If a registration and vetting process should be required for a concealed carry permit, then why not the same process for all guns?
My concealed carry is a knife. The blade is longer than local law allows, as is the locking blade. Useful for cutting tire boots if I get a sidewall puncture on my bike.
I'm trying to imagine a situation where I'd need a concealed pistol. Bernie Goetz comes to mind. A coworker of mine carried a a gun on the Philadelphia subway. He said he didn't feel as nervous stepping over the bums sleeping on the stairs. None of them ever threatened him as far as I know. Good thing too. For them and him.
I own a shotgun in the country. Foxes, gophers. A bear was sighted back on the hill behind a neighbor's house. Useful. People, not so much. But it's just as effective for most purposes as a ten round clip in an automatic weapon; you don't have to aim it, it sprays a pretty broad swath so instead to 10 shots, one gets anyone or thing in the general direction. Though painful, buckshot is less likely lethal than bullets when shot into a crowd. Damn, I find I'm agreeing with Bumblecrat Joe Biden about shotguns for defense. My carpenter owns an automatic pistol grip rifle, and he is might pissed at the governor's legislation that just outlawed his toy. Why he wants it seems to be a macho thing; his wife wouldn't marry him if he went to fight in Iraq, so he's making up for the frustration.
A conversation in a pizza joint: "In a home invasion, you need a clip with multiple rounds...." He was defending himself in his mind, not planning to be the invader. I think. (He was an orthodox Jew in a yarmulka.) In a home invasion you're not likely to get your weapon out in time to make a difference. And why would one fear a home invasion unless one is in the drug business? Or lives next door to someone who is, and mistaken identity leads to invasion by another gang.... or as likely the police.
I don't know about the South, but in New England people kept their guns in the town armory most of the time. In the 19th century west, most towns required you check your guns with the sheriff when you rode in, and when you sobered up to ride out you got them back. Probably prevented a lot of mayhem.
Second amendment:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
What well regulated militia does anyone belong to? Do States and towns need a militia to protect against foreign invasion, or the federal government? (The government has far more subtle and effective ways of coercing the population. They won't have to come for you; you'll go willingly.)
Not advocating any particular point of view, just making some observations.