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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#2221 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 20 May 2013 - 05:54 PM


It looks like a noble effort and I appreciate the offer yet I'm pretty much for sure my insurance wouldn't go for this since I have already tried to get them to go for experimental therapies for my ADHD. It sounds like something I wouldn't want to pay for out of pocket. The DIY route seems the best way for me to go and my wifey is already balking at paying for $60 of c60. She did however give me the nod and I will start in another two weeks.

They won't tell you how to make the best of your insurance and get things done. It fits under a different part of your policy than experimental therapies would. If you let me take a look at your policy, I can figure out if you have a way to use it for blood testing related to C60. They won't cover the C60 and I don't need your prescription plan info, just the health insurance info itself. Most insurance that you get with a decent job will cover the testing we want to do if we help you out and you can help advance anti aging therapies that work through the same method as C60. I know we disagree on somethings, but I'd really like to help you make the most of your experience and know as much as possible about what's going on. Sending you a pm.

Edited by cryonicsculture, 20 May 2013 - 05:55 PM.

#2222 solarfingers

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:06 PM

Can you be a bit more specific concerning what tests would provide beneficial information related to c60? I don't have a physical plan infront of me. The terms should be online since I have Blue Cross. I'll check and see.

I have a pretty thick skin and am not offended by you in any way. I am in a service industry and generally have resolved to like anyone who doesn't kill me. So we're good... :-D

Edited by solarfingers, 20 May 2013 - 07:10 PM.

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#2223 Chupo

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 07:21 AM

It seems I neglected to leave a link to my website/blog... I would appreciate any feedback.



Nice site! It's warm. Regarding the "My Regiment" section, I think you mean "regimen."
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#2224 niner

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:15 PM

I really don't think that insurance is going to pay for any of the exotic tests that would be of interest to us. Standard stuff like cholesterol levels or HbA1c is unlikely to be useful. Also, insurance will want a doctor's prescription for whatever test you might get.

#2225 pleb

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:40 PM

Hi Niner with regards to the exotic tests you refer to what would you need to ask for,?

I've been on C60-00 for about 8 months now and because of my age have the normal blood tests done every 6 months,i did ask if there were any difference between my last two and those taken over the three years previously and my doc checked them and said there was no difference, other than the slight normal variations,
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#2226 solarfingers

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:01 PM

It seems I neglected to leave a link to my website/blog... I would appreciate any feedback.



Nice site! It's warm. Regarding the "My Regiment" section, I think you mean "regimen."

Oh snap! your right... Somebody might accuse me of trying to recruit people to my regiment. I'll fix it soon.

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#2227 solarfingers

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:17 PM

Does anyone know how many fullerenes are in a gram? If I dissolve 1 gram of fullerenes into 1 liter of Olive Oil then aside from what settles and does not dissolve there should be somewhere under 1 mg of fullerenes per milliter. Any guess on what that percentage would be? Also, in the Baati rat study they were given a megadose. I am wondering if the flooding of fullerenes in the system played a major role in the result. What is the likelihood that if I take less than a mg a day and these fullerenes are expelled daily at the rate of every ten days that there would remain enough fullrenes in the system to reach and effect all the cells in my system. How many fullerenes are attracted to cells to do their work and how many remain in the blood scavaging free radicals? Is 1 mg a day enough to get the same results as with the Baati rats? I would think that the best protocol would to firstly flood the system and then take a daily low dosage to keep the quantity in the body from being lost. Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Has anyone tried flooding themselves as with the Baati rats?

#2228 niner

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 04:36 PM

Hi Niner with regards to the exotic tests you refer to what would you need to ask for,?

I've been on C60-00 for about 8 months now and because of my age have the normal blood tests done every 6 months,i did ask if there were any difference between my last two and those taken over the three years previously and my doc checked them and said there was no difference, other than the slight normal variations,

I've also had before/after versions of conventional blood tests, and there was nothing obvious going on. I'd be interested in seeing markers of oxidative stress, like Glutathione, Glutathione Peroxidase activity, TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances), MDA (malondialdehyde), and isoprostane levels. Genova Diagnostics has a blood test that covers a lot of this. It's probably not cheap, and may or may not be covered by insurance.

