Now that's interesting. maybe some or all of the strength gain I'm experiencing is due to the olive oil. My testosterone levels always test to the low side so it wouldn't take much for me to notice the differenceI have tried several but the one I have used mostly is the Mediterranian Organic Extra Virgin by Spectrum. Dark green bottle with red label. It has a mild pepper after taste so pets seem to accept it more readily than the stronger tasting oils. Most health food stores carry it at around $22 per liter bottle. I've also tried Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT Oil by Now) and it makes for a beautiful bright purple oil, since it has no color of it's own. I only took it a few times and went back to the evoo mixture as it seems to give me a bit of a energy boost within minutes and the MCT blend does not. One bottle of evoo I mixed some astaxanthin into it and boy, what a mess. The slightest drop outside the bottle will stain anything bright orange. Can't say I've noticed any added benefit with astaxanthin.
Just to be clear, after the initial positive reaction at 15 mls I dropped back to 10 mls (2 tsp) and that seems to be plenty most days. If I get too little sleep I may bump it up to 15 or even 20 mls for one day. Maybe the feeling of energy is placebo for me, but our old dog seems to get a boost as well and that is certainly not placebo, unless he's reading my mind.
One thing to remember is larger amounts may mean larger testosterone being produced, at least in rats. MCT may produce none or very little extra.
Not that this is bad and as males age less testosterone is normally the case. I can attest to larger energy boosts fast and I am a decade older and really needed it. In fact if I take more daily then half a teaspoon I feel like I am pushing the energy a little too high to fast even just sitting and right now trying a teaspoon every 3 days. I pour it on a small piece of bread and gobble it down.
We don't know what the right amount is for humans or how often for the best short or long term effects, and may not for many years. Just have fun boys and girls.

C60 experiments @ home
Posted 11 March 2013 - 01:24 AM
Posted 11 March 2013 - 01:55 AM
Ah... one unusual thing did happen forgot to mention earlier. I was driving along a few days ago and noticed some gritty material in my mouth which upon examination proved to be tartar which had spontaneously fallen off the backside of my lower front teeth. back at my office I bent a paperclip and easily removed the rest of a rather substantial tartar buildup. Quite a shock really. Apparently I had the tartar for years and never noticed it until it began to fall off. In general my teeth and gums in particular seem healthier since starting the c60 oil.
I wonder if the same thing is happening in my arteries with plaque?
Posted 11 March 2013 - 02:52 AM
I wonder if the same thing is happening in my arteries with plaque?
If it is, I hope that it's dissolving away slowly rather than coming off in chunks. That would be hazardous.
Posted 11 March 2013 - 02:55 AM
Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:43 AM
Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:50 AM
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:50 PM
Do you have any kind of actual evidence to support your observations outside of pure anecdote? The reason why I am asking is because you are reporting things that are drastically beyond what anyone else is experiencing. Given that you are also a new poster without any prior history for me to base your post on, I am sure you can see where I am coming from. I am also kind of shocked a few other people are so quick to jump on board and start drastically increasing their dosage based on a report by someone they absolutely do not know.
Again, I am not trying to be offensive to you personally, it is just that your experiences are far above and beyond anyone else.
Posted 11 March 2013 - 01:07 PM
15mg x 3 days of c60
The only personal anecdote of note so far is a slight feeling of malaise kind of like I was coming down with a cold the day following my first dose. My first trip to the gym after dosing is this afternoon.
My 10 year old Parson Russel Terrier has taken .6mg approx. a day during the same time with her food. After he first dose, she seemed tired and lethargic. This has dissipated and she is bouncing around like normal.
Posted 11 March 2013 - 07:01 PM
jsargent - I am not trying to be rude with you in the least, so I want to make sure I preface my post so you know that.
Do you have any kind of actual evidence to support your observations outside of pure anecdote? The reason why I am asking is because you are reporting things that are drastically beyond what anyone else is experiencing. Given that you are also a new poster without any prior history for me to base your post on, I am sure you can see where I am coming from. I am also kind of shocked a few other people are so quick to jump on board and start drastically increasing their dosage based on a report by someone they absolutely do not know.
