60 would help that, and that might make you feel more energetic. If your brain was a little hypoxic in general, then a mental energy boost would make sense as well. I would have expected to see these effects at your initial dose of 5ml/day, though. I can't explain how tripling the dose from there would make a difference, based on my and other peoples' experience.

I agree that c60-oo is the best anti-aging supplement ever. If I could only have one supplement, that would be it.

#1882 pleb

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 03:18 PM

I've had the BPH change he reports i have mentioned this in a post in another thread, except for the odd time when i have a drink immediately prior to going to bed, and even then only occasionally having to get up,
slightly better explanation, I'm on 10mg alfusozin hydrochloride for an enlarged prostate, this has reduced the enlargement which stops the normal dribble guys experience after going to the loo ,
but it didn't stop the having to get up almost every night to go,
after about a week on C60-oo i found i was sleeping through and even now after 6 months i still only have to get up occasionally generally after drinking half a pint of hot sweet tea just before going to bed, (its a culture thing)
most of the other things apart from the 20% increase in strength i also experienced as niner mentioned within the first few weeks on a lower dose although perhaps to a lesser extent,

Edited by pleb, 10 March 2013 - 03:47 PM.

#1883 Kevnzworld

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 04:06 PM

I take C60 OO at .8 mg per day, every other week. This week will begin my fifth month. I also give it to my 19yo cat. Neither of us have noticed any obvious physiological changes. I have noticed a decrease in appetite, but that might be related to the influence of many of the CRON posts...
I will continue to take C60 on faith and the belief that just because you can't feel something, doesn't mean it isn't working biologically.
Maybe I would also up the dose if I was convinced it was safe, and wouldn't create a hormetic imbalance.

#1884 jsargent

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 04:08 PM

To answer some of your questions... As far as the BPH goes, perhaps it was more of a low-grade prostatitis, not sure as i have received both diagnosis over the years at various times. All I know is that it seemed to be inflammation-related and likely exacerbated by food sensitivities such as to acidic or peppery foods, which I find hard to avoid as i love mexican food. My low blood pressure I have always had but as I have aged it has gotten lower so perhaps some degree of hypoxia is involved. My aerobic capacity is normal in that I can bicycle with the best of them though i gave up running some years ago due to joint pain.

The concentration of the mixture was the standard 800mg per liter using the daily shake method for about 3 weeks with finely ground C60 99.95 from SES. Having made several batches I can say that there always seems to be perhaps 100mg or more left in the mixing bottle or on the filters no matter how long I let the material react. Perhaps the full potential concentration can only be achieved by active stirring. Frankly it doesn't matter if one only gets 500mg or 600mg into solution. Maybe it's even better to NOT have it fully saturated if the olive oil polyphenols play an active synergistic role in this phenomenon.

Here is what I noticed it will NOT do: I have noticed little if any positive effect on overall sexual performance, despite increased nocturnal erections and improved prostate/ urinary tract health. Although the C60 evoo seems to have helped my shoulder pain, it is possible the majority of those effects are from Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA from NOW Corp) I had started taking a month prior to the C60 evoo. I don't know why the CLA seemed to have such a dramatic anti inflammatory effect for me, but it did. The prostatic improvement though I can attribute only to the C60 evoo.

The strength increase is absolutely due to the C60 evoo. I work out with my 17 year old son and he's at that age where all he does is LOOK at a weight and he gets stronger. He was out-pacing me month by month, which is to be expected. Not anymore. My curls (3 sets of 8-10 reps) have gone from 30 lbs with difficuly to 35 lbs with relative ease. Seated rows on a machine have gone up from about 120 to 150. This is very encouraging, especially since there seems to be zero androgenic effects. I have used hormone precursors like DHEA in the past and had a definite testosterone-estrogen increase as evidenced by acne and prostatic aggravation, but have quite the opposite effect with C60 evoo. I suspect the athletic improvement has more to do with the C60 evoo somehow reducing the body's energy demand toward clearance of stress toxins / ROS which frees up energy for repair. The homeostatic balance sheet is shifted in the positive direction slightly and that's all it takes to allow the repair processes to catch up.
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#1885 jsargent

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 04:21 PM

I've also noticed my appetite has greatly increased and since I tend toward hypoglycemia this is a crital item for me. I had an incident happen a couple of weeks ago which scared me to death. I had skipped breakfast as I had to get to a meeting in a neighboring town at 8:00. I had planned to grab a bite once I got there but did not. By 10:00AM I HAD to eat or I was going to pass out. There was nothing to had except some very salty breakfast tacos which I choked down. By then I was very shaky but managed to drive back to my office without incident. Then my blood pressure started to go crazy from the huge load of salt I had consumed. I very nearly went to the hospital, but over the next few hours things normalized and I was okay.

Perhaps the C60 evoo increases insulin sensitivity which is ordinarily a good thing, but not for hypoglycemics with low or erratic blood pressure.

