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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#2761 niner

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 03:36 AM

My experiment with C60 started 6 months ago when I got a product called OIl Of Life, olive oil with C60. Just google,c60 "oil of life". The guidelines for taking it were, the maximum concentration of C60 in olive oil is 0.8mg per ml and there are 5 mls per teaspoon, this works out to be 3 teaspoons per application. I was taking 2 tsp per day for a couple of months. I notice no change but was prepared to take it longer like I have been on Deprenyl for over 20 years. But that is a usual reaction fo me because most of the many suppliments or herbs I try I feel no difference since the deprenyl has made me feel great and pain free now that I'm 63.


I've never heard of Oil of Life, and couldn't find anything by googling it.  Where did you get this stuff, anyway?   Three teaspoons is a big dose, if it's real c60oo.

#2762 smithx

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:33 AM

What dose do you use Niner?



I've never heard of Oil of Life, and couldn't find anything by googling it.  Where did you get this stuff, anyway?   Three teaspoons is a big dose, if it's real c60oo.



Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#2763 SteveF

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:02 AM


My experiment with C60 started 6 months ago when I got a product called OIl Of Life, olive oil with C60. Just google,c60 "oil of life". The guidelines for taking it were, the maximum concentration of C60 in olive oil is 0.8mg per ml and there are 5 mls per teaspoon, this works out to be 3 teaspoons per application. I was taking 2 tsp per day for a couple of months. I notice no change but was prepared to take it longer like I have been on Deprenyl for over 20 years. But that is a usual reaction fo me because most of the many suppliments or herbs I try I feel no difference since the deprenyl has made me feel great and pain free now that I'm 63.


I've never heard of Oil of Life, and couldn't find anything by googling it.  Where did you get this stuff, anyway?   Three teaspoons is a big dose, if it's real c60oo.



When I googled it yesterday it worked, sorry. I bought it from a firm called, Global Light Network.




#2764 SteveF

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:05 AM

Thanks for the links.



#2765 hav

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 07:01 PM



My experiment with C60 started 6 months ago when I got a product called OIl Of Life, olive oil with C60. Just google,c60 "oil of life". The guidelines for taking it were, the maximum concentration of C60 in olive oil is 0.8mg per ml and there are 5 mls per teaspoon, this works out to be 3 teaspoons per application. I was taking 2 tsp per day for a couple of months. I notice no change but was prepared to take it longer like I have been on Deprenyl for over 20 years. But that is a usual reaction fo me because most of the many suppliments or herbs I try I feel no difference since the deprenyl has made me feel great and pain free now that I'm 63.


I've never heard of Oil of Life, and couldn't find anything by googling it.  Where did you get this stuff, anyway?   Three teaspoons is a big dose, if it's real c60oo.



When I googled it yesterday it worked, sorry. I bought it from a firm called, Global Light Network.






Found a link to your "Oil of Life":



Attached File  oil_life.jpg   36.4KB   6 downloads


But I don't see any ingredients at all listed on the product page.  How did you even know it contained any c60 from that page?  Just the picture?  I assume you ordered it, received it, and are telling us what's on the label.  I just can't understand what would possess anyone to buy 4 oz of anything for $52 with no details from an unknown company.



Edited by hav, 23 June 2014 - 07:01 PM.

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#2766 SteveF

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Posted 24 June 2014 - 06:50 PM

Thanks for looking Howard. I didn't look closely at that link but got most of my info for buying it from the companies related web page on it. As many companies today since having trouble with FDA has taken to seperating their sales web site with their discription website so. So here is the link to that. http://productsknowl.../OilofLife.aspx


As for the bottle it does not say the specific amout of C60 but just says a propriety blend of extra virgin olive oil and purified Carbon 60 Fullerenes.

Does the product you use list the exact ratio of C60 in it? Also do you think C60 could  keep other products from fully affecting the cell by it's transport mechanism, if one?







Found a link to your "Oil of Life":





But I don't see any ingredients at all listed on the product page.  How did you even know it contained any c60 from that page?  Just the picture?  I assume you ordered it, received it, and are telling us what's on the label.  I just can't understand what would possess anyone to buy 4 oz of anything for $52 with no details from an unknown company.



