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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#2701 thedarkbobo

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Posted 19 April 2014 - 07:12 PM


My only concern about C60 is that I appear to have become dependent on it.   Has anybody else experienced a sense of dependency on C60? 





I did, although I started taking it 5 days ago, after first dose I felt huge urge to take more. I ended up taking 2,25 and 1,5 ml[so total <4ml and its still working] during 2 days and then stopped. Waiting for it to wear off to see the difference [and if I can live without it] again.

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#2702 mikey

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 12:58 AM

I'm 77 and have been taking taking C60oo for six weeks.  I started at a rate of 15mg every two weeks but am switching to 15mg every 10-12 days because the effect appears to wear off at about that time.  When the effect is wearing off I experience energy loss, back pain, and my life becomes less pleasant.  All of which vanish within an hour of taking another dose.


Overall I have nothing novel to report.  My experience with exercise and conditioning, energy level, sense of wellbeing, etc., has been similar to that most posters have reported.


My sexual activity has continued to be good for my age but with no change.


There has been no change in baldness, turkey neck, or wrinkles. :-)


My only concern about C60 is that I appear to have become dependent on it.   Has anybody else experienced a sense of dependency on C60? 





I haven't noticed dependency on it, but then I've taken 7 mg every morning since early August, 2012, except for one week when I ran out.


The only problem I have with C60oo is that it takes many more times as much alcohol to get the warm, happy feeling of alcohol, so basically it kills that effect, unless I drink much more than I think is healthy.


After not having it for four days alcohol started working as what I consider to be normal for me. A couple of glasses of wine or two shots of vodka feels just right. 


When I resumed taking C60oo it once again reduced the effects of alcohol.


There is a difference between being dependent on it and missing the extra benefits derived from it.


Dependence equates more to what happens with addictive substances, like heroin or alprazolam.


So, if it simply improves one's life, it's additive rather than creating a dependency.


As to wrinkles, six weeks doesn't appear to me to to be long enough to notice the improvements in skin tone that are possible with C60oo. 


It seems more like it was quite noticeable after several months, but others may have different impressions.


I assume that factors involved are age, dosage and how much damage elastin and collagen in skin have suffered during one's life.


I definitely think that C60oo's extremely potent antioxidant effect allows skin to regenerate in a way that nothing else has done, at least for me.


Thank you for your post. Because of it I am going to try taking 15 mg and see if I notice something beyond what I notice from 7 mg/day.

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#2703 mikey

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 01:13 AM


Just a reminder. The up and down voting arrows are for a post's content rather than to show your opinion. If you've been voting based on opinions, please stop.


I honestly wish you good luck with that. This forum (and nearly every forum everywhere) has a long history of people getting down voted based on opinion.



BTW, niner, thank you for trying.


But trying to get human animals not to be emotional and impulsively slam someone with a "different" opinion is like trying to the Tea Party to admit that "Obamacare"has made 8 million people's lives less stressful.

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#2704 niner

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 02:03 AM

My only concern about C60 is that I appear to have become dependent on it.   Has anybody else experienced a sense of dependency on C60?

I'm not sure if "dependency" is the right word, but I don't want to go back to the way I used to be. I very much like the way c60 makes me feel, and there doesn't seem to be much downside to taking reasonable doses. For me, c60 is a medicine that fixes problems I couldn't fix any other way. It's also a performance enhancing drug. It makes me healthier and costs less than I spend on coffee. (A lot less, and I don't buy expensive coffee!) So why would I want to stop using it? Maybe that sounds like the alcoholic who says "I can quit any time I want. I just don't want to." Well, if this is dependency, that's cool. I hope I find some more things this good to be dependent on.
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#2705 mikey

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 02:43 AM


It is a risk as the might be epigenetic effects that affect one's offspring. I guess it would be prudent not to be on C60 if trying to conceive?




From the above it seems that C60oo may be a good idea for woman having trouble conceiving..!??



Interestingly, numerous antioxidants have been shown to improve fertility because they protect both eggs and sperm from reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have significant effects on reducing sperm and egg viability.


So, C60 might improve fertility, like other antioxidants do.


Vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, glutathione, N-acetyl L-cysteine, carotenoids, CoQ10, and carnitines, polyphenols...




Ascorbic acid and infertility treatment


Nutrient supplementation: improving male fertility fourfold.


The use of mitochondrial nutrients to improve the outcome of infertility treatment in older patients.


However, prudence does dictate caution.


C60 is so much more potent as an antioxidant than the typical antioxidants that have been shown to safely improve fertility that we can't know what effects it might have.


My only concern about C60 is that I appear to have become dependent on it.   Has anybody else experienced a sense of dependency on C60?