#2229 pleb

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 04:52 PM

Thanks niner , I'm on the other side of the pond and don't have the insurance, we have the NHS and only able to have what my doc decides i need, so i may have to try and find a private company over here or wait until i move to Mex where the costs would be a lot less,

#2230 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 21 May 2013 - 05:32 PM

I really don't think that insurance is going to pay for any of the exotic tests that would be of interest to us. Standard stuff like cholesterol levels or HbA1c is unlikely to be useful. Also, insurance will want a doctor's prescription for whatever test you might get.

We can write a letter explaining our reasons and request that they approve/prescribe the tests to monitor the results of supplementation.

#2231 pleb

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 05:39 PM

i should imagine they would cancel your insurance if you told them you were taking C60-00,

#2232 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:02 PM

Why would they do that? There's nothing to indicate that it's bad for you. I don't think employer sponsored healthcare can dump anyone, even for other reasons... otherwise they'd be dumping people for having their kids in sports etc.

#2233 niner

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:05 PM

Does anyone know how many fullerenes are in a gram? If I dissolve 1 gram of fullerenes into 1 liter of Olive Oil then aside from what settles and does not dissolve there should be somewhere under 1 mg of fullerenes per milliter. Any guess on what that percentage would be? Also, in the Baati rat study they were given a megadose. I am wondering if the flooding of fullerenes in the system played a major role in the result. What is the likelihood that if I take less than a mg a day and these fullerenes are expelled daily at the rate of every ten days that there would remain enough fullrenes in the system to reach and effect all the cells in my system. How many fullerenes are attracted to cells to do their work and how many remain in the blood scavaging free radicals? Is 1 mg a day enough to get the same results as with the Baati rats? I would think that the best protocol would to firstly flood the system and then take a daily low dosage to keep the quantity in the body from being lost. Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Has anyone tried flooding themselves as with the Baati rats?

There's 8.36e20 molecules (1/720 of a mole) of c60 in a gram, but that's probably not what you meant. The amount of c60 in a gram depends on the purity. If it's 50% purity, then there's half a gram. If it's 99.95%, then there's 999.5 millgrams of c60, and 0.5mg of everything else, which will be mostly c70 and some solvent. If you put 1 gram of c60 in a liter of olive oil, and mechanically stir it for several weeks, then filter out whatever is not dissolved, you will probably have about 900mg/liter. It will work better if you shoot for a lower concentration. 667mg/liter is an easy one, since it's half a gram in 750ml, which is a common size of olive oil bottle.

Users here have ranged from very low to very high doses, and the likelihood of "feeling something" seems to be about the same for everyone. If you are young and healthy, you won't feel anything unless you are an endurance athlete. You should measure performance before and after to see it. If you are a weight lifter, you might notice that the number of reps you can do at the limit may go up. This depends on the limiting factor- if you work to the point of radical-mediated muscle fatigue, that's when it shows up. A relatively small but well trained muscle is the best place to see it, in my experience. I saw it on the chest press, but not on the leg press. Actually, even if you are a young healthy couch potato, you might notice the effect on alcohol consumption. I don't feel as drunk when I drink.

1mg/day is probably enough to get the positive effects, if you are not real big. I've been using an intermittent dosing schedule, with the full monthly dose taken around the first of the month. Lately I've been playing with 2 week intervals.

We had a guy who was drinking 4/5 of a cup of c60-oo at a shot. He was replicating the Baati dosing schedule on a mg/kg body weight basis, without scaling it for metabolic rate. Another guy was using something like 50mg/day. Others are taking a couple mg a week. I used 15mg/month for a while, and lately have been raising it somewhat.

The general consensus is that c60oo is localized in membranes, with the mitochondrial membrane being critical. It does "leak down" over time, so a dose will not last forever, It appears that a large dose, like Baati's rats got, will last a very long time. Thus you should be able to take large doses infrequently, or a tiny dose daily, or various combinations.
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#2234 pleb

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:07 PM

if you look at the small print it may say only approved medication or treatment, but you can always ask,

#2235 niner

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:08 PM

I really don't think that insurance is going to pay for any of the exotic tests that would be of interest to us. Standard stuff like cholesterol levels or HbA1c is unlikely to be useful. Also, insurance will want a doctor's prescription for whatever test you might get.

