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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#2251 Andre69

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:56 AM

Am male just turned 23 and have no health issues what so ever. Am just looking forward to keep my health as long as possible by taking care of my "vehicle".
I don't believe that it has another cause since immediately after taking C60 I felt the change. Also I have to add that the longer you keep the oil in your mouth before swallowing the faster you feel that dizziness.
It may well have interacted with anything I take or in my diet but I doubt it. I have read somewhere that there was a company researching for fullerenes and stopped after finding out that it caused kidney damage. Even though some articles suggest beneficial effects.
I have also read from someone else that he had actually even worse symptoms than I did. He was claiming that he was urinating blood. Well am glad I stopped sooner rather than later.
I will post the link as soon as I find it again.
The C60 I was using was from a commercial supplier.


Edited by Andre69, 22 May 2013 - 12:10 PM.

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#2252 niner

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:15 PM

I don't believe that it has another cause since immediately after taking C60 I felt the change. Also I have to add that the longer you keep the oil in your mouth before swallowing the faster you feel that dizziness.
It may well have interacted with anything I take or in my diet but I doubt it. I have read somewhere that there was a company researching for fullerenes and stopped after finding out that it caused kidney damage. Even though some articles suggest beneficial effects.
I have also read from someone else that he had actually even worse symptoms than I did. He was claiming that he was urinating blood. Well am glad I stopped sooner rather than later.
I will post the link as soon as I find it again.

This sounds like an allergic reaction- just a thought. I'd like to read about the kidney damage report. This was probably not c60-oo, though, so may not be comparable. The urinating blood report sounds like it might have been one of our schizophrenic users. I'd love to see a link to that one too, as I don't recall it, and I keep pretty close tabs on all things c60-related here.

I have read that some have experienced higher blood pressure with c60.

Do you have a link to that? I'd like to follow it up.

Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#2253 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:48 PM

Am male just turned 23 and have no health issues what so ever. Am just looking forward to keep my health as long as possible by taking care of my "vehicle".
I don't believe that it has another cause since immediately after taking C60 I felt the change. Also I have to add that the longer you keep the oil in your mouth before swallowing the faster you feel that dizziness.
It may well have interacted with anything I take or in my diet but I doubt it. I have read somewhere that there was a company researching for fullerenes and stopped after finding out that it caused kidney damage. Even though some articles suggest beneficial effects.
I have also read from someone else that he had actually even worse symptoms than I did. He was claiming that he was urinating blood. Well am glad I stopped sooner rather than later.
I will post the link as soon as I find it again.
The C60 I was using was from a commercial supplier.


Is it possible you have a kidney stone and that C60 could be making it loosen up somehow? I've read that kidney stones can cause blood in urine. Not sure how the one poster's urine became black. Iron oxides maybe? Is there enough C60 in a dose to do that? Would that be possible? Chemists? What about mycotoxins? We know there was one bottle that developed a mold and it was from the same company that the poster purchased his from.

I don't believe that it has another cause since immediately after taking C60 I felt the change. Also I have to add that the longer you keep the oil in your mouth before swallowing the faster you feel that dizziness.
It may well have interacted with anything I take or in my diet but I doubt it. I have read somewhere that there was a company researching for fullerenes and stopped after finding out that it caused kidney damage. Even though some articles suggest beneficial effects.
I have also read from someone else that he had actually even worse symptoms than I did. He was claiming that he was urinating blood. Well am glad I stopped sooner rather than later.
I will post the link as soon as I find it again.

This sounds like an allergic reaction- just a thought. I'd like to read about the kidney damage report. This was probably not c60-oo, though, so may not be comparable. The urinating blood report sounds like it might have been one of our schizophrenic users. I'd love to see a link to that one too, as I don't recall it, and I keep pretty close tabs on all things c60-related here.

I have read that some have experienced higher blood pressure with c60.

Do you have a link to that? I'd like to follow it up.

Schizo chemistry varies does it not? How might the change in their chemistry contribute to possible side effects? They should tell us something about the disease should they not?

