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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#2731 niner

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 04:04 AM


Giuess I`m not as certain.There have only been, to my knowledge, 2 experiments ran regarding life extension. I tend to put more faith in the one run by our member who basically found no change in life span. I will be very pleasantly surprised if the 1st experiments life extension increase can be repeated/validated.


Why would you put more faith in an experiment involving three petshop mice that were already fairly close to the end of their lives at the start of the experiment, with no controls, in a house with kids, compared to a controlled experiment with a defined strain in a professional animal facility?   I don't get it.  AgeVivo's experiment didn't find no change- there were no controls, so it is quite limited in what it can tell us.  It might be reasonable to say that starting pet shop mice at 18 months of age did not result in a spectacular increase in lifespan, but that is not the experiment Baati ran.

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#2732 niner

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 04:06 AM

A major university has a number of researchers doing C60 experiments. My former patent attorney is working with them - that's how I know.


We can assume that we will see some startlingly interesting events in C60's future, as the truth about it being perhaps the most potent, multi-use anti-aging molecule yet discovered becomes known by more people.



Can you say what university it is?  Are they looking at biological activities?  How many researchers are involved in it?

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#2733 Kenbar

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 04:34 AM



Giuess I`m not as certain.There have only been, to my knowledge, 2 experiments ran regarding life extension. I tend to put more faith in the one run by our member who basically found no change in life span. I will be very pleasantly surprised if the 1st experiments life extension increase can be repeated/validated.


Why would you put more faith in an experiment involving three petshop mice that were already fairly close to the end of their lives at the start of the experiment, with no controls, in a house with kids, compared to a controlled experiment with a defined strain in a professional animal facility?   I don't get it.  AgeVivo's experiment didn't find no change- there were no controls, so it is quite limited in what it can tell us.  It might be reasonable to say that starting pet shop mice at 18 months of age did not result in a spectacular increase in lifespan, but that is not the experiment Baati ran.



Humans, in real life, will not have controls, either C60 extends life or it does not. If the 3 mice had lived...say 20%~30% longer...that would have been promising...leading me to have confidence in the original 90% study/finding/claim. But they aged/lived only a normal life span...with cancers growing that are typical/normal, from what I understand, in mice. Now folks can wishfully and perhaps correctly say the mice already had cancers...but from what I read the longest lived ones were developing humped backs...a simple/normal sign of aged mice as one would expect...and beyond that, they were somewhat less active as they grew older...another sign of normal aging.


In the time it took for our member here to run his 3 mice test...the folks who ran the original test, and others, could have ran tests with hundreds of mice to verify such an shocking life extension claim. It appears they did not, at least as far as we/I know...

Edited by Kenbar, 08 June 2014 - 04:35 AM.

#2734 niner

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 02:38 PM

Humans, in real life, will not have controls, either C60 extends life or it does not. If the 3 mice had lived...say 20%~30% longer...that would have been promising...leading me to have confidence in the original 90% study/finding/claim. But they aged/lived only a normal life span...with cancers growing that are typical/normal, from what I understand, in mice. Now folks can wishfully and perhaps correctly say the mice already had cancers...but from what I read the longest lived ones were developing humped backs...a simple/normal sign of aged mice as one would expect...and beyond that, they were somewhat less active as they grew older...another sign of normal aging.

You don't know if they lived the same, longer, or shorter than they would have without treatment. In order to know that, there would have had to have been controls. Different strains of mice have different lifespans, so you can't compare these to lab strains. We really don't know how long they should have lived. C60oo isn't a miracle that stops aging- it's a potent compound that was reported to extend lives in Wistar rats. At the end of their much-lengthened lives, those rats were in pretty bad shape, so it's not like all aspects of aging came to a standstill. There are reports in the literature for different fullerene compounds that show smaller but significant life extension in mice and lower species. Just as different animals have different normal lifespans, the effect of c60oo will vary according to the species/strain, the age at which treatment is started, and possibly other factors yet to be determined.

In the time it took for our member here to run his 3 mice test...the folks who ran the original test, and others, could have ran tests with hundreds of mice to verify such an shocking life extension claim. It appears they did not, at least as far as we/I know...

That would have been nice... An actual repetition of Baati would have taken over three years, so had it started the day we learned of the result, it would still be in progress. A properly conducted lifespan experiment is difficult and expensive. More so than most people realize.
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#2735 mikey

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 11:00 PM


A major university has a number of researchers doing C60 experiments. My former patent attorney is working with them - that's how I know.


We can assume that we will see some startlingly interesting events in C60's future, as the truth about it being perhaps the most potent, multi-use anti-aging molecule yet discovered becomes known by more people.


Hopefully, the FDA won't work to limit our access to C60, as is their history with molecules that can improve health enough to reduce the need for drugs, especially related to the drugs that treat the degenerative diseases of aging.


Giuess I`m not as certain.There have only been, to my knowledge, 2 experiments ran regarding life extension. I tend to put more faith in the one run by our member who basically found no change in life span. I will be very pleasantly surprised if the 1st experiments life extension increase can be repeated/validated.