We can write a letter explaining our reasons and request that they approve/prescribe the tests to monitor the results of supplementation.

Hmm. Dear Insurance company, I am dosing myself with an experimental, non-FDA approved drug with no professional supervision. Please pay for the following blood tests....
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#2236 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:19 PM

I really don't think that insurance is going to pay for any of the exotic tests that would be of interest to us. Standard stuff like cholesterol levels or HbA1c is unlikely to be useful. Also, insurance will want a doctor's prescription for whatever test you might get.

We can write a letter explaining our reasons and request that they approve/prescribe the tests to monitor the results of supplementation.

Hmm. Dear Insurance company, I am dosing myself with an experimental, non-FDA approved drug with no professional supervision. Please pay for the following blood tests....

Oh, that's just bad wording... No supplement in approved and many don't have more than C60 as far as testing goes. It's like taking any other supplement. It's smoke and we breath it every day we pass by a smoker or breath car exhaust. This is just a concentrated dose like taking rasperry ketones or using canola oil except that it doubles the lifespan of rats!

Therefore say:

I'm taking these tests to monitor my health as a result of nutritional supplementation of antioxidants and Omega 3s. Seriously, people SMOKE CIGARETTES and don't get kicked off their insurance policy and still have access to blood tests... You're assuming the worst about this stuff. And if anything this information could protect people in the event that C60 is somehow bad for you and it is discovered. That'd be good for the insurance company's bottom line! You have a right to the elective care/testing credits on your policy. They shouldn't have anything to say about it...

#2237 pleb

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:20 PM

Hmm. Dear Insurance company, I am dosing myself with an experimental, non-FDA approved drug with no professional supervision. Please pay for the following blood tests....

yes that should do it i'm sure they will agree, lol

Edited by pleb, 21 May 2013 - 06:23 PM.

#2238 Hebbeh

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:24 PM

AFAIK smokers premiums are higher and if you get caught lying (which is easy to determine), you are canceled and no costs are covered.

#2239 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:29 PM

AFAIK smokers premiums are higher and if you get caught lying (which is easy to determine), you are canceled and no costs are covered.

Most get it through employer sponsored programs and they never ask if you are a smoker. That only applies to life insurance or health insurance that you purchase on your own.

Hmm. Dear Insurance company, I am dosing myself with an experimental, non-FDA approved drug with no professional supervision. Please pay for the following blood tests....

yes that should do it i'm sure they will agree, lol


It would be more like:

"Hello, IC?"

"Yes thanks for calling, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to use my elective care/testing funds to measure a metric of my health, how should I go about reporting it to you to get them paid for?"

"We have a form or something, or if you haven't used it up, just submit it for coverage and give us a call when the tests get done."

"Ok thanks, good bye."

#2240 pleb

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:40 PM

sheesh thats casual, over here they want to know the ins and outs of a ducks arse before agreeing

#2241 solarfingers

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 07:06 PM

There's 8.36e20 molecules (1/720 of a mole) of c60 in a gram, but that's probably not what you meant. The amount of c60 in a gram depends on the purity. If it's 50% purity, then there's half a gram. If it's 99.95%, then there's 999.5 millgrams of c60, and 0.5mg of everything else, which will be mostly c70 and some solvent. If you put 1 gram of c60 in a liter of olive oil, and mechanically stir it for several weeks, then filter out whatever is not dissolved, you will probably have about 900mg/liter. It will work better if you shoot for a lower concentration. 667mg/liter is an easy one, since it's half a gram in 750ml, which is a common size of olive oil bottle.