#2767 tintinet

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Posted 28 June 2014 - 11:21 PM






Carbon 60, 99.95+ %, ultra pure Vacuum oven dried, 1 g



Like many (I assume) who post here, I just make my own:



From SES Research, 1gm C60 99.95+ purity vaccum dried + 1.5 liters of a top quality (tested by Consumer Reports and/or UC Davis,) including bargain brands such as Kirkland Organic ($25 at Amazon, shipped) and Trader Joe's California Estate EVOO = for 1.5 liters of C60 EVOO at a ratio of 0.67 mg/ml for about $160 (including shipping cost from SES).



#2768 mikey

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 05:04 AM




DMSO sounds interesting...wonder if any rat longevity studies have performed...lol. Hey, who knows what might work. I see it is available to purchase now...might have to pick up a bottle and try it out. http://www.amazon.co...sl_93gs37cmkk_b



There are 3832 studies that come up on Medline searching the words "DMSO AND rat."


I buy DMSO directly from the manufacturers at either DMSO.com for the 16 ounce 90% topical gel or the 99% liquid or DMSO.net for the gel that is 70% DMSO and 30% aloe or the 99% liquid.


The 70/30 gel causes less itch and burn to skin than the 90%, but I generally use the 90% gel the most because it is most effective.


However, my first experience with DMSO was with 99% liquid, as I didn't know gels were available.


I had a 30% torn Achilles tendon and three torn ligaments that stabilize the foot, the anterior talofibular (ATF), calcanealfibular (CFL) and posterior talofibular (PTF) ligaments by doing two 8-mile race-walks in two days in Central Park. My heart and lungs will do anything, but I was reminded how important conditioning training is, especially for someone 56 years old, my age at the time.


The surgeon said that having these three ligaments torn destabilizes the foot, which caused the Achilles to tear.


We were going to do surgery that would fix the ligaments, but I had four months of business travel that I had to complete.


I was at the Life Extension store in Ft. Lauderdale and saw a bottle of 99% DMSO liquid, which I remembered from the 60 Minutes TV programs in the '60's, so I bought it and began applying it to the Achilles and the area of the three ligaments, just thinking that DMSO had anti-inflammatory value.


Two weeks before the surgery the doctor had me do MRI's of the areas.


To our astonishment, the MRI's showed that the Achilles and the ligaments had healed - and healed without immobilization.


The doctor said that this was "considered to be medically impossible," but I could quote him that it happened.


My PT also said that my Achilles was "rock-solid" and that he had never seen tissues heal this way - without immobilization, but MRI's confirmed that it did.


So, that's why I keep a jar of each kind of gel and a bottle of the liquid on hand.


When I have something aching I apply DMSO to it and keep applying it several times a day until it heals.


I have two friends who lived with migraine headaches until they applied DMSO to the area on their head that hurts. In a few minutes the headache is gone and DMSO keeps them free from migraines.


Another friend with chronic sinus headaches experiences the same benefit, so she keeps a jar in her purse. She also uses it for carpal tunnel, as she is a bookkeeper and on the computer all day.


I've had it heal a broken cartilage rib so that I was pain-free in four days, when it usually takes a month or more.


It doesn't work to heal bone, but for soft tissues it does wonders.



Just don't forget that DMSO isn't intended for human consumption. It's only for doing research and is known to be a neurotoxin in babies and hasn't TMK been tested in adults.



The information about DMSO's amazing beneficial effects in humans has been suppressed in the USA.


Approval or disapproval by FDA in the USA means little. It is approved and used by humans in more humane, enlightened countries. 



It is, however, approved for human use for interstitial cystitis in the USA, while in numerous other countries that have evolved past profit-driven medicine to single payer systems it is approved for numerous medical uses and is recognized for it's unique medical benefits.




The best book on DMSO is DMSO - Naturer's Healer, by Walker. I suggest checking it out.


Most of the elite athlete I know that have been around for a few years are familiar with it and use it regularly, as do race horse owners.

#2769 mikey

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 05:06 AM



Just don't forget that DMSO isn't intended for human consumption. It's only for doing research and is known to be a neurotoxin in babies and hasn't TMK been tested in adults.



In fact its effects in children are similar to or worse than alcohol--


The damage observed with DMSO is at least as severe as that seen with ethanol, suggesting that DMSO-induced apoptosis might also produce significant learning and memory deficits. 






From another study it appears that DMSO can oxidize glutathione, and perhaps that's the problem with it.



I suggest that you actually do some research on it rather than just dismissing it as so often happens in the USA.