I'm not sure if "dependency" is the right word, but I don't want to go back to the way I used to be. I very much like the way c60 makes me feel, and there doesn't seem to be much downside to taking reasonable doses. For me, c60 is a medicine that fixes problems I couldn't fix any other way. It's also a performance enhancing drug. It makes me healthier and costs less than I spend on coffee. (A lot less, and I don't buy expensive coffee!) So why would I want to stop using it? Maybe that sounds like the alcoholic who says "I can quit any time I want. I just don't want to." Well, if this is dependency, that's cool. I hope I find some more things this good to be dependent on.




I'll drink to that!

#2706 mikey

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 05:09 AM

A good friend of mine just got diagnosed with liver cancer. I dont know what kind of treatment they will give him yet but I was thinking of buying a bottle of C60 for him. You guys dont think it would hurt him or i interfere with any treatments he would get do you? I was hoping it might help but I dont want to cause him any problems.


If you are still seeking answers, he might consider liposomal nutrients, as liposomal vitamin C was noted - and featured on a television news program - to have positively effected a man who was near death with swine flu and leukemia. He's alive and well.


Please view: http://www.michaelmo...CureCancer.html


Further, I have a friend who had a size 6 breast cancer tumor that had shrunk to a 2.5 the last time I spoke with her. She had been taking 6 grams of liposomal vitamin C/day, as a product called Lipo-spheric Vitamin C made by LivOn Labs for about six months. This is the same product that the man mentioned above took.

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#2707 TRUGAN

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:19 PM

do I need to wait a certain amount of time after drinking water before taking c60 or not drink for a while after taking? or will water not hurt at any time?

#2708 YOLF

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 11:55 PM

You could wait the usual 30 minutes if you wanted to, but it shouldn't hurt to drink water IMO. That's usually for sublingual things so you don't wash it out of your mouth where it won't continue to be absorbed. Lipids should get absorbed pretty quick and throughout the the stomach and intestines. Mine is an unqualified opinion though. I've taken other supplements promptly after taking C60 and still got the C60 effects. I'm using an enhanced regimen for higher C60 absorption that I came up with though.

#2709 Boris_Badenoff

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 11:59 PM

Hey CryonicsCulture, don't leave us hanging.  Please share, what is tour enhanced regimen for higher C60 absorption?

#2710 YOLF

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 12:02 AM

I'll let you know if I think it's working... I've got more research to do and if the formula/regimen works it would be a great patent for LC I'm thinking.

#2711 niner

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 12:48 AM

You can take c60 alone or with food, water, liquor, or whatever.  It won't matter.   Generally speaking, c60oo is well-absorbed and shouldn't need any special tricks.

#2712 TRUGAN

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 01:45 AM

Sorry...I should have been more specific. I was worried if it would be toxic if taken with water but apparently thats not a concern. Ive taken it a few times and always waited an hour before or after to drink water which kind of sucks. So far I havent noticed it do anything to me at all so I think I will switch from a weekly dose to a daily dose. The most Ive taken at one time is 7ml with absolutely no positive or negative side effects.

#2713 hav

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 10:24 AM

I doubt taking c60 mixed in evoo with water results in anything toxic.  I think water actually helps with digestion of oils.  There were some fish studies finding toxicity of hydrated c60 but it was later shown those studies were flawed by solvents used to transform c60 into water soluble compounds.


One class of things I'd avoid taking at the same time as c60 in evoo are those designed to impede digestion of fats and olis.  Dietary fiber like oat bran,  psyllium, chitosan, or glucomannan.  I understand that Vitamin C tends to make dietary fiber even more effective at removing lipids from the digestive tract.  It may go without saying, but if you take any cholesterol medications, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to wash them down with olive oil either.




#2714 Kenbar

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 12:48 AM

Hi folks, Just wanted to say my big rat has been taking C6oo for a week now. I have not noticed anything bad...or good. I am doing small amounts, maybe 1/4 dropper a day. Like every one here I am doing other things as well. "Product B"...and a similar one called "Imortalium"...drink a lot of carrot juice...a few other things. I was a little disapointed by the results of the member here who was kind enough to undertake and share the experimentation with his 3 pet mice. Makes me question the validity of the original report. I hope more tests come out soon to indicate something one way or another.

#2715 YOLF

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 01:43 AM

We're going to be doing a fundraiser for a project that will test the carcinogenicity of C60 very soon.  Be sure to keep an eye out for it. It's being done by a company in Syracuse NY.