From Reddi Post:

"I don't mean this to sound bad but..... I cannot really tell what you are saying.. honestly. I think I should tell the story from the beginning... I got a bottle of sarah c60, took a drop, my tongue began to feel numb, my head began to spin, felt sick. I haven't experienced any "good" side effects from c60 and may have severely damaged my kidneys(there was blood in my urine). you would think that If this shit actually made mice live longer it would be huge, well it isn't, and probably dosnt make mice live forever. and to top it all off, I have actually become worse at a lot of things, so my situation isn't looking to bright right now. If you are upset because it isn't the panacea you expected, don't take it out on me, 90% of the people on longecity probably would agree you shouldn't take c60. the only benefit that people apparently take it for is less muscle pain, really there are no other benefits, its not nootropic. If you look it up a little bit on longecity, there are other reports of kidney problems, so its a general consensus. I don't really feel the need to "back it up" with any "reputable" studies because there really are none on humans in case that wasn't apparent. My kidneys fucking hurt, I feel like something has been removed from my brain, and I feel like shit. why are you arguing with me, you are not the one who is pissing blood."

Going to put a drop of regular EVOO on my tongue to see what happens... IIRC, it's not a pleasant experience... but I'll see if some of it isn't contributing to what's going on here...

Edited by cryonicsculture, 22 May 2013 - 12:51 PM.

#2254 solarfingers

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:03 PM

I was able to purchase my c60 today! Huray!

Prod Code Name Quantity Unit $ Total $

309 Carbon 60, 99.9+ %, pur... 1 $60.00 $60.00

Shipping: $14.30
Total: $74.30

Thank you for your order!!

#2255 zorba990

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:51 PM

Is there any reason that the kidneys would have a hard time filtering out c60? It seems like some of these reports are false positives. One drop? How would that do much of anything?

#2256 Turnbuckle

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:56 PM

Is there any reason that the kidneys would have a hard time filtering out c60? It seems like some of these reports are false positives. One drop? How would that do much of anything?

C60 is excreted in the bile, not by the kidneys.

#2257 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 22 May 2013 - 06:03 PM

Is there any reason that the kidneys would have a hard time filtering out c60? It seems like some of these reports are false positives. One drop? How would that do much of anything?

I think we should take them seriously and figure out what's happening. Otherwise, there could be a group of people who wouldn't be able to benefit from C60... Or they could be experiencing the long term effects earlier than everyone else because of a particular weakness. It could be serious stuff and could be counter productive to our goal of life extension.

Is there any reason that the kidneys would have a hard time filtering out c60? It seems like some of these reports are false positives. One drop? How would that do much of anything?

C60 is excreted in the bile, not by the kidneys.

Do we know how much? It could be excreted through the kidneys also for all we know. Is there anything to suggest that it normally wouldn't come out in the urine? What would be wrong with someone who is processing it in the kidney rather than the liver if that is the case?

#2258 solarfingers

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 06:40 PM

Is there any reason that the kidneys would have a hard time filtering out c60? It seems like some of these reports are false positives. One drop? How would that do much of anything?

C60 is excreted in the bile, not by the kidneys.

The Baali study showed that no c60 accumulated in the kidneys nor was it passed that way. Is there some evidential data that suggests otherwise?

#2259 zorba990

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 06:42 PM

Is there any reason that the kidneys would have a hard time filtering out c60? It seems like some of these reports are false positives. One drop? How would that do much of anything?

C60 is excreted in the bile, not by the kidneys.

Why so? Once it is in the cell membrane and then released when the cell dies wouldnt it be in the free form?

#2260 solarfingers

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:12 PM

It is expected that once a cell replicates itself that the c60 should be transfered from cell to cell... Am I incorrect in this assumption? I would think that it will attach itself to the cell DNA and only pass if it does not find a chemical bond. The only reason I can see this not being the case is it would be scavaging free radicals and then cary them away in the bile...

#2261 zorba990

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:37 PM

It is expected that once a cell replicates itself that the c60 should be transfered from cell to cell... Am I incorrect in this assumption? I would think that it will attach itself to the cell DNA and only pass if it does not find a chemical bond. The only reason I can see this not being the case is it would be scavaging free radicals and then cary them away in the bile...