What history does the FDA have regarding molecules? Can you elaborate?



FDA banned research on DMSO in 1965 for specious reasons, that really amounted to it being one of the medical miracles of the 20th Century, alongside penicillin, but it wasn't patentable, so it presented very good competition to the medical/pharmaceutical industry. Since FDA is in bed with med/pharm they stopped DMSO's growing popularity. (One analysis showed that 52% of FDA administrators come from and go to pharma company jobs.)


There were over 300 studies on DMSO and over 10,000 patient records at that time showing potent anti-inflammatory, anti-pain and anti-swelling effects and applied regularly, over time, it increases soft tissue healing tremendously, as a transdermal agent, doing such extraordinary things as healing ligaments and tendons, when applied topically over the damaged area.


Its actions are well-known by vets, especially those that treat race horses.


FDA banned it, they said, because it might cause problems with the cornea - eyes.


This was based on DMSO being given to dogs, rabbits and pigs at something like 400 times a normal dose and experiencing mild changes in the cornea that caused mild near-sightedness.


This effect had never been seen in humans or any primate, and that kind of dose had never been given to a human.


But FDA used it as a way to ban the competition to their wife, the medical/pharmaceutical industry.


There is a recent rekindling of interest in DMSO, so we will likely be seeing more information about it.


DMSO was of so much interest to the world and the scientific community in the '60's that "60 Minutes" did three television stories on it.







So, if a non-patentable substance is found to have profound beneficial effects that maybe greatly reduce the need for drugs and surgery, meaning that it would cost the medical/pharmaceutical industry billions of dollars, FDA will likely try to find a way to ban it.


And I, as one of many here, have experienced profound improvements in several areas of health.


However, it's also quite possible that because big drug companies are working on patentable applications for fullerenes, as I am told they are doing at a major university by my former patent attorney, fullerene use and popularity will increase - and maybe access to it as a raw material can't be stopped. 


Right now US C60oo vendors are selling it "not for human consumption - for research purposes only," to avoid FDA restricting it as an "unapproved new drug." 


And unless there is documented harm caused by it they won't be able too jump on it. 

However, harm could happen if someone was taking one of the toxic forms.


If that happened and was publicized it is possible that FDA would use such an event to restrict ALL access to all fullerenes, just as speciously as they did with DMSO. 

#2736 mikey

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 11:23 PM


A major university has a number of researchers doing C60 experiments. My former patent attorney is working with them - that's how I know.


We can assume that we will see some startlingly interesting events in C60's future, as the truth about it being perhaps the most potent, multi-use anti-aging molecule yet discovered becomes known by more people.



Can you say what university it is?  Are they looking at biological activities?  How many researchers are involved in it?



I'm sorry but I'd rather not say. I called him about a potential C60 patent application and was surprised to find that he knew a lot about fullerenes, because of his work with the researchers. From what I gathered the researchers are looking at it from many different angles.


A major university has a number of researchers doing C60 experiments. My former patent attorney is working with them - that's how I know.


We can assume that we will see some startlingly interesting events in C60's future, as the truth about it being perhaps the most potent, multi-use anti-aging molecule yet discovered becomes known by more people.



Can you say what university it is?  Are they looking at biological activities?  How many researchers are involved in it?



I'm sorry but I'd rather not say. I called him about a potential C60 patent application and was surprised to find that he knew a lot about fullerenes, because of his work with the researchers. From what I gathered the researchers are looking at it from many different angles.

#2737 Kenbar

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 01:58 AM



A major university has a number of researchers doing C60 experiments. My former patent attorney is working with them - that's how I know.


We can assume that we will see some startlingly interesting events in C60's future, as the truth about it being perhaps the most potent, multi-use anti-aging molecule yet discovered becomes known by more people.


Hopefully, the FDA won't work to limit our access to C60, as is their history with molecules that can improve health enough to reduce the need for drugs, especially related to the drugs that treat the degenerative diseases of aging.


Giuess I`m not as certain.There have only been, to my knowledge, 2 experiments ran regarding life extension. I tend to put more faith in the one run by our member who basically found no change in life span. I will be very pleasantly surprised if the 1st experiments life extension increase can be repeated/validated.


What history does the FDA have regarding molecules? Can you elaborate?



FDA banned research on DMSO in 1965 for specious reasons, that really amounted to it being one of the medical miracles of the 20th Century, alongside penicillin, but it wasn't patentable, so it presented very good competition to the medical/pharmaceutical industry. Since FDA is in bed with med/pharm they stopped DMSO's growing popularity. (One analysis showed that 52% of FDA administrators come from and go to pharma company jobs.)


There were over 300 studies on DMSO and over 10,000 patient records at that time showing potent anti-inflammatory, anti-pain and anti-swelling effects and applied regularly, over time, it increases soft tissue healing tremendously, as a transdermal agent, doing such extraordinary things as healing ligaments and tendons, when applied topically over the damaged area.


Its actions are well-known by vets, especially those that treat race horses.


FDA banned it, they said, because it might cause problems with the cornea - eyes.