#2770 mikey

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 11:21 AM




Just don't forget that DMSO isn't intended for human consumption. It's only for doing research and is known to be a neurotoxin in babies and hasn't TMK been tested in adults.



In fact its effects in children are similar to or worse than alcohol--


The damage observed with DMSO is at least as severe as that seen with ethanol, suggesting that DMSO-induced apoptosis might also produce significant learning and memory deficits. 






From another study it appears that DMSO can oxidize glutathione, and perhaps that's the problem with it.



I don't mean to lead the C60 discussion astray any further, but are there any risks to topical use of DMSO?




It is drying and burning to skin, but that disappears once you stop using it. It has some interesting potential anti-aging effects.I applied it around my eyes once for a few days once and got increadibly dry wrinkly skin. I stopped and the new skin that came in had lost a couple wrinkles. It came in like younger skin.


If I have damage to a tendon or ligaments of soft tissue I apply over the area and it goes transdermally and heals the underlying tissue. 


It's already done the "medically impossible" and healed ligaments and my Achilles tendon by that kind of application, Adaptogen.

#2771 SearchingForAnswers

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:33 AM

Should have my SES carbon 60, magnetic stirrer, Barriani olive oil, and vacuum filter within a week.

I also went with the stainless steel mortar & pestle to grind up the c60 first. So I'll take two thirds of the carbon 60 into the liter of evoo and let it go for a couple weeks.

Frankly, I'm looking forward to making it myself - so expensive foe the pre-made brands!

Is anybody aware of when we should start seeing results published of further rat studies? I'm guessing a couple years yet...

#2772 Kenbar

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Posted 07 July 2014 - 10:47 PM

Another small update...nothing bad observed. Starting on third bottle. I look about the same, feel about the same. Nothing remarkable to report.

#2773 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 02:44 PM

I plan on taking 2mg / day, but I need to know how many mL to take from SES Research prepare formula. So can someone tell me how much C60 is in the Ses Research prepare formula?


Here is the product Spec, but I don't know how to read it.




Product Specification

Product Name: Carbon 60 in Olive Oil

Product Number: SE20-142

Biological Source:

From Olea Europaea (CAS # 8001-250)

Buckminsterfullerene (CAS # 99685-96-8)

FP: 113°C closed cup, d: 0: 0.911 g/mL @ 25°C

Carbon 60 ≥ 99.95 % HPLC trace analysis, 720amu

Olive Oil - Extra Virgin, Certified Organic (NOP/EU) , Tunisia origin

for R&D Use Only


TEST SPECIFICATION Appearance (Color) Dark Red to Brown Tone Appearance (Form) Liquid Calories 119 per 0.067mL Refractive index at 20°C 1.467 - 1.471 Boiling Point > 350°C Melting Point -9 -0 °C Relative Density 0.911 g/ml @ 25°C Acid Value ≤ 0.8 %   (As Oleic Acid)   Peroxide (ppm)   Water Solubility No data available Miscellaneous Assay ≤ 20 ppm   Fatty Acid Composition Pass Arsenic (As) ≤ 3.0 ppm Cadmium (Cd) ≤ 1.0 ppm Mercury (Hg) ≤ 1.0 ppm Lead (Pb) ≤ 10 ppm Expiration Date Period - - - - - - - -   3 Years  


Edited by noot_in_the_sky, 09 July 2014 - 02:44 PM.

#2774 smithx

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 05:57 PM

I don't recommend SES as a supplier of pre-made  C60 olive oil unless they change their process.


See this thread:



I plan on taking 2mg / day, but I need to know how many mL to take from SES Research prepare formula. So can someone tell me how much C60 is in the Ses Research prepare formula?


Here is the product Spec, but I don't know how to read it.




Product Specification

Product Name: Carbon 60 in Olive Oil

Product Number: SE20-142

Biological Source:

FP: 113°C closed cup, d: 0: 0.911 g/mL @ 25°C

From Olea Europaea (CAS # 8001-250)

Buckminsterfullerene (CAS # 99685-96-8)