This is the only negative experience I can attribute to this stuff so far.
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#1886 somecallmetim

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 05:36 PM

Thanks jsargent for posting your experiences w/ C60 and your follow-up answers. I have one question: could you tell me what brand of olive oil you used?

#1887 jsargent

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 10:09 PM

I have tried several but the one I have used mostly is the Mediterranian Organic Extra Virgin by Spectrum. Dark green bottle with red label. It has a mild pepper after taste so pets seem to accept it more readily than the stronger tasting oils. Most health food stores carry it at around $22 per liter bottle. I've also tried Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT Oil by Now) and it makes for a beautiful bright purple oil, since it has no color of it's own. I only took it a few times and went back to the evoo mixture as it seems to give me a bit of a energy boost within minutes and the MCT blend does not. One bottle of evoo I mixed some astaxanthin into it and boy, what a mess. The slightest drop outside the bottle will stain anything bright orange. Can't say I've noticed any added benefit with astaxanthin.

Just to be clear, after the initial positive reaction at 15 mls I dropped back to 10 mls (2 tsp) and that seems to be plenty most days. If I get too little sleep I may bump it up to 15 or even 20 mls for one day. Maybe the feeling of energy is placebo for me, but our old dog seems to get a boost as well and that is certainly not placebo, unless he's reading my mind.

#1888 free10

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 10:49 PM

I have tried several but the one I have used mostly is the Mediterranian Organic Extra Virgin by Spectrum. Dark green bottle with red label. It has a mild pepper after taste so pets seem to accept it more readily than the stronger tasting oils. Most health food stores carry it at around $22 per liter bottle. I've also tried Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT Oil by Now) and it makes for a beautiful bright purple oil, since it has no color of it's own. I only took it a few times and went back to the evoo mixture as it seems to give me a bit of a energy boost within minutes and the MCT blend does not. One bottle of evoo I mixed some astaxanthin into it and boy, what a mess. The slightest drop outside the bottle will stain anything bright orange. Can't say I've noticed any added benefit with astaxanthin.

Just to be clear, after the initial positive reaction at 15 mls I dropped back to 10 mls (2 tsp) and that seems to be plenty most days. If I get too little sleep I may bump it up to 15 or even 20 mls for one day. Maybe the feeling of energy is placebo for me, but our old dog seems to get a boost as well and that is certainly not placebo, unless he's reading my mind.

One thing to remember is larger amounts may mean larger testosterone being produced, at least in rats. MCT may produce none or very little extra.


Not that this is bad and as males age less testosterone is normally the case. I can attest to larger energy boosts fast and I am a decade older and really needed it. In fact if I take more daily then half a teaspoon I feel like I am pushing the energy a little too high to fast even just sitting and right now trying a teaspoon every 3 days. I pour it on a small piece of bread and gobble it down.

We don't know what the right amount is for humans or how often for the best short or long term effects, and may not for many years. Just have fun boys and girls.

#1889 Mind

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 10:50 PM

I take C60 OO at .8 mg per day, every other week. This week will begin my fifth month. I also give it to my 19yo cat. Neither of us have noticed any obvious physiological changes. I have noticed a decrease in appetite, but that might be related to the influence of many of the CRON posts...
I will continue to take C60 on faith and the belief that just because you can't feel something, doesn't mean it isn't working biologically.
Maybe I would also up the dose if I was convinced it was safe, and wouldn't create a hormetic imbalance.

Perhaps we should create a sub-forum for all the cats that are getting C60oo. It would be nice to see pics of your cat and periodic health reports. 19 year old cat. That is getting up there!

#1890 mikey

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 01:21 AM

I take C60 OO at .8 mg per day, every other week. This week will begin my fifth month. I also give it to my 19yo cat. Neither of us have noticed any obvious physiological changes. I have noticed a decrease in appetite, but that might be related to the influence of many of the CRON posts...
I will continue to take C60 on faith and the belief that just because you can't feel something, doesn't mean it isn't working biologically.
Maybe I would also up the dose if I was convinced it was safe, and wouldn't create a hormetic imbalance.

Just a reminder.

The notion that C60oo might create a hormetic imbalance is contrary to the words of the lead study researcher, Dr. Fathi Moussa, who said in his video interview that C60 is "absolutely not toxic." He also said, it's not toxic, even when used "very long term."

See: http://c60.net/full-...r-fathi-moussa/

Creating any kind of imbalance would be a form of toxicity.
This regarded research scientist has been studying C60 for 18 years, so I assume that, like all scientists of his stature - he chooses his words carefully.

And so I continue to take C60 every day, differing with the notion that C60 must be cycled or it will cause toxicity/imbalance.

Except that now, hearing the experience of jsargent I will increase my dose from 7 mg/day to 15 mg/day, equivalent by body weight to what he is taking - and we shall see if I notice greater effects.
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