In your first case how would it ever leave? What happens when its shell is completely full and it has no more reduction capacity? Does it then drop out of the membrane? What evidence is there for it attaching to dna which would require it getting way deeper in the cell. I only see evidence of this with water soluble free c60

Edited by zorba990, 22 May 2013 - 07:53 PM.

#2262 solarfingers

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:19 PM

Perhaps, I am only sharing my thoughts. Does anyone really know what's happening? If a cell divides it could be that the c60 may not always be picked up by the resulting cells but catch a ride with a free radical. The c60 does have to get into the cell somehow if we are anticipating it is affecting the mitochondria.

#2263 niner

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:48 PM

Guys, I recognize the "pissing blood" guy from reddit. He is psychotic, and has a history of spewing scary-sounding stuff. It's a non-problem.
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#2264 niner

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:56 PM

It is expected that once a cell replicates itself that the c60 should be transfered from cell to cell... Am I incorrect in this assumption? I would think that it will attach itself to the cell DNA and only pass if it does not find a chemical bond. The only reason I can see this not being the case is it would be scavaging free radicals and then cary them away in the bile...

In your first case how would it ever leave? What happens when its shell is completely full and it has no more reduction capacity? Does it then drop out of the membrane? What evidence is there for it attaching to dna which would require it getting way deeper in the cell. I only see evidence of this with water soluble free c60

It is HIGHLY unlikely that c60-oo attaches to DNA in any way. It's reasonable that it would be shared when a cell divides, or when mitochondria divide or are re-formed. It doesn't carry free radicals away; rather it stabilizes them momentarily until they can react in a more benign fashion. C60 shouldn't fill up or wear out. It's more like a catalyst that can be used over and over again.

#2265 solarfingers

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:08 PM

Niner, Are there any studies that implicate c60-oo in any cellular activity? It is clear that it does stay in the system for some time (10 days according to the Baai study). The question remians how much doesn't get expelled? They suggest it does because they can't find any effect on organs. I didn't see any mention of them looking at individual cells however. The best role they could play is to provide a link for broken DNA that caps them off and prevents them from attracting other broken strands to create monsters...


#2266 Johnny B

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:09 PM

I just got 3 bottles of c60 oo from Vaughter. Is there a consensus on how best to take this?

Should you wait X min to drink or eat?
Should it be on an empty stomach?

Because some have had a bad first day, should you ramp up slowly?

I'm 58 and in good health. I have a persistent life-long cough. And I'm 50lbs over weight. I do 10 min of pace (interval training) and take a 30 min walk several times a week. And I take a lot of supplements - like Ubiquinol, TA65, fish oil, vit D, resveratrol, Omega Sun, . . . about 20 others.

#2267 Logic

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:10 PM

No. Not really. The fogginess reminds me of piracetam..tried that for a day and I didnt like it. The burning eyes never really only when am sleep deprived.
I had some elevated blood pressure and sleepless nights with some green tea extract and changed to taking decaffeinated green tea which solved the problem. I had a similar effect when I firstly tried astragalus extract but my body got used to it after a while. But I have never had kidney pain before.
I can feel it as I am writing right now.
One thing to add though I was prescribed antibiodics for 5 days that was when I wasn't taking C60 because I had a gum infection. I have been "clean" from the antibiodics for 2 days and thought to give C60 another try.
But then again I had the same results even before I had been prescribed with the antibiotics so I think I can exclude that from the equation.

PS. Yes it was from a commercial supplier.

Was the 'Commercial Supplier' United Nuclear who use a 'superior manufacturing process' and who's 'partner lab has recently completed a duplicate experiment on 8 rats with superior results' even though there has not been enough time to do such an experiment?
The same place that sells 'radioactive ore'??

Because Reddit/nootropics here:
is where I have seen very disturbing reports of similar bad experiences and found the advert to United Nuclear??!

Edited by Logic, 22 May 2013 - 11:14 PM.