Carbon 60 ≥ 99.95 % HPLC trace analysis, 720amu

Olive Oil - Extra Virgin, Certified Organic (NOP/EU) , Tunisia origin

for R&D Use Only


TEST SPECIFICATION Appearance (Color) Dark Red to Brown Tone Appearance (Form) Liquid Calories 119 per 0.067mL Refractive index at 20°C 1.467 - 1.471 Boiling Point > 350°C Melting Point -9 -0 °C Relative Density 0.911 g/ml @ 25°C Acid Value ≤ 0.8 %   (As Oleic Acid)   Peroxide (ppm)   Water Solubility No data available Miscellaneous Assay ≤ 20 ppm   Fatty Acid Composition Pass Arsenic (As) ≤ 3.0 ppm Cadmium (Cd) ≤ 1.0 ppm Mercury (Hg) ≤ 1.0 ppm Lead (Pb) ≤ 10 ppm Expiration Date Period - - - - - - - -   3 Years  



#2775 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 07:37 PM

Thanks smithx, I'll order from carbon60oliveoil.com.  I want to use the high quality first.


How could I make my own mixture?

 So far, I know that I need high grade c60, high quality organic olive oil, and it has to be store in glass container with little exposure to UV and oxygen.

 But what I don't know is if I need a centrifuge and a magnetic strip? Also how long do I suppose to shake the mixture? Why do people talk about mixing it for weeks?

#2776 mikey

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 07:53 PM

I don't recommend SES as a supplier of pre-made  C60 olive oil unless they change their process.


See this thread:



I plan on taking 2mg / day, but I need to know how many mL to take from SES Research prepare formula. So can someone tell me how much C60 is in the Ses Research prepare formula?


Here is the product Spec, but I don't know how to read it.




Product Specification

Product Name: Carbon 60 in Olive Oil

Product Number: SE20-142

Biological Source:

FP: 113°C closed cup, d: 0: 0.911 g/mL @ 25°C

From Olea Europaea (CAS # 8001-250)

Buckminsterfullerene (CAS # 99685-96-8)

Carbon 60 ≥ 99.95 % HPLC trace analysis, 720amu

Olive Oil - Extra Virgin, Certified Organic (NOP/EU) , Tunisia origin

for R&D Use Only


TEST SPECIFICATION Appearance (Color) Dark Red to Brown Tone Appearance (Form) Liquid Calories 119 per 0.067mL Refractive index at 20°C 1.467 - 1.471 Boiling Point > 350°C Melting Point -9 -0 °C Relative Density 0.911 g/ml @ 25°C Acid Value ≤ 0.8 %   (As Oleic Acid)   Peroxide (ppm)   Water Solubility No data available Miscellaneous Assay ≤ 20 ppm   Fatty Acid Composition Pass Arsenic (As) ≤ 3.0 ppm Cadmium (Cd) ≤ 1.0 ppm Mercury (Hg) ≤ 1.0 ppm Lead (Pb) ≤ 10 ppm Expiration Date Period - - - - - - - -   3 Years  




I assume that SES's quality is excellent, so I'm tempted to buy a bottle to compare to Carbons and Vaugher's.


BTW: I bought Vaughter's to compare with Carbon's and hers is more brown and his is slightly purple.

They "taste" pretty much the same.

I would expect purple to be more the color tone of well-made C6oo, so I will probably stick with Carbon's product or begin to make it myself, to save something like 80%.


I remember a discussion of what the best, more endurable magnetic stirrer was, but I'll have to go back and find those posts.


If anyone has a suggestion for the best magnetic stirrer, I would appreciate hearing about it.

Thank you.

#2777 mikey

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 07:58 PM

Should have my SES carbon 60, magnetic stirrer, Barriani olive oil, and vacuum filter within a week.

I also went with the stainless steel mortar & pestle to grind up the c60 first. So I'll take two thirds of the carbon 60 into the liter of evoo and let it go for a couple weeks.

Frankly, I'm looking forward to making it myself - so expensive foe the pre-made brands!

Is anybody aware of when we should start seeing results published of further rat studies? I'm guessing a couple years yet...


Turnbuckle reported that his endurance running increased radically in four days.


After hearing his other reports of improvements in skin quality and re-growing some hair in a few months I too noticed that my wrinkles were diminishing and over a period of about 6 - 12 months the wrinkles around my eyes were 1/4 as deep, as shown by comparison photography, while two scars had melted to be invisible, all confirmed by several friends.


Others report improvements in lifting weights, which I have not experimented with, but they have said that they noted improvements in a short time period.

Edited by mikey, 09 July 2014 - 07:59 PM.

#2778 APBT

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 04:10 AM

I assume that SES's quality is excellent, so I'm tempted to buy a bottle to compare to Carbons and Vaugher's.


