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Using timed scheduling proteins to mimic CR or amplify regeneration

mrna clock gene cytokines

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#1 treonsverdery

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 07:23 PM

It occurred to me that messenger RNA, which is what tells cytes which proteins to actually make at the moment, may vary with hour of the day. That circadian rhythms could cause a 90 pct higher amount of some protein to be produced at some "oclock" compared with some other "oclock" Thus finding the cytokines upstream of that upregulation could be used to upregulate beneficial proteins.

a rapid view of pubmed shows that many proteins creation directing mRNA have specific "oclocks" of production, that modifying a gene called "clock" even changes the production of timed mRNA

thus I suggest modifying the "oclock" sensitivity of desired or nondesired proteins to improve longevity. It might be possible to mimic CR if the timed scheduling of mRNA of sulfur containing amino acids were downregulated. Or simply described, changing the time responsiveness portion of protein generation gives a new opportunity to regulate the amount of proteins, which could mimic CR or make healing more rapid

here is a reference where they use a timing modification to affect the mRNA that effect cognitive chemistry
http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/22662246 Diurnal Rhythms in Neurexins Transcripts and Inhibitory/Excitatory Synapse Scaffold Proteins in the Biological Clock

Edited by treonsverdery, 16 July 2012 - 07:28 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mrna, clock gene, cytokines

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