This was based on DMSO being given to dogs, rabbits and pigs at something like 400 times a normal dose and experiencing mild changes in the cornea that caused mild near-sightedness.


This effect had never been seen in humans or any primate, and that kind of dose had never been given to a human.


But FDA used it as a way to ban the competition to their wife, the medical/pharmaceutical industry.


There is a recent rekindling of interest in DMSO, so we will likely be seeing more information about it.


DMSO was of so much interest to the world and the scientific community in the '60's that "60 Minutes" did three television stories on it.







So, if a non-patentable substance is found to have profound beneficial effects that maybe greatly reduce the need for drugs and surgery, meaning that it would cost the medical/pharmaceutical industry billions of dollars, FDA will likely try to find a way to ban it.


And I, as one of many here, have experienced profound improvements in several areas of health.


However, it's also quite possible that because big drug companies are working on patentable applications for fullerenes, as I am told they are doing at a major university by my former patent attorney, fullerene use and popularity will increase - and maybe access to it as a raw material can't be stopped. 


Right now US C60oo vendors are selling it "not for human consumption - for research purposes only," to avoid FDA restricting it as an "unapproved new drug." 


And unless there is documented harm caused by it they won't be able too jump on it. 

However, harm could happen if someone was taking one of the toxic forms.


If that happened and was publicized it is possible that FDA would use such an event to restrict ALL access to all fullerenes, just as speciously as they did with DMSO. 



DMSO sounds interesting...wonder if any rat longevity studies have performed...lol. Hey, who knows what might work. I see it is available to purchase now...might have to pick up a bottle and try it out. http://www.amazon.co...sl_93gs37cmkk_b


#2738 niner

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 02:42 AM


Can you say what university it is?  Are they looking at biological activities?  How many researchers are involved in it?

I'm sorry but I'd rather not say. I called him about a potential C60 patent application and was surprised to find that he knew a lot about fullerenes, because of his work with the researchers. From what I gathered the researchers are looking at it from many different angles.


Could we narrow it down to, say, a school in North Carolina? cough (Chris Kepley) cough...

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#2739 mikey

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:22 AM


DMSO sounds interesting...wonder if any rat longevity studies have performed...lol. Hey, who knows what might work. I see it is available to purchase now...might have to pick up a bottle and try it out. http://www.amazon.co...sl_93gs37cmkk_b



There are 3832 studies that come up on Medline searching the words "DMSO AND rat."


I buy DMSO directly from the manufacturers at either DMSO.com for the 16 ounce 90% topical gel or the 99% liquid or DMSO.net for the gel that is 70% DMSO and 30% aloe or the 99% liquid.


The 70/30 gel causes less itch and burn to skin than the 90%, but I generally use the 90% gel the most because it is most effective.


However, my first experience with DMSO was with 99% liquid, as I didn't know gels were available.


I had a 30% torn Achilles tendon and three torn ligaments that stabilize the foot, the anterior talofibular (ATF), calcanealfibular (CFL) and posterior talofibular (PTF) ligaments by doing two 8-mile race-walks in two days in Central Park. My heart and lungs will do anything, but I was reminded how important conditioning training is, especially for someone 56 years old, my age at the time.


The surgeon said that having these three ligaments torn destabilizes the foot, which caused the Achilles to tear.


We were going to do surgery that would fix the ligaments, but I had four months of business travel that I had to complete.


I was at the Life Extension store in Ft. Lauderdale and saw a bottle of 99% DMSO liquid, which I remembered from the 60 Minutes TV programs in the '60's, so I bought it and began applying it to the Achilles and the area of the three ligaments, just thinking that DMSO had anti-inflammatory value.


Two weeks before the surgery the doctor had me do MRI's of the areas.


To our astonishment, the MRI's showed that the Achilles and the ligaments had healed - and healed without immobilization.


The doctor said that this was "considered to be medically impossible," but I could quote him that it happened.


My PT also said that my Achilles was "rock-solid" and that he had never seen tissues heal this way - without immobilization, but MRI's confirmed that it did.


So, that's why I keep a jar of each kind of gel and a bottle of the liquid on hand.


When I have something aching I apply DMSO to it and keep applying it several times a day until it heals.


I have two friends who lived with migraine headaches until they applied DMSO to the area on their head that hurts. In a few minutes the headache is gone and DMSO keeps them free from migraines.


Another friend with chronic sinus headaches experiences the same benefit, so she keeps a jar in her purse. She also uses it for carpal tunnel, as she is a bookkeeper and on the computer all day.


I've had it heal a broken cartilage rib so that I was pain-free in four days, when it usually takes a month or more.


It doesn't work to heal bone, but for soft tissues it does wonders.

Edited by mikey, 09 June 2014 - 06:23 AM.

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#2740 mikey

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 04:55 PM



Can you say what university it is?  Are they looking at biological activities?  How many researchers are involved in it?

I'm sorry but I'd rather not say. I called him about a potential C60 patent application and was surprised to find that he knew a lot about fullerenes, because of his work with the researchers. From what I gathered the researchers are looking at it from many different angles.


Could we narrow it down to, say, a school in North Carolina? cough (Chris Kepley) cough...