BTW: I bought Vaughter's to compare with Carbon's and hers is more brown and his is slightly purple.

They "taste" pretty much the same.

I would expect purple to be more the color tone of well-made C6oo, so I will probably stick with Carbon's product or begin to make it myself, to save something like 80%.


I remember a discussion of what the best, more endurable magnetic stirrer was, but I'll have to go back and find those posts.


If anyone has a suggestion for the best magnetic stirrer, I would appreciate hearing about it.

Thank you.



See this link for what niner uses. 

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#2779 Nattzor

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Posted 12 July 2014 - 11:09 AM

Don't think this is worth a new thread, so I'll post here instead. We "know" we can convert animal to human dosages, but is it possible to convert the "time" to human time? Like 1 week would be 4 weeks for humans, etc.


Anyone got any ideas on that?

#2780 SearchingForAnswers

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Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:03 PM

Could somebody please direct me to the proper filter paper to use for c60oo with this vacuum filter?

http://www.amazon.co...b vacuum filter

I do realize it's likely been covered, I believe 2.2 micron filter paper? I've tried searching but forums do not lend themselves to searching very well... Particularly on an iPad!

Thanks in advance

Edited by SearchingForAnswers, 12 July 2014 - 03:04 PM.

#2781 cuprous

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Posted 13 July 2014 - 02:19 AM

Could somebody please direct me to the proper filter paper to use for c60oo with this vacuum filter?

http://www.amazon.co...b vacuum filter

I do realize it's likely been covered, I believe 2.2 micron filter paper? I've tried searching but forums do not lend themselves to searching very well... Particularly on an iPad!

Thanks in advance


Is there justification for doing any filtration at all?  Professor Bhaati was pretty clear that C60 is completely non-toxic.  I"m not sure what people hope to accomplish by filtering the mix.  C60 that remains undisolved and clumped should simply pass through the gut.

#2782 niner

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Posted 13 July 2014 - 03:05 AM


Could somebody please direct me to the proper filter paper to use for c60oo with this vacuum filter?

http://www.amazon.co...b vacuum filter

I do realize it's likely been covered, I believe 2.2 micron filter paper? I've tried searching but forums do not lend themselves to searching very well... Particularly on an iPad!

Thanks in advance


Is there justification for doing any filtration at all?  Professor Bhaati was pretty clear that C60 is completely non-toxic.  I"m not sure what people hope to accomplish by filtering the mix.  C60 that remains undisolved and clumped should simply pass through the gut.


Good question.  Professor Moussa (not Baati) said it wasn't necessary to centrifuge it.  It's certainly pointless if you have filtered at 0.22 micron.   I don't remember him saying you didn't need to filter, but he might have in Anthony's video.   There is evidence from animals that c60 particulates pass through the GI tract and are eliminated.  Those were visible particles, though, so they were a lot larger than 0.22 micron (=220 nm).  This suggests that the 220 nm filter removes the particles that aren't a problem, but what about the particles that pass through the filter?  The diameter of a c60 molecule is 1.1 nm, so you can still have a large aggregate pass through a 220 nm filter.   Large compared to a single molecule, but potentially pretty small compared to a cell.   Would these get into general circulation?  Maybe.  Would they be harmful?  I don't know, but the rat results would suggest not.   So, do we need to filter at all?  I don't know.  I've done it both ways, once with no filtration and once with 220 nm filtration.  I can't tell any difference, but the filtration is expensive and a hassle.  I'm tempted to skip it on the next batch, but since I already have the filters I'll probably use them.

#2783 Skypp

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Posted 13 July 2014 - 04:04 AM

Younger...be nice, but no, personally I don`t think that will ever be possible. Dramatically slow down or better stop aging,...yes. Slow down is perhaps the best I/we can hope for the time being I believe. While it would be very interesting should C60 prove to be effective in the war against cancer of course, I am hoping for something more. Same as I believe everyone here is. And also the 3 mice experiment by our member here seemed to show that it did not prevent cancers in mice when started past mid life...such as with a big rat like myself...(57)


I want to be looking about the same, feeling about the same at 150... At the very least be chasing those fast wheelchair gals in the nursing homes...and having some luck.


I expect, that to stop aging,...the government/governments would have to mount a huge effort along the lines of that not seen since the development of the A bomb during WW2....if it is even possible (I want to think it can be done).


