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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#2041 Shaved APE

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 08:00 PM

Thanks for taking the trouble to reply.

The wave of dizziness / nausea was not the usual 'headrush' that you might experience upon standing too quickly, but rather was more akin to a buzzing sensation in my head. It occurs intermittently and lasts a few seconds, whether sitting or standing. I'm still experiencing these a week after my last C60 dose, although they are reducing in frequency and severity.

The fact that I experienced the same result at the end of each of the 3 trials I've undertaken, is strongly suggestive of C60 being the cause (at least in my own mind).

I think I'm at the stage now where my body has decided it really doesn't like the stuff, and reacts directly upon ingestion (as per the almonds).

I would also say that despite all the claims made for C60, I experienced no discernible improvements in wellbeing; in particular, I regularly exercise and did not experience any increase in my capacity for exercise (maximum weight lifted, maximum training time, recovery time,... etc).

In fact, the only thing I noticed from using C60, was dizziness and nausea.

It wouldn't surprise me if the rat-study turns out to have been flawed.

It wouldn't surprise me if we've all been poisoning ourselves.
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#2042 mikey

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 08:44 PM

Thanks for taking the trouble to reply.

The wave of dizziness / nausea was not the usual 'headrush' that you might experience upon standing too quickly, but rather was more akin to a buzzing sensation in my head. It occurs intermittently and lasts a few seconds, whether sitting or standing. I'm still experiencing these a week after my last C60 dose, although they are reducing in frequency and severity.

The fact that I experienced the same result at the end of each of the 3 trials I've undertaken, is strongly suggestive of C60 being the cause (at least in my own mind).

I think I'm at the stage now where my body has decided it really doesn't like the stuff, and reacts directly upon ingestion (as per the almonds).

I would also say that despite all the claims made for C60, I experienced no discernible improvements in wellbeing; in particular, I regularly exercise and did not experience any increase in my capacity for exercise (maximum weight lifted, maximum training time, recovery time,... etc).

In fact, the only thing I noticed from using C60, was dizziness and nausea.

It wouldn't surprise me if the rat-study turns out to have been flawed.

It wouldn't surprise me if we've all been poisoning ourselves.

It could also be that some of us are meant to benefit from it and live 200 years and some are not.

Because all I can document are benefits. It's easily the best and truest anti-aging supplement that I take.

Edited by mikey, 22 March 2013 - 08:45 PM.

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#2043 Adamzski

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 02:50 AM

It wouldn't surprise me if we've all been poisoning ourselves.


I did feel wired on it and vital, I will have another go. about two weeks after I stopped taking it I climbed the four floors of stairs to my apartment and was surprised to be out of breath. It was like something new to me. I did notice this at the time, the C60 either kept me buzzzing (placebo or not) so that I did not previously notice my breath or it did increase my heavy smoker aerobic capacity in the time I was using in.

I do not think that short term C60 can do damage but long term who knows, maybe it accumulates and some of it never leaves the body each time. I would not go mega dosing it..
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#2044 mikey

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 11:49 PM

It wouldn't surprise me if we've all been poisoning ourselves.


I did feel wired on it and vital, I will have another go. about two weeks after I stopped taking it I climbed the four floors of stairs to my apartment and was surprised to be out of breath. It was like something new to me. I did notice this at the time, the C60 either kept me buzzzing (placebo or not) so that I did not previously notice my breath or it did increase my heavy smoker aerobic capacity in the time I was using in.

I do not think that short term C60 can do damage but long term who knows, maybe it accumulates and some of it never leaves the body each time. I would not go mega dosing it..

Dr. Moussa said in his video interview that C60 had no toxicity even "when taken long term."

I'd say that after he has studied if for 18 years we might consider trusting that this accomplished scientist chooses his words carefully.
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#2045 tintinet

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 12:57 AM

Clearly, we have reports of a range of responses (or lack thereof) to C60EVOO (or, perhaps, in some cases, to the EVOO specifically). BTW, I've also been taking NAC as well, lately. As usual, I don't notice any effects, positive or negative. Perhaps one's individual response is determined by one's HLA type, or some other genetic or phenotypic characteristic?