Texas - http://www.baylor.edu/chemistry/, but from the amount of activity he described there's collaboration with Rice and likely others.

#2741 mpe

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 10:30 AM

Hey Niner,

I've greatly enjoyed the DMSO entries in this blog, but I think it should have a life of its own don't you ?
Also, I like my C60OO untainted in both the taking and reading, so would you consider moving it to its own thread ( the DSMO ) ?

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#2742 YOLF

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 01:11 PM



DMSO sounds interesting...wonder if any rat longevity studies have performed...lol. Hey, who knows what might work. I see it is available to purchase now...might have to pick up a bottle and try it out. http://www.amazon.co...sl_93gs37cmkk_b



There are 3832 studies that come up on Medline searching the words "DMSO AND rat."


I buy DMSO directly from the manufacturers at either DMSO.com for the 16 ounce 90% topical gel or the 99% liquid or DMSO.net for the gel that is 70% DMSO and 30% aloe or the 99% liquid.


The 70/30 gel causes less itch and burn to skin than the 90%, but I generally use the 90% gel the most because it is most effective.


However, my first experience with DMSO was with 99% liquid, as I didn't know gels were available.


I had a 30% torn Achilles tendon and three torn ligaments that stabilize the foot, the anterior talofibular (ATF), calcanealfibular (CFL) and posterior talofibular (PTF) ligaments by doing two 8-mile race-walks in two days in Central Park. My heart and lungs will do anything, but I was reminded how important conditioning training is, especially for someone 56 years old, my age at the time.


The surgeon said that having these three ligaments torn destabilizes the foot, which caused the Achilles to tear.


We were going to do surgery that would fix the ligaments, but I had four months of business travel that I had to complete.


I was at the Life Extension store in Ft. Lauderdale and saw a bottle of 99% DMSO liquid, which I remembered from the 60 Minutes TV programs in the '60's, so I bought it and began applying it to the Achilles and the area of the three ligaments, just thinking that DMSO had anti-inflammatory value.


Two weeks before the surgery the doctor had me do MRI's of the areas.


To our astonishment, the MRI's showed that the Achilles and the ligaments had healed - and healed without immobilization.


The doctor said that this was "considered to be medically impossible," but I could quote him that it happened.


My PT also said that my Achilles was "rock-solid" and that he had never seen tissues heal this way - without immobilization, but MRI's confirmed that it did.


So, that's why I keep a jar of each kind of gel and a bottle of the liquid on hand.


When I have something aching I apply DMSO to it and keep applying it several times a day until it heals.


I have two friends who lived with migraine headaches until they applied DMSO to the area on their head that hurts. In a few minutes the headache is gone and DMSO keeps them free from migraines.


Another friend with chronic sinus headaches experiences the same benefit, so she keeps a jar in her purse. She also uses it for carpal tunnel, as she is a bookkeeper and on the computer all day.


I've had it heal a broken cartilage rib so that I was pain-free in four days, when it usually takes a month or more.


It doesn't work to heal bone, but for soft tissues it does wonders.



Just don't forget that DMSO isn't intended for human consumption. It's only for doing research and is known to be a neurotoxin in babies and hasn't TMK been tested in adults.

#2743 Turnbuckle

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 01:56 PM


Just don't forget that DMSO isn't intended for human consumption. It's only for doing research and is known to be a neurotoxin in babies and hasn't TMK been tested in adults.



In fact its effects in children are similar to or worse than alcohol--


The damage observed with DMSO is at least as severe as that seen with ethanol, suggesting that DMSO-induced apoptosis might also produce significant learning and memory deficits. 






From another study it appears that DMSO can oxidize glutathione, and perhaps that's the problem with it.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 10 June 2014 - 02:01 PM.

#2744 Kenbar

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 02:07 PM

Wonder what the effect of feeding mice daily a tiny bit of C60oo along with tiny bit of DMSO (maybe one~two drops in the water supply) along with a small amount of a telomere support product....and maybe a bit of vitamin C. Beyond that just a good mouse diet. See if they end up flat on their backs, feet up in the air in short order...or if they do well...



Edited by Kenbar, 10 June 2014 - 02:22 PM.

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#2745 Adaptogen

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 08:36 PM



Just don't forget that DMSO isn't intended for human consumption. It's only for doing research and is known to be a neurotoxin in babies and hasn't TMK been tested in adults.



In fact its effects in children are similar to or worse than alcohol--


The damage observed with DMSO is at least as severe as that seen with ethanol, suggesting that DMSO-induced apoptosis might also produce significant learning and memory deficits. 






From another study it appears that DMSO can oxidize glutathione, and perhaps that's the problem with it.



I don't mean to lead the C60 discussion astray any further, but are there any risks to topical use of DMSO?


#2746 Kenbar

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 11:22 PM

Hmm, here is another a "mice lived twice as long" claim...


"Mice who receive hydrogen peroxide in their drinking water grow much larger and live twice as long. - McCabe, page 34. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is water with extra oxygen in it.


"Hydrogen peroxide is made by your immune cells. They squirt it at invading bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa in order to kill them.