Users here have ranged from very low to very high doses, and the likelihood of "feeling something" seems to be about the same for everyone. If you are young and healthy, you won't feel anything unless you are an endurance athlete. You should measure performance before and after to see it. If you are a weight lifter, you might notice that the number of reps you can do at the limit may go up. This depends on the limiting factor- if you work to the point of radical-mediated muscle fatigue, that's when it shows up. A relatively small but well trained muscle is the best place to see it, in my experience. I saw it on the chest press, but not on the leg press. Actually, even if you are a young healthy couch potato, you might notice the effect on alcohol consumption. I don't feel as drunk when I drink.

1mg/day is probably enough to get the positive effects, if you are not real big. I've been using an intermittent dosing schedule, with the full monthly dose taken around the first of the month. Lately I've been playing with 2 week intervals.

We had a guy who was drinking 4/5 of a cup of c60-oo at a shot. He was replicating the Baati dosing schedule on a mg/kg body weight basis, without scaling it for metabolic rate. Another guy was using something like 50mg/day. Others are taking a couple mg a week. I used 15mg/month for a while, and lately have been raising it somewhat.

The general consensus is that c60oo is localized in membranes, with the mitochondrial membrane being critical. It does "leak down" over time, so a dose will not last forever, It appears that a large dose, like Baati's rats got, will last a very long time. Thus you should be able to take large doses infrequently, or a tiny dose daily, or various combinations.

Thank you Niner, that's a very thorough informative narrative. I was actually asking how many molecules were in a gram of c60. I guess there is no real way to tell what's going on so it's really just a gamble anyhow. If the guy who is taking 50mg/day is still around I sure would like to know what his experience was. I would hope that you don't experience anything, except if you notice your friends are looking older than you lately. I'm really after the promise of good health in my old age. If I stay young that's just a perk. If I stay young for a very long time, well that would be the icing on the cake wouldn't it... I doubt I will ever be able to retire in this economy and want to work well into my 70s if I have to in my profession.

It would be interesting to see what results people get over a period of time. The poll was interesting but for a poll to be really effective it should be taken at least once a year to determine what changes over time. I would also like to know what the experience between someone who megadoses and someone who takes small doses daily are over time.

I've heard someone saying something about not getting drunk when drinking before. Alcohol dehydrates the brain and that's basically what causes the effects we get when we drink. Either c60 is attracting the alcohol and making it inert or it is keeping the cells hydrated I would think... Interesting to say the least.


It would be more like:

"Hello, IC?"

"Yes thanks for calling, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to use my elective care/testing funds to measure a metric of my health, how should I go about reporting it to you to get them paid for?"

"We have a form or something, or if you haven't used it up, just submit it for coverage and give us a call when the tests get done."

"Ok thanks, good bye."

I'm sure I could get my doctor to run blood work yet elective work has to be for something and they would want to know why so they can tailor the test to the need. It would be hard not to give things away. Unless some course of action is prohibited in your policy then I doubt they would have any legal teeth to cancel your policy, especially if you are part of work group policy.


Edited by solarfingers, 21 May 2013 - 07:07 PM.

#2242 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:04 AM

As far as we know, C60 works like an anti oxidant. Say you're taking supplements including anti oxidants and that you want to know how it's affecting you. To do that, you'll need baseline and then post supplement data. People are always ragging on supplements... tell him you want to know it's safe.

#2243 Andre69

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:06 AM

Hi, I wanted to report some of my experiences that I had with C60.
First of all I can not say that I had any positive effects as of now.In fact I had rather negative effects and feel better when am off it. I haven't even managed to go through the fisrt week of my experimentation because my symptoms kept persisting.
Foggy head, light dizziness and felt as if my body was responding to a toxin. One night especially, when I tried a higher dose 3mg (double the usual one) I couldn't sleep properly and the next morning I found a burst blood vessel in my eye. :|o
Apart from that I experienced a dull pain on my right side below my thorax, I suppose the kidney. The pain was nothing too bad but still annoying enough to wonder what the hell is going on. So I decided to quit everything and see if things improve. Which it did! I had no more brain fogg or pain in the kidney area.

