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C60 experiments @ home

buckyball c60 fullerene buckyballs

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#2881 niner

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Posted 25 November 2014 - 02:54 PM

... C60 is fixing a variety of brokenness in me...


Eliminating the postural hypotension effects that used to plague me was a huge win. The anti-eczema effect mentioned above is another. Another thing is that it eliminated the light-headedness that I used to get when I use a steroid inhaler. At first I thought that was a hypoxia problem, but I now think that it's due to the anesthetic effect of the propellant, a halogenated hydrocarbon. Of course there was also the improved endurance that most people feel.

... It might be possible to improve the absorption of olive oil by mixing it with some sort of emulsifier...

Monoolein would probably be suitable ( the body makes it digesting olive oil).
Another way to have less risk of aggregation is to take it with some extra olive oil.
the thing is, i doubt the oil binds to the C60, so as it travels thru the body it separates from the oil...

My comment about absorption was in the context of topical use, not oral. Orally, olive oil doesn't need any help getting absorbed. The C60 does bind to the olive oil; in particular to the hydrocarbon part of the fatty acids. If it wasn't reacting with the olive oil, it wouldn't dissolve to the extent that it does. The solubility behavior of c60 in various solvents is well understood, and it doesn't dissolve in the kinds of compounds that make up olive oil. OTOH, it is known to react with alkenes, which olive oil is rich in.

#2882 solarfingers

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Posted 25 November 2014 - 11:28 PM

I'm still on my first batch!  I took off for a couple of months as I was having some digestive issues.  In my experience I just crushed the c60 with a spoon and mixed it in the Olive Oil with my home made electric stirrer.  I tried to filter it but it turned out to be a big mess so I just ran it through a coffee filter in the end.  I know that is not sufficient but I have doubts that after 3 weeks of mixing there is any real problem here. There are some particulates that have settled to the bottom of my jar but I will likely mix another batch before I get to the bottom anyhow.  The only real value I have seen is a bit more endurance to get through the work day.  Other than that I can't say I notice much at all.  I believe that most of the benefits are unseen and the better my health remains, the more I am convinced that at an advancing age it is doing something useful.

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#2883 sensei

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 04:30 AM


A gram of c60 is over two and a half years worth, at the rate I use it, something like 13 cents a day if you use a high purity grade.

Geez, I wonder if I'm overdoing it. I go through 0.5g of c60 into 750ml of one of Amphora's super-duper high polyphenolic olive oil bottles in about six months. I've gone through four bottles in two years. I use a tablespoon a few times per week. I'm not conscious of any noticeable effects -- positive or negative -- that this experimental, untested, unknown substance is having on my biology. I'm rolling the dice with c60 -- like we all are rolling the dice with c60oo -- and we hope we're not doing any long term damage to our futures. I consider it gambling. I admit sometimes I feel stupid and reckless. But I have at least been testing my blood for abnormalities (kidney and liver function, thyroid function, blood sugar, blood counts, cholesterol, testosterone, and all my numbers "look fantastic", direct quote from my doctor. My blood levels have essentially remained stable in my two years of gambling with c60 in olive oil). I just ordered another gram. But.... I'm still uneasy about it.


In 6 months I have gone through thirty-six 50 ml bottles -- that equals 1.62 grams in 6 months


2 blood panels during that time (one in the last 2 weeks) are perfect


Grey hairs on chest and manly bits have disappeared by 95%

Grey hairs in beard are gone.


Bald spot on crown is filling in.

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#2884 aribadabar

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 05:03 AM



A gram of c60 is over two and a half years worth, at the rate I use it, something like 13 cents a day if you use a high purity grade.

Geez, I wonder if I'm overdoing it. I go through 0.5g of c60 into 750ml of one of Amphora's super-duper high polyphenolic olive oil bottles in about six months. I've gone through four bottles in two years. I use a tablespoon a few times per week. I'm not conscious of any noticeable effects -- positive or negative -- that this experimental, untested, unknown substance is having on my biology. I'm rolling the dice with c60 -- like we all are rolling the dice with c60oo -- and we hope we're not doing any long term damage to our futures. I consider it gambling. I admit sometimes I feel stupid and reckless. But I have at least been testing my blood for abnormalities (kidney and liver function, thyroid function, blood sugar, blood counts, cholesterol, testosterone, and all my numbers "look fantastic", direct quote from my doctor. My blood levels have essentially remained stable in my two years of gambling with c60 in olive oil). I just ordered another gram. But.... I'm still uneasy about it.