"Hydrogen peroxide is often used for drinking water treatment. In our kitchen, we use 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to keep our drinking water pure. This is because a reverse osmosis water filter removes chlorine from the water. Without the chlorine, there is nothing to prevent bacteria from growing in the water. So we filter the tap water and put the filtered water into a container that sits on the kitchen counter. The container has a tap at the bottom. Then we add some hydrogen peroxide to the container to keep the water clean.


"When hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide can both purify and oxygenate water.




Wow, who knew! Wonder if we give mice hydrogen peroxide AND C60oo...they might live....4X as long....!!!!


Alright...I`ll admit...some how I doubt it. Bet they die right about the same time as all the other mice. And I might have trouble getting in.out of my car if I was "much larger". But I`ll hold out hope for the moment...

Edited by Kenbar, 10 June 2014 - 11:31 PM.

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#2747 Kenbar

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 11:50 PM



Just don't forget that DMSO isn't intended for human consumption. It's only for doing research and is known to be a neurotoxin in babies and hasn't TMK been tested in adults.



In fact its effects in children are similar to or worse than alcohol--


The damage observed with DMSO is at least as severe as that seen with ethanol, suggesting that DMSO-induced apoptosis might also produce significant learning and memory deficits. 






From another study it appears that DMSO can oxidize glutathione, and perhaps that's the problem with it.



Sort of sounds a bit like it was a good thing the FDA jumped in there...but still, sounds like it does have a place with regards to some injuries/wounds....


Edited by Kenbar, 11 June 2014 - 12:00 AM.

#2748 Kenbar

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Posted 12 June 2014 - 01:59 PM

Here is one for older mice to try. This one only claims a 50% increase in life span...DMAE.


"The lifespan extending effect of dimethylaminol has been confirmed in multiple rodent experiments. The lifespan extending effect is higher when lower doses of the drug are used.


"R. Hochschild gave 57 old male mice dimethylaminoethanol (DMEA) in the drinking water from the age of 21 months. The mean lifespan of the mice was extended by 49.5%. The mice received 28.6 mg DMEA per liter drinking water. This is a dosage of 7 mg/kg body weight. The maximum survival time of the mice was increased by 36.3%. The equivalent human dose of the drug is 30 mg DMEA.


More... http://health.wikinu...dents/444mwb2w/


So we got C60oo...hydrogen peroxide...and now DMEA. And maybe Vitamin C...possibly a dash of DMSO. Oh, and maybe a telomere support product as well.


Here is an interesting video regarding hydrogen peroxide and cancer...with a dash of prayer thrown in as well...wonder if it`s true...









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#2749 Kenbar

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Posted 12 June 2014 - 03:25 PM

Little follow up on C60oo...I have increased my daily doses to about half a dropper a day. No bad effects to report. Almost ready to start on my second bottle. Have 3 more bottles on order....

#2750 thedarkbobo

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Posted 16 June 2014 - 07:12 PM

Nearly 3 months on my first bottle from Switzerland supplier, every 2-3 days 1/2 or full pipete - no visible or felt side effects. Benefits are obviously tricky, I'm little afraid of placebo effect, but I would say the benefits (endurance etc) are true. I feel, subjectively, better. Last weekend we were bicycling(first time this year) and I recovered from fatigue much much faster than usually. My legs were not tired at all the following day, which is unusual. My performance on bike has improved, but not by much, maybe like 15-25% in terms of how long I can cycle at a high speed without feeling tired. I don't really need to break any records, but increased physical endurance for regular day job comes handy.


As I'm running out of it, I'm going to make a low "density" c60-OO batch, like 1g per 2 or 3 litre of olive oil that I've ordered today, to just drink more olive oil. It also should be easier to measure - just 1 or 2 teaspoons.

Would be great to have the benefits of longevity enhancement confirmed by another rat study, but so far it didn't happen....that makes me to keep rather low profile with it....and not buying 5g just yet.


Cheers :)

#2751 Dazzcat

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Posted 16 June 2014 - 10:46 PM

"Mice who receive hydrogen peroxide in their drinking water grow much larger and live twice as long. - McCabe, page 34. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is water with extra oxygen in it.

Here is an interesting video regarding hydrogen peroxide and cancer...with a dash of prayer thrown in as well...wonder if it`s true...


I hate to be the one who spells out the obvious, but this is complete quakary.  No mechanism to explain why extra dissolved O2 would make any difference, water can only hold so much O2 before it is saturated, so it's like saying if I shake my water bottle, I will live longer or cure cancer. Also a book is not a sufficient reference, people can write anything in a book.

Edited by Dazzcat, 16 June 2014 - 10:49 PM.

#2752 free10

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Posted 16 June 2014 - 11:56 PM

Here is one for older mice to try. This one only claims a 50% increase in life span...DMAE.


"The lifespan extending effect of dimethylaminol has been confirmed in multiple rodent experiments. The lifespan extending effect is higher when lower doses of the drug are used.


