As I asked before. Canadians own a lot of guns, but do not use them to kill each other as often as in the U.S. Why?
As far as corrupt governments go, and the murder of hundreds of millions of people, repeatedly, I can't ignore history. Someone has to at least bring it up. Someone has to remain vigilant. If that makes me "the goat" or "the kook" that is fine. I have a thick skin.
We don’t own a lot of guns and the guns we do own weren’t easy to get. Plus it’s more about the TYPE of gun that we’re allowed to own. I could go over the reasons why Guns are owned in Canada but I don’t really have the stats to back it up. Suffice to say that those that I know who own guns own them either for Hunting, Sport, or leisure. The only people I’ve heard of who own Guns for self defense are living on the street or involved heavily in crime (and they’re few in number).
Due of the difficulty in obtaining firearms in Canada as far as self defense goes we look for other ways. Before I entered into Property Management I did nearly a decade of Private Security and I can say in Canada simply wearing a jacket that says “Security” on it is enough to prevent crime and violence.
You might say “Well that’s just hippy wishy washy Canada” but then it works doesn’t it? In the US everything starts 5 levels higher than in Canada. That is when you think about defending your home you START at gates, security system, and Guns; we start at closing the door. When you want to defend cash in your stores you start at a Shot Gun under the till; we start at locking the cash drawer.
Security is just a higher priority for you and as a result criminals have to make larger moves. In a sense the US has Super-Sized Drinks, Super-Size Burgers, and Super-Sized Crime; the whole idea of “Go BIG or go Home!” Therefore to me it makes sense that larger security means ever larger crime and thus only makes things worse.
Obama today spoke about using all his power to take action but it’s obvious even to an outsider that he won’t be able to do much quickly. Luckily (and extremely unfortunately) he is able to take action at the beginning of his term and thus has time to make a difference.
Mind, you spoke of Social Media being the reason for a decrease in violence overall; do you think it’s fair to make a connection between the digital age and larger more violent mass shootings? Through the internet, 24 hour news networks and the like we’re turning these desperate and disturbed individuals into world-wide infamous super villains. Gun Control will make it harder for them to get a hold of more potent weapons but I don’t think that will end the mass shootings… Perhaps Gun Control can only help to shorten the victim list…
In Canada we don’t have Guns for self defense because we don’t need to defend ourselves. For the US to get to that point it’s going to take extremely gradual but consistent disarming of your people through a gradual tightening of control. This is possible as you have the right to bear arms but it doesn’t say that you have the right be able to purchase a Hand Gun at 7/11.
FYI Mind I agree with you that the history of Corrupt Governments mass killing is a serious issue to take into consideration but I don’t agree that more Guns are the solution to that. If your people are armed to the teeth doesn’t it make sense that the government will only have better arms which in the long run would result in much larger bloodshed? I realise a Natural Distrust of Government is business as usual in the US but I don’t agree that your Gun can improve your Government let alone defend you against it. Should everyone have a Surface-to-air missile system in their back yard to defend against unmanned drone strikes from a potentially corrupt US government?