In 6 months I have gone through thirty-six 50 ml bottles -- that equals 1.62 grams in 6 months


2 blood panels during that time (one in the last 2 weeks) are perfect


Grey hairs on chest and manly bits have disappeared by 95%

Grey hairs in beard are gone.


Bald spot on crown is filling in.



Very interesting- which is your commercial C60-oo source?

#2885 sensei

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 05:13 AM


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#2886 Kalliste

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 06:06 AM

I take it you mean Vaugther Wellness?

#2887 sensei

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 05:18 PM


#2888 Kenbar

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 12:19 PM

Here is a short but interesting article. Olive oil is mentioned.



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#2889 mait

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 07:51 PM

niner, do You still filter Your C60 in EVOO solution? If I use concentration 0.4mg / ml I get full visual solubility after a week of stirring. My new high dosage regime is especially expensive and time consuming if filtering process is kept.

#2890 niner

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 08:57 PM

niner, do You still filter Your C60 in EVOO solution? If I use concentration 0.4mg / ml I get full visual solubility after a week of stirring. My new high dosage regime is especially expensive and time consuming if filtering process is kept.

I filter if I happen to have filters, which I do, at the moment. I've also not filtered in the past, and didn't have a problem with it. The single-use filters are kind of ridiculously expensive, but you can get a buchner funnel and 0.22 micron filter paper, and that's a lot less per batch. Ultimately I don't think it's really necessary unless you want to be fanatical or super-cautious.

#2891 solarfingers

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Posted 10 December 2014 - 12:07 AM

This filter system seems to be reasonable...





#2892 niner

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Posted 10 December 2014 - 12:14 AM

That's a disposable system.  They're convenient, but pretty expensive.  With shipping, these things are going to run you twenty bucks a pop, and they are single use items.  I've also found that with the high viscosity of olive oil, the plastic receiver flasks sometimes crack.  That's happened to me a couple times.  I got a killer deal on a case of 10 filters at Amazon a while back, which is why I have them.  I think I paid under $40 for the case.  That's still more per use than a buchner funnel and 220 nm filter paper, if you do a lot of batches.

#2893 sensei

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Posted 10 December 2014 - 03:02 AM

That's a disposable system.  They're convenient, but pretty expensive.  With shipping, these things are going to run you twenty bucks a pop, and they are single use items.  I've also found that with the high viscosity of olive oil, the plastic receiver flasks sometimes crack.  That's happened to me a couple times.  I got a killer deal on a case of 10 filters at Amazon a while back, which is why I have them.  I think I paid under $40 for the case.  That's still more per use than a buchner funnel and 220 nm filter paper, if you do a lot of batches.



I have heard it mentioned many times on this forum that one could just place the correct amount of C60 in OO and shake vigorously multiple times a day for 2 weeks, and it works as well as magnetic stirring.


I have bottles of olive oil that I use for cooking that are opened and used over the course of months and never spoil.


Without water content there should be no microbial growth -- even with the C60 added (as it should be much more sterile than my opened bottle of OO). And no water should condense if kept at room temp.


Niner, what is your take / advice?

#2894 niner

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Posted 10 December 2014 - 03:34 AM

I've done it that way, sensei.   I found that it was important to crush the crystals of c60 in order to get it to react in a reasonable amount of time.   Using a crushed material, it's really pretty quick.  It's also faster if you make a lower concentration, like 0.5mg/ml or less.  The olive oil that you use for cooking over the course of months doesn't spoil, but it's constantly reacting with oxygen and forming peroxides.  I don't worry about microbial growth, as long as I'm not being stupid about storage and contaminants.  When I make a batch of c60oo, I store it in small (about 60 ml) brown glass bottles with polyseal lids, and keep it in the freezer.  That way I only thaw what I will use in a short time.

#2895 sensei

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Posted 10 December 2014 - 05:14 AM

I've done it that way, sensei.   I found that it was important to crush the crystals of c60 in order to get it to react in a reasonable amount of time.   Using a crushed material, it's really pretty quick.  It's also faster if you make a lower concentration, like 0.5mg/ml or less.  The olive oil that you use for cooking over the course of months doesn't spoil, but it's constantly reacting with oxygen and forming peroxides.  I don't worry about microbial growth, as long as I'm not being stupid about storage and contaminants.  When I make a batch of c60oo, I store it in small (about 60 ml) brown glass bottles with polyseal lids, and keep it in the freezer.  That way I only thaw what I will use in a short time.