#2268 niner

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:55 PM

Are there any studies that implicate c60-oo in any cellular activity? It is clear that it does stay in the system for some time (10 days according to the Baai study). The question remians how much doesn't get expelled? They suggest it does because they can't find any effect on organs. I didn't see any mention of them looking at individual cells however. The best role they could play is to provide a link for broken DNA that caps them off and prevents them from attracting other broken strands to create monsters...

I'd love to see some good in vitro work (cells in a dish) that might help us figure out the mechanistic details of c60-oo action. It's a little complicated, since the olive oil would need to be hydrolyzed into its component fatty acid and glycerol parts first. As far as I know, nothing has been reported yet. It appears that c60-oo is active at extremely low concentrations, and Baati et al. probably didn't have the instrumentation they would need to evaluate c60-ll at those levels. I doubt that c60-oo has any interactions with DNA, but it might slow telomere loss by reducing oxidative stress.

Preventing monster creation does sound like a plus...

Because Reddit/nootropics here:
is where I have seen very disturbing reports of similar bad experiences and found the advert to United Nuclear??!

As I mentioned in a different thread, I recognized the poster on reddit as one of our posters who suffers from a schizophrenic condition and often posts things that don't correspond to reality. You can safely ignore it.

#2269 Logic

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 12:10 AM

Because Reddit/nootropics here:
is where I have seen very disturbing reports of similar bad experiences and found the advert to United Nuclear??!

As I mentioned in a different thread, I recognized the poster on reddit as one of our posters who suffers from a schizophrenic condition and often posts things that don't correspond to reality. You can safely ignore it.

Ah thx Niner.
However; anyone selling what they claim is C60oo, but makes the claims that United Nuclier does should be treated with extreme suspicion!
IMHO they need to be checked out and their product checked for the sake of everyone taking C60oo.

The reason I think it may be crap:
"...Our partner lab recently completed a duplicate experiment involving 8 rats. We were able to produce superior results with very minor changes in the manufacturing process of the material. The amount of Fullerene-60 remains the same, just the manufacturing process was altered. All the F-60 product we now sell is produced in this manner. Our F-60 is manufactured under strict quality control, produced by us, right here in the USA..."

Does anybody know this product or the company making it?

#2270 niner

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 01:10 AM

...anyone selling what they claim is C60oo, but makes the claims that United Nuclier does should be treated with extreme suspicion!
IMHO they need to be checked out and their product checked for the sake of everyone taking C60oo.

The reason I think it may be crap:
"...Our partner lab recently completed a duplicate experiment involving 8 rats. We were able to produce superior results with very minor changes in the manufacturing process of the material. The amount of Fullerene-60 remains the same, just the manufacturing process was altered. All the F-60 product we now sell is produced in this manner. Our F-60 is manufactured under strict quality control, produced by us, right here in the USA..."

Does anybody know this product or the company making it?

That's a pretty vague statement they make- It's not even clear that "We were able to produce..." refers to the previous sentence. I don't know how you can "complete" a 4 year experiment in a year though. I wouldn't dismiss them on the basis of selling a lot of weird science stuff. Anyone with a modicum of lab equipment can make c60-oo. It's mainly a question of what purity c60 they use and the cleanliness of their manufacturing procedure. I'm pretty sure this company has been around for a while, so the guy is something of a known quantity, although I don't know him.
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#2271 Logic

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 09:16 AM

That's a pretty vague statement they make- It's not even clear that "We were able to produce..." refers to the previous sentence. I don't know how you can "complete" a 4 year experiment in a year though. I wouldn't dismiss them on the basis of selling a lot of weird science stuff. Anyone with a modicum of lab equipment can make c60-oo. It's mainly a question of what purity c60 they use and the cleanliness of their manufacturing procedure. I'm pretty sure this company has been around for a while, so the guy is something of a known quantity, although I don't know him.

That's exactly my point from post #2267.
There just hasn't been sufficient time to complete a similar experiment since Baati published, so lies, right there in the advert.

Also WHAT 'changes in the manufacturing process'??!