Again, I am not trying to be offensive to you personally, it is just that your experiences are far above and beyond anyone else.
Ditto from me jsargent. No offense. Just wondering.
Also, don't forget the incredibly powerful placebo effect. Almost everyone underestimates it.
Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:02 PM
I am too using the compound for only a very short time (nearly 4 weeks).
Some mins ago I returned from my once-a-week run. After 3 complete weeks using 2.25 mg/day and one week off, I am now using 3 mg/day since friday (friday included). My finishing time this evening was my best time I have ever run on this route: 57:32 ! for thes last > 3 years. I also feel - and felt the effect these weeks in many instances of the day, while I was thinking of nothing. But suddenly, I was sensing an effect such as during carrying the mountainbike some 7 stairs up from the street into the corridor of the house, like I have to do several times per day: The bike felt significantly lighter. Or, during carrying a crate of water three stories up to my appartment: It felt lighter and at both occasions I was not thingking of anything special. I just did it an then I realized, that is was just easier .
My theory is, that, If a person (like I am) is already on a high-end anti-aging supplement regimen comprising ergogenics (creatine, carnitine, beta alanine, Q10, resveratrol) and possibly Iodine, there might be effects coming up such as jsargent and myself are perceiving. Jsarged wrote that he has run nutritional supplement shop and therefor I guess that he is on a decent supplement regimen as well. In my case it is not 20 % increase in reps etc., but to the best of my judgement the effect is real.
Hm, well, otherwise the placebo effect must be so strong that it scares me ;-) and I should begin to practice yoga, or another mind- / self hypnose motivation technique....
Edited by markymark, 11 March 2013 - 09:11 PM.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 03:09 AM
jsargent - I am not trying to be rude with you in the least, so I want to make sure I preface my post so you know that.
Do you have any kind of actual evidence to support your observations outside of pure anecdote? The reason why I am asking is because you are reporting things that are drastically beyond what anyone else is experiencing. Given that you are also a new poster without any prior history for me to base your post on, I am sure you can see where I am coming from. I am also kind of shocked a few other people are so quick to jump on board and start drastically increasing their dosage based on a report by someone they absolutely do not know.
Again, I am not trying to be offensive to you personally, it is just that your experiences are far above and beyond anyone else.
No problem Mike. I'm the skeptic's skeptic having seen, used, tried just about everything under the supplement sun.
I'm constantly trying to find a more prosaic explaination for what I'm experiencing with C60.
Somebody posted info supporting the idea that olive oil by itself increases testosterone levels. That may account for my strength gain. On the other hand if olive oil were that effective i would think every bodybuilder out there would be over-consuming it like they do most everything else, and they're not. Also, I have noticed no androgenic effects such as aromitization, which I have dealt with before with DHEA. Plus I am not excessively irritable or you-know-what as I am when supplementing with testosterone.
Now the darkening of eyebrows, maybe that's wishful thinking, but at least it appears that way.
The elimination of prostate problems has been reported by other men here and it's a definite no placebo or wishful thinking possible. Same with food allergies. Gone and gone. I can't back any of this up of course and due to my pernicious laziness I doubt I will document anything.
One poster theorized I was possibly suffering from chronic hypoxia and that may very well be as my resting BP is quite low and has been all my life. The C60 evoo has been reported by several here to have helped with breathing and aerobic exercise. Nobody has any solid reason why we're seeing this but we are. Imagine if COPD sufferers could experience this benefit. I watched my mom die of emphysema some years ago and it was horrific seeing her gasp for air for three years. I think we're just getting a glimpse of what is possible here.
PLEASE NOTE: I have been taking two teaspoons a day now for weeks, sometimes more and the concentration is a theoretical 0.8mg per mil x 10mls so about 8mg per day and I try to not take it on Sundays (for no real reason, just because)
Is this dosage considered high by those here who have been at this a lot longer than me? Maybe I have miscalculated and should reduce my dose... i really don't know. What I hope is that nobody increases a dosage regimen with which they are comfortable on account of what I have posted.