"R. Hochschild gave 57 old male mice dimethylaminoethanol (DMEA) in the drinking water from the age of 21 months. The mean lifespan of the mice was extended by 49.5%. The mice received 28.6 mg DMEA per liter drinking water. This is a dosage of 7 mg/kg body weight. The maximum survival time of the mice was increased by 36.3%. The equivalent human dose of the drug is 30 mg DMEA.


More... http://health.wikinu...dents/444mwb2w/


So we got C60oo...hydrogen peroxide...and now DMEA. And maybe Vitamin C...possibly a dash of DMSO. Oh, and maybe a telomere support product as well.


Here is an interesting video regarding hydrogen peroxide and cancer...with a dash of prayer thrown in as well...wonder if it`s true...










This guy is a liar in the video and it didn't take any searches to prove it. He says at the first of the video when talking about the cancer his wife asks the doctor what they can do, and the doctor supposedly says nothing it will not respond to chemo and he will be dead in a month or two, or something to that effect. Now at about 6 minutes into the video, he says they finally talk him into chemo for it they think might work. HELLO

I was actually reading through his comments to people below the video when my ear caught him saying that as the video played.

Now with some sleuthing I find this and it is video he put up today which is over a year after the first video, almost a year and a half, and in it he is saying he still has cancer and he is not looking very hot (hair gone, lots more weight, skin aging, some trouble breathing can be heard). And now he just knows DMSO and hydrogen peroxide will do the trick without even trying it. He continues on chemo.


Hey, I am all for miracles and cheap things that work, but there is a lot fraud or self delusion, and we need to look at what works and the science of it all. With C60, both hard science and some well founded stories over a very long period of time seems to exist and it seems to be non toxic, at any amount so far. C60 in olive oil does not seem to be witches brew, like other things probably are, though it sure seems to act like it at times. It is not the only thing I try or use but it certainly is the number one thing for virtually everything, at least for now. Even if I became young again in a few weeks, and back to a teenager for x, y, or z reasons, I would still take it. Too cheap and easy and too good.

#2753 YOLF

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 01:02 AM

He also made some mistakes with PH.

#2754 Kenbar

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 01:33 AM


Here is one for older mice to try. This one only claims a 50% increase in life span...DMAE.


"The lifespan extending effect of dimethylaminol has been confirmed in multiple rodent experiments. The lifespan extending effect is higher when lower doses of the drug are used.


"R. Hochschild gave 57 old male mice dimethylaminoethanol (DMEA) in the drinking water from the age of 21 months. The mean lifespan of the mice was extended by 49.5%. The mice received 28.6 mg DMEA per liter drinking water. This is a dosage of 7 mg/kg body weight. The maximum survival time of the mice was increased by 36.3%. The equivalent human dose of the drug is 30 mg DMEA.


More... http://health.wikinu...dents/444mwb2w/


So we got C60oo...hydrogen peroxide...and now DMEA. And maybe Vitamin C...possibly a dash of DMSO. Oh, and maybe a telomere support product as well.


Here is an interesting video regarding hydrogen peroxide and cancer...with a dash of prayer thrown in as well...wonder if it`s true...










This guy is a liar in the video and it didn't take any searches to prove it. He says at the first of the video when talking about the cancer his wife asks the doctor what they can do, and the doctor supposedly says nothing it will not respond to chemo and he will be dead in a month or two, or something to that effect. Now at about 6 minutes into the video, he says they finally talk him into chemo for it they think might work. HELLO

I was actually reading through his comments to people below the video when my ear caught him saying that as the video played.

Now with some sleuthing I find this and it is video he put up today which is over a year after the first video, almost a year and a half, and in it he is saying he still has cancer and he is not looking very hot (hair gone, lots more weight, skin aging, some trouble breathing can be heard). And now he just knows DMSO and hydrogen peroxide will do the trick without even trying it. He continues on chemo.


Hey, I am all for miracles and cheap things that work, but there is a lot fraud or self delusion, and we need to look at what works and the science of it all. With C60, both hard science and some well founded stories over a very long period of time seems to exist and it seems to be non toxic, at any amount so far. C60 in olive oil does not seem to be witches brew, like other things probably are, though it sure seems to act like it at times. It is not the only thing I try or use but it certainly is the number one thing for virtually everything, at least for now. Even if I became young again in a few weeks, and back to a teenager for x, y, or z reasons, I would still take it. Too cheap and easy and too good.




Lol...well, he seems to think it is a combo of hydrogen peroxide and chemo that are keeping the cancer at bay...and by adding DSMO, it might have an even better/enhanced effect. Perhaps next year we will find a video of him adding large amounts of vitamin C and C60oo as the magic formula. Of course, if he keeps on living...at some point one might start to think he must be on to something, doing something right.


That or.....


For all I know he might be a scam artist. Perhaps he has no cancer at all. Perhaps he is documenting/leaving a fake trail...to sell a "How I beat cancer and you can too" book in the future.. Shaved his head as part of the proof/scam. And when it does not work for folks...well, perhaps they did not pray properly...and either way...he is gone to somewhere with a nice little pile of $$$$, never to be heard from again....


Edited by Kenbar, 17 June 2014 - 01:40 AM.