#2716 niner

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 01:45 AM

Hi folks, Just wanted to say my big rat has been taking C6oo for a week now. I have not noticed anything bad...or good. I am doing small amounts, maybe 1/4 dropper a day. Like every one here I am doing other things as well. "Product B"...and a similar one called "Imortalium"...drink a lot of carrot juice...a few other things. I was a little disapointed by the results of the member here who was kind enough to undertake and share the experimentation with his 3 pet mice. Makes me question the validity of the original report. I hope more tests come out soon to indicate something one way or another.


A quarter dropper isn't all that much, Kenbar.  You probably want 0.5 to 1 mg/day, which can be taken at fairly long intervals, like 7mg once a week, for example, if you'd like.  AgeVivo's experiment with the three pet mice was not intended to replicate Baati.  We didn't precisely know the age of the animals, but are pretty sure they were started significantly later in their lifespan than Baati's rats.  That is likely to be a significant factor in rodent lifespan experiments.  Because there were no controls and ages were not precisely known, there isn't much we can take from it.  There are now some larger experiments in progress or being planned, so eventually we should get some good data. 


As for Prod. B and Imortalium, I'd skip them.

#2717 Kenbar

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:16 AM


Hi folks, Just wanted to say my big rat has been taking C6oo for a week now. I have not noticed anything bad...or good. I am doing small amounts, maybe 1/4 dropper a day. Like every one here I am doing other things as well. "Product B"...and a similar one called "Imortalium"...drink a lot of carrot juice...a few other things. I was a little disapointed by the results of the member here who was kind enough to undertake and share the experimentation with his 3 pet mice. Makes me question the validity of the original report. I hope more tests come out soon to indicate something one way or another.


A quarter dropper isn't all that much, Kenbar.  You probably want 0.5 to 1 mg/day, which can be taken at fairly long intervals, like 7mg once a week, for example, if you'd like.  AgeVivo's experiment with the three pet mice was not intended to replicate Baati.  We didn't precisely know the age of the animals, but are pretty sure they were started significantly later in their lifespan than Baati's rats.  That is likely to be a significant factor in rodent lifespan experiments.  Because there were no controls and ages were not precisely known, there isn't much we can take from it.  There are now some larger experiments in progress or being planned, so eventually we should get some good data. 


As for Prod. B and Imortalium, I'd skip them.



Lol...yea, I`m a bit of a chicken. But also, after the disappointing results with the 3 mice here, I am thinking a daily constant supply might yield a better result. And I am 57...slightly older kid, like the 3 mice were. Even if outstanding result were achieved with newborn mice...it would not help this big rat. I need good results from where I am going forward.


And my jury is out on the telomere "support" products...but TA-65 is to expensive for me. So for the moment I`m holding out some hope for these other products. It does seems like "product B" has had plenty of time to do mice studies (independent) to back up their claims. Makes me wonder if they are dragging their feet on purpose (poor results= poor/no profit)...so I`m loosing hope along those lines. I`ll keep up with them a bit longer...see if some studies are presented soon....

Edited by Kenbar, 04 June 2014 - 03:19 AM.

#2718 niner

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:46 AM

And my jury is out on the telomere "support" products...but TA-65 is to expensive for me. So for the moment I`m holding out some hope for these other products. It does seems like "product B" has had plenty of time to do mice studies (independent) to back up their claims. Makes me wonder if they are dragging their feet on purpose (poor results= poor/no profit)...so I`m loosing hope along those lines. I`ll keep up with them a bit longer...see if some studies are presented soon....

I don't expect any animal studies, at least not using oral dosing in the relative amounts that humans might use. The problem is that the ingredients of those products aren't sufficiently bioavailable to attain the levels needed to enhance telomerase activities in a human. (and probably not in rodents either)

#2719 Kenbar

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 02:20 PM


I don't expect any animal studies, at least not using oral dosing in the relative amounts that humans might use. The problem is that the ingredients of those products aren't sufficiently bioavailable to attain the levels needed to enhance telomerase activities in a human. (and probably not in rodents either)



Well that is very likely true. Perhaps another clue might be that they (or at least Product B) claims to have a mix in specific amounts/proportions needed to do the magic...some what of a secret. Yet they then tell folks they can take whatever other things with it they wish. That would seem to be in conflict with the secret "specific/proportions" claim, at least in my mind.


I`m not sure what I will do when these run out...if i will re-order. I do know that I am feeling pretty/very good...but I am doing so many different things...not sure what is doing it. Simple carrot juice seems to give me a good feeling (I drink like...half a glass a couple times a day)...I also drink blueberry, mango, and a green juice mix. All 4 I buy from my local Sam`s club.


