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Sun Nootropics

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#61 Climactic

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Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:08 PM

I guess that's because SmartPowders includes titanium dioxide and other fillers which I don't think is the case of VosunChem.
I think this is legit but I don't have proper material to make further testing.
Powder is almost white, SP's is whiter but that's because of titanium dioxide.

There is nothing smart about SP using titanium dioxide as a filler. A quick reading of Wikipedia confirms it has safety issues having to do with yellow nail syndrome. Anyhow, discussion of it is off-topic for this thread.

#62 machete234

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Posted 01 March 2013 - 03:50 PM

They have adrafinil now offically in their stock I think thats new.
If I knew this would get through my countries customs just like that then Id try it.

I ordered several knifes from china and they all came through without being opened.

Edited by machete234, 01 March 2013 - 03:54 PM.

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#63 renfr

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Posted 02 March 2013 - 02:19 PM

Tried 560mg of their sulbutiamine yesterday in the end of afternoon, I ended up with very light sleep which is a common side effect of sulbutiamine if taken late in the day so I guess it's definetely real.

This is really good stuff, their prices are very competitive, it's the cheapest sulbutiamine around just compare :

VosunChem : $0,21 per gram, $0,33 per gram with $50 shipping included
Health Supplements wholesalers : $0,33 per gram, $0,37 per gram with $20 shipping included
eBay : $0,43-0,55 per gram
Smart Powders : $0,49-0,60 per gram
Arcalion (pharmaceutical sulbutiamine from Servier) : $2,92 per gram

Edited by renfr, 02 March 2013 - 02:19 PM.

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#64 rolling thunder

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Posted 09 March 2013 - 03:02 AM

Is there any way to test the difference between moda and adra. Anything crude or otherwise..first off I dont want to take some wierd chemical bagged as moda..and I really dont feel like taking adra either...anything at all to see if its a safe finil. And then to differentiate between moda and adra!

Edited by rolling thunder, 09 March 2013 - 03:37 AM.

#65 remone

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Posted 09 March 2013 - 12:36 PM

I don't see why this can't be for real. If you can produce it, it shouldn't be priced as high as the regular moda offerers. They're just way overpriced because of their monopoly.
And why would Sun claim things they can't make true? They are very big, and many many EU and US webshops resell their noots wich are consumed blindly by most customers.

But I don't know how to test this, I assume there are some smart people on board here who can point you in a direction?

I now use their moda for a few months, many days tested at 200mg doses and it just does what it should do without any sides as far as I can feel.
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#66 rolling thunder

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:54 PM

I recieved some bulk moda from this supplier..I did 100mg..didnt feel a thing. 2 days later tried 200mg not a thing...3 days later 300mg..finally maybe felt as thougg I took 50 mg of a true provigil pill.. which leads me to believe its nothing or its adrafinill.. because 100mg of provigil is supposed to feel like 300mg of adrafinil..so these calculations tell me it prolly adra...can I test this anywhere!! By the way I think some people talking in this thread are working for sun..I messaged a couple people to see if there experiences where the same and if there bulk looked the same..they answered very shortly and just said try it. But then when they get on this thread infront of everyone they open up like a can of worms..I have never done moda two days in a row..so I will wait 2 days and retry 600mg..which is crazy!!!! For moda .im off the wall at 150mg..so 600mg seems like a standard adra dose..sucks but it was cheap as hell..as mcjagger said so best....you dont always get what you wanted

Edited by rolling thunder, 11 March 2013 - 07:13 PM.

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#67 renfr

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 07:17 PM

I recieved some bulk moda from this supplier..I did 100mg..didnt feel a thing. 2 days later tried 200mg not a thing...3 days later 300mg..finally maybe felt as thougg I took 50 mg of a true provigil pill.. which leads me to believe its nothing or its adrafinill.. because 100mg of provigil is supposed to feel like 300mg of adrafinil..so these calculations tell me it prolly adra...can I test this anywhere!! By the way I think some people talking in this thread are working for sun..I messaged a couple people to see if there experiences where the same and if there bulk looked the same..they answered very shortly and just said try it. But then when they get on this thread infront of everyone they open up like a can of worms

Working for sun? Are you serious? Do I look like I'm working for Sun? Does Isochroma look like he's working for Sun? No one here is working for Sun, did you compare with another kind of modafinil? Maybe you're not responsive.