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#2755 free10

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 02:14 AM



Here is one for older mice to try. This one only claims a 50% increase in life span...DMAE.


"The lifespan extending effect of dimethylaminol has been confirmed in multiple rodent experiments. The lifespan extending effect is higher when lower doses of the drug are used.


"R. Hochschild gave 57 old male mice dimethylaminoethanol (DMEA) in the drinking water from the age of 21 months. The mean lifespan of the mice was extended by 49.5%. The mice received 28.6 mg DMEA per liter drinking water. This is a dosage of 7 mg/kg body weight. The maximum survival time of the mice was increased by 36.3%. The equivalent human dose of the drug is 30 mg DMEA.


More... http://health.wikinu...dents/444mwb2w/


So we got C60oo...hydrogen peroxide...and now DMEA. And maybe Vitamin C...possibly a dash of DMSO. Oh, and maybe a telomere support product as well.


Here is an interesting video regarding hydrogen peroxide and cancer...with a dash of prayer thrown in as well...wonder if it`s true...










This guy is a liar in the video and it didn't take any searches to prove it. He says at the first of the video when talking about the cancer his wife asks the doctor what they can do, and the doctor supposedly says nothing it will not respond to chemo and he will be dead in a month or two, or something to that effect. Now at about 6 minutes into the video, he says they finally talk him into chemo for it they think might work. HELLO

I was actually reading through his comments to people below the video when my ear caught him saying that as the video played.

Now with some sleuthing I find this and it is video he put up today which is over a year after the first video, almost a year and a half, and in it he is saying he still has cancer and he is not looking very hot (hair gone, lots more weight, skin aging, some trouble breathing can be heard). And now he just knows DMSO and hydrogen peroxide will do the trick without even trying it. He continues on chemo.


Hey, I am all for miracles and cheap things that work, but there is a lot fraud or self delusion, and we need to look at what works and the science of it all. With C60, both hard science and some well founded stories over a very long period of time seems to exist and it seems to be non toxic, at any amount so far. C60 in olive oil does not seem to be witches brew, like other things probably are, though it sure seems to act like it at times. It is not the only thing I try or use but it certainly is the number one thing for virtually everything, at least for now. Even if I became young again in a few weeks, and back to a teenager for x, y, or z reasons, I would still take it. Too cheap and easy and too good.




Lol...well, he seems to think it is a combo of hydrogen peroxide and chemo that are keeping the cancer at bay...and by adding DSMO, it might have an even better/enhanced effect. Perhaps next year we will find a video of him adding large amounts of vitamin C and C60oo as the magic formula. Of course, if he keeps on living...at some point one might start to think he must be on to something, doing something right.


That or.....


For all I know he might be a scam artist. Perhaps he has no cancer at all. Perhaps he is documenting/leaving a fake trail...to sell a "How I beat cancer and you can too" book in the future.. Shaved his head as part of the proof/scam. And when it does not work for folks...well, perhaps they did not pray properly...and either way...he is gone to somewhere with a nice little pile of $$$$, never to be heard from again....




Who knows what his angle is, or maybe he is just genetically a tall tales pesonality. I use to know guy like that, and his tales never seemed to be for advantage and his dad said he was that way since he was born. If he said it was snowing don't believe him until you saw it yourself LOL He never seemed to run out of stories and did seem to enjoy entertaining people with them.


The C, DMAE, C60 all seem to have some science to them and many other things, but looking through research looks to be the best way to go and to try things, for different reasons. Cancers many times seem to have different personalities and weaknesses, so that looking up the research on a specific type of cancer is best and see what might have been noticed in the labs with common nutrients tried or observed. There are nutrients that may enhance chemo drugs, or other things effectiveness, with certain types of cancer cells. Google can be your friend, if you know what to look for and with good search questions. Searches through the news, such as science daily can bring up interesting info you could use.



#2756 Kenbar

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 02:19 AM



Reading this link...^^...has me pondering if the longer life seen in the study had far more to do with the olive oil than C60.

 Could it be the C60 just aided in transporting the olive oil to where it was needed more effectively than plain olive oil. We know mice are given to cancers. Perhaps the longer life was just the normal life span a mouse might be expected to live if not done in by cancers. No fountain of youth for humans...perhaps useful in the future in cancer treatments...but not what I am searching for (at the moment). Thoughts?


ULM professor awarded over $420,000 to develop olive-based cancer inhibitor

The National Institutes of Health awarded Dr. Khalid El Sayed, associate professor of pharmacy at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, $420,520 for his research project, "Design of novel c-Met inhibitors inspired by olive phenolics."

- See more at: http://www.noodls.co...h.bXn0ss2p.dpuf


Edited by Kenbar, 17 June 2014 - 02:23 AM.

#2757 niner

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 03:11 AM



Reading this link...^^...has me pondering if the longer life seen in the study had far more to do with the olive oil than C60.

 Could it be the C60 just aided in transporting the olive oil to where it was needed more effectively than plain olive oil. We know mice are given to cancers. Perhaps the longer life was just the normal life span a mouse might be expected to live if not done in by cancers. No fountain of youth for humans...perhaps useful in the future in cancer treatments...but not what I am searching for (at the moment). Thoughts?