I suppose a transaction with sesres will soon be in order.


After my next experiment of 45mg/day every other day for 48 days, I'm going to go for every day.


To do that I need 17 grams for the year ($1300) -- much cheaper than $7300 @ $20 a bottle.


At the rate I will be dosing, 1 liter of OO will last for 20 days, I'll just make it 1 liter at a time.


Some may wonder at the high dosage:


I believe that due to the fundamental differences in metabolic rate and lifespan -- humans need a much larger accumulated dosage -- because we live approximately 30 times longer. (average male wistar rat live ~2.5 years)

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#2896 solarfingers

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Posted 10 December 2014 - 03:16 PM

That's a disposable system.  They're convenient, but pretty expensive.  With shipping, these things are going to run you twenty bucks a pop, and they are single use items.  I've also found that with the high viscosity of olive oil, the plastic receiver flasks sometimes crack.  That's happened to me a couple times.  I got a killer deal on a case of 10 filters at Amazon a while back, which is why I have them.  I think I paid under $40 for the case.  That's still more per use than a buchner funnel and 220 nm filter paper, if you do a lot of batches.


True but it's a 500ml system so you are likely only going to need one a year...  :)

#2897 wbray123

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Posted 10 December 2014 - 09:23 PM




A gram of c60 is over two and a half years worth, at the rate I use it, something like 13 cents a day if you use a high purity grade.

Geez, I wonder if I'm overdoing it. I go through 0.5g of c60 into 750ml of one of Amphora's super-duper high polyphenolic olive oil bottles in about six months. I've gone through four bottles in two years. I use a tablespoon a few times per week. I'm not conscious of any noticeable effects -- positive or negative -- that this experimental, untested, unknown substance is having on my biology. I'm rolling the dice with c60 -- like we all are rolling the dice with c60oo -- and we hope we're not doing any long term damage to our futures. I consider it gambling. I admit sometimes I feel stupid and reckless. But I have at least been testing my blood for abnormalities (kidney and liver function, thyroid function, blood sugar, blood counts, cholesterol, testosterone, and all my numbers "look fantastic", direct quote from my doctor. My blood levels have essentially remained stable in my two years of gambling with c60 in olive oil). I just ordered another gram. But.... I'm still uneasy about it.


In 6 months I have gone through thirty-six 50 ml bottles -- that equals 1.62 grams in 6 months


2 blood panels during that time (one in the last 2 weeks) are perfect


Grey hairs on chest and manly bits have disappeared by 95%

Grey hairs in beard are gone.


Bald spot on crown is filling in.



Very interesting- which is your commercial C60-oo source?



I have used about three bottles since the summer. Have not noticed any benefits to gray hair. How much did you take before noticing a change? Has anyone else reported on this? I have looked for issue that in the past, but have not checked for a few weeks now. It sounds like you're doing six bottles a month! I may go for broke and try an increrased dose, but am mostly gray now (at age 62). Did you have only slight graying when you started?


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#2898 sensei

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Posted 11 December 2014 - 02:11 AM





A gram of c60 is over two and a half years worth, at the rate I use it, something like 13 cents a day if you use a high purity grade.

Geez, I wonder if I'm overdoing it. I go through 0.5g of c60 into 750ml of one of Amphora's super-duper high polyphenolic olive oil bottles in about six months. I've gone through four bottles in two years. I use a tablespoon a few times per week. I'm not conscious of any noticeable effects -- positive or negative -- that this experimental, untested, unknown substance is having on my biology. I'm rolling the dice with c60 -- like we all are rolling the dice with c60oo -- and we hope we're not doing any long term damage to our futures. I consider it gambling. I admit sometimes I feel stupid and reckless. But I have at least been testing my blood for abnormalities (kidney and liver function, thyroid function, blood sugar, blood counts, cholesterol, testosterone, and all my numbers "look fantastic", direct quote from my doctor. My blood levels have essentially remained stable in my two years of gambling with c60 in olive oil). I just ordered another gram. But.... I'm still uneasy about it.


In 6 months I have gone through thirty-six 50 ml bottles -- that equals 1.62 grams in 6 months


2 blood panels during that time (one in the last 2 weeks) are perfect


Grey hairs on chest and manly bits have disappeared by 95%

Grey hairs in beard are gone.


Bald spot on crown is filling in.



Very interesting- which is your commercial C60-oo source?