Edited by tintinet, 24 March 2013 - 01:00 AM.

#2046 niner

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 02:39 AM

Clearly, we have reports of a range of responses (or lack thereof) to C60EVOO (or, perhaps, in some cases, to the EVOO specifically). BTW, I've also been taking NAC as well, lately. As usual, I don't notice any effects, positive or negative. Perhaps one's individual response is determined by one's HLA type, or some other genetic or phenotypic characteristic?

Yes, perhaps something like that. Probably not HLA type, but maybe endogenous antioxidant levels or something related. Anyone who doesn't feel anything from C60 should consider themselves lucky- you're healthy. Some healthy people notice the muscle fatigue reduction effect, others don't. I'm not sure what the determinants of that are. There may be some unhealthy people who still aren't noticing anything, and I suspect that means they aren't unhealthy in the right way for c60 to be effective. It's good for a lot of conditions, but not all of them.

#2047 Mind

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 10:44 AM

As far as poisoning goes, it seems like a very low chance with c60, considering all the tox research that has been done in animal models. Some negative long-term (years, decades) side effects in humans? Maybe. We will find out.

#2048 Shaved APE

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 04:38 PM

I've just had another thought: I started noticing these symptoms (dizziness) from the start of January (which is when I began the first of 1 week trials of C60). The dizzy spells were strongly correlated with use of C60, and were most noticeable towards the end of each of the 1 week trials.

I am still getting dizzy spells however, even though the last ingestion of C60 took place over a week ago. In fact they seem to be getting worse, and were quite severe last night.

The above, and replies to my original post, led me to think about other possible causes, and I realised that I had also started using Tretinoin around the same time as I started the C60. A spot of Googling has revealed that Tretinoin can cause dizziness, so I've stopped using it as of last night. I'm hoping the dizziness subsides. I've also been getting other symptoms: mood swings, rages, and getting up to pee several times a night.

This possibly suggests some sort of hormonal imbalance perhaps caused by the Tretinoin.

If correct, then the fact that the effects were most pronounced when taking the C60, may be the oft-reported effect that C60 enhances the effect of medications.

We'll see how it goes now I'm off the Tretinoin, and I'll keep you posted.

ShavedApe :)

#2049 markymark

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 05:01 PM

I came across this very interesting article. It is free to download.

Well well, they write:
"We hypothesize that by virtue of the unique properties of fullerene, this hollow, ultra-robust, large, purely carbon molecule was the earliest progenitor of life."

My humble guess is, that it does not poison us, but we will see. It's a journey for all of us.
I hope that the information about the article has not been posted already. In this case sorry for the redundance.

#2050 mikey

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 01:24 AM

I came across this very interesting article. It is free to download.

Well well, they write:
"We hypothesize that by virtue of the unique properties of fullerene, this hollow, ultra-robust, large, purely carbon molecule was the earliest progenitor of life."

My humble guess is, that it does not poison us, but we will see. It's a journey for all of us.
I hope that the information about the article has not been posted already. In this case sorry for the redundance.

That's extremely interesting.

If true, maybe there's some connection with C60 extending lifespans and it having this deepest connection to life itself.

Like maybe a deficiency of a specific type of carbon molecule configuration, such as C60, can shorten lifespan - or not allow it to see its optimum length - in good health, the same way essential nutrient deficiencies can cause the loss of cells that we call accelerated, unnecessary or premature aging - or their deficiency eventually result in diseases that kill us.

#2051 niner

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:56 AM

I came across this very interesting article. It is free to download.

Well well, they write:
"We hypothesize that by virtue of the unique properties of fullerene, this hollow, ultra-robust, large, purely carbon molecule was the earliest progenitor of life."