What we're doing here, and I think I can speak for most here, is pure renegade experimentation. We have no idea if this stuff will really prolong life or even shorten our lives. All I know for certain is what I have experienced and what people are reporting to me who I have given it to. That's why I'm here... because what I'm experiencing and what others have reported is so difficult to believe. I want to hear from anyone and everyone, especially any negative experiences.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 03:43 AM
jsargent - I am not trying to be rude with you in the least, so I want to make sure I preface my post so you know that.
Do you have any kind of actual evidence to support your observations outside of pure anecdote? The reason why I am asking is because you are reporting things that are drastically beyond what anyone else is experiencing. Given that you are also a new poster without any prior history for me to base your post on, I am sure you can see where I am coming from. I am also kind of shocked a few other people are so quick to jump on board and start drastically increasing their dosage based on a report by someone they absolutely do not know.
Again, I am not trying to be offensive to you personally, it is just that your experiences are far above and beyond anyone else.
No problem Mike. I'm the skeptic's skeptic having seen, used, tried just about everything under the supplement sun.
I'm constantly trying to find a more prosaic explaination for what I'm experiencing with C60.
Somebody posted info supporting the idea that olive oil by itself increases testosterone levels. That may account for my strength gain. On the other hand if olive oil were that effective i would think every bodybuilder out there would be over-consuming it like they do most everything else, and they're not. Also, I have noticed no androgenic effects such as aromitization, which I have dealt with before with DHEA. Plus I am not excessively irritable or you-know-what as I am when supplementing with testosterone.
Now the darkening of eyebrows, maybe that's wishful thinking, but at least it appears that way.
The elimination of prostate problems has been reported by other men here and it's a definite no placebo or wishful thinking possible. Same with food allergies. Gone and gone. I can't back any of this up of course and due to my pernicious laziness I doubt I will document anything.
One poster theorized I was possibly suffering from chronic hypoxia and that may very well be as my resting BP is quite low and has been all my life. The C60 evoo has been reported by several here to have helped with breathing and aerobic exercise. Nobody has any solid reason why we're seeing this but we are. Imagine if COPD sufferers could experience this benefit. I watched my mom die of emphysema some years ago and it was horrific seeing her gasp for air for three years. I think we're just getting a glimpse of what is possible here.
PLEASE NOTE: I have been taking two teaspoons a day now for weeks, sometimes more and the concentration is a theoretical 0.8mg per mil x 10mls so about 8mg per day and I try to not take it on Sundays (for no real reason, just because)
Is this dosage considered high by those here who have been at this a lot longer than me? Maybe I have miscalculated and should reduce my dose... i really don't know. What I hope is that nobody increases a dosage regimen with which they are comfortable on account of what I have posted.
What we're doing here, and I think I can speak for most here, is pure renegade experimentation. We have no idea if this stuff will really prolong life or even shorten our lives. All I know for certain is what I have experienced and what people are reporting to me who I have given it to. That's why I'm here... because what I'm experiencing and what others have reported is so difficult to believe. I want to hear from anyone and everyone, especially any negative experiences.
Nobody knows what amount will work best or how often to take it. If it works better then I would go with better. There have been people who have taken cupfuls in a day and the last we checked they were still breathing. There are some that approach it like poison trying a dab here or there then you have people who want to cheap out and not spend anything if they can get by with it who take very little.
Making extra testosterone from olive oil is probably not going to lead to the problems seen from DHEA or taking testosterone in doses. If you think it is not easy to raise testosterone look at a 314% increase in rats with ...onions
It's an amazing world out there.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:23 AM
Imagine if COPD sufferers could experience this benefit. I watched my mom die of emphysema some years ago and it was horrific seeing her gasp for air for three years. I think we're just getting a glimpse of what is possible here.