Another issue I have is I also take a couple prescription drugs...meloxicam (for joint and back pain, and amitriptelin (not spelled right). The amitriptelin along with melatonin cause me to sleep solid for 8+ hours. Might be why I feel (and think I look) better...just plenty of deep sleep.


The C60oo is, in my mind, a long shot. The fact that the toxicity study found a 90% increase in life span...yet does not seem to be being followed up on by them...or others, in a rapid fashion gives me huge doubts about that study. Seems like folks and/or drug companies would be racing to double check/verify the results and improve the methods...and bring it/variants to market $$$$. Yet that is not what we see. And then there is the test by a member here...with less then stellar results...averaged out the 3 mice just lived more/less normal life spans, at least as far as we can tell.


C60oo does, from the reports here, improve endurance. But that is not what I`m after, not what I search for. I am continuing to take it on the hopes that when combined with other things it might offer an increase in life span. An enhancement so to speak. Or that further studies will back up the first. At the very least, so far, it does not appear to cause harm...perhaps just a money drain at worst.


Edited by Kenbar, 04 June 2014 - 02:27 PM.

#2720 niner

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 12:31 AM

The C60oo is, in my mind, a long shot. The fact that the toxicity study found a 90% increase in life span...yet does not seem to be being followed up on by them...or others, in a rapid fashion gives me huge doubts about that study. Seems like folks and/or drug companies would be racing to double check/verify the results and improve the methods...and bring it/variants to market $$$$. Yet that is not what we see. And then there is the test by a member here...with less then stellar results...averaged out the 3 mice just lived more/less normal life spans, at least as far as we can tell.

There are two lifespan studies in progress, with another about to start. Two more are under consideration, that I know of, so I wouldn't say there's no interest. This isn't really on the radar screen of the traditional pharmaceutical industry because "aging" isn't an indication that the FDA recognizes. (It would be nice if we could get that changed...) It's frustrating how long it takes to get a lifespan study together. It's harder than you might think, and it also takes a long time to get results. It would certainly be nice if there were a number of canned lifespan models in a variety of shorter lived species so we could more quickly and easily get data on a given substance, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that.
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#2721 Invariant

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 02:03 PM


The C60oo is, in my mind, a long shot. The fact that the toxicity study found a 90% increase in life span...yet does not seem to be being followed up on by them...or others, in a rapid fashion gives me huge doubts about that study. Seems like folks and/or drug companies would be racing to double check/verify the results and improve the methods...and bring it/variants to market $$$$. Yet that is not what we see. And then there is the test by a member here...with less then stellar results...averaged out the 3 mice just lived more/less normal life spans, at least as far as we can tell.

There are two lifespan studies in progress, with another about to start. Two more are under consideration, that I know of, so I wouldn't say there's no interest. This isn't really on the radar screen of the traditional pharmaceutical industry because "aging" isn't an indication that the FDA recognizes. (It would be nice if we could get that changed...) It's frustrating how long it takes to get a lifespan study together. It's harder than you might think, and it also takes a long time to get results. It would certainly be nice if there were a number of canned lifespan models in a variety of shorter lived species so we could more quickly and easily get data on a given substance, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that.


That's great news! Who is doing these studies, and how did you find out about it?

#2722 Kenbar

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 04:31 PM



The C60oo is, in my mind, a long shot. The fact that the toxicity study found a 90% increase in life span...yet does not seem to be being followed up on by them...or others, in a rapid fashion gives me huge doubts about that study. Seems like folks and/or drug companies would be racing to double check/verify the results and improve the methods...and bring it/variants to market $$$$. Yet that is not what we see. And then there is the test by a member here...with less then stellar results...averaged out the 3 mice just lived more/less normal life spans, at least as far as we can tell.

There are two lifespan studies in progress, with another about to start. Two more are under consideration, that I know of, so I wouldn't say there's no interest. This isn't really on the radar screen of the traditional pharmaceutical industry because "aging" isn't an indication that the FDA recognizes. (It would be nice if we could get that changed...) It's frustrating how long it takes to get a lifespan study together. It's harder than you might think, and it also takes a long time to get results. It would certainly be nice if there were a number of canned lifespan models in a variety of shorter lived species so we could more quickly and easily get data on a given substance, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that.


That's great news! Who is doing these studies, and how did you find out about it?



Indeed. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this, whether C60oo is mostly an endurance enhancer...or the far more important question, the one of interest here, if it extends life.


#2723 katzenjammer

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:33 PM

There is big money in disease. And there would be in a compound that a company could in one way or another monopolize. Buckyballs ain't "monopolize-able".

#2724 Kenbar

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 10:20 PM

There is big money in disease. And there would be in a compound that a company could in one way or another monopolize. Buckyballs ain't "monopolize-able".