They're hypothesizing without any connection to evidence that I can see. I don't think that the intermolecular interactions available at the fullerene surface are strong enough to provide the templating function that they propose. I don't even think they understand c60 very well. It's barely hollow, not all that robust, not large by biological standards (ten Angstroms ain't much compared to proteins.) The authors are biomedical people, and the journal's editorial board, who appear to be the reviewers, are primarily clinicians rather than scientists. I have a feeling that in the annals of Origins of Life research, this is probably a dead end.
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#2052 Turnbuckle

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 03:30 PM

For what it's worth, I've found that the effect of EVOO on the back of the throat can be eliminated by adding water to the dose and swirling it around before drinking it down.

#2053 petitemort

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 05:37 PM

Hi everyone, would it be possible that C60 might have MAOI-B propreties, used as a range of, for exemple, 20mg/day?
I ask that question is because I 'm noticing, very subjectivelly a rise of dopamine but it might be synergy with coffee I don't know just investigating that possibility I need the opinion of people who have knowledge in science.
As I bought myself a 500mg c60 99,95%pure I made my own C60-oo and take it anarchically with food and from what i 'm able to be sure I 've been taking 20mg/day c60-o for the last 5 days along with 500mg piracetam three times a day combined with 5mg methylen blue and 5mg selegilin pill ( I 've been on that selegilin for one month) (for the back ground)

Edited by petitemort, 27 March 2013 - 06:17 PM.

#2054 Turnbuckle

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 06:01 PM

Hi everyone, would it be possible that C60 might have IMAO-B propreties, used as a range of, for exemple, 20mg/day?
I ask that question is because I 'm noticing, very subjectivelly a rise of dopamine but it might be synergy with coffee I don't know just investigating that possibility I need the opinion of people who have knowledge in science.
As I bought myself a 500mg c60 99,95%pure I made my own C60-oo and take it anarchically with food and from what i 'm able to be sure I 've been taking 20mg/day c60-o for the last 5 days along with 500mg piracetam three times a day combined with 5mg methylen blue and 5mg selegilin pill ( I 've been on that selegilin for one month) (for the back ground)

IMAO is spelled MAOI in the US, I believe. And is C60 acting like one? I have no idea, but some here have noticed that C60 potentiates the effects of caffeine.

#2055 petitemort

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 06:16 PM

Thanks, Turnbuckle

#2056 marcobjj

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:27 AM

I've just had another thought: I started noticing these symptoms (dizziness) from the start of January (which is when I began the first of 1 week trials of C60). The dizzy spells were strongly correlated with use of C60, and were most noticeable towards the end of each of the 1 week trials.

I am still getting dizzy spells however, even though the last ingestion of C60 took place over a week ago. In fact they seem to be getting worse, and were quite severe last night.

The above, and replies to my original post, led me to think about other possible causes, and I realised that I had also started using Tretinoin around the same time as I started the C60. A spot of Googling has revealed that Tretinoin can cause dizziness, so I've stopped using it as of last night. I'm hoping the dizziness subsides. I've also been getting other symptoms: mood swings, rages, and getting up to pee several times a night.

This possibly suggests some sort of hormonal imbalance perhaps caused by the Tretinoin.

If correct, then the fact that the effects were most pronounced when taking the C60, may be the oft-reported effect that C60 enhances the effect of medications.

We'll see how it goes now I'm off the Tretinoin, and I'll keep you posted.

ShavedApe :)

you mean topical tretinion as in, Retin-A causing dizziness and hormonal imbalance? that's very weird, and to me unlikely that topical pro-vitamin would cause all of that.

Hi everyone, would it be possible that C60 might have MAOI-B propreties, used as a range of, for exemple, 20mg/day?
I ask that question is because I 'm noticing, very subjectivelly a rise of dopamine but it might be synergy with coffee I don't know just investigating that possibility I need the opinion of people who have knowledge in science.
As I bought myself a 500mg c60 99,95%pure I made my own C60-oo and take it anarchically with food and from what i 'm able to be sure I 've been taking 20mg/day c60-o for the last 5 days along with 500mg piracetam three times a day combined with 5mg methylen blue and 5mg selegilin pill ( I 've been on that selegilin for one month) (for the back ground)

you're taking 5mg of Selegiline daily and you think C60 it what's causing MAO-B inhibition???

Edited by marcobjj, 29 March 2013 - 12:30 AM.