Modafinil isn't available on their website, there's only adrafinil, so you had to ask them, either you're not responsive either they didn't understand you, this has already happened and turned deadly for some kind of RC.

Edited by renfr, 11 March 2013 - 07:18 PM.

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#68 rolling thunder

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 07:26 PM

Easy dude..im not talking about you...holy lord!!!. Its all right. .the person im talking about wont respond.haha just like resevoir dogs..now I know mr orange is definetly not the snitch

#69 machete234

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 07:46 PM

I found this very odd to say the least:


#70 rolling thunder

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 07:58 PM

Ooohhhhh shhhiittt. look at this thread ..here is qubai seeing if anyone can decode a report that distinguishes adra from moda...and he said that he does not work for sun ....good god...I just got 250 dollars worth of washing powder..he obviously was trying to see if people can decode the 7.5 plasma peak from adra or moda..so basically im this guys fcking guinea pig..what a douche..this guy needs to be taken down now!!!!! This is seriously not even FUNNY!!! So here we have sunnoot asking for advice on making adra and machette kindly replies why are you selling it if your not sure what it is!!!..and then very shortly after seeing if anyone has the common sense to tell adra and moda apart.i bet they didnt even get adrafinil down..much less moda which requires about a days more worth of synth


Edited by rolling thunder, 11 March 2013 - 08:30 PM.

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#71 machete234

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:16 PM

The thing is is Quibai who he says he is or how can someone be that stupid?

#72 rolling thunder

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:21 PM

I was just thinking the same thing

#73 Adam90

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:21 PM

Most posters here who ordered from Sun Nootropics are definitely not Sun employees.. Let's not make childish claims.

#74 Climactic

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:28 PM

It probably bears repeating that if you thought you were getting modafinil but got adrafinil instead, your liver may not like you very much.

#75 Adam90

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:32 PM

Modafinil is technically not on their public webshop and you have to ask for it ''illegally'' through e-mail.So, there's a higher risk of getting screwed over there.. However, so far I haven't heard of people who got screwed over with their regular webshop products.

#76 audax

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:34 PM

I have bought few products from their website and they were legit, however I recently been wondering about ordering Adrafinil...
Despite their problem with language they are responsive, and I think this situation is exceptional...

#77 rolling thunder

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:35 PM

I definetly agree with all..I always thought forums were great for solving problematic situations in a community.just kinda weird things happening from the link machette put up to the one I did..thanks all .just tryin to save some people

#78 rolling thunder

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:43 PM

Most posters here who ordered from Sun Nootropics are definitely not Sun employees.. Let's not make childish claims.

A childish claim would be to mis quote me and say MOST people who are posting work for sun. Now yes that is ridiculous!

Edited by rolling thunder, 11 March 2013 - 10:10 PM.

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#79 rolling thunder

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:41 AM

So lets put the whole adra vs moda aside..ok so maybe I got adra instead..it was still a good deal. But now the question is..is the adra even safe because the link machette put up..quibai 4 days ago posted lab results and one member says theres some major things missing from this chemical phenly groups example. And then a reply from someone claiming to work for sun saying..we are still trying to work out the kinks..ok..... well is adra safe with these major components off or completely missing? Is it toxic? Here is the link

Edited by rolling thunder, 12 March 2013 - 12:42 AM.

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#80 machete234

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 08:29 AM

Most posters here who ordered from Sun Nootropics are definitely not Sun employees.. Let's not make childish claims.

Would you read the thread where somebody posts an NMR for adrafinil and claims he is from sun nootropics, nobody says that people here who claim they ordered there are fake, especially not members with hundreds of postings.

Edited by machete234, 12 March 2013 - 08:31 AM.

#81 Adam90

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 03:47 PM

Most posters here who ordered from Sun Nootropics are definitely not Sun employees.. Let's not make childish claims.

Would you read the thread where somebody posts an NMR for adrafinil and claims he is from sun nootropics, nobody says that people here who claim they ordered there are fake, especially not members with hundreds of postings.