I've been thinking about this kind of thing. I'm sure there are millions of people with diseases that would dramatically benefit from c60-oo. To take one example, my father in law died last year of congestive heart failure. I suspect that CHF would respond well to c60. I learned about c60 too late to be of any help to him, but even if I'd had it, there would still be the issue of the mother in law and my wife blaming me and my crazy research chemicals if something went south. You could give it to a sick person, and they could die of something completely unrelated, and you and the person's next of kin would never know who or what was at fault. I'm stuck between a fear of something like that, and a sense of moral imperative that people should be made aware of this substance. This has nothing to do with life extension; I'm strictly thinking of it as a medicine that could make a dramatic difference in a lot of people's lives.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:41 AM
This past Saturday an old friend of mine who used to work for me comes into my shop to sell me some broken jewelry (I own a small gold and silver buying store). We got to talking and I noticed her thumb was bruised and sort of mauled looking. She tells me that 4 or 5 days ago a raccoon bit her. Knowing how she is, I asked if she had gone to get her rabies shot and she said no. After yelling at her until she was practically in tears and getting her to promise me she would go immediately to the ER, I sent her on her way with a bottle of C60 evoo. She called me 4 hours later and she was hospitalized with an IV drip and had already had multiple blood draws, one rabies shot in each shoulder and one in each thigh, a tetanus shot, and two shots directly into her thumb wound. She was there until midnight. She's at least 60 years old and not in the best of health so you can imagine how she must have felt the next day. Except for one thing. She dosed herself with one teaspoon of C60 before the hospital and another dose Sunday morning.
So in she comes today just as chipper as can be and thanking me for saving her life. The saving her life part is silly of course but I suppose there was some chance the raccoon had rabies, but we'll never know. The astonishing thing was that she looked and acted so much better today than before her hospital ordeal saturday. She feels like it must have been the C60 that helped her recover so quickly from what amounted to 8 hours of torture (The nurse-in-training tore an arm vein and she said she spurted blood everywhere at one point. She was freezing the whole time and the shots left her very bruised and battered looking). Maybe this is another case of placebo effect, but it seems rather unlikely. She should have been in bed resting but here she was out running errands and doing just fine thank you.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:54 AM
It's an amazing world out there."
Poor rats... all that testosterone and I bet not a one could get a date after all that onion juice.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 08:24 AM
what about going to the MD an let the hormones tested? My testosterone after 3 weeks of 2.25 mg was as good as before, i.e. at the upper level of normal (I was taking Icariin and Biotivia's Bioforge Pro max at the time).
I couldn't express my thoughts about alegations of doing malpractice better that you did in #1903. My father died from lung cancer by the age of 59 and suffered from COPD years before his death. I was a helpless medical student at the time exactly in the midth of the 6years it takes in my country to become a docter.
I wonder how long it wil take unless "los federales" and others take action, by legislation, making use of desinformation agents....etc.
What jsargent calls "renegade experimentation" is no more than applying the transhumanistic proactive principle to our lives. IMHO, this does not mean that the percautionary pronciple of mainstream medicine does not has its place too. But as a libertarian I see the freedom of choice (needless to say, unless no harm to others) as the all dominating principle. I am also a big endorser of the citizen-scientist principle, meaning it is not the exclusive right of MDs to orchestrate the use of a given compound to improve health and live.
I can literally say that I have taken or am taking every supplement I prescribe to my clients myself (DHEA, Pregnenolone, Icariin, Tongcat Ali, Curcumin, K2, Iodoral, etc.) except for estradiol ;-) and testosterone (my levels are fine). And after reading most of what is written here about C60 and on the basis of my short term experiences I really would like to try the compound in selected patients (COPD, allergies, prostate etc.). However, I hold it for now, also because I am using it for only 4 weeks now and for the reasons niner outlined in #1903, with respect to legislation.