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#2057 petitemort

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:13 AM

Sorry forget this, it might just potentiate selegilin .As I jumped suddenly from 1,5mg c60 every two days to those 20mg /day, I was feeling some kind of dopamine rise just like vhen I take two selegilin so I thought about an additionnal effect of MAOI action that could have come from C60 but anyway today I realise I was like in a rush of caffeine or so and wanted to delete that post but I can't do it anymore
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#2058 GVA

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 09:01 PM

I came across this very interesting article. It is free to download.

Well well, they write:
"We hypothesize that by virtue of the unique properties of fullerene, this hollow, ultra-robust, large, purely carbon molecule was the earliest progenitor of life."

They're hypothesizing without any connection to evidence that I can see. I don't think that the intermolecular interactions available at the fullerene surface are strong enough to provide the templating function that they propose. I don't even think they understand c60 very well. It's barely hollow, not all that robust, not large by biological standards (ten Angstroms ain't much compared to proteins.) The authors are biomedical people, and the journal's editorial board, who appear to be the reviewers, are primarily clinicians rather than scientists. I have a feeling that in the annals of Origins of Life research, this is probably a dead end.

As of “To The Question On The Formation Possibility Of Some “Adducts” Of Ñ60 With Fatty Acids During C60 Dissolution In Olive Oil”, Pl see info on the following thread - http://www.longecity...iple-in-c60-oo/
Sincerely yours,

#2059 anagram

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 09:30 PM

The only real effect I have felt from using Fullerene's is an increased intolerance to caffeine. That effect in itself is fairly subjective because Caffeine tolerance is not a completely defined thing, its an unreasonable way to decipher anything about C60. I am taking C60 as well as Selegiline and I have noticed zero potentiation, Caffeine + Selegiline is however extremely potent and dangerous. If C60 is doing anything it seems very psychosomatic, I question its effect on humans entirely. I don't want to suggest C60 is toxic but I must ask Does anyone have information of C60's epoxides? I have left a dropper of C60 out for a few weeks in hopes of producing a oxide of some sort however its safety as a chemical has come into question since I have learned that the toxicity of many hydrocarbons comes from epoxide formation and DNA adduct formation.

BTW petitemort its good to see your still alive! Have you stopped taking 40mg's of Selegiline at a time yet?

Edited by anagram, 29 March 2013 - 09:39 PM.

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#2060 Shaved APE

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 11:02 PM

Been off the Tretinoin (pro Vit A as a topical cream) for a week now, and the dizziness is definitely subsiding.

The other symptoms I mentioned (mood swings, peeing several times night) are also on the wane. These might have been caused by other supplements I was taking (which I also stopped 1 week ago along with the Tretinoin), namely: Pycnogenol (200mg), Vit-D3 (5000 IU), Resveratrol (50mg), Astaxanthin (8mg), Lycopene (10mg), Saw Palmetto (350mg), Krill Oil + PS & GPC.

It's possible that some of this stuff might have been causing systemic irritation, perhaps resulting in the need to pee frequently.

Anyhow, things seem to be settling down nicely, so I may have another go with the C60 to see if it causes any of the symptoms to return.

Will keep you posted.

#2061 petitemort

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 08:34 PM

The only real effect I have felt from using Fullerene's is an increased intolerance to caffeine. That effect in itself is fairly subjective because Caffeine tolerance is not a completely defined thing, its an unreasonable way to decipher anything about C60. I am taking C60 as well as Selegiline and I have noticed zero potentiation, Caffeine + Selegiline is however extremely potent and dangerous. If C60 is doing anything it seems very psychosomatic, I question its effect on humans entirely. I don't want to suggest C60 is toxic but I must ask Does anyone have information of C60's epoxides? I have left a dropper of C60 out for a few weeks in hopes of producing a oxide of some sort however its safety as a chemical has come into question since I have learned that the toxicity of many hydrocarbons comes from epoxide formation and DNA adduct formation.

BTW petitemort its good to see your still alive! Have you stopped taking 40mg's of Selegiline at a time yet?