I have used about three bottles since the summer. Have not noticed any benefits to gray hair. How much did you take before noticing a change? Has anyone else reported on this? I have looked for issue that in the past, but have not checked for a few weeks now. It sounds like you're doing six bottles a month! I may go for broke and try an increrased dose, but am mostly gray now (at age 62). Did you have only slight graying when you started?



Im early 40s -- just started to gray on chest and many bits in the last year.


I have taken 3 bottles (135mg C60) in 1 day before 


Usually I take a few a week until my supply runs out -- then wait a month or two to buy more.


My next trial will be one bottle (45mg C60) every other day for 48 days (24 bottles)

#2899 sensei

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Posted 12 December 2014 - 02:29 AM

niner, do You still filter Your C60 in EVOO solution? If I use concentration 0.4mg / ml I get full visual solubility after a week of stirring. My new high dosage regime is especially expensive and time consuming if filtering process is kept.


mait -- what is your high dosing schedule, if I may inquire?

#2900 mait

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Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:31 AM


niner, do You still filter Your C60 in EVOO solution? If I use concentration 0.4mg / ml I get full visual solubility after a week of stirring. My new high dosage regime is especially expensive and time consuming if filtering process is kept.


mait -- what is your high dosing schedule, if I may inquire?



I am taking 115ml of C60 in EVOO solution 4 days a week (0.4mg C60 per 1 ml = 46mg C60 per dose). I dose on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.





niner, do You still filter Your C60 in EVOO solution? If I use concentration 0.4mg / ml I get full visual solubility after a week of stirring. My new high dosage regime is especially expensive and time consuming if filtering process is kept.

I filter if I happen to have filters, which I do, at the moment. I've also not filtered in the past, and didn't have a problem with it. The single-use filters are kind of ridiculously expensive, but you can get a buchner funnel and 0.22 micron filter paper, and that's a lot less per batch. Ultimately I don't think it's really necessary unless you want to be fanatical or super-cautious.



Thanks niner for reply. I will try to get myself Buchner funnel and a batch of 0.22um flter paper made out of CN.

#2901 solarfingers

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Posted 13 December 2014 - 12:44 AM

This filter system seems to be reasonable...







I received this today... disposable does not mean it is not reusable.  The filter can easily be replaced....

#2902 pone11

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 10:17 AM

I'm reading through the C60 experimental results for the first time today, and I am browsing some of the comments made by people experimenting with it.   The first thing that comes to mind is that any antioxidant is going to show most of its benefits in patients where the antioxidants systems are failing.   That would be the old and the sick.  I think a perfect test subject would be someone with chronic fatigue syndrome who suffers from post exertional malaise symptoms.  Most of those people appear to be stuck in glycolysis, have inefficient electron transport chains, and this in turn creates a lot of oxidative stress.    Another interesting subject might be someone with cancer since they are heavily in glycolysis and have a lot of free radicals.


To contrast, the audience here seems to be extremely health conscious, and most of you probably already take an antioxidant stack that is impressive by normal standards.   What is going to be the perceived benefit of taking one more (albeit more effective) antioxidant?   It might not be extremely noticeable while you are healthy.


All of this leads me to ask:  are there any good first person accounts of people taking C60 olive oil who appear to be suffering from diseases involving heavy oxidative stresses?   If those sorts of patients are seeing dramatic and quick reversals in symptoms, that would be a strong indicator that the underlying speculated antioxidant behavior is real.

#2903 pone11

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 10:24 AM

Which are the best commercial preparations of C60 Olive Oil available?   I noticed that many of these are being created by very small companies, so you really have no idea what the manufacturing process and quality control is.   I noticed that SES Research now has their own Olive Oil C60.

#2904 pleb

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 11:00 AM

They are all being created by small companies. This is a niche product being produced by a cottage industry. Even SES is as far as I can tell a small company even the best grades of oil and fullerenes are open to interpretation as to what is the best.
Even the stuff used in the Baati rat trails was probably off the local supermarket shelf.
How much quality control do you need with two ingredients ?

#2905 pone11

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 11:44 AM

They are all being created by small companies. This is a niche product being produced by a cottage industry. Even SES is as far as I can tell a small company even the best grades of oil and fullerenes are open to interpretation as to what is the best.
Even the stuff used in the Baati rat trails was probably off the local supermarket shelf.
How much quality control do you need with two ingredients ?


What about a virus, bacteria, or carcinogen that might hide inside the C60 structure?   It might make a nice delivery system.