So on I go and try another dose of 3mg today after a week beeing off C60 and almost immediately after dosage I started feeling changes like if I was intoxicated. So I went to sleep for an hour since my head was not that clear hoping for the effect to settle.
After I woke up my eyes where burning and when I checked in the mirror there was another burst blood vessel that was not there before. (On the on the same eye as before. The other eye, the left one, looked normal.)
To no surprise the pain in the kidney area returned and with this I have reassured myself that C60 is not good for me. I had some muscle twitching around my body as well but that may be unrelated as I hadn't experienced it the first time I took C60.
After completely stopping from C60 it took about a week to recover fully and after taking one single dose showed me that the symptoms that I am experiencing are linked with C60 or atleast with the C60 oo I am taking.
Am considering stopping C60. I haven't even managed to go through half of the bottle. :unsure:
Is this a hormetic response? I hope so.

I hope I could help people thinking to try out C60 to make up their minds. And also look forward to people already taking C60 to compare their symptoms/effects to mine! :)

#2244 niner

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:25 AM

Wow Andre, that's a pretty bad response. Was this from one of the commercial suppliers of c60-oo? (names aren't needed; they are generally considered comparable) You're the first person to report the burst blood vessel thing. There were a couple mentions of kidney pain, but they were later blamed on muscle soreness or other things. Nothing seemed to come of it. I wonder if you had a blood pressure spike? Have you ever responded in a remotely similar way to any other substances?

#2245 Andre69

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:47 AM

No. Not really. The fogginess reminds me of piracetam..tried that for a day and I didnt like it. The burning eyes never really only when am sleep deprived.
I had some elevated blood pressure and sleepless nights with some green tea extract and changed to taking decaffeinated green tea which solved the problem. I had a similar effect when I firstly tried astragalus extract but my body got used to it after a while. But I have never had kidney pain before.
I can feel it as I am writing right now.
One thing to add though I was prescribed antibiodics for 5 days that was when I wasn't taking C60 because I had a gum infection. I have been "clean" from the antibiodics for 2 days and thought to give C60 another try.
But then again I had the same results even before I had been prescribed with the antibiotics so I think I can exclude that from the equation.

PS. Yes it was from a commercial supplier.

Edited by Andre69, 22 May 2013 - 01:48 AM.

#2246 solarfingers

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:29 AM

I think you handled it well Andre69. You got off of it an tried it again later. I sounds like you were definitely experiencing some negative side affects. The antioxidant properties could give you an ill feeling at first and I have read that some have experienced higher blood pressure with c60. I personally wouldn't take it if the symptoms persisted.

#2247 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:36 AM

Hi, I wanted to report some of my experiences that I had with C60.
First of all I can not say that I had any positive effects as of now.In fact I had rather negative effects and feel better when am off it. I haven't even managed to go through the fisrt week of my experimentation because my symptoms kept persisting.
Foggy head, light dizziness and felt as if my body was responding to a toxin. One night especially, when I tried a higher dose 3mg (double the usual one) I couldn't sleep properly and the next morning I found a burst blood vessel in my eye. :|o
Apart from that I experienced a dull pain on my right side below my thorax, I suppose the kidney. The pain was nothing too bad but still annoying enough to wonder what the hell is going on. So I decided to quit everything and see if things improve. Which it did! I had no more brain fogg or pain in the kidney area.

So on I go and try another dose of 3mg today after a week beeing off C60 and almost immediately after dosage I started feeling changes like if I was intoxicated. So I went to sleep for an hour since my head was not that clear hoping for the effect to settle.
After I woke up my eyes where burning and when I checked in the mirror there was another burst blood vessel that was not there before. (On the on the same eye as before. The other eye, the left one, looked normal.)
To no surprise the pain in the kidney area returned and with this I have reassured myself that C60 is not good for me. I had some muscle twitching around my body as well but that may be unrelated as I hadn't experienced it the first time I took C60.
After completely stopping from C60 it took about a week to recover fully and after taking one single dose showed me that the symptoms that I am experiencing are linked with C60 or atleast with the C60 oo I am taking.
Am considering stopping C60. I haven't even managed to go through half of the bottle. :unsure:
Is this a hormetic response? I hope so.