Maybe ImmInst-staff is planning to organize a meeting on C60, where we can meet in personal and share our experiences? There was a meeting in Brussles some years ago about longevity stuff, I attended it and it was a very good meeting
Posted 12 March 2013 - 09:35 AM
and the effect on muscles I've mentioned before about living on a steep ish hill 1 in 6 average, getting part way home and feeling the thigh and calf muscles start to burn all of that disappearing within a couple of weeks of taking C60-00 i can walk up now with loaded shopping bags and don't get out of breath or feel any burn, (i never learnt to drive) so walk a lot,
after a lung infection when i was in my 30's leaving me unable to take a deep breath to where my lungs actually felt full (part of my right lung not working), a tightness under my right rib cage when i tried to take a deep breath not a serious problem as i don't do any sports other than the horizontal rumba but i can now take a deep breath and no tightness at all, i have a lot more energy,and sleep right through most nights, but do occasionally have to make a dash to the loo first thing,
although i have never suffered from not waking up with an erection, that still happens regularly and did before the C60,
my girlfriend suffers from arthritis and has regular cortisone injections in her foot which keeps that in check, but left her with a pain in a metatarsal bone, and in pain after doing any shopping round the city, pain has now gone and she doesn't collapse in a chair once she gets home like she did, and she says she sleeps better and longer now,
Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:58 AM
Hey Guys Give JSargent a break, whilst his first post may have been over enthusiastic most of the things have been reported by others here including the COPD and Prostate by myself in other posts previously ,
My intent was not to give him a hard time Pleb.
On another note, I will be opening a log thread to with the results from my initial post C60Evoo workout. Like many others, I have results that not even as a skeptic, I can attribute to placebo easily.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:09 PM
sorry mike ignore the above as i misread your post,
Edited by pleb, 12 March 2013 - 12:13 PM.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:14 PM
Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:20 PM
with regard to the COPD, i am down with Pneumonia at the moment and taking antibiotics, but i can still draw a full breath and no tightness,
although because of the pneumonia i end up coughing and spluttering all over the place,
Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:26 AM
Imagine if COPD sufferers could experience this benefit. I watched my mom die of emphysema some years ago and it was horrific seeing her gasp for air for three years. I think we're just getting a glimpse of what is possible here.
I've been thinking about this kind of thing. I'm sure there are millions of people with diseases that would dramatically benefit from c60-oo. To take one example, my father in law died last year of congestive heart failure. I suspect that CHF would respond well to c60. I learned about c60 too late to be of any help to him, but even if I'd had it, there would still be the issue of the mother in law and my wife blaming me and my crazy research chemicals if something went south. You could give it to a sick person, and they could die of something completely unrelated, and you and the person's next of kin would never know who or what was at fault. I'm stuck between a fear of something like that, and a sense of moral imperative that people should be made aware of this substance. This has nothing to do with life extension; I'm strictly thinking of it as a medicine that could make a dramatic difference in a lot of people's lives.
Yep. Same here. Since the rats in the study didn't die with cancerous tumors, I'm hoping that I won't get cancer because I'm taking C60oo.
And yes - if my Mom, who died of pancreatic cancer, was alive right now I'd be pushing her to take it.
But there is a problem with recommending it to people with medical problems.
C60oo isn't a panacea for everything.
So, if one recommends it to someone with a disease and something bad happens it could be blamed on C60.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 02:35 AM
There's usually ways around disruptions in the supply chain of most any ingredient, but other than SES I don't know of any other reliable suppliers, so that seems to be the weak link in this. I know SES is selling production machinery for making one's own fullerenes but I'm sure we're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars down that path.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 03:10 AM
Then dissolving c60 99.95% fullerenes into this same oil.
Do you think I'm risking preventing formation of those good c60-OO adducts that seem to do all the magic by doing this?
Posted 13 March 2013 - 03:12 AM
Posted 13 March 2013 - 03:20 AM
I'm considering infusing some EVOO with 5-7 different herbs. Then filtering the oil.
Then dissolving c60 99.95% fullerenes into this same oil.
Do you think I'm risking preventing formation of those good c60-OO adducts that seem to do all the magic by doing this?