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#2906 Turnbuckle

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 12:54 PM


They are all being created by small companies. This is a niche product being produced by a cottage industry. Even SES is as far as I can tell a small company even the best grades of oil and fullerenes are open to interpretation as to what is the best.
Even the stuff used in the Baati rat trails was probably off the local supermarket shelf.
How much quality control do you need with two ingredients ?


What about a virus, bacteria, or carcinogen that might hide inside the C60 structure?   It might make a nice delivery system.




Nope. Apart from the difficulty of getting anything inside the cage, there is very little room. A large ion, or a few hydrogen atoms, maybe, whereas the average virus might have a billion atoms. You'd have more luck putting C60 in a virus than putting a virus in C60.

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#2907 smccomas01

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 02:00 PM

I'm reading through the C60 experimental results for the first time today, and I am browsing some of the comments made by people experimenting with it.   The first thing that comes to mind is that any antioxidant is going to show most of its benefits in patients where the antioxidants systems are failing.   That would be the old and the sick.  I think a perfect test subject would be someone with chronic fatigue syndrome who suffers from post exertional malaise symptoms.  Most of those people appear to be stuck in glycolysis, have inefficient electron transport chains, and this in turn creates a lot of oxidative stress.    Another interesting subject might be someone with cancer since they are heavily in glycolysis and have a lot of free radicals.


To contrast, the audience here seems to be extremely health conscious, and most of you probably already take an antioxidant stack that is impressive by normal standards.   What is going to be the perceived benefit of taking one more (albeit more effective) antioxidant?   It might not be extremely noticeable while you are healthy.


All of this leads me to ask:  are there any good first person accounts of people taking C60 olive oil who appear to be suffering from diseases involving heavy oxidative stresses?   If those sorts of patients are seeing dramatic and quick reversals in symptoms, that would be a strong indicator that the underlying speculated antioxidant behavior is real.


Would you consider someone with COPD to be under oxidative stress? The reason I ask is I gave some to my mom she has COPD and has been taking it since Thanksgiving. 

#2908 niner

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 10:45 PM

Would you consider someone with COPD to be under oxidative stress? The reason I ask is I gave some to my mom she has COPD and has been taking it since Thanksgiving. 


My recollection was that there wasn't a "throw away the crutches" response, but that she might have felt less tired?  How has she been doing now that she's had more time with it?

#2909 smccomas01

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 11:45 PM

Thanks Niner, I spoke with her yesterday and she said she is doing great. She has done more around the house in the past 2 weeks than she has in a year. Baking and cleaning stuff that she has struggled with in the past no longer exhaust her. She is able to go to the store on her own with out assistance loading and unloading groceries. She says it takes her awhile yet she is able to do it on her own. She also states that she goes to bed at night sleeps straight though wakes feeling rested.


She still uses the oxygen however she is not as reliant and she is more active and seems to have more energy. If it is a placebo effect to heck with it she is happy and her quality of life is greatly improved. In april she goes to see the dr for routine test will let you know what the results are.


She is sending me fudge for the holidays woo hoo!!!  

Edited by smccomas01, 24 December 2014 - 11:46 PM.

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#2910 pone11

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Posted 25 December 2014 - 03:06 AM

Would you consider someone with COPD to be under oxidative stress? The reason I ask is I gave some to my mom she has COPD and has been taking it since Thanksgiving. 



Indirectly maybe yes.   COPD is usually physical damage to the air sacs that do the O2 <-> CO2 gas exchange to blood.   But in thinking about what that implies, you are delivering less oxygen to blood, which means less oxygen to the cell, which means you underpower the electron transport chain.   That in turn results in less conversion of NADH to NAD+, and probably that does drive free radicals.


Of course given this cause, your best-case outcome is to neutralize more free radicals.   It's not like you are ever going to fix what's broken here because you are not getting more oxygen to the system.


Just a wild idea and thinking out loud here:   have you investigated ozone therapy for her?   Dr Frank Shallenberger in Nevada is the biggest advocate of this.  He takes blood out into a sterile container, injects pure ozone there, and after some metabolism then re-infuses the blood back to the patient.  Supposedly this results in an explosion of NAD+ and days or weeks of much higher energy.    A less-energetic version of the same idea is rectal insufflation of ozone.   I haven't tried either of these but after reading Shallenberger's (expensive) book on the subject, I'm extremely interested in trying it.


You do NOT get this effect by breathing ozone.   Breathing ozone will damage the linings of the lungs, and for someone like your mom might be a quick death sentence.  


Here is a link to Shallenberger's book, and if you contacted his clinic he might give you a read on whether ozone ever works for a COPD patient:


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