C60 offers a whole new hope...totally uncharted territory. I don`t believe natural "cures to aging" are the ticket as we don`t have anyone/groups living beyond the 100 mark in general. I think we would already have "discovered" eternal life if it was to be found certain foods/waters ect. But I also see C60oo as a long shot...based on one unrepeated study. But I`ll hold on to any hope...for the moment. Just want to stay/be realistic about the chances....


C60 is utilized by cell mitochondria. Much like a larger organism, a cell must process fuel and excrete waste accumulated within it. The mitochondria creates energy in the form of ATP, adenosine triphosphate. The mitochondria also play roles in such processes as cell-differentiation, and cell life cycle. As we get older, our cells perform these tasks less and less efficiently. Eventually, there is build-up of toxic materials within the cells, which are not being released properly. These are called “free radicals”, or, oxidized material. The C60 molecules are able to penetrate the mitochondria cell membrane, and once inside, can bond with and excrete the cell waste, which essentially makes the cell operate as if it were far more youthful. (***This is from an article I am writing on C60). Some scientific papers can be read here:






So, yes, C60 is a powerful adaptogen/facilitator

Edited by Skypp, 13 July 2014 - 04:16 AM.

#2784 Turnbuckle

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Posted 13 July 2014 - 12:14 PM

The C60 molecules are able to penetrate the mitochondria cell membrane, and once inside, can bond with and excrete the cell waste, which essentially makes the cell operate as if it were far more youthful. 




While I don't agree with this re C60 as many of its effects are too rapid, here is some ammunition for you--


Mitochondrial turnover and aging of long-lived postmitotic cells: the mitochondrial-lysosomal axis theory of aging.
It is now generally accepted that aging and eventual death of multicellular organisms is to a large extent related to macromolecular damage by mitochondrially produced reactive oxygen species, mostly affecting long-lived postmitotic cells, such as neurons and cardiac myocytes. These cells are rarely or not at all replaced during life and can be as old as the whole organism. The inherent inability of autophagy and other cellular-degradation mechanisms to remove damaged structures completely results in the progressive accumulation of garbage, including cytosolic protein aggregates, defective mitochondria, and lipofuscin, an intralysosomal indigestible material. In this review, we stress the importance of crosstalk between mitochondria and lysosomes in aging. The slow accumulation of lipofuscin within lysosomes seems to depress autophagy, resulting in reduced turnover of effective mitochondria. The latter not only are functionally deficient but also produce increased amounts of reactive oxygen species, prompting lipofuscinogenesis. Moreover, defective and enlarged mitochondria are poorly autophagocytosed and constitute a growing population of badly functioning organelles that do not fuse and exchange their contents with normal mitochondria. The progress of these changes seems to result in enhanced oxidative stress, decreased ATP production, and collapse of the cellular catabolic machinery, which eventually is incompatible with survival.



Lipofuscin in particular is a problem. I've seen mention that centrophenoxine both decreases that pigment and extends the life of rats, so it might be interesting to try a combination.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 13 July 2014 - 12:34 PM.

#2785 follies

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Posted 13 July 2014 - 01:41 PM

Is there a separate thread that discusses retail sources for C60oo? I am not interested in manufacturing it,yet.

#2786 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 13 July 2014 - 03:47 PM

Is there a separate thread that discusses retail sources for C60oo? I am not interested in manufacturing it,yet.


They talk about suppliers in this thread:




About the importance of filtering, it has been said that is not necessary.  For the details go to the same link as above, and read post #9 by Razzor444.  My guess would be that if your worry about toxic byproducts just get a higher quality.



Also do you guys think that c60 could be helping in delivering olive oil better to the body?

#2787 Skypp

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Posted 13 July 2014 - 06:33 PM

Re: Turnbuckle

(Thanks for the response)


"Moreover, defective and enlarged mitochondria are poorly autophagocytosed and constitute a growing population of badly functioning organelles that do not fuse and exchange their contents with normal mitochondria. The progress of these changes seems to result in enhanced oxidative stress, decreased ATP production, and collapse of the cellular catabolic machinery, which eventually is incompatible with survival."