No.  I guarantee you that it did not have more to do with olive oil than c60.  It's likely that the olive oil helped, but c60 was a bigger part of the effect.  The olive oil controls had a surprisingly large improvement in LS, relative to the water controls.  It's likely that that particular olive oil did something good for the rats, but that is a rather anomalous result that needs more attention.  The epidemiology of olive oil in humans is very good, however, so there is some evidence that it is good for people.  Olive oils vary widely in their chemistry; it's not a uniform substance. 


There's no evidence, mechanism or theory that would be consistent with c60 serving as some sort of pharmacokinetic aid to either the olive oil lipids or the phenolic fraction.  Remember that the c60 is a fairly minor component here, only 800mg per liter.


It's conceivable that cancer prevention was the main way in which life extension in rats occurred.  What exactly are you searching for, anyway?  Something that will make you young again?  If so, you may want to look into raising money for the SENS Foundation.

Edited by niner, 17 June 2014 - 03:13 AM.

#2758 Kenbar

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 03:58 AM

Younger...be nice, but no, personally I don`t think that will ever be possible. Dramatically slow down or better stop aging,...yes. Slow down is perhaps the best I/we can hope for the time being I believe. While it would be very interesting should C60 prove to be effective in the war against cancer of course, I am hoping for something more. Same as I believe everyone here is. And also the 3 mice experiment by our member here seemed to show that it did not prevent cancers in mice when started past mid life...such as with a big rat like myself...(57)


I want to be looking about the same, feeling about the same at 150... At the very least be chasing those fast wheelchair gals in the nursing homes...and having some luck.


I expect, that to stop aging,...the government/governments would have to mount a huge effort along the lines of that not seen since the development of the A bomb during WW2....if it is even possible (I want to think it can be done).


C60 offers a whole new hope...totally uncharted territory. I don`t believe natural "cures to aging" are the ticket as we don`t have anyone/groups living beyond the 100 mark in general. I think we would already have "discovered" eternal life if it was to be found certain foods/waters ect. But I also see C60oo as a long shot...based on one unrepeated study. But I`ll hold on to any hope...for the moment. Just want to stay/be realistic about the chances....

#2759 SteveF

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Posted 19 June 2014 - 10:26 AM

My experiment with C60 started 6 months ago when I got a product called OIl Of Life, olive oil with C60. Just google,c60 "oil of life". The guidelines for taking it were, the maximum concentration of C60 in olive oil is 0.8mg per ml and there are 5 mls per teaspoon, this works out to be 3 teaspoons per application. I was taking 2 tsp per day for a couple of months. I notice no change but was prepared to take it longer like I have been on Deprenyl for over 20 years. But that is a usual reaction fo me because most of the many suppliments or herbs I try I feel no difference since the deprenyl has made me feel great and pain free now that I'm 63.


What most impressed me with C60 was not the life extension per say so much as the transport mechanism I suspect it is. It was very mind blowing to see the rats given carbon tetrachloride and not being liver damaged. This indicated to me it could be a transport mechanism of a high order and maybe what gave the olive oil such a kick for extra longevity. If it is then it would help transport nutients into the cell and wastes out. I also suspect it will stay in the body as a transporter since it might not chemically react to anything. I have no scientific or chemistry backround other than just trying things.


Which leads me to temporarily stop taking more. I think it is effecting the benifits of other suppliments I take to get into the cells because it might be transporting them out too fast before they have time to be fully opptimized. I will try it again in the future after I have tried other diets and suppliments and see how I react. So I don't know if it's me or the C60.


No, I haven't read all the pages here so if this was talked about please give a link to them. Thank you


Any comments on this would be appriciated.



Edited by SteveF, 19 June 2014 - 10:36 AM.

#2760 hav

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Posted 19 June 2014 - 07:10 PM



Reading this link...^^...has me pondering if the longer life seen in the study had far more to do with the olive oil than C60.

 Could it be the C60 just aided in transporting the olive oil to where it was needed more effectively than plain olive oil. We know mice are given to cancers. Perhaps the longer life was just the normal life span a mouse might be expected to live if not done in by cancers. No fountain of youth for humans...perhaps useful in the future in cancer treatments...but not what I am searching for (at the moment). Thoughts?


The Baati rat study used an olive-oil only control group and it indeed lived 20% longer than the water-placebo controls but all of them died with cancerous tumors.  Suggesting that olive oil alone might delay onset of cancer but not prevent it.  In contrast, the olive oil/c60 test subjects lived 90% longer and died tumor free.


Also note that Baati heavily filtered and centrifuged their mixtures which would have greatly diminished the water soluble polyphenols and chlorophyll that would normally be in suspension.  But they didn't do a water-wash to remove them all so some particles small enough to pass the filters might have remained. However my guess is that the most likely polyphenol to survive their processing in quantity are the oil soluble aglycones.  They've been studied a little bit in mice but not with regard to cancer or longevity:




There are numerous other things normally present in olive oil but most of it in trace amounts.  Here's a pretty thorough rundown:





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