My bad, I skimmed over some of the posts as I was multitasking and that post was mainly based on renfr's response.

#82 rolling thunder

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:04 PM

Its all good..aftrr all this is a noot site and 99% of us are multitasking!!!! Haha. But in all seriousness there is some very strange things going on here and renfr can confirm this. Either sunnoot has been testing highly speculative products on us..which racetams are.then decided to up the game but did not realize there is aboslutely no speculation when comparing 100mg of true brand to 300mg of thier unshielded proton crap.. or quibai which is an upset customer (from france) which is the capital and founding country which still holds the patent to the original moda is try to sabotage sun noot..very doubtful.. I WISH SOMEONE WOULD JUST STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND TELL ME HOW TO TEST THIS OR WHERE..I will pay for it and report actual findings. or maybe some of these people that keep popping in and out that are clearly chemists and can anylize will test for us so we can put this to an end -and save lives so people are not unknowingly injesting washing soap and trace chemicals that give weird spikes on his reports

Edited by rolling thunder, 12 March 2013 - 04:12 PM.

#83 Climactic

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:13 PM

Guys you're taking safety way too lightly. If I was the one taking this product, I would (1) identify at least two American labs to test the bulk powder for me for (A) purity (B) contaminants (C ) racemic breakdown, and (2) start a Kickstarter project to collectively cover the costs for the sample and tests with the two labs. If their results are dissimilar, a third lab may even be used. As it stands, I am not taking this product. There is too much talk going on here and too few meaningful answers.

Edited by Climactic, 12 March 2013 - 04:17 PM.

#84 rolling thunder

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:16 PM

As said where do we have this tested... I will pay for it..or we can see if some of those people on machettes link.who are clearly chemists that can analyze ..can help us..I have the stuff and want it tested!!! Whoever has ideas please step forward

#85 Climactic

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:23 PM

As said where do we have this tested... I will pay for it..or we can see if some of those people on machettes link.who are clearly chemists that can analyze ..can help us..I have the stuff and want it tested!!! Whoever has ideas please step forward

This is not for amateur chemists on Longecity to analyze (no offense to their extensive knowledge). People who do this kind of analysis need to be working in the field full-time and getting paid for it as a job. Avomeen may be one company that does this, but one is not enough. We can't establish the reliability of a tester if their results cannot be corroborated by other testers. If the testers also share their NMR or HPLC files with us, that's good, but it's secondary.

Edited by Climactic, 12 March 2013 - 04:25 PM.

#86 rolling thunder

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:24 PM

How much do you think it will cost thru avomeen? I will pay for the first one.. and honestly what do I say..because it is controlled.wait..actually its not controlled because I can almost gaurantee it isnt moda and possibly a very weak adra.I do live close to michigan where they are located..and honestly for those of you using thier noopept or nefir which is semi dangerous or speculative as it is imagine taking something that is already on the fence plus residual compounds which jist adds to the danger factor

Edited by rolling thunder, 12 March 2013 - 04:42 PM.

#87 Adam90

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 07:38 PM

I am in for sharing lab testing costs if some longecity members decide to do it. It would be nice if more joined considering these bargain prices, especially the lightweight noots (e.g. noopept, prami etc) would be a really good deal even with shipping costs.

#88 Tolochi

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:23 PM

Could anyone tell me how is it the Modafinil powder taste? It is very urgent, I need for contrast if my Modafinil powder is legit. Also, whether someone could take some pictures to his/her Modafinil powder would be fantastic.

Thank you. ;)

#89 rolling thunder

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:26 PM

Mine is very crystalline like with some sugar like particles..two different sizes. And it sticks to everything.even the spoon I use. .it really has no taste..im in the same boat as you. .I took 300mg and didnt notice much

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#90 Climactic

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:54 PM

take some pictures to his/her Modafinil powder

I recommend that no non-prescription modafinil user in the US post any picture of the powder for their own safety. This is again because it's controlled. Users from countries where it's not controlled may do as they please. Or if you do post a picture, label it something innocuous. A balance of risk-taking and paranoia will protect you. Powders look mostly alike anyway.

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