It seems to me that the desciption of how "lipofuscin within lysosomes" reduce the efficiency of the mitochondria is a more complex and detailed version of the same old thing: Cells, whether permanent (these "cells are rarely or not at all replaced during life and can be as old as the whole organism") or not, must be cleansed of toxins in order to maintain their enthusiam for keeping you alive. What is different about C60 is that it ultilizes a very basic building block of life, the Carbon molecule. Carbon filters have been around for a long time... it seems intuitively correct that this substance could play a part in cleasing our cells. I cannot say for sure at this point if Bucky's are making me younger, but I feel it is worthwhile to take it and I will continue to do so. We have two older pets... a cat and a small dog, both around 14-years old. Whenever they seem to be showing their age, I put some C60 in their food. Both of them immediately start to behave like very young animals, playful, active, bright-eyed. Is that conclusive proof? Of course not, but it sure is encouraging as nothing else ever did that for them before.

#2788 Kenbar

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:50 PM

Younger...be nice, but no, personally I don`t think that will ever be possible. Dramatically slow down or better stop aging,...yes. Slow down is perhaps the best I/we can hope for the time being I believe. While it would be very interesting should C60 prove to be effective in the war against cancer of course, I am hoping for something more. Same as I believe everyone here is. And also the 3 mice experiment by our member here seemed to show that it did not prevent cancers in mice when started past mid life...such as with a big rat like myself...(57)
I want to be looking about the same, feeling about the same at 150... At the very least be chasing those fast wheelchair gals in the nursing homes...and having some luck.
I expect, that to stop aging,...the government/governments would have to mount a huge effort along the lines of that not seen since the development of the A bomb during WW2....if it is even possible (I want to think it can be done).
C60 offers a whole new hope...totally uncharted territory. I don`t believe natural "cures to aging" are the ticket as we don`t have anyone/groups living beyond the 100 mark in general. I think we would already have "discovered" eternal life if it was to be found certain foods/waters ect. But I also see C60oo as a long shot...based on one unrepeated study. But I`ll hold on to any hope...for the moment. Just want to stay/be realistic about the chances....

C60 is utilized by cell mitochondria. Much like a larger organism, a cell must process fuel and excrete waste accumulated within it. The mitochondria creates energy in the form of ATP, adenosine triphosphate. The mitochondria also play roles in such processes as cell-differentiation, and cell life cycle. As we get older, our cells perform these tasks less and less efficiently. Eventually, there is build-up of toxic materials within the cells, which are not being released properly. These are called free radicals, or, oxidized material. The C60 molecules are able to penetrate the mitochondria cell membrane, and once inside, can bond with and excrete the cell waste, which essentially makes the cell operate as if it were far more youthful. (***This is from an article I am writing on C60). Some scientific papers can be read here:
So, yes, C60 is a powerful adaptogen/facilitator

I`ll throw out a little worry, built around this very good concept.

Let`s say the cell is like a yard. Clutter (paper, dead leaves, maybe a Mcdonalds coffee cup) ends up in the yard. All cells have clutter collectors...they run around the yard and pick up the trash and eject them from the cell. As we age, the new yards (new cells) start to have lazy clutter collectors. Every new generation of workers is lazier than the one before it...like humans. Eventually, they mostly just hang around dreaming of their retirement pensions...don`t want to work.

Now along comes something new...nice big garbage cans. Really nice ones that roll around the yard and grab up most the clutter. Happy days for both the yard and the lazy clutter collectors. Yard looks great, clean.

But there is a problem. As the years go by the garbage cans themselves, are filling up the yards. The lazy clutter collectors have a hard time getting them out of the cell, they are big and difficult to eject and tend to damage the fence/ gate forcing them out.

So what seemed like an awesome thing for years...ends up being a disaster down the road.

Could it be there is marked short term gain...but as it is repeated...the gain is steadily diminished...and down the road, a major problem as cells fill up with these large Bucky balls?

Could it be that if started on c60 at a younger age...the clutter collectors might adapt. Learn a new trade...become skilled garbage men. Forget clutter pick up...the high tech C60 garbage cans do that...all they have to do now is pick up the garbage cans when full and get them out of the yard (cell)? And perhaps ask for a raise? Better nutrition...

Edited by Kenbar, 14 July 2014 - 03:46 PM.