#2272 Turnbuckle

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 10:12 AM

That's a pretty vague statement they make- It's not even clear that "We were able to produce..." refers to the previous sentence. I don't know how you can "complete" a 4 year experiment in a year though. I wouldn't dismiss them on the basis of selling a lot of weird science stuff. Anyone with a modicum of lab equipment can make c60-oo. It's mainly a question of what purity c60 they use and the cleanliness of their manufacturing procedure. I'm pretty sure this company has been around for a while, so the guy is something of a known quantity, although I don't know him.

That's exactly my point from post #2267.
There just hasn't been sufficient time to complete a similar experiment since Baati published, so lies, right there in the advert.

Also WHAT 'changes in the manufacturing process'??!

It's not necessarily a lie. The "superior results" could be anything from faster solution of the C60 to better liver protection in rats.

#2273 Logic

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 12:06 PM

It's not necessarily a lie. The "superior results" could be anything from faster solution of the C60 to better liver protection in rats.

You have a point Turnbuckle.
Its best to be diplomatic and impartial until we know more.

Perhaps a good number of us should Email the person to motivate him/her to join the conversation here?

#2274 Andre69

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 12:12 PM

No. Not really. The fogginess reminds me of piracetam..tried that for a day and I didnt like it. The burning eyes never really only when am sleep deprived.
I had some elevated blood pressure and sleepless nights with some green tea extract and changed to taking decaffeinated green tea which solved the problem. I had a similar effect when I firstly tried astragalus extract but my body got used to it after a while. But I have never had kidney pain before.
I can feel it as I am writing right now.
One thing to add though I was prescribed antibiodics for 5 days that was when I wasn't taking C60 because I had a gum infection. I have been "clean" from the antibiodics for 2 days and thought to give C60 another try.
But then again I had the same results even before I had been prescribed with the antibiotics so I think I can exclude that from the equation.

PS. Yes it was from a commercial supplier.

Was the 'Commercial Supplier' United Nuclear who use a 'superior manufacturing process' and who's 'partner lab has recently completed a duplicate experiment on 8 rats with superior results' even though there has not been enough time to do such an experiment?
The same place that sells 'radioactive ore'??

Because Reddit/nootropics here:
is where I have seen very disturbing reports of similar bad experiences and found the advert to United Nuclear??!

Nope. The C60 I bought was from Sarah. I am wondering if C60 that did not dissolve into smaller crystals could cause such symptoms. Studies suggest that bigger clumps of C60 could possibly hinder cell processes. I would also like to comment on the colour of my C60 which has a light purple brown colour an obvious characteristic of bigger C60 molecules being present or it may just be the result of C60's purple colour with the green colour of EVOO?

Anyhow its now the second day off C60 and I feel great compared to when I was taking it. I still have a very slight burning sensation on my eyes and I feel the dull pain from time to time on my right side just below the liver. I don't know if that is the kidney or not. The fogginess I was talking is getting less and my cognitive function is on its way back to normal.
Muscle twitching got alot less too.

If water went into the bottle of C60 could that cause any chemical changes? and what if the bottle was exposed to daylight? Would that be enough for C60 to turn toxic?

#2275 Marty D

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 12:12 PM

unitednuclear.com is owned by Bob Lazar. Bob Lazar is known for his claims to have seen alien spaceships at Area 51 while working there as a government employee. Even Stanton Friedman doubts his story and his credibitlity is highly in doubt. Wikipedia has a bio; https://en.wikipedia.../wiki/Bob_Lazar

That is not to say his concepts aren't extremely cool, but taken with a grain of salt.

C60oo is graduated from cutting edge to conspiracy theory.
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#2276 Turnbuckle

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 01:40 PM

unitednuclear.com is owned by Bob Lazar. Bob Lazar is known for his claims to have seen alien spaceships at Area 51 while working there as a government employee. Even Stanton Friedman doubts his story and his credibitlity is highly in doubt. Wikipedia has a bio; https://en.wikipedia.../wiki/Bob_Lazar

That is not to say his concepts aren't extremely cool, but taken with a grain of salt.

C60oo is graduated from cutting edge to conspiracy theory.

He's really missing a bet by not tying in C60 with government alien research. After all, how else do aliens live long enough to get from star to star? Why, folks, it's this alien concoction that makes em immortal! And the government doesn't want you to have it because social security payments would bankrupt the country.