I doubt that it would be ignored for long, if there is anything relevant in C60 it to begin with. And if there is I`m sure it could be improved on...patented blends...mixed with other compounds/drugs to increase efficiency/absorption and effects. I`m sure drug companies see the $$$$ danger in overlooking C60...they would/will/are not going be left out of the party...if there is one....


Again, for the moment, I question if the extended life results of the toxicity study are repeatable. I would have thought every university around the world would have jumped on repeating/confirming the study. Drug companies also, I would think, would spend the time to first repeat, then race to improve and patent various formulas.


For all I know some companies might be doing just that, right now...or...they may have already looked at it, know it is not  going to go anywhere, and are ignoring it....


Given the unusual nature of C60...I don`t think it will be treated as a vitamin or natural herb...think the FDA will treat it as a drug at some point down the road...if it proves to be anything more than a money wasting...experimental short lived fad, born on the backs of a single unrepeatable study.


I sure look forward to the results of the two ongoing studies the other member mentioned...as well as any the members here run...



#2725 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 05 June 2014 - 10:48 PM

There are a handful of supplement companies producing C60. There are even pharma companies looking to use it for other purposes by attaching molecules to the C60. These at the types of things that can be patented.

#2726 sthira

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 11:02 PM

There are a handful of supplement companies producing C60. There are even pharma companies looking to use it for other purposes by attaching molecules to the C60. These at the types of things that can be patented.

And I was surprised to see SES selling their own C60oo. SES clearly received enough retail orders of their raw material to see some value in selling their own mix. Anyone tried it?

#2727 smithx

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Posted 06 June 2014 - 02:34 AM


There are a handful of supplement companies producing C60. There are even pharma companies looking to use it for other purposes by attaching molecules to the C60. These at the types of things that can be patented.

And I was surprised to see SES selling their own C60oo. SES clearly received enough retail orders of their raw material to see some value in selling their own mix. Anyone tried it?



See this thread:


#2728 malbecman

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Posted 06 June 2014 - 06:42 PM

 I"m still surprised, however, that there haven't been any more academic based studies on lifespan.  Moussa's paper came out 2 years ago(!) now and no one has tried to replicate his findings in any organisms, at least as far I am aware of.......




The C60oo is, in my mind, a long shot. The fact that the toxicity study found a 90% increase in life span...yet does not seem to be being followed up on by them...or others, in a rapid fashion gives me huge doubts about that study. Seems like folks and/or drug companies would be racing to double check/verify the results and improve the methods...and bring it/variants to market $$$$. Yet that is not what we see. And then there is the test by a member here...with less then stellar results...averaged out the 3 mice just lived more/less normal life spans, at least as far as we can tell.

There are two lifespan studies in progress, with another about to start. Two more are under consideration, that I know of, so I wouldn't say there's no interest. This isn't really on the radar screen of the traditional pharmaceutical industry because "aging" isn't an indication that the FDA recognizes. (It would be nice if we could get that changed...) It's frustrating how long it takes to get a lifespan study together. It's harder than you might think, and it also takes a long time to get results. It would certainly be nice if there were a number of canned lifespan models in a variety of shorter lived species so we could more quickly and easily get data on a given substance, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that.



#2729 mikey

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Posted 07 June 2014 - 05:40 AM

A major university has a number of researchers doing C60 experiments. My former patent attorney is working with them - that's how I know.


We can assume that we will see some startlingly interesting events in C60's future, as the truth about it being perhaps the most potent, multi-use anti-aging molecule yet discovered becomes known by more people.


Hopefully, the FDA won't work to limit our access to C60, as is their history with molecules that can improve health enough to reduce the need for drugs, especially related to the drugs that treat the degenerative diseases of aging.

Edited by mikey, 07 June 2014 - 05:41 AM.

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#2730 Kenbar

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 03:48 AM

A major university has a number of researchers doing C60 experiments. My former patent attorney is working with them - that's how I know.


We can assume that we will see some startlingly interesting events in C60's future, as the truth about it being perhaps the most potent, multi-use anti-aging molecule yet discovered becomes known by more people.


Hopefully, the FDA won't work to limit our access to C60, as is their history with molecules that can improve health enough to reduce the need for drugs, especially related to the drugs that treat the degenerative diseases of aging.


Giuess I`m not as certain.There have only been, to my knowledge, 2 experiments ran regarding life extension. I tend to put more faith in the one run by our member who basically found no change in life span. I will be very pleasantly surprised if the 1st experiments life extension increase can be repeated/validated.


What history does the FDA have regarding molecules? Can you elaborate?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs

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