It may or may not hurt, but it's highly unlikely to help things. I'd recommend making two batches of olive oil- one with the herb infusion, which you could use more like food, and another that just has c60, which you would use more like a supplement/drug. I really don't think there would be any sort of synergy between herbs and c60, but there is the possibility that you could get the formation of a compound that you really don't want.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 04:59 AM
Early on, I was worried that the supply of C60 might dry up overnight, but I'm less worried about that now. Worldwide, there are a lot of sources, and it isn't that crazily hard to make. Not something you'd do in your kitchen, though. I don't think the FDA could stop anyone from selling it, as long as it wasn't intended for human use. It would be like "bath salts". I think it would take a statutory change in order to make it illegal, and it would have to be done on a country by country basis. If for some reason world governments saw a need to stop people from using it, the black market price would certainly go up, but considering how little you need, I don't see how it could be stopped. Look at how the "War on Drugs" is going... That's what we need, a War on Fullerenes!
Having experience with the FDA, they won't go after something that does not compete with drugs unless, and I quote, "there are bodies in the street."
So, for GHB, which is natural, they went after it and made it illegal after 57 people did stupid things, like take it and drive their car into a tree.
Since C60oo is "absolutely not toxic" they won't find any bodies in the street.
And they'd have a hard time framing it as something that needs to be stopped.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 06:04 AM
I'm still hopeful that C-60-oo is working in the background somewhere, protecting my cells, similar to a computer virus program. I'll be getting the results of some bloodwork next week and will compare it to my last round of bloodwork. I'm not expecting to see anything major, just keeping track of things.
IMO, I think the placebo affect is piggy backing off of some genuine pro-health effects people are experiencing w/ C60-oo.
@jsargent. Darker hair? With all due respect, that's a tough one for me to swallow. Actually, it's a red flag for me. I remember when a lot of people got caught up in the astragaloside frenzy (including myself). Even Vince Giuliano, an incredibly brilliant and erudite human being is not immuned to the placebo effect. Not to disparage Mr. Giuliano in any way, but a while back, he mentioned that he thought he saw some newly sprouted dark hairs on his patina while taking astragaloside. We all know how that worked out. I'm not comparing C60-oo and astragaloside to diminish the efficacy of C60-00, just to point out what I think is going on here- a mixed bag of placebo and some genuine pro health effects.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 06:15 AM
About eighteen months after I started taking them my hair clearly darkened a couple shades.
Logically, this is because of an antioxidant effect of the tocotrienols reducing the affect of the body's natural out-of-control hydrogen peroxide lightening/greying/whitening hair as we age.
This seems to have grown more with C60oo, but I can't say that it is surely C60 or just the tocotrienols continuing their effect.
So red flags or darker hair? My friends will attest to darkened hair.
Edited by mikey, 13 March 2013 - 06:18 AM.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 08:39 AM
Early on, I was worried that the supply of C60 might dry up overnight, but I'm less worried about that now. Worldwide, there are a lot of sources, and it isn't that crazily hard to make. Not something you'd do in your kitchen, though. I don't think the FDA could stop anyone from selling it, as long as it wasn't intended for human use. It would be like "bath salts". I think it would take a statutory change in order to make it illegal, and it would have to be done on a country by country basis. If for some reason world governments saw a need to stop people from using it, the black market price would certainly go up, but considering how little you need, I don't see how it could be stopped. Look at how the "War on Drugs" is going... That's what we need, a War on Fullerenes!
i had the same thoughts and ordered 5g to make sure i had a supply if the FDA or any other govt agency took action but ended up with 10g i think someone at SES thought the order hadn't been dispatched so i ended up with a second 5g two days later,
there is a full description and drg's on the thread make your own C60 including a design that will make commercial quantities can't remember exactly the amount, the design was posted on the web by the university Harry Kroto worked at at that time,,not that difficult to make by any competent engineer, and powered by a cheap welding outfit,
but as you mention since then its started to be produced for use in solar panels electronics and batteries in larger and larger amounts, so i don't think there is any chance they could control the supply now,:>)
Edited by pleb, 13 March 2013 - 08:49 AM.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs
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