Hi Anagram, thanks for caring. I'm quiet in good health and don't project to pass out within the next few days from a masive intake of selegilin.

If it unfortunatlly happens, I have specified on my last wills that all my remaining c60-oo and selegilin had to be shipped to your adress.

Seriously I'm done with experiences with selegilin. I haven't checked yet what sort of unwanted interactions may happen when using selegilin and large amounts of coffee but I will. At the moment I'm not that worried be cause I got a sphygmomanometer (F-----g Hell ! how long and sophysticated is the english word for that device!!!) and it's telling me both tensions are rather low/ok.

But just to make sure I will check if the danger you talking about may occur on other level like neurological or else.

About c60-oo the orgy is now over because my supply has dramatically decreased and super powers has not come yet.

Seriously with huge intakes I haven't noticed anything more than what I found with 1.5 mg to 7mg/ day that's to say sleep patterns shortened and of good quality and when I wake up the day after trainning, muscles are not painfull as they were before (I'm a little bit 40 yo) and also high resistance to alcohol( but i don't want to drink that poison anymore, all those voices are forcing me but I won't no!),in fact I feel much less like a poor little thing and more like big and dangerous Alfa male (of 1m70 60kg ok... short light beta thing... if you prefer)

Edited by petitemort, 01 April 2013 - 09:05 PM.

#2062 anagram

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 09:51 PM

I have mixed Astaxanthin as well as Lycopene with C60 in the hopes of improving its bioavaliability. Mixing these compounds could easily be very toxic, I stopped taking Astaxanthin as well as Lycopene from fear from suffering some sort of reaction with C60 + long chain hydrocarbons. There was a study recently done which suggested that high dose mitochondrially targeted antioxidant cause lots of oxidative damage, the key with extremely powerful antioxidants(C60) is very low dose continuously use.

Edited by anagram, 01 April 2013 - 09:52 PM.

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#2063 Breestyle

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 04:04 PM

I have mixed Astaxanthin as well as Lycopene with C60 in the hopes of improving its bioavaliability. Mixing these compounds could easily be very toxic, I stopped taking Astaxanthin as well as Lycopene from fear from suffering some sort of reaction with C60 + long chain hydrocarbons. There was a study recently done which suggested that high dose mitochondrially targeted antioxidant cause lots of oxidative damage, the key with extremely powerful antioxidants(C60) is very low dose continuously use.

Anagram, do you happen to have a reference or link for the study you mention?
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#2064 jsargent

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:17 AM

A recent observation: Bear with me here. This is rather odd... I find it difficult impossible to listen to classical music any longer. The rock of my misspent youth is about all I can tolerate and I've been a fan of classical for years. Classical music seems so plodding and tedious now. Das ist unheimlich, eh?
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#2065 YOLF

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:32 AM

Stop listening to music cold turkey for a while and your interests will change. It's good to fast from music from time to time, I managed to go about 6 months with minimal listening. Anyways.. anything that isn't dubstep or chillstep is garbage to me right now. I used to be exclusively a metal/rock listener. I changed cultures though. I've found that I especially like the sound of my engine when I drive too, I used to be a stereo and subs guy too. But the engine has such perfect acoustics. You can live without music. It really is possible.

Been off the Tretinoin (pro Vit A as a topical cream) for a week now, and the dizziness is definitely subsiding.

The other symptoms I mentioned (mood swings, peeing several times night) are also on the wane. These might have been caused by other supplements I was taking (which I also stopped 1 week ago along with the Tretinoin), namely: Pycnogenol (200mg), Vit-D3 (5000 IU), Resveratrol (50mg), Astaxanthin (8mg), Lycopene (10mg), Saw Palmetto (350mg), Krill Oil + PS & GPC.

It's possible that some of this stuff might have been causing systemic irritation, perhaps resulting in the need to pee frequently.

Anyhow, things seem to be settling down nicely, so I may have another go with the C60 to see if it causes any of the symptoms to return.

Will keep you posted.

I think I read something in passing a few years ago that said something about Tretinoin causing IBS snd other diseases or something like that. It was big lawsuit or something.