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#2789 Skypp

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 08:24 PM



Younger...be nice, but no, personally I don`t think that will ever be possible. Dramatically slow down or better stop aging,...yes. Slow down is perhaps the best I/we can hope for the time being I believe. While it would be very interesting should C60 prove to be effective in the war against cancer of course, I am hoping for something more. Same as I believe everyone here is. And also the 3 mice experiment by our member here seemed to show that it did not prevent cancers in mice when started past mid life...such as with a big rat like myself...(57)
I want to be looking about the same, feeling about the same at 150... At the very least be chasing those fast wheelchair gals in the nursing homes...and having some luck.
I expect, that to stop aging,...the government/governments would have to mount a huge effort along the lines of that not seen since the development of the A bomb during WW2....if it is even possible (I want to think it can be done).
C60 offers a whole new hope...totally uncharted territory. I don`t believe natural "cures to aging" are the ticket as we don`t have anyone/groups living beyond the 100 mark in general. I think we would already have "discovered" eternal life if it was to be found certain foods/waters ect. But I also see C60oo as a long shot...based on one unrepeated study. But I`ll hold on to any hope...for the moment. Just want to stay/be realistic about the chances....

C60 is utilized by cell mitochondria. Much like a larger organism, a cell must process fuel and excrete waste accumulated within it. The mitochondria creates energy in the form of ATP, adenosine triphosphate. The mitochondria also play roles in such processes as cell-differentiation, and cell life cycle. As we get older, our cells perform these tasks less and less efficiently. Eventually, there is build-up of toxic materials within the cells, which are not being released properly. These are called free radicals, or, oxidized material. The C60 molecules are able to penetrate the mitochondria cell membrane, and once inside, can bond with and excrete the cell waste, which essentially makes the cell operate as if it were far more youthful. (***This is from an article I am writing on C60). Some scientific papers can be read here:
So, yes, C60 is a powerful adaptogen/facilitator


I`ll throw out a little worry, built around this very good concept.

Let`s say the cell is like a yard. Clutter (paper, dead leaves, maybe a Mcdonalds coffee cup) ends up in the yard. All cells have clutter collectors...they run around the yard and pick up the trash and eject them from the cell. As we age, the new yards (new cells) start to have lazy clutter collectors. Every new generation of workers is lazier than the one before it...like humans. Eventually, they mostly just hang around dreaming of their retirement pensions...don`t want to work.

Now along comes something new...nice big garbage cans. Really nice ones that roll around the yard and grab up most the clutter. Happy days for both the yard and the lazy clutter collectors. Yard looks great, clean.

But there is a problem. As the years go by the garbage cans themselves, are filling up the yards. The lazy clutter collectors have a hard time getting them out of the cell, they are big and difficult to eject and tend to damage the fence/ gate forcing them out.

So what seemed like an awesome thing for years...ends up being a disaster down the road.

Could it be there is marked short term gain...but as it is repeated...the gain is steadily diminished...and down the road, a major problem as cells fill up with these large Bucky balls?

Could it be that if started on c60 at a younger age...the clutter collectors might adapt. Learn a new trade...become skilled garbage men. Forget clutter pick up...the high tech C60 garbage cans do that...all they have to do now is pick up the garbage cans when full and get them out of the yard (cell)? And perhaps ask for a raise? Better nutrition...



Liked the yard analogy... thought of stealing it for my article. Just kidding! Anyway, if I'm getting your point, you are assuming that the C60 molecules remain inside the cell. However, if they are "bonding" with the waste, then they are essentially pulling it out of the cell along with themselves. So, the new garbage cans do not just pile up in the yard, accumulating detritus, they become "one" with the waste, and exit the cell along with it. Pretty nifty if it truly works that way. One stark fact remains like a big fly stuck in the pudding. There are people with perfect habits who die youngish, and then there are people like Jean Clement who lived to be 123, only having given up cigarettes at 117! She also ate mounds of chocolate, drank, and was distainful of Vincent Van Gogh whom she met a few times. Wow. Where is the logic or sceince here? We have to look beyong mere cell biology to understand. I am getting more and more clear about C60 and I believe its worthwhile to consume it.

#2790 niner

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:28 PM

Lipofuscin in particular is a problem. I've seen mention that centrophenoxine both decreases that pigment and extends the life of rats, so it might be interesting to try a combination.

The claim that centrophenoxine decreases lipofuscin is widespread, but apparently not true. If it were, Aubrey wouldn't need to mess around with difficult enzymatic therapies in LysoSENS. Michael addresses the whole sordid tale here and in a following post. 


Edit:  Start with this post (with references) first.

Edited by niner, 14 July 2014 - 11:07 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buckyball, c60, fullerene, buckyballs

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