#2277 Marty D

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 02:09 PM

He's really missing a bet by not tying in C60 with government alien research. After all, how else do aliens live long enough to get from star to star? Why, folks, it's this alien concoction that makes em immortal! And the government doesn't want you to have it because social security payments would bankrupt the country.


The dispersion of information begins with the extreme indivual. But, really, would it be so difficult to get a proof reader to take a look at his prose. It's kind of like he isn't even trying anymore.
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#2278 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 23 May 2013 - 03:00 PM

Guys, I recognize the "pissing blood" guy from reddit. He is psychotic, and has a history of spewing scary-sounding stuff. It's a non-problem.

Still, why would he say stuff like this? Is he actually bleeding internally or is he trying to interfere with life extensionists for some reason?

#2279 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 23 May 2013 - 03:06 PM

I just got 3 bottles of c60 oo from Vaughter. Is there a consensus on how best to take this?

Should you wait X min to drink or eat?
Should it be on an empty stomach?

Because some have had a bad first day, should you ramp up slowly?

I'm 58 and in good health. I have a persistent life-long cough. And I'm 50lbs over weight. I do 10 min of pace (interval training) and take a 30 min walk several times a week. And I take a lot of supplements - like Ubiquinol, TA65, fish oil, vit D, resveratrol, Omega Sun, . . . about 20 others.

Before you take it, you should look at this thread:

There's a great opportunity to be a part of the research effort to find and exploit new vectors for anti-aging. Did you do any tests for the TA-65? We're also wondering if C60 slows the rate of shortening which would result in even longer telo's for someone taking TA-65. Please do read the topic.

#2280 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 23 May 2013 - 03:36 PM

Because Reddit/nootropics here:
is where I have seen very disturbing reports of similar bad experiences and found the advert to United Nuclear??!

As I mentioned in a different thread, I recognized the poster on reddit as one of our posters who suffers from a schizophrenic condition and often posts things that don't correspond to reality. You can safely ignore it.

Ah thx Niner.
However; anyone selling what they claim is C60oo, but makes the claims that United Nuclier does should be treated with extreme suspicion!
IMHO they need to be checked out and their product checked for the sake of everyone taking C60oo.

The reason I think it may be crap:
"...Our partner lab recently completed a duplicate experiment involving 8 rats. We were able to produce superior results with very minor changes in the manufacturing process of the material. The amount of Fullerene-60 remains the same, just the manufacturing process was altered. All the F-60 product we now sell is produced in this manner. Our F-60 is manufactured under strict quality control, produced by us, right here in the USA..."

Does anybody know this product or the company making it?

They sell radioactive "toys." Kinda scary, but maybe they're talking about the part of Baati study where they exposed the rats to CCL4? Perhaps they had better results on that part? They are a nuclear company that would be interested in that property of C60. Still I'd like to see a link so we know what they're talking about...

...anyone selling what they claim is C60oo, but makes the claims that United Nuclier does should be treated with extreme suspicion!
IMHO they need to be checked out and their product checked for the sake of everyone taking C60oo.

The reason I think it may be crap:
"...Our partner lab recently completed a duplicate experiment involving 8 rats. We were able to produce superior results with very minor changes in the manufacturing process of the material. The amount of Fullerene-60 remains the same, just the manufacturing process was altered. All the F-60 product we now sell is produced in this manner. Our F-60 is manufactured under strict quality control, produced by us, right here in the USA..."

Does anybody know this product or the company making it?

That's a pretty vague statement they make- It's not even clear that "We were able to produce..." refers to the previous sentence. I don't know how you can "complete" a 4 year experiment in a year though. I wouldn't dismiss them on the basis of selling a lot of weird science stuff. Anyone with a modicum of lab equipment can make c60-oo. It's mainly a question of what purity c60 they use and the cleanliness of their manufacturing procedure. I'm pretty sure this company has been around for a while, so the guy is something of a known quantity, although I don't know him.

Lightly irradiated work surfaces for cleanliness?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs

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