#2066 Logic

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:21 AM

NB: Anagram has been taking the cheap mixture of C60 and C70!!!
A fact he has only mentioned once!

Turnbuckle will tell you that, that mixture has negative effects.

This makes anything he has to say about 'C60' null and void.
His comments are a... better reflection of the... effects of the C60/C70 mixture.

Edited by Logic, 03 April 2013 - 08:24 AM.

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#2067 Turnbuckle

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:33 AM

NB: Anagram has been taking the cheap mixture of C60 and C70!!!
A fact he has only mentioned once!

Turnbuckle will tell you that, that mixture has negative effects.

This makes anything he has to say about 'C60' null and void.
His comments are a... better reflection of the... effects of the C60/C70 mixture.

Best to stick to the protocol of the rat paper. Experimenting with higher fullerenes or with random additions to the oil can be dangerous, as they don't necessarily go to the same place or do the same things--

Our results using C70-based derivatives are consistent with several publications examining fullerene localization in different cell types in which deposition in different intracellular organelles depends on the moieties added to the carbon cage. For example, C63(COOH)6 or C61(CO2H)2 appear to localize to mitochondria while C60 mixtures dispersed in tetrahydrofuran (and not purified from this solvent) localize to lysosomes and nuclei in macrophages...C70-based fullerenes are endocytosed and localize to ER [endoplasmic reticulum] differentiate from previously published results showing that endocytosed C60-based fullerenes localize to the mitochondria and lysosomes. The ER accumulation of C70-based fullerenes explains the data shown that pre-incubation of MC [mast cells] with the same fullerenes caused a reduction of FCεRI-mediated calcium release and ROS generation.


When I tried the C60/C70 mixture, I found no ill effects from single doses, but even very small doses taken BID (.25mg C70/dose) was very bad after a few days.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 03 April 2013 - 11:42 AM.

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#2068 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:02 PM

So why take the C60/70 anagram? You seem to like risks, why? Don't you worry about getting hurt?

#2069 mikey

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 07:40 PM

NB: Anagram has been taking the cheap mixture of C60 and C70!!!
A fact he has only mentioned once!

Turnbuckle will tell you that, that mixture has negative effects.

This makes anything he has to say about 'C60' null and void.
His comments are a... better reflection of the... effects of the C60/C70 mixture.

Best to stick to the protocol of the rat paper. Experimenting with higher fullerenes or with random additions to the oil can be dangerous, as they don't necessarily go to the same place or do the same things--

Our results using C70-based derivatives are consistent with several publications examining fullerene localization in different cell types in which deposition in different intracellular organelles depends on the moieties added to the carbon cage. For example, C63(COOH)6 or C61(CO2H)2 appear to localize to mitochondria while C60 mixtures dispersed in tetrahydrofuran (and not purified from this solvent) localize to lysosomes and nuclei in macrophages...C70-based fullerenes are endocytosed and localize to ER [endoplasmic reticulum] differentiate from previously published results showing that endocytosed C60-based fullerenes localize to the mitochondria and lysosomes. The ER accumulation of C70-based fullerenes explains the data shown that pre-incubation of MC [mast cells] with the same fullerenes caused a reduction of FCεRI-mediated calcium release and ROS generation.


When I tried the C60/C70 mixture, I found no ill effects from single doses, but even very small doses taken BID (.25mg C70/dose) was very bad after a few days.

Sometimes I think I must appear to be a maverick, taking very high potency dietary supplements, taking 8,500 IU of vitamin D, when I see brilliant people debating whether taking much smaller doses cause health problems. (Nonsense! All anti-aging effects result from higher potencies.)

But I feel like a conservative when I see people fooling with hypothetical mixtures, as if they are going to find a better anti-aging effect than from simply taking exactly what the study found to produce amazing results.

Like this is a no-brainer. It worked - and yet some of us, especially those with advanced degrees here, think that they are going to find something better. This without the benefit of published studies that have looked at these other combinations.

Kind of silly, really.
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#2070 YOLF

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 09:17 PM

I think everyone just wants to do everything they can and are freely sharing ideas that will benefit all of us.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs

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