I hope I could help people thinking to try out C60 to make up their minds. And also look forward to people already taking C60 to compare their symptoms/effects to mine! :)

Is this diy or a C60 product? Do you know the source of the C60? Some has been shown to be close in composition to chimney soot. Do you or your family have any medical conditions? What's your ethnic background like? Any past or present bad/good/neutral habits? Do you work out? Sedentary?

Can we come together on this and determine what's likely to be causing it?

#2248 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:45 AM

No. Not really. The fogginess reminds me of piracetam..tried that for a day and I didnt like it. The burning eyes never really only when am sleep deprived.
I had some elevated blood pressure and sleepless nights with some green tea extract and changed to taking decaffeinated green tea which solved the problem. I had a similar effect when I firstly tried astragalus extract but my body got used to it after a while. But I have never had kidney pain before.
I can feel it as I am writing right now.
One thing to add though I was prescribed antibiodics for 5 days that was when I wasn't taking C60 because I had a gum infection. I have been "clean" from the antibiodics for 2 days and thought to give C60 another try.
But then again I had the same results even before I had been prescribed with the antibiotics so I think I can exclude that from the equation.

PS. Yes it was from a commercial supplier.

I broke a blood vessel in my eye once and had burny eyes when I took too much DHEA. Another user (female) with known hormone problems may have been experiencing similar issues with foods linked to the same hormone cascade. It seemed to some that the issue was with her eating raw onions, though it seemed to me like she did this frequently and would have known a difference. I've sliced onions and had burny eyes from that and it didn't persist more than a few minutes after doing the cutting. My mother always freezes them before she cuts them to avoid the burny eyes. Maybe we should look at this again? It may have been a prolonged effect. You're a male?

#2249 free10

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 06:36 AM

I am going suggest the burning eyes is coming from the olive oil getting on the hands when we take it and then getting our fingers/hands around our eyes. I had a bad problem with it until I figured that out and started washing my hands afterwards or when I noticed my eyes burning. If it was on my hands and I wiped say the corner of my eyes it got worse, but didn't if I did the same after getting the oil off.

Now one effect I did notice with TA65 and olive oil after a period of taking them was a possible tiredness or sleepiness after taking them and maybe an increase arthritis/immune reaction like say TNF was rising in me. For many that would be good but if already running hotter than normal, because of something like arthritis then maybe not so good.

If seems anything that seems to help make me more energetic where I can do more such as TA65 or C60 zooms my blood pressure up. Recently to try and stop the sleep attacks I started taking some Sunifram and noopept. Those were miracles and seem to reverse my age 20 years in days but then I noticed my blood pressure went through the roof (184/115) but I felt excellent. Weird how helpful things seem to zoom the blood pressure on certain people. I know on the TA65 Parks has said this happens with some at first, and then later it drops usually lower than when they started after taking it longer. Just my comments on all this.

#2250 Turnbuckle

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:20 AM

No. Not really. The fogginess reminds me of piracetam..tried that for a day and I didnt like it. The burning eyes never really only when am sleep deprived.
I had some elevated blood pressure and sleepless nights with some green tea extract and changed to taking decaffeinated green tea which solved the problem. I had a similar effect when I firstly tried astragalus extract but my body got used to it after a while. But I have never had kidney pain before.
I can feel it as I am writing right now.
One thing to add though I was prescribed antibiodics for 5 days that was when I wasn't taking C60 because I had a gum infection. I have been "clean" from the antibiodics for 2 days and thought to give C60 another try.
But then again I had the same results even before I had been prescribed with the antibiotics so I think I can exclude that from the equation.

PS. Yes it was from a commercial supplier.

One user reported that he'd experienced "derealization, disorientation, and cognitive impairments symptoms," after taking C60 and going out in the sun. Since he'd taken fluoroquinolones and had similar symptoms, he thought perhaps that C60 was potentiating the effects. He hadn't taken fluoroquinoloines in a long time, but believed it could stay in your system for years. In any case, I'd stop taking C60 immediately. Esp. as you are under 30. If you're taking it with the idea of potentially living longer, you have many years before you need to take it, in which time many others will check it out for you and any problems will come to light.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 22 May 2013 - 11:33 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs

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